Read Sweet Seduction Sacrifice Online

Authors: Nicola Claire

Sweet Seduction Sacrifice (40 page)

BOOK: Sweet Seduction Sacrifice
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"Gen, it'll be OK," Nick reaffirmed. I bit my bottom lip and scowled.

"Sweetheart," Dominic said, lifting his hand to release the lip from my teeth's grasp. "There's more to Nick than meets the eye."

"Hell, yes," Nick agreed on a bark of laughter. "Wait 'til you see me on the dance floor. Killer moves."

I stared at him for a moment and then caught the glint in his eye and the twitch of his lips.

"You dance?" I asked, deciding to play along.

"If the music's right, I have the moves," he said with a nod of his head.

"And this helps out with King, how?"

The smile faded and his face grew serious. "Most of what I do is on the cusp, Gen. Neither good nor bad, but to walk that line you have to have respect. And respect in the circles I am often dealing with, means getting your hands dirty when required. I've done my time, I've proven I'm not a push over. If I stake my name behind someone, then people will pay attention. I'm calling in on that respect and history now. Once King knows you afford ASI protection, he'll back down and find another way to get what he wants out of Elliott."

I did not like this, not one little bit. It sounded dangerous. It sounded like Nick was putting himself out in a way that could cause him or his business irreparable harm. And once again this was all happening because of my association with loser Brett. I felt guilty. I felt furious. I felt impotent. And I felt weak. And it would have been easy to let that all fall on my shoulders, to fully take the blame.

But Brett Elliott was the one who had started all of this, the first time he borrowed money to place a bet. I'd made a mistake trusting him. I'd loved the wrong man. But I'd got out, despite losses - both financially and emotionally - I'd been doing OK. Until he came back and decided I wasn't shot of him, that I was his and therefore would go down with him as well.

So, I was sick of blindly accepting that. Brett would get his comeuppance, and if I got the chance I would land a blow as well - I wasn't above seeking a little revenge for myself and Katie - but I was
going to take on the blame that was all Brett's ever again.

It was hard, asking favours of others that put them in harm's way. It was almost too hard, but Dominic must have sensed how close to the edge I was, because his gentle squeezes of my hand or shoulders, the light reassuring touch of his lips on my temple, his constant presence, helped me to accept the aid being offered, even as it tore me apart.

"Thanks," I said softly, swallowing several times to clear the lump out of my throat.

"You're family now, Gen. This is what we do for family," Nick said as though he'd never had that argument with Dominic in his house, questioning who I was to make Dominic choose
over his sister.

"I'm not really family," I insisted, because I'd thought it and my mouth decided to say it out loud.

Nick flicked a glance at Dominic's face and then settled his eyes back on me.

"I beg to differ."

Dominic just squeezed my shoulder, dipped his head down to kiss my temple, but didn't say a single word.

There was a knock on the door then, preventing me from pushing the issue any further, whether it was a good idea or not. Finn Drake's blond dishevelled haired head poked around the frame, a big smile on his handsome face.

"May I come in?" he asked, his big brown eyes crinkling in the corners. It was as though he perpetually smiled, but I knew differently, because he'd been serious and compassionate even when I'd been in his office. But in that second of seeing his smiling stubble cheeked face, it was as though that's all he'd ever be. Happy. Smiling. Simply stunning in a glorious joyful way.

"Of course," I said, perking up myself when that smile hit me with full force.

Dominic's arm snaked further around my neck, pulling me closer into the curve of his side. It was such an obviously possessive move, I turned my head to glare at him. He didn't look at me though, his eyes were all for Finn and the enormous bouquet of pink and white carnations and roses that he held in his hand.

"I see I'm being shown up here," Dominic muttered under his breath, but loud enough that I was sure everyone heard.

Which was proven correct when Nick said, "Bro, you gotta know chicks dig flowers. What were you thinking turning up here empty handed?"

Finn's smile grew wider, but with a decidedly mischievous lean.

"If you drop the ball, Dominic, I'm more than happy..." Finn said, sidling up to the end table and adding his bouquet to Nick's, but he didn't get to finish.

"Don't," Dominic growled. Just the one word, but clearly it spoke volumes.

Nick started chuckling in the corner, joined by Finn's rumble as well. Both of them having a laugh at Dominic's expense.

"Honey," I said softly, placing my hand on Dominic's stomach and nuzzling my face into the side of his neck, "they're teasing you," I pointed out softly, laying a lingering kiss on his skin to prove a point.

I might have thought it funny, but I'd back Dominic any day.

Dominic shifted to face me, his head tipping down to look me in the eyes. A hand came up and cupped my face.

"I like that," he whispered against my lips. "You calling me
. That can stay," he said barely audibly and then proceeded to kiss me long and deep - obviously to make his own point back.

Someone cleared their throat, I was thinking Finn, because Nick said, "They were doing this when I arrived and they've hardly stopped doing it since."

"I see," said Finn, but I was too busy being kissed senseless to look at his face to see if the expression matched the light tone of his voice. "Clearly, I never stood a chance. How depressing."

"Oh, I don't know, Finn, you haven't met Gen's best friend Kelly yet. Now there's a nice piece of..."

I broke from Dominic to almost shout, "Don't finish that sentence, Nick!" Then a little breathlessly, I added, "Anyway, she'd eat Finn alive."

"Really?" both Finn and Nick said in unison, then looked at each other and let a manly laugh out on a huff.

I shook my head, still aware that Dominic's face was nuzzling my neck and nibbling on my ear. I pushed ineffectually against his shoulders, but he was having none of that.

"Really," I said in answer to Nick and Finn. "She's way out of your leagues."

On that Nick burst out into raucous laughter. Swiftly followed by Finn. It was so astonishing to witness, two grown men giving themselves over to hilarity. I watched stunned for a moment and then Dominic's head came up and he sighed, clearly put out that I wasn't ignoring the clowns in the corner and concentrating on him instead.

"Both Finn and Nick are quite capable of handling your Kelly, sweetheart," he pointed out and my head swung towards him.

I snorted. "Yeah, right."

"This'll be fun," Dominic muttered.

"The challenge is set," Finn announced.

"Time frame?" Nick asked casually.

"One month," came Finn's reply.

"What, you don't think you can manage it in seven days?" Nick asked as though incredulous.

"Not if you intend to do it properly," Finn shot back, throwing himself into the blue vinyl recliner.

"OK," Nick said slowly, my head going back and forth between the two, stunned, "parameters then?"

"Three dates, second base," Finn replied making my jaw drop open and Dominic make that cough-which-could-have-been-a-laugh sound at my side.

"Five dates and third base, with options for fourth clearly visible."

Finn seemed to think about that for a second. "It'll take longer than a week," he finally declared.

"Then you forfeit," Nick said on a shrug.

Finn ran a long fingered hand across his stubbled jaw. "All right one week."

"One week. Deal."


"What the fuck?" I finally found my voice and all three men around me started in on the raucous laughter again. "Oh, you're joking," I said relieved. Even Kelly would have a challenge on her hands if these two went after her.

Dominic pulled me closer to him and then kissed the side of my head, on my temple. His head was shaking from side to side, as though he was arguing my point.

"They are joking, aren’t they?" I whispered in his ear.

"We'll see," was all he offered in reply. I bit my bottom lip and gave each man in the room a solid three second glare.

"Genevieve," Finn said in a serious voice all of a sudden, effectively shutting down the merriment. "Your separation has been finalised."

"What?" I said ineloquently, my jaw once again hanging open. Dominic shifted beside me, bringing my body snug against his so I could face Finn, but was still firmly within Dominic's arms. My back was flush against his side and chest, his hand was holding my hip gently, arm across my waist. His face rested into the curve of my neck, over my shoulder, hot breath washing my cheek.

It was nice, really nice. And clearly done on purpose to help calm me and settle me, so I could face whatever Finn was about to say.

Finn crossed one leg over his other, ankle to knee, a very masculine, but relaxed pose, as though he wasn't discussing my life as I knew it. And Brett's involvement in it.

"A judge has signed off on the papers," he said softly, his friendly eyes directly on mine. "Due to Elliott's recent criminal behaviour and the danger he has presented to you, the judge has granted you indemnity from any and all claims Elliott could place on you legally. In other words, Sweet Seduction is safe. Your assets and savings are safe. Financially he can't touch you. Legally he has no option but to walk away."

Oh. My. God. I swallowed, watched his face soften further, and then embarrassingly burst into tears, hands covering my face.

Dominic acted swiftly, turning my entire body to face his, wrapping me up in his strong arms and pressing my cheek to his chest.

"We'll leave you to it," I heard Nick say softly.

"I'm sorry," Finn said. "Had I known she'd take it this badly, I wouldn't have announced it that way."

Dominic spoke over my sobbing head.

"This isn't badly," he announced. "She's relieved." How the hell he knew that, I couldn't begin to fathom. He'd known me only a week and already he had my number.

relieved. I was so fucking relieved all I could do was cry.

Sweet Seduction was safe. Brett was officially - well at least legally - out of my life. I was free.

I sucked in a breath at that thought, a hitched sobbing sound escaping my throat as I did it. Dominic's arms tightened around me, but I didn't hear a peep out of Nick or Finn. By the time I stopped crying and lifted my face, they had gone.

Dominic brushed his thumbs over my damp cheeks, swiping at my fallen tears.

"All cried out?" he asked, sweetly I thought. I nodded. "Hungry?" he added and I realised I was, famished. I nodded again. He reached inside his jacket pocket and quickly texted someone. "Kelly and Katie should be here soon, they'll pick you up something from the shop."

"Is the shop open?" I asked, surprised it was, as the last time I knew, I still had no glass front. But then again, I'd been out of it for two whole days.

"Opened on Wednesday, Katie's been helping out Kelly while you're laid flat."

Oh my God. That was so cool.

"That's so cool," My mouth said on my behalf. And then I starting to sing in my head
Sweet Seduction's open, Sweet Seduction's open, Sweet Seduction's open

I smiled wholeheartedly up at him, his lips twitched and then his eyes softened and then he was kissing me again, no holds barred, his entire body along for the ride, mine being swept up in the tidal wave that is Dominic, sexiest name and smile, god-like, dream-like, Anscombe.

"Wow," I whispered when he finally pulled away and looked down at me, just as breathless as me.

"Wow," he whispered back. "Can't wait for tomorrow," he added.


"When I get you back in my bed." Something must have shown on my face, I mean I was still achy all over, both wrists wrapped, face swollen, shoulder stiff and hip and side killing me when I lay down the wrong way. "Not that I plan on doing anything other than looking at you, of course," he quickly promised.

I giggled. "Yeah, sure."

"Really!" he said crossing his heart.

I laughed harder still. In short time he joined me, both of us curled into each other laughing ourselves stupid. At that point my parents walked in.

"Ah, see you've been going for laughter therapy," Dad said with a wink in my direction. Mum just gaped at Dominic laughing. Yeah, I got it. He looked utterly divine when he let himself go. "We've got you a sandwich and a coffee from downstairs. I'm afraid the choice is pretty limited this time of day," Dad added.

"I'll skip the coffee, Kelly and Katie are bringing me one, but I'll take the sandwich," I replied keen to fill my belly. Dad handed it over and I happily tucked right in, ham and salad, and it wasn't even wilted. Score.

BOOK: Sweet Seduction Sacrifice
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