Sweet Renegade (23 page)

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Authors: Andria Large

BOOK: Sweet Renegade
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“You’re gonna move in with me now, right?” Beau murmurs into my hair.


We are lying in bed after another round of steamy hot sex. I’m draped over Beau’s chest with my face tucked into his neck.


“Well, Dennis is in the process of looking for an apartment. I wouldn’t want to move out before him, so maybe I’ll wait until after he’s found a place,” I reply quietly.


“Why don’t you sign the condo over to him?” he asks.


I roll off him but turn on my side so I can face him. “He can’t afford the mortgage payments
the utilities, even if his friend Tucker moves in and helps out. I don’t think that they would be able to handle it.” I sigh.


“I don’t want him moving into some shitty apartment,” he grumbles.


“Neither do I, but I know Dennis, and he won’t let me continue to pay the mortgage for him if I move out.”


Beau makes an annoyed noise. After a moment of silence, he then says, “I’ll pay it off then. You can sign the condo over to him, and all he would have to worry about is the utilities.”


“I don’t know how well he would take that either,” I huff.


“Tough shit, he doesn’t have a choice. How about that?” Beau snorts.


“You can tell him,” I scoff, knowing that’s not going to be a fun conversation.


“I will,” he says firmly.


I snuggle up against him, running my hand over his solid chest.


“How do you think your fans are going to take the news of your engagement?” I ask quietly, changing the subject.


“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be a mixture. Some will be supportive, while others are going to hate your guts. So be prepared to get some shit thrown at your head.” He snickers.


“Greeeaaat,” I mutter dryly.


“It’ll be fine,” he says, running his hand along my naked back. “I just might have to hire you a bodyguard.”


“What?” I gasp, my head shooting up to look at him.


He chuckles. “Relax, we’ll see how it goes, but if it gets bad, I will hire someone to protect you.”


“I will punch bitches in the throat.”


He laughs and pulls me down for a kiss. “You’re so cute when you talk shit.”


After another quick kiss, we settle down and eventually fall to sleep.






Lizette and I walk into her condo after stopping at the bank to pay off her condo and making a stop at Tiffany & Co. so that she can pick out a ring. Luckily, the one she picks out is her size, so we buy it on the spot and I slide it on her finger. It’s a gorgeous 5 carat pink diamond in a halo art deco platinum setting. As soon as Lizette saw it, she fell in love with it. And of course, I had to get it for her.


We got back from our romantic weekend away a few hours ago and I insisted on taking care of those two things immediately. I want her living with me as soon as possible and I want her wearing my ring. Now, we just have to tell Dennis the good news.


Dennis is in the kitchen when we walk in. He glances up from making a sandwich at the counter and smiles at us.


“Hey guys! How was your weekend?” he asks cheerfully.


“So good,” Lizette gushes as she goes to give him a hug.


“Did you guys actually make it out of the cabin?” He teases, chuckling when Lizette punches him in the arm.


“Yes, jerk,” she huffs.


I walk over to him, clap him on the shoulder with my left hand and shake his hand with my right. “Hey, buddy,” I smile at him.


“Hey, man.”


“Sooo…Denny, we have some news for you,” Lizette says, sending me a glance that is both excited and nervous.


Dennis’ eyebrows rise. “Oh yeah?” he asks, sending us each a curious glance as he continues to make his sandwich.


I round the counter and stand opposite him. I place both my hands on the counter, the stark black of my ring blatantly obvious when it hits his line of sight. Dennis freezes, a piece of turkey dangling in the air. He drops the turkey and snatches my wrist. He yanks me halfway across the counter to bring my hand closer to his face. I stifle a laugh.


“What the fuck is this?” he asks in a rush. “Did you two get married behind my back?” He squawks, shoving my hand away and turning to glare at Lizette.


She pouts. “No! You know I wouldn’t get married without you, Denny!”


“Lizette asked me to marry her.” I smirk, sending her a wink when she smiles at me brightly.


Dennis blinks and shakes his head. “Come again?”


“I asked Beau to marry me,” Lizette repeats.


Dennis’ eyebrows scrunch together. “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?”


“It’s 2014, Denny. It really doesn’t matter anymore,” Lizette says, waving a hand dismissively.


“So, do you have a ring?” he asks her.


Lizette holds out her hand for him to see. “Just got it this morning.” She grins.


Dennis whistles low. “Whoa,” he breathes. “Beautiful.”


Dennis then goes and gives his sister a hug, whispering his congratulations in her ear. Once he lets her go, he comes around the counter and pulls me into a hug. He slaps me on the back a few times before pulling back and clasping my head, looking at me with a serious face.


“You hurt her, I’ll kill you,” he grunts before sending me a wink and kissing my forehead.


We all laugh. Now, it’s time to get down to business. Time to get to the hard part where Dennis will most likely fight us tooth and nail.


“So…ah…there is something else you need to know,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck.


Dennis, who is back to making his sandwich, glances up. “Are you pregnant?” he asks Lizette.


“What? No!” She denies quickly.


Dennis smiles. “Okay. So what is it then?”


I glance at Lizette and she motions for me to continue. She told me that she won’t be the one to tell him about the condo. I take a deep breath and go on.


“Since we’re now engaged, Lizette is going to move in with me.”


Dennis nods. He slaps on the top piece of bread and smashes it down. “Right, I’ll step up my search for an apartment then,” he mutters.


“No need, I just paid off the condo. All we have to do is transfer it into your name, but you have to be there for that,” I say.


Dennis’ head pops up and he glares at me hard. “Fuck you, man, I’ll find my own place, I don’t need your charity.”


I frown. “Come on, Denny, it’s not charity. I don’t want you living in some shit apartment. You and Tucker can live here and just pay utilities and the condo fee.”


I can see Dennis grinding his teeth together. His green eyes are locked on mine and I can tell that he wants to continue arguing, but he also sees the benefit of accepting what I’m offering.


“Please, Dennis, it will make me feel better knowing that you’re not living in some shithole,” Lizette adds.


Dennis scowls then finally relents. “Alright, fine,” he grinds out. “But I don’t like it one bit.”


“I didn’t think you would,” I smirk.


He sneers at me and I chuckle.


“Thank you,” he says softly.


I nod. “You’re welcome.”


















“Alright, you guys! It’s time to get back on track,” Lizette says from behind her desk.


I love when sh
e’s in business mode. The fellas and I are all sitting in her office having a meeting about getting our tour back on schedule. The next six months are going to be grueling for us with having to make up shows that we canceled and whatnot. Plus, there are a few changes being made with the set up. Lizette has decided to hire a new choreographer and backup dancers. She said that she received feedback that said our previous show, the one we did in New York a couple of months back, was too boring and that we needed more substance. Okay, whatever she says. She knows what she’s talking about.


“We’re going to start over, start fresh. We’re holding auditions for backup dancers as we speak, and once five women and three men are chosen, we’re going to start rehearsals. You will have a month to get the new dances down before we hit the road.”


“Jesus, Lizette, you trying to kill us?” Dean snorts.


She frowns and shakes her head slightly. “No, Dean, I’m not, but everything that happened with Beau and me really set you guys back. You’ve lost some credibility, so we have to come back even stronger than before. You guys have to be all in and willing to work for what was lost.”


“Oh, we’re all in, don’t you worry about that,” Ace says firmly. His expression is actually completely serious for once.


Lizette smiles softly. “Good to know.”


I can’t help but smile along with her. She looks so beautiful today. Her long hair is up in a bun and her makeup is subtle, making her green eyes pop regardless. She’s wearing a simple black dress today and looking very professional. And of course sexy as sin. I’m trying not to imagine bending her over the desk again, but it’s not working too well. I have to shift in my seat to accommodate my suddenly tight pants.


“We’re all about hard work, you know this,” Roland adds.


“I do know, that’s one reason I’ve stuck with you guys for so long,” she jokes.


Everett raises his hand. I roll my eyes. I don’t know why he always does that.


“Yes, Everett?” Lizette asks, an amused glint in her eye.


“Why are there only going to be eight dancers? Can’t we have ten?” he asks anxiously.


“I’m just going off what the choreographer wants. I can see if she can make it an even ten if you want?” Lizette answers patiently.


Everett nods jerkily. “Okay, thanks.”


“Are there any other questions?” Lizette asks, looking at each one of us.


Her eyes land on me last and she smiles somewhat shyly. We’ve been living together for two weeks now and so far, so good. We’ve worked out the little kinks that go along with moving in with someone. Like, she’s forcing me to put the toilet seat down now. No biggie, I just insist that she sleep naked every night. Let’s just say that the toilet seat gets put down – wink, wink. I really love sleeping next to her every night. I’ve already become accustomed to it and I don’t know how well I’m going to sleep whenever she can’t be there when we’re on the road.


Tucker moved into the condo with Dennis last week. I helped him move what little he had. A bed, his clothes, some guns, a safe, and one box of sentimental stuff - that was it. He seems like a really nice guy, and he and Dennis have become really close, which is good. Dennis needs someone who’s going to be there when he needs them, not like me, who will be traveling all over the country soon. I know Lizette is happy that Tucker is now in Dennis’ life, too.


The guys took the news of our engagement pretty well, as did my family. My mother burst into ‘tears of joy’ - what she called them. The fans on the other hand…let’s just say that I
have to hire that bodyguard for Lizette. She’s still not happy about it, but after getting a glass bottle winged at her head, and her car windows smashed, she understands the need. Some fans are supportive, but more than not, they are irate about me being off the market. Like any of them ever had a chance…please.


We are planning on getting married after the U.S. tour, when we break for a month from all of the stress and traveling. We want a quiet ceremony with only our family and closest friends. Hopefully, we can keep it a secret from the media. I really don’t want paparazzi there ruining it.


My life is back on track and turning out exactly how I want it to. I have my girl, my career, my friends, and family. What more could a guy ask for?


“Great, so now that you all know the deal, we can get to work. Tomorrow, 8:00 am, first rehearsal, don’t be late,” Lizette says.


Groans fill the room, mine being one of them. I hate getting up that early. We all stand. Dean, Ace, Roland, and Everett head for the door while I skirt the desk and turn Lizette’s chair to face me. I drop my hands to the arms of her leather desk chair, caging her in. She uses her index finger to push the brim of my cowboy hat up so that I don’t poke her in the face with it. She’s learned from experience.


“Will you be home to make me dinner, woman?” I tease.


She knows I can’t cook to save my life, so I will never be making dinner, but I still like to tease her. She gives me a dry look, making me chuckle. She’s so damn cute. She reaches up to smooth her hands over my shoulders and down my arms. She drops her head back against her chair.


“I don’t know. I have a lot of work to do,” she mumbles.


“I can pick something up and come here, we can eat while you work,” I offer.


She nods. “Okay, that sounds good.”


I smile and lean down to give her a kiss and she returns it lovingly. Her hand comes up to cup my cheek as our tongues meet. I groan. I will never get enough of her. Her other hand moves to the front of my jeans to rub my rigid erection pressing against the zipper. My mind flashes back to when I took her on her desk.
We can’t do this right now…or maybe we could…


I grab her and pull her out of her chair. She squeals as I drag her to the floor behind her desk and cover her with my body. My hat tumbles to the floor above her head. I wedge my hips between her legs. Her breath catches as her eyes darken with desire. I make quick work of undoing my jeans and freeing myself, kissing her fiercely as I yank her thong aside and plunge into her. Lizette gasps against my lips, sending shudders of pleasure down my spine.


I gather her close and roll my hips against hers. Her legs wrap around my waist, her heels digging into my ass cheeks. I don’t care if it hurts, it’s hot as hell. I slip a hand in between us and rub circles over her swollen clit. She whimpers and arches her back.


“You gonna come for me, Sugar?” I pant, picking up my pace.


“Yes,” she breathes.


I crush my lips to hers. That seems to do it because she moans and starts to tremble. I can feel her pulse around my cock as I pump into her. I push out a harsh breath as my orgasm takes hold. I grab her hip as I grind mine against hers painfully. I come deep inside of her a second later.


I drop my forehead to her shoulder while we struggle to catch our breaths. When we feel like we can finally move, we get up and head into her private bathroom for a little clean up session.


Once we’re all put back together, we head back into her office. I go and scoop up my cowboy hat, which is still on the floor, and settle it on my head, brim tipped up. I grab her around the waist before she can sit in her chair and pull her up against me.


“Alright, Sugar, I’ll let you get back to work, see you in a few hours,” I say with a smirk.


“Can’t wait,” she says and wags her eyebrows at me.


I snicker as I stare down into her lovely green eyes. “I love you.”


She gives me a soft kiss and a smile.


“I love you, too, my sweet Renegade.”













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