Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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Noelle gave him a hard look. “Not at all. I was just leaving. Goodbye, gentlemen.” And she walked away without looking back despite Tarik’s objections and pleas. She could feel Jack’s scorching gaze on her the entire time. It was just as she got to the door that she felt the light grip on her elbow and looked back into Jack’s steely gaze. Her arm felt burnt by his touch even through her jacket, and she tried to jerk away; but Jack only tightened his grip and escorted her out of the restaurant onto the busy sidewalk.


“Do you mind?” she asked with a pointed look at his hand. He gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes and continued to hold on to her, although he did loosen his grip slightly. He didn’t seem the least bit concerned with the irritated looks he was receiving as he delayed the steady flowing hustle of New York pedestrians in a hurry, by keeping them in the middle of the sidewalk.


“What’s going on with you and Tarik?” Jack demanded, ignoring her question and still pissed at finding them together all cozy and shit. From a P.R.’s standpoint, he could reluctantly admit that the two of them looked good together, and jealousy reared its ugly head. Jack wanted to throw Noelle down on the table and fuck her in front of the whole restaurant so that everyone would know whom she belonged to, especially her. Noelle winced, and he realized his grip had tightened again, and he reluctantly released her. “Sorry. Again, what’s going on between you two?”


“Why? Are you worried that I’m going to get my oversexed claws into him?” Noelle jeered, giving him a dirty look as he continued to glower at her, jaws clenched. She sighed.


“What do you mean what’s going on with him??? There’s nothing going on with him, okay? Nothing. Nada. Zip. Tarik was supposed to be our first big client, but I can’t even get him to focus on planning his own stupid event! All he wants to do is try to figure out different ways to get into my panties! Now I have to go back and tell Avery that I walked away from our biggest client to date because if I didn’t walk away, I would have stabbed him to death with a butter knife!!!”


Jack smiled slightly at her outburst, and she pursed her lips frustration, barely resisting the urge to stamp her foot like a child.


“I’m so glad I could amuse you, Jack. It’s certainly a step up from the disdain you were projecting the last time we met,” Noelle said snidely. His smile disappeared, and he looked troubled as his gaze became focused on something over her shoulder.


“We’ll talk later. Don’t worry about Tarik. I’m sure he’ll realize you mean business and straighten up. Now, unless you’re interested in joining me and your mother for lunch, I’d start walking away if I were you,” Jack laughed quietly at the look of abject horror on Noelle’s face as she walked past him hurriedly without another word. He stared at the formidable dragon coming his way and sighed, wishing he could follow behind Noelle.



Chapter Four



“Ice water with lemon, and I’m ready to order as well. I’ll have the cioppino along with the grilled artichoke salad, hold the dressing,” Alicia Kramer stated imperiously and handed her menu back to their server just as Jack slid into the seat across from her. He could tell from the twitch of her right eye that she was annoyed at being kept waiting for ten minutes, but it couldn’t be helped. He needed to make a certain polo player understand that the only relationship he would have with Noelle would be a professional one; and that it would be in his best interests to straighten up.


“Excellent choice, madam.” Their server turned to Jack. “And for you, sir?”


“I’ll have the fire roasted lamb chops and mint orzo with an ice tea, and please bring sugar with it, thank you.” Jack smiled as he handed over his menu. A glance towards Alicia found her looking at him with amusement. He raised an eyebrow questioningly, and she shook her head knowingly.


“Sweet tea. You can take the boy out of the south, but the south remains tried and true,” Alicia murmured, picking up her fork and knife. Somehow he didn’t think it was a compliment and watched as she inspected the silverware with a slight frown on her perfectly made-up face.


At the age of fifty-nine Alicia Kramer was still a very attractive woman. There was no gray in her hair thanks to the discreet coloring of an expensive hairstylist. She maintained her size six figure with the help of personal trainers and a strict eating regimen. The fine structure of her face hinted at delicacy, but Jack knew she was more Rottweiler than teacup poodle. Alicia Kramer ran her home and family with a polite, yet unyielding force. She was Ronald Kramer’s right hand, and he never made a decision without consulting her first. He recalled something Ian had said one time.


“My God, the airs that woman puts on! When we were in college, Alicia was the queen of Cracker Barrel! She knew where every one of them was located and their hours of operation too!” Ian snorted derisively as they’d watched the Kramer matriarch nibble demurely on a watercress stalk as though it was the best thing she’d ever eaten.


Jack didn’t bother addressing her comment. He was focused on the frown Alicia Kramer was allowing to mar her lovely features; in public no less. He happened to know that she spent an astronomical amount of time and money to maintain a wrinkle-free, youthful appearance. The frown was a telling sign that she was deeply disturbed by something, and he wondered if she knew the real reason for their meeting today.


“Was that the famous polo player everyone’s been talking about?” Alicia asked with interest. “I read somewhere that his father was some kind of European royalty.”


“Yes, that was him. Sorry about keeping you waiting,” Jack said, not really caring to be reminded of the good-looking younger man that had expressed an interest in Noelle. An interest that hopefully he wouldn’t be stupid enough to act on now that Jack had set him straight.


Jack grabbed his briefcase and reached in to pull out the Kramer’s agenda for the following month. “Here are all the political events scheduled for June. The lists are separated by Democratic Functions, Kramer Fundraisers, and First Lady Events.”


“Oh goody! I’m definitely interested in seeing where we can make raise money for Ronald.” Alicia took the packet Jack had prepared and slipped on her Tom Ford reading glasses. For the next fifteen minutes, they discussed the pros and cons of each event, just as their food arrived. Jack dug into his meal with relish, enjoying the tender lamb and the cool mint in the orzo. As he watched in amusement, Alicia picked delicately at her food. She sipped most of the broth from her seafood stew and ate only the artichokes from her salad.


“Is the food not to your liking, Alicia?” Jack asked mildly, watching as she delicately wiped her mouth and smiled.


“It’s a little spicier than I would have liked,” she said, staring at his damn near empty plate. Alicia shuddered slightly as though the thought of consuming a full meal brought her nightmares; and then suddenly her face brightened and he was put on alert.

“I think it would be a great idea for us to get involved with the
Let’s Move
campaign. Would you please reach out and see if it would be possible? Perhaps they need an ambassador of sorts.”


The hairs on Jack’s neck stood up, and he knew he wasn’t going to like where this conversation would lead next. “What did you have in mind, Alicia?” he asked slowly. “The commitment to this project would have to be very high. Are you prepared to step away from your other projects to take this on?”


Alicia waved her hand dismissively. “Oh please, Jack. I’m way too occupied to take this on. I was thinking that Noelle could do it. I don’t know if you’re aware, but Noelle used to attend camp for kids of a larger stature.” Alicia raised her eyebrows and made a subtle widening motion with her hands. “So she has experience in this sort of thing. Besides, it will give her something meaningful to do. I’d rather she do that than run all over Manhattan attempting to solicit herself out like a prostitute with this party planning business.”


Cold fury roared through Jack as he listened to this shallow bitch dismiss his beautiful Noelle.


“From what I understand, her business has had repeat clients. That’s not bad considering she’s been in operation for only five months,” Jack seethed. “That would be an indication that she’s definitely doing something right. Wouldn’t you agree?”


Alicia rolled her eyes. “Well who are her clients? It seems they are desperate and willing to hire anybody. I don’t think they’re anyone that we would associate with. Don’t get me wrong, Jack. I love my daughter, but I find her taste to be slightly…questionable. For instance, take that outfit she was wearing today,” she said looking him directly in the eye. “It was trendy and vulgar. Nothing a real lady would ever be caught dead in. Too bad she took off before I could tell her.”


So Alicia had seen her daughter and was pissed that Noelle had, with his help, managed to avoid her. “I think your daughter has a good head on her shoulders and a great sense for business. Today she closed a deal on a major event that most of the city will be dying to attend. Noelle’s far too busy to be involved in your charity work at this crucial time in her career. I think Darren would be a better fit. He is a heart surgeon after all,” Jack said smoothly, realizing that he’d put himself deliberately in Alicia’s crosshairs. That was fine with him because at this point he was all out of fucks to give when dealing with her high-handed ass.


Alicia surveyed him coolly. “I disagree. Noelle is a much more suitable candidate, besides, Darren is busy saving lives. You seem rather passionate about my daughter’s life, Jack. Why is that exactly?”


“I’m interested because she’s got talent to make it to the top. Obviously, I haven’t known Noelle as long as you have, but from what I’ve seen, she is an excellent chef. How do you think those dinners at your home were so wonderful? Tell me, have they been the same since she left? I know I haven’t eaten there since she’s been gone. That chef you hired severely embellished his culinary skills. He got lucky when he discovered Noelle’s passion for cooking. When you hired him four and a half years ago, we strongly advised your husband against it. He didn’t listen to us because you just had to have a Michelin star chef. Did you know that on the weekends, Noelle used to give him cooking lessons?”


Jack took a sip of his sweet tea, watching Alicia’s face flush. He knew at that moment that she had not been aware of the goings-on in her home. Alicia’s expression was now a mask of ice.
Oh, you’re pissed lady? Well, fuck you; I am too!
Jack thought prepared to go the distance for Noelle.


“Again, what is your interest in my daughter?” Alicia asked, her tone chillier than Antarctica. A man with smaller balls would have dove under the table. Jack Sullivan was not that man, and he was far too busy having a ‘nobody puts baby in the corner’ moment to tread lightly.


Jack reached back into his briefcase and pulled another folder out. “I’m sure your concern for your daughter is…genuine. I’m not a parent, but I’d like to think your feelings come from a good place. At this time, I need you to let me do my job in the best way that I can. Stalking the First Lady is not a priority for Vivienne, Ian, or myself. This is a service we will no longer be providing to you. So I suggest you get yourself moving on that “Let’s Move” campaign and prepare to break a sweat,” Jack continued as if he wasn’t aware that Alicia’s mouth was flapping like a fish out of water.


our main priority as stipulated in the contracts that we sign with our clients is making sure that they always look great and are portrayed in the most positive light. To make sure that they are never associated with negativity and eliminate any threat of it, correct?” Jack asked, holding the folder out to a furious Alicia.


“Correct,” Alicia snapped, snatching the folder from him.
How dare this hillbilly talk to her like this?
she fumed, thinking that it was time to remind him who he worked for. As Alicia opened the folder, she promptly froze upon seeing the pictures inside.


Jack sat silently, watching the blood drain from her face as Alicia hurriedly flipped through its contents. It didn’t give him any pleasure to do this, but it was his job to protect his clients. Alicia and Ronald were his clients, but Noelle was his heart, and he’d do everything in his power to protect her; even if it meant being a bastard to his clients. Jack watched as Alicia’s eyes rose to meet his, and they were filled with trepidation as she anticipated his next words.


“Alicia Kramer,
are now the threat to your family. My job is to eliminate threats, and I’m damn good at it. I’ve got a couple of options as to how I can proceed with that information, but we need to get a few things straight first.

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