Read Sweet Resolve (The Lucky #2) Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
“Three? I guess we’ll have to go out and celebrate.” She could see that he was relaxing more.
He hugged her one more time. “Come on, I’ll take a look under the hood.”
She rushed to keep in step with him. “Do you know anything about cars?”
“Every man knows about cars.” He turned to her. “Or they should, anyway.” He flipped open her Jeep hood and looked in. “Guess we know why it’s not starting.” He held up the electric wires that she knew should have been attached to the battery. “Looks like they bounced loose on the drive up.” He glanced over to the muddy driveway and she remembered hitting a particularly deep rut on the way up. “Try it now,” he said after attaching the cables again.
She walked over and jumped back into the seat, and this time when she turned the key, her Jeep instantly sprang to life.
She smiled up at him as he shut and secured her hood. “I’ll want to tighten the nuts down when I have some tools. I’ll follow you back.”
She leaned out her open window. “I still owe you drinks.” She watched his eyes light up. “For losing at pool.”
“Yes, you do.”
“How about we hit Main Street Pub and Grill?” She glanced down at his muddy feet, then her own. “After we change.”
“It’s a date. I’ll swing by and pick you up.” He tapped her hood. “Just in case.”
Logan was so different from the boy who had bullied her. Gone was the selfish kid who took and destroyed.
He leaned in her window and kissed her until she felt her body melt.
Main Street Pub and Grill was crowded. Logan felt wonderful walking into the pub holding Amy’s hand. Then she started tugging on him until they stopped in front of the table with her friends Kristen Collins and Aiden Scott, head of Urban Development. He’d met Aiden on several occasions when he’d worked for CCR.
“Hey.” Amy smiled down at the couple, who looked like they’d been about to order food. When Kristen looked up, the two friends giggled and hugged each other like they hadn’t seen each other in years instead of days.
“Aiden.” He held out his hand. “Logan Miller.”
Aiden nodded. “We’ve met. I think you were working with Tiffany?”
Logan groaned and rolled his eyes. “Right, I’m at Rocky Mountain Realty now.” He sat when Aiden motioned for them to join them. “Actually, my uncle owns RMR.”
“I remember Kristen telling me you’d moved back to Golden.”
He glanced at the two friends with their heads bent together. He leaned closer to Aiden. “Do you think they planned this?”
“I was wondering why she wanted to have dinner in Golden tonight. We usually come up here to see her folks once a month, but their visit was last weekend.”
They chuckled as the waitress walked up to the table.
“Beer and the Reuben?” Logan asked Amy, who nodded in reply, then continued to talk with Kristen.
Once their drinks were delivered, everyone started talking about Amy’s ordeal. He was pleased when Kristen showed just as much concern as he had about the entire situation.
“I can’t stand that you’re out of range half the time.” Kristen met Logan’s eyes briefly. “Especially after what happened a few years back.”
He watched Amy’s eyes roll. “We’re very careful at RMR. Besides, I think every Realtor has changed their tactics since then.”
“Nothing will stop a psycho from killing.”
“We’re not even safe in a movie theater, or for that matter, sitting in a pub on a Friday night.” Amy leaned forward and patted her friend’s hand. “I’m careful, you know me.” Kristen reached over and hugged her friend. “Besides, aren’t you the one who almost died in an elevator?” Amy winked at Aiden, then started laughing.
An hour later, Logan had to admit that he was happy they’d run into the other couple. It was quite funny to see how different Kristen and Amy were. Even more, the differences between Aiden and Kristen were almost shocking. Especially seeing how well they made it work.
It was actually Aiden and Amy who had a lot in common, at least of what Logan could see. They both were super organized and very meticulous about the way they ate. He tried to hold back a chuckle as the two of them actually helped clear the table by stacking their plates for the waitress once all the food was gone.
He’d been at Amy’s house several times now. Not a thing was out of place, just like her. There wasn’t a hair on her head that wasn’t where it should be. Her clothes looked like they had all been neatly pressed and laundered before she even set foot outside.
He looked at her next to him, remembering the times when her hair was tangled in his hands. When her clothes were crinkled from being thrown on the floor. How she looked panting underneath him.
He took her hand in his. She leaned closer to him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“So, are you two going to the DMRA party together?” Kristen asked, resting her chin on her hands as she looked at them.
“DMRA?” he questioned.
She chuckled. “Denver Metro Realtor Association party, it’s in a month.”
He remembered it now. He’d actually gone to the party once, with
Bella. He glanced over at Amy and saw excitement in her eyes.
“I’d planned on it,” he fibbed and was quickly rewarded with her smile.
“If you like parties, what about . . .”
“Don’t even think about it. Not yet.” Amy glared at Kristen as she twisted her watch vigorously. He could see she was nervous about what her friend was trying to say.
“Why not?” Kristen’s smile spread slowly on her face. “You know, it’s only four months away. Besides, I just bet he’d like to go.”
“To what?” He glanced between the two friends.
“Our wedding,” Aiden piped in.
He looked at Amy and felt a little uneasy as thoughts of his parents’ marriage flew through his mind. He didn’t know one couple who had made marriage work, nor did he think it was possible at this point.
“See, now you’ve scared him.” Amy squeezed his hand as he tried to deny it.
Kristen and Amy laughed. “That is the same face you made when you tried to hide the fact that you’d TP’d Mr. Ragan’s car in grade school. It was the reason you had a month’s detention,” Kristen joked.
He laughed and then smiled at Kristen. “Tell you what, if you save a dance for me, I’ll be there.”
“Then it’s a date,” Kristen jumped in.
When Logan pulled his car to a stop in front of her place, Amy turned to him. “I should have warned you about inviting them,” she said.
“It turned out okay.” Still, he wished she would have opened up to him more and told him why she’d felt the need to invite them.
She glanced over at him. “Call it one of my knee-jerk impulses.”
He brushed a hand down her hair. “Why?”
She blinked and tilted her head. “Why what?”
“Why did you have that impulse? Why invite them tonight?”
She leaned back in the seat. “I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed.”
“About us?” he interjected.
“We do have quite a history.”
He chuckled. “Fair enough. But, I thought things were going well.”
She didn’t want to tell him why she’d freaked out. The truth was, she didn’t even know. She’d felt the need to be alone the other night, but when he’d called, she’d found herself falling into his web. And, more importantly, she’d enjoyed it.
There wasn’t a part of her life that she hadn’t planned out completely. Becoming a partner at RMR was and should be her number one priority. Fraternizing with the competition wasn’t going to get her closer to her goal.
“I haven’t had any long-term relationships,” she blurted out. “Not like you.” She waited.
“Okay.” His smile was reassuring.
“The longest relationship I’ve had lasted two weeks.” Closing her eyes, she rested her head back on the headrest. Then, his fingers tangled in her hair, gently pulling her face until she was looking at him.
“Because of knee-jerk impulses?”
“I’ve seen relationships go south. I guess it’s my way of avoidance.” That and her desperate need to control everything. Ever since the night her mother had thrown all her belongings into boxes, she’d felt a deep urge to keep everything in its place.
He started moving his hand to her neck. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said right before his mouth touched hers softly.
When he broke the kiss, she relaxed. “How about coming inside for a nightcap?”
His smile was quick, then he rested his forehead on hers. “I’ll take a rain check. I’ve got an early morning meeting.”
Her eyebrows arched in question.
“I’m showing the listing you missed today. Early,” he added.
“I could . . .”
His finger went over her lips as he shook his head. “Not until I replace your battery cables and make sure you won’t get stranded again.”
She thought about getting stuck again, then nodded slowly. “Okay, I’ll give you this one.”
“Besides, Kristen only mentioned it a dozen times that you two are dress shopping tomorrow.”
She giggled. “Yes, so she did.”
“Have fun.” He leaned over and kissed her again.
After letting Daisy out, she had a hard time getting to sleep that night. Maybe it was the loneliness she was feeling. For the first time, she was missing one man in particular.
The conversation from the evening kept playing over in her head. She had been nervous when Kristen had mentioned the wedding to Logan. After all, she knew by the way he’d talked about his parents’ marriage that he didn’t think too highly of the institution. Come to think of it, neither did she. But she was a woman and part of her kept dreaming that someday she’d find the perfect man and they would live happily ever after. But was it Logan?
She was thankful when Daisy jumped up on the bed with her and snuggled down. She’d moved the bed of dogs into her room for the night.
Logan had taken them to the vet the other day. It was the first time she’d trusted a man with a key to her place, which he’d promptly returned after letting her know that Daisy was current with her shots and the puppies had been given a clean bill of health. They would need their puppy shots when they were a little older. When she’d gotten home that night, she couldn’t help but smile at all the extras he’d bought for the small family.
Daisy had a new dog bed, toys, collar, and a matching leash. Even though the dog never left her side when she took her on short walks, she knew it was city ordinance and had used it ever since. He’d also purchased a larger whelping box for the puppies to be in and doggy pee pads for the nursery. Amy had laughed when she noticed that each puppy had her very own individually colored collar that they could easily grow into.
Finally, she settled down with Daisy snuggled next to her.
The next morning, she woke when her phone chimed. Reaching over, she glanced at the screen and read the text message, then jumped out of bed. She pulled on a bathrobe as she rushed to her front door.
“Morning.” Logan smiled back at her as he handed her a cup of coffee and held up a box. “Donuts?”
She stood back when Daisy ran out the door to do her business.
“How are they doing?” He looked back toward her guest room.
“Wonderful. I moved them in with me,” she said, then took a sip of her coffee. It was just the way she liked it and she moaned when the sweetness started to rush through her.
“Oh?” he said.
“I was lonely. Besides, Daisy likes to escape the puppy box and jumps up on the bed with me every now and then,” she added, reaching down to twirl her bracelet as she looked up at him.
He walked in and set the box of donuts down. “I figured you’d want some extra sugar to get you going. Especially if you’re going to spend the day trying on bridesmaid dresses.” She thought she saw him cringe but wasn’t sure. Most men hated thinking about weddings, or spending time dress shopping. She could tell Logan was no different.
“Of course, after eating a few of those,” she glanced down at the chocolate-covered goodness and felt her stomach growl, “I’ll have to try on dresses that are two sizes bigger.”
He took her by the shoulders and smiled at her. “You’d have to eat a truckload. I know it’s early, but I wanted to stop by before I head into the mountains.”
“I could still . . .”
He stopped her by wrapping his arms around her. “Don’t even think about it. Besides, I have another showing before I’m supposed to help my uncle with an open house.”
She settled into his arms feeling wonderful. He smelled sexy, causing her to wish they had the entire day to themselves.
“Now, let’s eat. I’m starved,” he suggested.
“You’re always hungry,” she joked.
His fingers tightened on her hips. “At least when I’m around you.”
She felt her pulse kick as his fingers brushed through her hair. Only then did she realize that she had just rushed to the door without even brushing her hair or teeth.
“Have I told you how sexy you look in the morning?” He leaned closer to her and ran his lips across hers.
She shook her head.
“Hmmm, sweet too.” His mouth played over hers until they heard the puppies crying and watched Daisy come back in through the open front door.
When Logan left, she rushed around the house getting ready for her day with Kristen. When she was almost ready, Kristen surprised her by texting that she was on her way to pick her up.
What do you mean? Pick me up?
Aiden hired us a car for the day. Come outside.
After picking up her bag, she locked her door and walked out. She was totally shocked to see a long white limo pull into her parking lot.
“Aiden did this?” she asked as Kristen jumped out from the back door before the driver could walk around and open it for her.