Sweet Temptation (4 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

BOOK: Sweet Temptation
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ngelina woke with a strong sense of purpose. She dressed and was out of the hotel early, just as the sun crept over the horizon. Determined to get her job situation squared away as soon as possible, she hit the cafés in walking distance of the hotel, and at the third she scored a job as a waitress. The manager generously offered to let her work for tips only, and she could take what she earned home in cash each night.

It wasn’t ideal, but it could be a lot worse. She was friendly and outgoing, and she wasn’t afraid of hard work. After arranging her schedule, she went back to the hotel and dialed Damon Roche’s number at The House. One of his employees said he wasn’t in but he was expected within the hour. She hung up and collected her keys. By the time she got over there, she wouldn’t have long to wait.

She took her time, stopping at a drive-thru for breakfast. When she drove up the winding paved drive of The House, an hour had passed. Hopefully Damon would be in by now. She wanted to smooth any ruffled feathers and figure out where she stood.

While her cursory investigation into Micah’s life in Houston had revealed his membership at The House, she hadn’t realized he and Damon were friends. She’d be lucky if she was ever allowed back in again. Micah had probably already screeched at Damon beyond his explosion the night before.

She parked close to the entrance, noting that there were only two other cars in the designated parking area, one of which was a slick-looking BMW. Damon’s? She hoped so.

She got out and strode to the door to ring the bell. Within a few seconds, the door opened, and she was greeted by a plain-faced gentleman who peered inquisitively at her.

“I’m here to see Damon Roche,” she said

“Do you have an appointment?”

She blinked. “Um, well, no. I called earlier and was told he’d be in. Can you tell him Angelina Moyano would like to talk to him?”

He gestured for her to come inside, and she followed him into a luxurious sitting room.

“I’ll see if Mr. Roche is willing to meet with you,” he said politely.

She nodded and sank onto the sumptuous leather couch. She studied the room while he was gone, taking in the tasteful decor. Everything about The House spoke of refinement and elegance. No matter what went on behind closed doors, there was a distinct air of class. It was hard to feel cheap or tawdry in such a place, and maybe that was the point.

“Angelina,” Damon said as he strode through the doorway. He stopped in front of her, his expression inquiring. “You wished to speak with me?”

She rose to stand before him, warming to the spark of authority in his voice. This too was a man well used to being in charge.

“Yes, please,” she said, trying to keep the uncertainty from her voice.

He held a hand out to touch her arm. “Come into my office. Would you like coffee or juice?”

She shook her head and followed him down the hall and into a spacious office that oozed raw masculinity.

“Have a seat,” he said as he walked around the desk to his chair. He sat and leaned back, studying her with his deep brown eyes. A wide, gold band circled his ring finger, surprising her. Why, she wasn’t sure, but the idea that he had a wife seemed odd. Did she mind his ownership of a place where sex was as common as drinking water?

“What can I do for you, Angelina?”

She grimaced, twisting her mouth into a rueful smile. “I wanted to know if my membership was still valid.”

His fingers formed a triangle, the tips coming together to rest against his bottom lip as he continued to stare levelly at her. “Is there any reason it shouldn’t be?”

“Let’s not pretend you aren’t friends with Micah. Guy’s code and all that. I’ve witnessed the biggest boys club in the world when my brother and Micah were on the police force.”

“Yes, we’re friends.”

“Are you pissed that I withheld that I knew him during my application process?”

Damon sighed. “What are you really asking, Angelina? If you want to know if Micah has demanded I bar you from the premises—one, he doesn’t have the right to demand anything, friendship notwithstanding. And two, I haven’t heard a word from him since last night.”

“Then I’m welcome here?”

Damon nodded.

She started to rise, but something in his expression stopped her.

“Can I ask you something, Angelina? It’s strictly personal, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to answer. It won’t affect your standing here. But as I stated, Micah and I are friends. He’s told me about David and Hannah.”

Her eyes widened in surprise.

“Yes, I know,” he said quietly. “Why are you here? I’ve never seen Micah anything but in control, and last night you managed to completely unhinge him. I can’t help but think it was intentional on your part.”

Slowly she nodded.

His eyes narrowed angrily. “What game are you playing? I don’t want him hurt.”

“Neither do I,” she said evenly. “I’m the last person who would ever hurt him.”

One eyebrow rose, and understanding fired in his eyes. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

She raised her hands palms up. “That’s the million-dollar question,” she murmured. “I can give Micah what he needs. I understand him better than anyone else.”

“But does he understand you?” he asked gently.

Her lips tightened. “He doesn’t see me. He doesn’t know me. But he will. He will.”

Damon studied her another moment. “Are you okay, Angelina? Is there anything you need? Are you here in Houston permanently or will you be going back to Miami?”

“I’m fine,” she said quietly. “And there’s nothing left in Miami for me. Everything I want, I need, is here.”

“I see. Then I wish you well, and I’d ask that if there’s something you need, to come to me. Micah can be hard, as I’m sure you well know. You have a difficult task in front of you. I don’t want to see you—or him—hurt.”

She held on to her smile, willing it not to fall as she rose. She hadn’t allowed any doubt to creep in and take hold, and by God she wouldn’t do it now.

“Thank you,” she said sincerely. “It’s always nice to know there are people I can count on. You can never have enough of those.”

Micah stalked into Malone and Sons Security and grunted an acknowledgment at Connor as he passed him in the hallway. Usually he’d amble into Faith’s office, where everyone gathered for coffee in the mornings, but today he wasn’t fit company for a viper, much less people he cared about.

Once in his office, he closed the door and paced back and forth in front of the window. He stopped to stare broodingly out the blinds, his mind about to blow.

Where the fuck was she? Where had she come from? And why the hell had he let her just walk out of his apartment? Of all the stupid stunts he’d pulled, this one had to take the cake.

She’d knocked him so hard on his ass that he hadn’t found out even the most basic information. Like where she was staying. Was she here visiting? Was she thinking of moving? Whoa. And then there was the fact that she’d come on to him like a tornado.

Okay, so maybe she hadn’t exactly come on to him. Technically he’d made the moves, but she damn sure hadn’t done anything to stop him. And that was what was burning a hole in his head this morning.


He hadn’t mistaken her responsiveness. She’d given herself to him as sweetly as any woman ever had. She’d gone quiet and supple underneath his touch. She’d taken everything he’d given and would have given him more. A whole lot more.

Seeing her had been a big enough surprise. Seeing her naked with his marks on her body had been a huge what-the-fuck moment.

He wearily ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes. He hadn’t slept—how could he? Angelina was here. With her she’d brought back a lot of memories that he’d purposely left behind in Miami. Even though he went back each year, every time he left it all behind and took none of his baggage back to Houston. He liked it that way. It was how he dealt with it all.

Only now his past was staring him straight in the face in the form of a challenge he had no inkling of. What did she want from him?

The idea of her being in Houston—young and alone—burned a hole in his gut. David had always been hugely protective of her. They’d lost their parents when Angelina was a kid and David was barely out of high school. David had been brother, mother and father to her, and later Hannah had taken on the role of mother figure even though only five years separated the girls in age.

Girl. Hell. Angelina was no girl now. He only wished he didn’t have firsthand knowledge of that fact.

He frowned. David and Hannah had taken an almost parental view of Angelina. Well, maybe not parental as much as they both viewed her as a younger sibling. How had he seen her? It had appalled him that he was seeing David’s sister. Naked. Touching her. Kissing her. But he’d never looked at her as his sister.

Beautiful young girl. Yes. Too young for him. At the time. Sixteen to his twenty-eight. But now she was twenty-three and the age difference didn’t seem as vast.

“Jesus Christ, are you actually trying to rationalize this?”

Now he was talking to himself. Just great.

First things first. He had to put aside the dissection of what had happened. He needed to forget it had happened and focus on the important details. Like where she was and if she needed help.

His door opened, and he turned to see Nathan Tucker stick his head in.

“Hey man, Pop is here and is ready to start the morning meeting. You in?”

Nathan looked curiously at him, and Micah didn’t blame him. Usually Micah was the first one to saunter into Faith’s office, offer a kiss, snag some coffee and preferably the first donut.

He gave a short nod. “I’m coming.”

Nathan retreated but left the door open. Thinking he might as well get it over with, Micah followed him down to Faith’s office.

He didn’t miss the curious stares thrown his way as he walked in and took a position against the wall beside Faith’s desk.

“Morning,” Faith said with a smile.

He softened, despite his dour mood, and returned her smile. “Morning, baby doll.”

Though her gaze was inquisitive, she didn’t say anything. He shot her a look of gratitude.

“Well if we’re all here now, can we get this show on the road?” Pop’s grizzled voice rose in the otherwise quiet room, and he stared pointedly at Micah as he spoke.

Micah listened halfheartedly to the division of jobs and duties. He was too busy thinking about Angelina and how the fuck he was going to find her. How stupid of him was it to just let her go without knowing a thing about her circumstances?

He almost raised his fingers and snapped them as it occurred to him that Damon might know. Of course. She had to have undergone a rigorous screening before she was given membership to The House.

“Don’t let us keep you,” Pop said dryly.

Micah blinked and snapped his attention back to the older man. Connor, Gray and Nathan were all staring at him with open curiosity. Fairh’s look was more sympathetic, while Pop’s eyes were full of amusement.

“Late night, son?” Pop asked.

Micah grunted. “No. Yes. Sorta.”

“Well hell, make up your mind. Preferably on the way to the job.” Pop thrust an invoice toward Micah. “You’re on your own today and it looks like that’s probably a good thing. Don’t look much like decent company if you ask me.”

Micah bit back the obscenities he wanted to blister the world with and took the paper. With a glance in Fairh’s direction and a quick wave, he started after the others.

In the hallway, Nathan hung back until Micah caught up with him.

“Hey, man, everything okay with you?”

“Yeah. Fine.”

Nathan shrugged, and the two exited the office building into the parking lot.

“Want me to ride along with you?” Nathan offered. “I’ve finished up my job, so I’m pretty free this morning.”

Micah paused at his truck. “I appreciate the offer, but as Pop said, I’m not decent company.”

He glanced down at the invoice. Simple installation. Shouldn’t take but two hours tops, and Nathan would still have time to spend the rest of the day with his girl Julie if he wanted.

“Hey, would you do me a favor and take this job? There’s something I need to do.”

Nathan’s eyebrow went up in surprise. “Uh, well, okay. I can do that.”

“Thanks. I wouldn’t ask, but it’s important.”

Nathan took the piece of paper Micah extended toward him and hesitated. “Everything okay with you?”

“Yeah. Fine. Just something I have to take care of.”

Nathan nodded, folded the sheet and headed toward his truck.

Micah climbed into his own truck and pulled out his cell. It was nice to have friends. Good friends who’d do anything for you and not ask questions. He’d had that kind of friendship with David, and he’d been lucky enough to find it again with the guys he worked with at Malone and Sons.

As he drove out of the parking lot, he hit Damon’s private number on speed dial.

“Where are you?” he asked bluntly when Damon answered.

“I’m heading to my downtown office,” Damon replied. “Is something wrong?”

“I’ll meet you there in half an hour,” Micah said and closed his phone.

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