Sweet Topping CV3 (6 page)

Read Sweet Topping CV3 Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #erotic romance eBook, #Erotic Romance eBooks; Erotica; Total-e-bound eBooks; Romantica; Books; Romance; ISBN#978-1-906328-87-0

BOOK: Sweet Topping CV3
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“Meaning what? You’re afraid of hard work?”

“No, Cattle Valley doesn’t have what I’d need. Which means I’d have to either move to Sheridan or go back to Irvine.”

Kyle blew out a breath. He’d been over this every day in his mind since he’d talked to the doctors. “For the first time in my life, I have something real. At first it was the bakery, but now it’s Gill. It could take months or years to get me on my feet again. Gill’s here now. How long do you think he’d wait? I can’t risk it.” Looking frustrated, Nate buried his fingers in his hair. “Okay, let me get this straight.

You’re worried about your handicap getting in the way of your relationship with Gill. But in the meantime, you won’t do what it takes for you to walk again, because Gill might forget about you? That’s fucked-up, Kyle.”

“Yeah, I know. Welcome to my fucked-up world.” After a short nap, Kyle decided to go over to the garage instead of waiting for Gill to pick him up. It was only fair since Gill had watched him work earlier in the day.

Wheeling his way to the front door of the station, Kyle stopped. “What in the world?” He looked at the brand new door and shook his head. Pushing the handicapped button, the doors opened automatically.

Gliding easily through the wide entrance, Kyle went in search of Gill. “Hey, anybody here?”

Gill slid out from under a car. “Hey, baby.”

“What’s with the new door?” Kyle asked, wheeling over to Gill. “And why are you scrunched up under that car instead of putting it on the hydraulic lift?”

“Sometimes the old fashioned way of working on a car is easier. I may not have as much room to move around, but my neck doesn’t get a crick in it either. As far as the new SWEET TOPPING

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door? Well, my eyes have been opened thanks to you. I hadn’t given a thought to how hard a normal glass door is to open for someone wheelchair bound.” Gill gave Kyle a wink and a quick kiss. “Besides, I hoped my number one fella would visit me more if I made his access easier.”

“Well, thanks. I appreciate it. Even though I’m the only wheelchair bound citizen of Cattle Valley.”

Gill shrugged and went to the sink to wash his hands. “I can be ready in about twenty minutes. I just need to go over the day’s receipts and close up.”

“No hurry. I was hoping to watch you work.” Kyle went over to the sink. “Besides, your ass looks great in those coveralls. A hell of a lot better than mine did on Halloween.” Chuckling, Gill looked behind him and ran a hand over his ass. “Really? You think so?” A groan escaped Kyle’s mouth. “I know so.” Trying to keep his earlier conversation with Nate in mind, Kyle ran a hand over Gill’s ass. “Nice.” Gill’s eyes grew huge as he quickly stepped away from Kyle’s touch. Feeling dejected, Kyle lowered his hand and head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Gill sighed. “You did, but not for the reason you think.” He turned around and Kyle was pleased to see the huge tent that had appeared in the front of Gill’s coveralls.

“I did that? Just by touching your ass?” Kyle was amazed.

“Lately every time you touch me this is the result. My jeans help hold me in, but I’ve only got on long-underwear under these.”

Without thought, Kyle leaned forward in his chair and nuzzled the erection trapped behind the greasy material. He felt Gill’s length and girth against his cheek and moaned.

Reaching up, he started unbuttoning the coveralls. “Can I taste you?” Gill’s cock grew against Kyle’s cheek. “Just a minute.” Gill practically ran to the office.

Kyle blinked in surprise at the sudden departure until he heard the lock on the door.

Several moments later, Gill was back with an envelope in his hand.

“I hope you don’t think I was being presumptuous but I got tested.” He handed the envelope to Kyle. “I’m clean, but you deserve to see for yourself.” Kyle’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “I was beginning to think you didn’t want a real sexual relationship with me.”


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“What? Are you nuts? I was trying to give you time to get comfortable around me. I want the first time to be special, not mired by doubts and worries.” Gill sunk to his knees in front of Kyle.

“I’m falling in love. Right now, taking care of my heart is a lot more important than my cock.”

Gill ran his hands over Kyle’s chest down his torso to his groin. “I love your body, baby, all of it. I think I know your fears. I know you worry about your occasional incontinence issues and your legs being thinner than they used to be, but none of those things matter to me.”

Kyle felt a drop of moisture trickle down his cheek. Gill wasted no time in kissing the lone tear away. “I love you, Gill.”

“Thank you. A man couldn’t ask for more.”

Gill took a rag out of his pocket and rubbed Kyle’s nose and chin. “You’ve got grease all over your face from my coveralls.”

Kyle grinned. “It was worth it.”

“Yeah, it was. I’m going to go in and throw the receipts in a bag. I’ll figure them out later. Right now I want to get you home with me.”

“I could go for that. I can’t wait to see this wide couch of yours.”

“I think you’ll enjoy the king size bed even more,” Gill said with a wink.


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Chapter Six

Kyle knew he was taking too long, but certain cleansing preparations couldn’t be rushed. The last thing he wanted was an embarrassing moment while in bed with Gill for the first time. It was all new territory for him, and Kyle didn’t quite know what to expect.

In the old days he wouldn’t have bothered to wash his hands let alone everything else.

Kyle liked to think with his newfound self, he could be a more considerate lover. He knew Gill was sacrificing a lot to be with him and the last thing he wanted was to become a disappointment.

With his body as clean as a whistle, Kyle put away his supplies and looked at himself in the mirror. “Just relax,” he said to his reflection. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and wheeled into the bedroom.

Gill was stretched out under the covers, chest exposed to Kyle’s hungry gaze. He felt momentarily silly for merely draping a towel across his lap after his shower, until he spotted the heated expression on Gill’s face.

With a swish of the hand, Gill opened the blankets to receive him. “All done?” Gill asked.

“Yeah. Sorry it took so long.” Locking his chair, Kyle used his upper body strength to get into bed. The hardest part was trying to figure out how and where to position his lower body.

“Just lie back and I’ll take care of the rest,” Gill said, reading his mind.

Removing the towel, Kyle fell back against the mattress. “I’m nervous,” he admitted.

Gill rolled to his side and covered Kyle’s exposed body up to his waist. “Don’t be nervous, baby. I just want to touch you. I won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable, okay?”

Kyle nodded, trying to relax.

“Put your arms over your head so I can take full advantage of this beautiful chest.” Gill’s palms skimmed over his well-developed chest muscles.


“One advantage to being in the chair,” Kyle stammered.


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The feel of Gill’s hand drawing circles around his nipples sent a shiver through him.

Why did Gill’s hands feel so much better on his skin than his own?

Kyle was further surprised when Gill buried his face in his armpit. He jumped a little when he felt teeth scrape across his skin.

“I like that you’re trimmed here,” Gill said, nipping and kissing the area under his arm.

Embarrassed, Kyle shrugged. “It’s practical. I exert a lot of energy just getting around so I sweat a lot. With the hair trimmed, I save on deodorant.” Gill started laughing. “You tell yourself whatever you need to, baby.” Gill smoothed his hand down Kyle’s hairless chest and under the covers. He touched Kyle’s hairless groin.

“How much deodorant do you save shaving this?” Kyle could feel his face turn bright red. “Believe it or not, I do spray deodorant down there. When you’re sitting all day, the last thing you want is a sweaty crotch.” Gill released the skin of Kyle’s armpit and looked him in the eyes. “I never thought of that.”

“You wouldn’t have any need to.”

Nodding, Gill attached his mouth to Kyle’s nipple.
Oh fuck.
The pleasure was unbelievable. Kyle’s body longed to thrust up against Gill. “So good,” he moaned smoothing his hands over Gill’s bald head. The rough texture of Gill’s beard added to Kyle’s enjoyment and he was happy he’d talked his man out of shaving it off. He knew Gill was concerned about irritating his skin, but the rasp of whiskers only added to the sensation.

Wanting to give some of the pleasure he was receiving back, Kyle ran his nails down Gill’s back. “Let me taste you.”

Gill’s mouth popped off his nipple. “You sure? Because I’m more than fine right where I am.”

“I’m sure that I’ve longed to have a look at that big cock of yours. Now gimmee.” Oh, look at him being all bold and slutty.

Pushing back the covers, Gill sat up on his knees. “How do you want me?”

“Anyway I can get you, but let me look my fill first.” Kyle studied the dark brown cock in front of him. Damn. His mouth began to water as he reached out and wrapped his hand around Gill’s girth. “Fantastic.”

He gave Gill’s cock a couple of strokes, grinning at the growls that vibrated through the bedroom. “Straddle my face,” Kyle said when he couldn’t take the temptation any more.


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“I have a better idea,” Gill said. He turned around and climbed over the top of Kyle into the proverbial sixty-nine position.

Kyle suddenly felt uncomfortable. “Gill?”

A hand wrapped around his cock. “Yeah,” Gill finally answered. “You’ve got a beautiful cock, baby.”

“Yeah, about that…”

“Stop worrying. I just want to play. I know you don’t have as much control as you used to. If you get hard, great, but if not, I’ll still get to play.” Kyle took a deep breath. “Okay,” he whispered. Hell, at least he’d emptied his bladder while in the bathroom so hopefully he didn’t have to worry about that.

Turning his attention to the fat cock nudging his chin, Kyle wrapped his hand around it. Damn, Gill had big heavy balls. He decided to start with them before asking Gill to scoot down a little more. Licking the wrinkled skin, he inhaled Gill’s musky smell before taking one of the big nuts into his mouth.

The pressure around his own cock increased as Gill moaned. Kyle wished he could tell if his cock was hard. It felt like it was or at least should be, but his body didn’t always cooperate with what it felt.

After laving and sucking Gill’s sac, Kyle nudged his hip and chuckled. “I can’t reach your cock without being smothered by these balls,” he joked.

“Sorry,” Gill said and moved closer to the head of the bed.

“No need to be sorry, I quite enjoyed my time spent with your balls.” Gill slapped Kyle on the side of the leg. “You’re certainly cheeky all of the sudden.”

“I know,” Kyle stated proudly. “Kind of nice for a change. I guess it means I’m feeling more comfortable.”

Gill gripped his cock tighter and nipped the skin at the base of his penis. “Good, because I want you to be completely open to me.”

“In that case, why don’t you turn around and let me give you a proper blow-job.” Moving, Gill sat beside Kyle. “I’m sorry, weren’t you enjoying it?”

“It’s not that. I just can’t tell whether I’m getting it up or not, and I’m spending so much time thinking about it, I can’t concentrate on you.” Kyle ran his hand down Gill’s solid length. “And I so want to do this cock justice.” SWEET TOPPING

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“Okay, one at a time.” Gill leaned over and kissed Kyle before straddling him again.

The kiss was deep and long, with Gill playfully biting at Kyle’s tongue. “I love the way you kiss.”

“Mmm,” Kyle moaned. “You can have all the kisses you want any time you want them.”

“I’ll remember that,” Gill chuckled.

“Help me sit up against the headboard.”

With a nod, Gill gripped Kyle under his arms and lifted him effortlessly up the bed and into a sitting position. After taking one more kiss, Gill stood and straddled Kyle.

Taking the big cock in his fist, Kyle rubbed it against his cheek before slapping himself with it a couple of times. Looking up into Gill’s eyes, he licked the cock from base to crown, eliciting a moan from his lover. “Like that?”

“More,” Gill ground out between clenched teeth.

Taking as much as he could into his mouth, Kyle sucked hard while squeezing the root in a tight fisted grip.

“Kyle!” Gill yelled in warning.

Smiling to himself, Kyle bobbed up and down the length of Gill’s cock, setting his hand to the same rhythm.

Gill’s hips started to snap towards his face, his big man losing the control he’d been so proud of.

Soon, Gill’s hands were buried in his hair and he was all out fucking Kyle’s mouth.

“Gonna,” he howled seconds before the first thick rope of cum hit the back of Kyle’s throat.

Kyle couldn’t keep from moaning as Gill emptied his seed, whispering words of love and encouragement.

After Kyle had Gill cleaned, Gill slid down to sit on Kyle’s lap. Gill’s eyes went wide as he reached under his ass. “Baby? Someone’s still hard and it’s not me.”

“Really?” Kyle was ecstatic.

Gill’s eyebrows bounced up and down. “Want me to ride you?” Shocked, Kyle stared at Gill. “I thought you’d never…”

“I haven’t, but I would with you.”

Kyle knew from previous conversations that Gill had never allowed anyone to top him.

The fact that he was willing to with Kyle made the sentiment all the more meaningful.


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Surprising even himself, Kyle shook his head. “I don’t think it will last long enough.

Besides, I’d just like to relish the fact that it happened at all. Maybe we could just sit and stare at it until it goes away?”

Gill started laughing and gave Kyle a kiss. He snuggled down beside him and rested his head on Kyle’s hip. You think if we watch it long enough it’ll do tricks?” Kyle snorted. “You have no idea that my cock getting hard is a trick. I’ve pulled on that damn thing for hours before without getting this result.” He ran his hand across the top of Gill’s shiny head. “It must have something to do with the company.”

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