Sweet Resolve (The Lucky #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Sweet Resolve (The Lucky #2)
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Logan could have easily died at that very moment and he would have died a happy man. Amy’s hair was fanned out over his shoulder and chest and he could feel her skin start to cool next to his.

He was running his fingers through her hair slowly, enjoying the softness of it as he felt his own heart rate settle down.

“What do you say to ordering some pizza and spending the rest of the evening here?”

She lifted her head and looked at him. “What do you say to grabbing Chinese as you drive me home so we won’t leave Daisy locked up all night without a bathroom break?”

In all his desire, he’d forgotten about the little dogs. “I guess my mind was focused on keeping you in bed all night.” He sat up, then dressed in an old pair of jeans. As he was pulling a sweatshirt over his head, he heard the crash of thunder and glanced toward his windows.

Finally, the skies had opened up and rain was pelting everything outside. He frowned when he noticed her buttoning up her blouse. It was a little wrinkled, and when he noticed her skirt was as well, he couldn’t stop from smiling.

“I’ve got some old sweats . . .” he started to say, but she just shook her head.

“I’m fine.” She finished buttoning her shirt.

“Okay, but at least wear this.” He handed her his rain jacket. “It’s coming down in buckets now.”

She looked out his window, then took the coat.

They made a dash for the carport, both of them laughing. As he jumped in behind the wheel he watched her shake the jacket off before entering his car.

“Where is there a good Chinese place?”

“A block from my townhouse. If you drop me off at my Jeep, you can follow.”

He reached over and brushed her hair behind her shoulder. She’d disappeared into his bathroom for a few minutes and had emerged without a single hair out of place. He’d just have to enjoy messing her up again.

He supposed dropping her off at her own car made sense, but something inside him didn’t want a moment away from her. When they finally made it back to her place, it was after dark.

The second she opened her front door, Daisy rushed between his legs, happy to see them both, then quickly went and did her business.

“She’s really quite a great dog,” Amy said, setting her bag down on the bar.

He set the take-out down on the kitchen table, then laughed when Daisy sat down and glanced at the boxes.

“She loves human food. I know you’re not supposed to give them much, but I cooked her eggs and rice the other morning.”

“I bet she’ll really enjoy some of this then.” He held up the box of white rice. “I’m sure a little can’t hurt. After all, she’s eating for four.”

They sat on the sofa and watched television while they ate, then he carried Amy into her bedroom. He slowly peeled off her skirt and shirt. And when he got her completely naked, and she was calling out his name, he knew he wanted to keep her that way until morning.

Amy woke with a start when something brushed against her face. When she opened her eyes, she was looking directly into silver ones as Logan was smiling down at her. She could tell by the darkness of the room that she had plenty of time before they were due into the office.

“You’re a hard person to wake,” he said. “Daisy and I have been trying for a while now.”

As if on cue, the small dog stuck her face between theirs and started kissing Amy. It took awhile to recover from laughing as she tried to shove both Logan and Daisy off her face, since he had joined in the excitement.

“I like this side of you,” Logan said after the small dog jumped off the bed to return to her crying pups.

“Which side?” She desperately wished she could retreat to the bathroom to freshen up, but since Logan was holding her down, she doubted she’d get a chance just yet.

“The messy side. Your hair’s all around your face.” He released one of her hands and used a finger to push a strand away from her face. “Your face is clear of makeup.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. “And, the best part of it is,” he said as he glanced down at her, “your clothes are nowhere to be found.”

She moaned as he leaned down and started kissing her again. She could get used to being woken up like this. He still held her arms above her head with his free hand and she wished she could touch him, since he, too, was naked.

He had a body that she doubted she would ever tire of running her hands over. When he finally released her hands, she grabbed hold of him and didn’t let go until he was moaning.

She reversed their positions and held his hands above his head. He could have broken loose if he’d tried, but instead he just looked up at her.

“Getting back at me?” he asked.

She felt her heart skip, and to answer him, she leaned down and ran her mouth over his neck and chest slowly. When she felt him try to break free, she stopped him by putting her hands on his chest.

“No, it’s my turn to take care of you,” she said against his skin as she ran her mouth lower, over very impressive six-pack abs, downward, until she followed a small patch of brown hair that led her to his sex.

When she used her mouth on him, his hands went into her hair, gripping her as she enjoyed every inch of him.

She felt herself growing hotter, wanting him deep inside her, and as she crawled back up to straddle him, he handed her a condom. She slowly rolled it on him and watched his eyes close with pleasure.

“Watch me,” she said, hovering above him. “Watch.” She didn’t know what made her say it, but his eyes darkened as he watched her slide inch by inch on his length. His fingers dug into her soft hips as she moved above him. When he pushed her to go faster, she was right there with him, beat for beat.

When she finally felt herself explode, he wrapped his arms around her waist and growled her name into her hair.

Once her skin had cooled, she shivered and reached for the blankets.

“Oh, no you don’t. It’s time to get up.” He ran his hand over her naked bottom, then slapped it lightly. “I’m hungry and since I’ve been up for a while, I know there’s nothing in that fridge of yours.”

“Keeps me from eating too much.”

He rolled out from under her and hopped out of bed. Instead of waiting for her to do the same, he picked her up and started carrying her into the bathroom as she giggled. He turned on the shower, and by the time the water was warm, he had her moaning again.

She’d never dressed as quickly as she did that morning. She normally took almost an hour and a half each morning to put herself together, but under Logan’s watchful eye, she sped up to just forty minutes.

Her long hair hung freely, still wet in places, as she pulled out of her parking spot and glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure he was following her to one of her favorite breakfast spots.

She knew he still needed to swing by his place and dress for the office, so when they entered Café 20, she walked up to the counter and ordered the fastest breakfast sandwich while he drooled over the donuts.

“I don’t know how you expect to stay in shape, eating those,” she said as they sat down. He’d set a plate of three donuts and a ham breakfast sandwich in front of him.

“I worked up an appetite this morning.” He smiled over at her as he held up the chocolate glazed donut for her. “Go ahead, I won’t tell. Besides, one couldn’t hurt.”

“With me, it’s never just one.”

His eyes stayed on hers as he licked the chocolate from the donut.

Her face flushed and she felt herself grow hotter as he watched her.

She was never more aware of being watched than she had been that morning. The sensation had done nothing but make her wish they could have taken the day off and spent the time in her bed instead.

“How do you expect me to concentrate on work today while you’re dressed like that?” He glanced over at her simple black skirt and burgundy top.

“How would you notice? You’ve been hiding in your uncle’s office all week anyway.”

He frowned. “For my own good,” he said as they walked out of the café. Then he took her hand and tugged her to a stop before she could open the Jeep’s door. “I’m not sure I can handle working in the same room with you, knowing now what you look like under those clothes.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “And you think I’m not feeling the same?” Her eyes ran up and down him slowly. “I suppose we’ll just have to suffer together.” He leaned down and kissed her softly.

When she walked into the office a few minutes later, she had eight voice mail messages on her phone.

She patiently listened to them all as she tried not to wonder how long it would take Logan to go home, change his clothes, and come walking through her door. She marked down on her calendar the new listings for the rest of the week, not to mention the open house that was planned for the end of the month, as well as the big Denver Metro Realtor Association party that was held once a year in early September. She vaguely wondered if Logan would take her and what she’d wear. Then she noticed that she’d marked off all day this Saturday on her calendar to go wedding dress shopping with Kristen, and her heart jumped with excitement. She’d been waiting for this day her entire life and knew that Kristen had been as well.

She spent the next few minutes remembering how often they had talked about the day they would get married. What they would wear, how they would style their hair, so many details, but never once had they described their perfect man.

For as long as Amy had thought about it, the only detail she was one hundred percent clear on was that she would never marry anyone like Logan Miller. She chuckled just as her office door opened and Logan stepped in.

“Something funny?” He walked over and stopped on the other side of her desk. He looked extremely handsome today in a dark gray suit. His hair was combed back and he’d taken the time to shave.

Instantly she felt her face flush. “No, nothing.”

“Oh, really?” He leaned his hip on the edge of her desk, looking quite amused. Just looking into his silver eyes made her heart skip as she remembered how they looked when he was above her, inside of her.

look I know.” His smile grew as he whispered to her. “I can’t wait to see that look again tonight.”

She blushed, just as his uncle walked through her office door.

“There you are, my boy, come on, grab your stuff, I’m taking you to my next meeting.”

Instantly, Amy’s guard went up. She stood slowly. “Your meeting with Fowler and Fowler?”

Gary nodded. “Yeah, I’m getting tired of running around in circles with this couple.” He turned back toward Logan. “Just because a couple of lawyers got married and went into business together doesn’t mean that they know anything about purchasing a building for their new law firm.”

Amy felt a wave of jealousy rush through her. She’d initially asked to take part in that transaction and here he was taking Logan. No doubt, all because they were related.

Logan smiled and slapped his uncle on the back. “Need a little mediation, huh?” They both chuckled as they walked out of her office without another word.

As she sat back down, she could no longer deny that maybe Gary was really getting ready to hand RMR over to Logan.

Had he known this piece of information all along? Doubt filled her mind as she prepared herself for her first showing of the day. Thursdays and Fridays were usually her busiest days for showings.

When she drove up to the property less than twenty minutes later, her client was already waiting by the front door. The house, situated along a busy road, had sat empty for the last two months and had had only a handful of viewings. She was really hoping for an offer soon.

“Morning,” she called out as she stepped out of her Jeep. The younger man nodded toward her. He was built like a linebacker but easily her age or younger. Instantly she was on guard. She didn’t like going on showings when the client was a single man.

Taking out her phone, she texted Ana, the office manager.

SM showing ok

Which let the office know that she was showing a listing to a single male. She would text again when she was done with the showing. If the office didn’t hear back from her in half an hour, Ana would call the police to that location and give them the client’s information.

Ana’s message came back quickly.
SM Info rcvd for
Chris Hough

“Chris?” Amy smiled as she walked toward the man.

“Uh, yeah.” He held out his hand; she took it easily.

“I’m Amy Walker.” He dropped his hand and shoved it in his jeans. “So, what exactly are you looking for?” She liked to get an idea before she showed anyone the inside of a place.

“Well, uh.” He glanced around, taking in the busy street. “It’s really for my dad. He’s getting older and,” he looked across the street, “I saw this place was close to the fire station.”

She looked across the street where the firehouse sat farther down the road. There was even an ambulance station next door.

“The hospital is only a few blocks away,” she hinted.

“Yeah.” He looked relieved. “Dad’s been fighting cancer for a few years now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” She felt herself start to relax.

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