Sweet Seduction Sabotage

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

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Sweet Seduction Sabotage

The Sweet Seduction Series, Book Six


By Nicola Claire


Copyright © 2014, Nicola Claire

All Rights Reserved



ISBN:  978-0-473-27480-1




This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organisations is entirely coincidental.


All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.



Cover Art by Nicola Claire

Image credit: 123RF Stock Photo

# 20615144



Chapter 1: I Guess I Was About To Find Out If I Had Any Balls

Chapter 2: Why Are You Doing This?

Chapter 3: What Colour Are You?

Chapter 4: Too Much Tequila And Not Enough Sleep

Chapter 5: Right Now, It Looked Like It Wasn't Going To Be Me

Chapter 6: I'd Gladly Go Back To Numb Right Now

Chapter 7: And That Would Be A Crying Fucking Shame

Chapter 8: I Tended To Agree, Strangely Enough

Chapter 9: You Watch Way Too Much TV

Chapter 10: But No Spam

Chapter 11: There Was Nothing For It, My Shower Would Have To Be Cold

Chapter 12: You Make Me Feel Ten Feet Tall

Chapter 13: Oh, He Didn't Know

Chapter 14: I've Got All Night

Chapter 15: A Rainbow Of Colours That Carried Me Out Of The Room

Chapter 16: I'd Surprised The Schemer, I'd Caught Him Off Guard

Chapter 17: And It Couldn't Have Been More Perfect

Chapter 18: I Just Hoped It Was A Worthy Offering

Chapter 19: Thank You For The Rainbow

Chapter 20: And It Was A Mile Wide

Chapter 21: I've Got You

Chapter 22: Whereabouts Are You?

Chapter 23: There Was Still A Hell Of A Lot To Get To Know About Drew Kline

Chapter 24: It's A Simple Question

Chapter 25:  So Much, So Thick, So Telling

Chapter 26: For A Second I Was Furious

Chapter 27:  Something I Hadn't Believed In, But Couldn't Deny Now


The Tempting Touch Of Fire (Elemental Awakening, #1) Preview

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More books by Nicola Claire:


Kindred Series



Blood Life Seeker

Forbidden Drink

Giver of Light

Dancing Dragon

Shadow's Light

Entwined With The Dark

Kiss Of The Dragon


Mixed Blessing Mystery Series


Mixed Blessing

Dark Shadow (Late 2014)


Sweet Seduction Series


Sweet Seduction Sacrifice

Sweet Seduction Serenade

Sweet Seduction Shadow

Sweet Seduction Surrender

Sweet Seduction Shield

Sweet Seduction Sabotage

Sweet Seduction Stripped (Mid 2014)


Elemental Awakening Series


The Tempting Touch Of Fire

The Soothing Scent Of Earth

The Chilling Change Of Air (Early 2014)



All those romantics who have been some place dark

and found their way back to the light.

This one's for you and I hope you have

your own rainbows, too.


I could feel his eyes on me. On my skin. Under my skin.

It was not an unfamiliar sensation. Nor was it unwanted.

I put a little more swing in my hips, a little more curve to my back, stretching my arms seductively above my head and swaying to the music on the dance floor. If he wanted to watch, I'd give him a show he wouldn't forget.

For a moment my mind transported me elsewhere. To the dimly lit corridor in a larger than life house. The muted sounds of my closest friends partying downstairs wafted up and wrapped around us. Giving a sense of urgency to our illicit encounter. Any second now Gen or Dominic could have come bounding up those stairs and caught us. My heart rate escalated at the forbidden excitement the image brought.

Pale grey eyes captured mine, holding me steady. Or trapped. Sometimes when he looks at me I feel like his prey. I don't know why that thrills me. I am the huntress. They are
prey. But when he looks at me with such hunger and wicked intent, I am a deer caught down the sight of a rifle. A second away from being hit.

"I thought you wouldn't come," he said, and even his voice sent a thrill through my body making parts of me burn.

"I said I would. I'm a woman of my word."

His lips quirked in a half grin. Just one side tipping up, as though he had more important things to do than offer a full smile.

Like devour my body with a simple sweep of his eyes.

"Nice top," he offered, a glint in his eyes that matched that incorrigible smirk.

"This?" I purposely ran my finger along the low neckline, then trailed it over the criss-crossing ties to the bodice. It wasn't skin tight, there were even gaps between the ribbons. But that was the point. He could see flesh and he wanted it.

"Undo it," he instructed and my body flew into a quandary.

The command had been given in a soft purr, but there was no mistaking the directive. He was used to getting his own way. Snapping his fingers and receiving instant gratification. I should think every woman he met was prepared to fall at his feet and worship.

I am not every woman.

I raised an eyebrow, then turned my back and started walking further down the hall away from the noisy revellers. It wasn't because I wanted more space between us and them, the proximity was as alluring as his cologne. It was simply to take back some control.

Oh, I'd undo the ties... when I was good and ready.

I knew he was behind me, I felt the heat of his gaze like a brand. I offered a sultry look over my shoulder and then swung my hips as I turned away. A door appeared on our right, inside was a large antique desk, bookshelves laden with old style leather bound tomes, filing cabinets with obvious locks, a big expanse of uncovered window, looking out over the back lawn of Gen and Dom's house. Photos of my best friend adorned the room; black and white and extremely provocative.

I hesitated on the threshold, felt singed by the heat from his chest as he stopped behind.

"Are you afraid of being caught?" he whispered in my ear, hot breath tickling the sensitive skin there.

"Dominic will have his office under surveillance," I pointed out, hating that my voice was already breathy. Needy.

"Yes," he murmured, but didn't suggest an alternate location, just waited to see how far I'd go.

Like a bull to a red rag I sucked in a determined lungful of air and stepped over into forbidden territory. His deep chuckle followed before he did.

"In the right hand corner," he said, his eyes focused on me and not the camera lens he'd just verbally located.

I stopped by the desk, leaning back against Dominic's side, as my companion slowly circled around me. I was in his sights. So close. Just there.

I shook my hair over my shoulder and peeked up at him from under my eyelashes. It was a demure look. I am in no way modest or shy. He already knows this. Discovered my wilder side the second time we met. Had the first not been in Sweet Seduction he probably would have called the animal in me out before then.

He stopped several feet away. The security camera was at his back. I had to twist slightly to face him. His arms were crossed over an expensive cream coloured, casual shirt. Untucked, hanging loose, hiding the erection I knew was there, inside his jeans. That dove-grey stared back at me, waiting.

I moved to face him, making the camera lens directly above his head. All he had to do was step forward and my body would have been blocked from ASI's sights.

He shifted. Almost pounced. My legs parted and he slipped between my thighs, lifting me up onto the desk's surface with two well placed palms beneath my butt cheeks. He pressed in close, chest to chest, groin to groin. I could feel the hard ridge of his arousal.

His eyes held mine captive.

I don't know if it was I who had been caught. Or him.

His hands rested on my hips, his breathing was ever so slightly erratic. He hides it well, but this close the feather-light breaths fluttered against my lips.

I licked them.

His eyes darted down, then without a sound he pressed his mouth to mine; teeth biting, tongue probing. My hands fisted in his hair and I pulled his head to the side, commanding the kiss. Taking control. He rocked his groin against mine, allowing me my moment of authority, then stealing it right from under me when his heated palm wrapped around my throat, under my chin, and tilted my head back. His lips and teeth grazed my jaw.

It's always a battle. Who leads. Who follows. Neither of us give up power easily.

"Undo my pants," he ordered against my throat. Offering a nip when I didn't move to follow his directive.

I arched my neck and back, offering more surface for him to devour. More reason for him to be distracted. Then when I was ready my hands smoothed over defined stomach muscles and swiftly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zip down.

He wasn't wearing underwear. But then neither was I. We'd both come here today knowing what would happen. My skirt was short, but full. Plenty of room for him to delve in and hide. I slid my hand inside his jeans and wrapped fingers around the largest erection I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I bit my lip to still the moan that wanted outside.

"Condom," he panted against the side of my neck, just beneath my ear. His tongue and teeth and lips hadn't stopped tasting me. "My left side pocket," he added, one hand fisting my hair, the other sweeping gentle fingers over my nipple through a loosened gap in my top. All of this obscured from the camera by his large frame.

I was too greedy to hesitate any longer, the condom was out of his pocket and rolled on his cock within seconds. And in three more he buried himself inside.

My head was thrown back and I made a sound. His palm covered my mouth, sealing the noise inside. He shifted his upper body to hide my delirious state from view, his hips offering small rocks that would have been difficult to determine on the security screens at ASI.

"Who do you think is watching?" he asked, when we settled into a gentle rhythm. Gentle is not how I wanted it, nor did he I think, but for now, right here on Dominic's desk, an ASI camera filming the entire wicked entanglement, gentle was damn fine.

"Eric, maybe."

"Eric is downstairs," he corrected. "Do you think he has his tablet computer with him, and is watching this remotely?" I groaned. He knew I got off on the thrill of a potential audience. "He could be showing someone. Brook?" His thrusts increased in force on each progressive name. "Koki?" A puff of air was pushed out my mouth as he pumped back in my core. "Jason?"

My cheeks flushed at the thought someone I knew well could have been seeing this. That fucking quandary making an appearance again. It was beyond exciting to think someone I couldn't picture was watching, but the more real he made it, the harder it was to let go.

He let a huff of laughter out as his hand slipped between our bodies, under my skirt. His thumb rubbed circles over my clit, his eyes centred on mine.

"The cameras," he whispered, ever more urgent swirls against my nub. "Forget them. Only see me."

My eyelids fluttered, sweat coating my skin in a delicious glow. He leaned down and licked up my throat, finishing off the movement with a hard kiss. Tongue so deep, teeth so sharp, lips like soft cushions.

I started to unravel, lights blinking colourfully behind my closed lids. I moaned and he swallowed the sound down, his movements so controlled and precise where we met, but increasing in tempo. He hadn't stopped thumbing my clit. I was so wet, so sensitive, so close.

"Say my name when you come," he ordered, and before I could object he pinched my little hungry nub.

," I breathed, the orgasm flowing through me, wiping everything else away, but him, his wicked fingers, his big hard cock, and his next words.

"My name!"

I wouldn't normally have given in so easily. I'm sure it was just because I was extra horny that night and the camera was rolling and people were downstairs through the still open door. It had nothing to do with it being him.

," I managed on a husky groan, as the world disappeared and his hips jerked, his breath whooshing out between his clenched teeth as he filled the condom and completely filled me.

Our respirations were all that we heard afterwards. Frantic, intimate.

Too much.

I pulled back, he opened those soft grey eyes and for a second I saw someone else other than Dominic's business partner: Andrew Kline. The K in ADK Lawyers & Associates. I saw... warmth and welcome and a depth of an emotion I would never name nor possess.

He straightened, adjusted himself, dealing with the condom with practised ease, and zipped his jeans back up.

One long meaningful look - which I refused to translate - and he smirked that lopsided grin, reached down to straighten my skirt, then stepped back.

A hand through his short dark hair was the only indication that he was ruffled.

"Until next time, Kelly," he said, voice husky with post-coital emotion, and then he simply walked out the door.

My eyes flicked up to the camera lens and noticed what my mind had chosen to ignore. No blinking red light. Not activated. He'd known, he'd just played the game because he knew it turned me on.

The music on the dance floor pounded in my head, shifting the memory of Drew and I at the last fortnightly Sunday barbecue at Gen and Dom's out of my mind. Sweaty bodies, happy, drunk people, and the feeling of being watched from the far side of the room.

I didn't look over there, I didn't need to know it was Drew. He'd been turning up at every one of my regular haunts for the past few weeks. Drawn to me like I was to him. It was a coincidence, he was with someone new every time. Business acquaintances, old friends, a cousin once. Different spots and different companions. But we always ended up at some point together.

Just knowing he was there made my heart race, my breathing pick up speed. Moisture to pool between my legs. Like Pavlov's fucking dogs, just one look at him and I was ready. Salivating, hungry, unable to focus on anything else but when he'd make his move.

But it wasn't that simple. I was always with someone when he appeared out of the blue like this.
On a date.

Did my body care? No.

Did the part of me that is huntress cringe at my desire to go to the hunter simply because he was there? No.

Was I ashamed he did this to me? Yes. Could I stop it? I was addicted to him, to the excitement and adventure he brought. To his devil-may-care attitude and, it had to be said, to his very large cock and what he so expertly did with it.

I fight it. Every single time. I fight it.

No one hunts Kelly Quayle.

I threw myself back into the music, dancing with one of my regular guys. Dan's a good dancer. He's also very attentive in bed. He can go down on me for an hour, if I let him.

But I was craving fast and furious. I was craving hallways and cupboards. The darkened alcove over behind the band's stage. I was craving heart in your throat, get caught any minute, illicit, hot, raunchy and debauched.

I flicked a glance involuntarily towards his seat. His gorgeous grey eyes locked on mine instantly and held me there.

It was too late. Dan would be going home alone again tonight.

Like a fucking puppet I made my excuses, offered a cheek-kiss but no more, and walked across the dance floor into the dark.

Knowing my dark prince would find me.

Knowing he'd hunted me and I'd let him run me down.

Knowing he'd sabotaged yet another date, yet another night, and made it his.

Drew Kline is Danger with a capital D. Deliciously dangerous and seductive. He is my drug.

I just don't know what I am to him. Prey or something else?

But I plan to find out. Kelly Quayle always wins.

Unfortunately, I think, so does Drew Kline.

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