Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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He squeezed her waist to let her know he would and gave them all a toothpaste white smile that glowed against his nut brown skin as he leaned down to kiss Kat’s cheek briefly hissing, “You owe me!”


A collective growl from the seated men made him straighten up nervously.


“Hush, all of you. James, these are my brother’s, Jack, Casey, and Darby. Those two are my honorary brothers, Guy and Holt…” she finished softly as her gaze met Holt’s dispassionate one. Perhaps this wasn’t such a great idea…


“Hi, fellas; nice to meet you,” James said a little too enthusiastically as he took in their unsmiling faces. “Kat says the nicest things about you guys…I uh…feel like I already know you all already.”


Kat winced, shaking her head slightly, and James damn near swallowed his Adam’s apple when the temperature at the table dropped to thirty degrees below zero.


“Fuck what you heard. We haven’t heard shit about you,” Jack said coldly. James looked ill as he nervously pulled at his collar. Kat grabbed his hand and pulled it down to intertwine their fingers, holding on tight as he tried to yank away. Holt’s gaze lowered and remained on their locked fingers; and this time, it was Kat who had the urge to pull away.


“If you knew us, then you’d know that we despise ass-kissing,” Casey said brusquely.


“You ain’t from around here is ya?” Guy asked in a low belligerent tone as he pulled a long, wicked-looking knife from underneath his jacket to lay it on the table next to his drink. The blade gleamed evilly underneath the lights.


“No…no…sir,” James squeaked with a gulp, eyes riveted on the knife. Kat wanted to roll her eyes as she felt his hand go clammy in hers.


“It is my people’s belief that if a man is serious about taking a woman out, then he has to play five finger roulette for every brother she has. This game is called ‘Osiyo’. To refuse would bring dishonor to the woman, as if to say she is unworthy,” Guy explained menacingly, giving James a fierce glance that called forth his Native American warrior ancestors. “You ready to play, boy?”


“Ummm, you know Kat, perhaps this wasn’t the best idea,” James said anxiously as he looked at the knife in horror and then the hardened faces around the table. Kat stomped her tiny foot in frustration.


“Cut it out, all of you!” Kat yelled, causing other patrons to turn and look at them. “Tell him you’re not serious.” Stoic glances met her annoyed one as the men continued to silently intimidate James. Finally, Holt stood up, and James seeing his full height, took a step back and reached into his jacket, pulling out an inhaler that he quickly took two puffs of.


“Leave him,” Holt said in his deep baritone as his angry gaze colliding with Kat’s. He grabbed his beer and walked towards the bar leaving the friends to stare after him in puzzlement, missing Kat’s remorseful look as she too watched him walk away. Instead of feeling relieved that she’d caused a rift in their unspoken game, she felt like shit.


Darby turned back to James. “The Smoky Mountains ain’t no joke. It’s beautiful but deadly. A man could get lost or die tryin’ to find a way outta there. You even think about putting your hands on her, they’ll never find your body, ya hear?”


James blanched at his overly sinister tone. “Yes…s-s-sir.”


Kat rolled her eyes and pulled him away. “All y’all need to quit. Let’s go, babe. “

The group of men waited until they couldn’t see the couple in the crowd of people before speaking.


‘how are you’ in Cherokee?” Jack asked Guy mildly. “That’s the best you got?”


“I was improvising, man,” Guy said defensively. “Besides, I don’t see anybody else at this table that’s able to lay claim to a bad ass tribe of people. And would somebody please get this knife away from me? Holt asked me to hold it because my jacket has big pockets, but you know how I feel about knives.” He gave a shudder and gingerly pushed the knife towards Casey, who rolled his eyes.


“You’re such a big baby. Well I’m pretty sure we put the fear of God in him, and he’ll think twice about putting his hands anywhere they’re not supposed to be. Besides, thanks to Vivienne, Kat is pretty up there in Krav Maga. She could probably rip his spine out with her dainty little hands,” Casey mused as he grabbed his beer and glanced up to the entrance, bottle poised near his lips. “Holy hell!”


All the men turned towards the door as the noise died down in Hooligans, and everyone turned to watch the trio of black goddesses standing in the doorway, all uniquely different, but equally beautiful.



Chapter Twenty-Three



Guy gave a long low wolf whistle. “Dayyyyyum! I call dibs on either one that’s not Mrs. Sullivan,” he said quickly, causing both Casey and Darby to give him sharp looks. Simultaneously they growled: “She’s unavailable.”


“Oh come on! None are available? Is this true Jack? Jack?” Guy whined, trying to get his friend’s attention but getting nowhere.


Jack tried to appear nonchalant, but his attention was held by the second tallest of the trio, wearing a black mini tank dress that clung to her curves and showed a lot of her silky skin, and black gladiator stilettos with gold and silver jewelry to complete her look. Her hair was styled in a long braid over one shoulder, and she wore one of those chain headbands that gave her already exotic look another level of mystery.


Noelle glanced around the bar until she saw Jack and smiled, causing his heart to stutter. This wasn’t her normal sweet smile. It was just as beautiful, but filled with seduction and a promise of sensual things to come. A glance around the bar showed that the women were the center of attention. and the admiring looks Noelle was drawing stirred jealousy in the pit of his stomach that was quickly spreading. He wasn’t sure how it happened, but suddenly he was on his feet and in front of her; hands cupping her face and laying claim to her silken mouth in front of everyone, lest there be any doubt of exactly whom she belonged to.






Noelle closed her eyes as she melted under the dizzying onslaught of Jack’s possessive kiss. She wrapped her hands around his wrists and returned the kiss with fervor, loving the way his tongue was stroking hers and devouring the taste that was uniquely him. On and on it went and she wished they could stay locked like this forever. Eventually people started clearing their throats. Only when someone yelled ‘Get a room!’ and the whole bar broke out in laughter, did they separate. She opened her eyes drowsily to look into his lust-filled hazel ones. With a shy smile she said, “Hey.”


“Hey yourself, pretty girl,” Jack returned huskily, dropping his forehead to touch hers, his eyes traveling all over her face as if trying to memorize it.


“Something tells me we should make other sleeping arrangements for the night,” Avery murmured fanning herself.
If only Pierce would look at me like that
, she thought, and another pang of jealousy hit her sharp in her chest as she watched Noelle and Jack staring at each other like no else in the bar existed. Instead, Pierce looked at her as if she was a burden that he had to deal with, especially when it came to being affectionate. Avery couldn’t understand why their relationship was so screwed up.


Pierce and Avery should have been the perfect couple. Both were twenty-five years old. She attended Spellman College while he went to the neighboring Morehouse, two historically black universities. They liked the preppy modern look and had the same taste in music and wine. According to a palm reader she visited occasionally, a powerhouse match to her Aquarius sign was his Leo. So why wasn’t it working?


“I think you may be right,” Sidra observed, glancing around the huge bar with the mechanical bull in the corner. She saw Darby from across the room, gesturing towards the empty seats at his big table. “Come on, let’s leave the lovebirds alone and go mingle.”


Noelle watched them walk away before turning back to Jack. He was still watching her, with that hungry man look in his eye. She glanced around, taking in the rustic decor, big screen televisions, and huge electronic bull.


“Wow…do people really ride that?” she asked curiously, and Jack looked over with a grin.


“Who? Shanna? Occasionally some poor soul will try it. Mostly it’s cowboys who think they have something to prove. Nobody’s been able to stay on it for more than fifteen seconds though,” he said as he slid his hand down to curl his fingers around hers. Noelle spied the dance floor and jukebox. “Come on let’s dance.”


Jack handed her some quarters and stood to the side as she put the change in and selected a song, then let her lead him to the dance floor. He pulled her close as the slow beat to “Fire” by the Pointer Sisters started, and the smoky lead vocals of Ruth Pointer filled the room. Catcalls and wolf whistles ensued.


I'm ridin' in your car, you turn on the radio
You're pullin' me close, I just say no
I say I don't like it, but you know I'm a liar
'Cause when we kiss, ooh, fire

Late at night, you're takin' me home
You say you wanna stay, I say I wanna be alone
I say I don't love you, but you know I'm a liar
'Cause when we kiss, ooh, fire


Noelle plastered herself tightly to him, so he knew she felt his growing erection between them. He groaned and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her special scent as she swayed seductively to the beat. His hands slid down to grasp her hips possessively. She sang the words into his ear.


You had a hold on me right from the start
A grip so tight I couldn't tear it apart
My nerves all jumpin', actin' like a fool
Well, your kisses they burn, but my heart stays cool...


Her tongue traced his ear, and her fingers gently raked through the hairs at the base of his neck causing, him to let out a low growl. “Noelle, don’t tease me. Darlin’, I really don’t think I can take anymore cold showers. I want you so bad,” he whispered in her ear, and the starkness of his voice made goosebumps spread all over her skin. He clasped her hand in his, keeping the other on her waist and spun her around before drawing her back in.

“In my arms. My Bed. Anywhere and any way I can get you. I want to hear your cries of passion filling my ears as I make you cum over and over again. Say yes, baby. Think about how good it is between us,” he crooned as his lips trailed down her neck. She gave a deep, throaty moan. He was at his wit’s end and beyond caring that he sounded like he was begging.

Noelle felt like she couldn’t think much less breathe; she was so consumed with Jack. His lips left a trail of fire on her skin while his whiskers brushed erotically against her over-sensitized skin. Her panties were officially ruined. “Jack?”

“Hmmm?” he murmured and bit gently on her earlobe. Her moan was a little louder, causing Jack to turn his head and capture her lips again. His hand slid down to palm her ass as he skillfully explored the crevices of her mouth.

“Jack,” she tore her mouth away from his, panting harshly as their eyes met. “I want the same thing you want.”




Across the room, the group at the table watched them in rapt fascination.

“I think he’s gonna fuck her on the dance floor in front of everybody,” Guy speculated, and Holt nodded his head in agreement.

“They’re causing quite the scene. Someone should tell them to get a room,” Casey suggested.

“Someone should,” Darby agreed.

They all looked at each other before shaking their heads in mutual agreement. “Nah.”

Sidra, nibbling on a cheese stick, nudged Avery whose eyes were glued enviously to the couple and gave a little frown. “Let’s definitely get a hotel room; there are some things you just don’t want to know about your boss and bestie.”

“We’ll be fine. Sex is so overrated, and besides, how long could it last?” Avery asked vaguely, her eyes still on Jack and Noelle. Silence filled the table, and she realized that she’d wondered that last part aloud and was now the focus of the group’s attention. They were giving her looks that ranged from amusement and disbelief to pity and incredulity. Defensively she asked, “What?”

“Darlin’, that man is a country boy from ‘The Row’. We aim to please, go the distance, and don’t disappoint,” Darby explained to her gently as if she were a small, wayward child. Avery blushed vividly as the guys chuckled knowingly and clinked their beers together. Sidra grunted, but found her eyes inexplicably drawn across the table to Casey who returned her stare intently. A vivid memory of him deep inside of her came to mind.  Yes, sparks were still flying between them; but as long as they weren’t knives, she would do her best to behave.

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