Sweeter Than Wine (11 page)

Read Sweeter Than Wine Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Leopard Men, #Erotic Stories, #Supernatural, #Abused Women

BOOK: Sweeter Than Wine
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Sebastian kissed her, right there in front of everyone. A wolf whistle finally penetrated the sensual fog that surrounded them, and he lifted his head with a rueful grin.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Sebastian.”

“Knock it off, you two. We’ve still got work to do.”
Matt’s teasing voice sounded through their connection.

She turned back around, heat staining her cheeks red with embarrassment, but the men seemed to have gone on without them. Sebastian held her around the waist, her back to his chest, his chin resting on top of her head as she tried to follow the conversation.

“When will she be ready?” Atticus was asking Hiro.

Hiro shrugged. “A week, maybe less.”

That soon? Christy couldn’t believe she’d be ready for anything in so short a time, but she trusted Hiro to know his business better than she did.

“That gives us plenty of time to plan this out.” Cameron nodded as he turned to the others. “Will you keep up surveillance on Steel and this Mario character?”

Hastings nodded. “I have agents on it right now, but this pair is hard to track. Now that we know there’s a mage involved, I can guess why. Do you have anything we can use to help dispel the mage’s influence?”




Cameron thought about that for a moment. “Perhaps,” he finally answered. “I’ll work on something tomorrow and stop by your office later in the day, if that’s all right. I need to consult with a friend who knows this kind of magic better than I before attempting the spell.”

Hastings nodded. “That works for me.”

“And you can send the surveillance bills to me,” Sebastian said, drawing their attention. “You and your team deserve just compensation for your efforts, and it’s our little problem that drew you into this, so it’s only fair I pay you for your time.”

Hastings seemed to take Sebastian’s measure for a moment before replying. “I’ve heard good things about you from Matt, though I’ll be honest, I’ve never dealt much with your kind. Now that I’ve met you, and now that I know who and what we’re dealing with, I’ll do the job for free. Our current Lords have sent down directives about this kind of thing. They’ve impressed upon us how very real the
threat is. They even warned that we might have to work across species to solve this problem. I wasn’t crazy about the idea, but I can see the advantages. I’ll work with you on this. No questions. No bill either.”

“Very gracious of you, Mr. Hastings. Nevertheless,” Marc said, taking the floor,

“your company will receive some compensation for the time you put in on this. If not by Sebastian, then by me and my organization. We have the economic resources you do not, but you have the manpower and the ability to track these mortals during the hours of daylight, both of which are very valuable to us. As Master of this region, I thank you for your willingness to assist.”

“Now then,” Cameron brought them back to the plan, “we have about a week to set this up. When we’re ready to go, we’ll have Lady Christina well guarded as she confronts her husband. Chances are, nothing will come of the initial meeting, unless we’re extremely lucky.” Christy’s stomach clenched at the idea of facing Jeff, but these amazing beings would back her up, and Sebastian was with her, in her very soul. She’d be okay. She had to do this.



“More than likely,” Cameron continued, making notes on a pad as he spoke, “Jeff Kinsey will contact Steel or Mario shortly after Lady Christina leaves his presence.”

“Why does he call me that?”
she wondered silently.

“Because he first knew me as a British Lord and you are my mate. In his mind, you
are therefore my lady.”
Sebastian’s calm voice answered her idle thought. His voice felt like a soft caress through her mind.

“Should I be calling you my lord?”

“Only under very special circumstances.”
The scandalous image he sent to her mind made her heat rise to her cheeks.

“Oh, you are wicked…my lord.”

“Would you guys save that for later?”
Matt groused.
“Or are you purposely trying
to give me a woody I can’t explain, in front of all these old dudes?”

Christy had to camouflage her laughter by faking a cough, but Sebastian was much more in control.

“I’m going with Christina when she confronts Kinsey,” Sebastian spoke, his voice rumbling against her back.

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Cameron asked. “Your presence will take any doubt out of their minds that she’s still mortal.”

“I know, but I want to be there. I have to be there.”

“But I thought you wanted me to do this on my own?” She turned, breaking free of his light hold.

“I want you to confront your past, but I never said you had to do it all by yourself.

I’m your mate now, Christina. Where you go, I go. You’ll confront Jeff, but I’ll stand beside you every step of the way.”

She shook her head. “I love you, but you don’t know Jeff. If you come with me, it’ll drive him to violence.”

A spark entered Sebastian’s eyes. “Let him try.”




Christy laughed. It was a strange reaction, but she almost felt sorry for Jeff, with this amazing being wanting to tear him apart. Poor Jeff. He didn’t have a clue just who—or what—he’d angered.

“Perhaps putting Sebastian out there will work to our advantage,” Hastings said from the sidelines. “For one thing, he can help protect his mate if things turn ugly. For another, he’ll serve as a focus for the
. If she goes on her own, the mage will keep a sharp eye out, looking for her maker. If he’s with her, the mage might relax his guard, not expecting any further threat.”

“Good point.” Cameron wrote on his pad. “All right, laddie. You’ll go with your lady. We’ll back you up.”

They talked a little more after that, but the majority of the points had been covered.

Sebastian sent Christy off with Hiro to begin training while he dealt with the other men.

It was a few hours, after a vigorous workout with Hiro, before Christy saw Sebastian again, but he’d been there, in the back of her mind all along. His existence in her mind was comforting, even when he wasn’t an active presence. Just knowing they were connected on such an intimate level made her feel more secure than she’d ever felt in her life.



Chapter Seven

Sebastian was careful to shield Christina from the rest of the meeting while he laid down the law to every man present. He would brook no argument when it came to the safety of his mate. They discussed the very real dangers to her, both from her mortal husband and the potential threats from
Altor Custodis

When everyone else left, Sebastian and Matt headed for the
. There they spent a few enjoyable hours sparring, practicing and alternately teaching, testing and teasing Christina. The men had spent many evenings training together, but having Christina there made it more special. She brought life and happiness to the entire room. Even Hiro was lighter of spirit for her presence.

Christina left the
first, excused while the men practiced a few things that were beyond her abilities, and would be for some time. There were some limitations after all, to the acceleration the
blood had given her. Not many, but enough to make the moves the men practiced well outside her abilities—at least for a while yet.

By the time they finished, all three men were sweating, but they each wore pleased expressions on their faces. Hiro left first, heading for his home, which wasn’t far.

“Are you staying today?” Sebastian asked Matt as he wiped his face with a towel.

Matt nodded, snagging his own towel. “Yeah, I thought I’d stick around, if that’s okay.”

“You know you’re always welcome here, my friend.”

“Well, I thought

until we’re sure what’s going on with Kinsey and Steel

I’d keep an eye out.”

“Your vigilance is much appreciated. I’m not comfortable with recent developments.”

“I figured as much. I’ve got that itchy feeling at the scruff of my neck and it’s got me worried.”




Sebastian’s eyes were grim. “Yeah, me too.”

The men left the
, parting at the door to the guest room that Matt used when he stayed over. He’d probably sleep until daylight, then change form and head out to prowl the grounds. Sebastian couldn’t thank him enough for helping protect Christina. Matt’s willingness to help went beyond friendship. This was the act of a brother—regardless of the fact they were different species.

By the time Sebastian entered the master suite, Christina was out of the shower, dressed in a lovely silk nightgown. Sebastian was glad to see she’d found the things he’d had delivered for her. She looked so lovely, sitting there, brushing her hair at the small vanity he’d brought into the room, just for her. Sebastian stood in the doorway, staring at her. She was so beautiful, it almost hurt. But it was the best kind of hurt in the world, for she was his. All his.

“Are you going to just stand there all night, or are you coming in?” Christina didn’t even look at him, sensing his presence through their link. The same way he sensed her at all times.

Sebastian moved behind her. She sat before the vanity, brushing her hair as she watched her progress in the mirror. It was a fable that bloodletters had no reflection. Only those without souls had no reflection and while some indeed, had relinquished their souls over the centuries, Sebastian had never been acquainted with anyone who’d done so.

He leaned down and nuzzled her neck, holding her in front of him. She smelled so clean and good, he realized he needed a shower himself. Badly. Hiro and Matt had given him a hell of a workout.

Rising, he winked at her in the mirror. “Give me ten minutes. I need to get cleaned up.”

“It’ll take me that long to dry my hair. Take your time.”

Sebastian didn’t dally in the shower, but did spend a few minutes thinking of all the things he’d do to—and with

his lady love in the hours left before dawn. He grew hard just thinking about it. Luckily, the solution to his problem was waiting for him outside.

All he had to do was decide how he would take her.



He wanted to show her something new, something a little bit wild. Perhaps it was time to visit the dungeon.

Minutes later, Sebastian led Christy through a doorway she hadn’t noticed the night before inside the secret passageway.

“Where are we going?”

“There are still a few hours before sunrise. I plan to make good use of them.” The look on Sebastian’s face was downright wicked.

The passageway branched off to the left. Sebastian led her down the dark corridor to another door, well secured against casual invasion.

“There’s a whole network of chambers and passageways down here, isn’t there?”

“Very astute, my sweet.” Sebastian unlocked the door and motioned her through, hitting a switch that brought honest-to-goodness torches flickering to life. “I had this place built a century ago with lots of little secret rooms, clever air vents and many ways out so I could never be caught down here without an escape route. The torches are gas powered. Nice effect, don’t you think?” He seemed to consider the flickering flames as she noted for the first time the sparse furnishings of the room. “I haven’t been down here in years, but I’m especially glad I had this room put in now that I have you.”

“What is this place?” Christy turned in a circle, taking in the strange furniture, eventually coming back to face Sebastian. He had a mischievous glint in his eye as he watched her.

“Why, it’s my dungeon, of course.”

“Dungeon?” she repeated. It didn’t look scary at all. She gazed at the strange furnishings with new eyes, but the padded table in one corner didn’t look like a torture device. Nor did the horse-like bench in another nook. There were other things she didn’t understand, and then she noticed the wall display filled with whips and paddles of different kinds. Still, none of them looked as if they could cause serious injury.




“I see you’re confused. Have you never been spanked or tied up by a lover? Have you never been driven to the edge of madness by a loving, slightly rough touch, then allowed to catapult over only at the command of your man?”

“With Jeff?” She snorted. “Not likely. The only kind of sex we ever had was plain missionary and when he started getting violent, there was nothing sexy about it.

“Did you never have a lover besides him?”

She shook her head. “I was a virgin when I met him. Actually, I stayed a virgin until we were married.”

“Ah, an old-fashioned girl. I like that.” Sebastian moved closer to her. “It just so happens, I’m an old-fashioned man.” He tickled her waist with teasing fingers, lightening the mood. “Did the unimaginative clod never tie you up for pleasure?”

She shook her head, titillated by the idea.

Sebastian grinned like a pirate.

“I think we’ll start with that. I know he struck you, my love. I don’t ever want you to be afraid of what you and I do together. I’ve never beaten a woman and I never will. But I have been known to spank, even tease with the lash, but never to hurt. Only to tantalize.

Still, I don’t think you’re ready for that yet. Perhaps you never will be.” His gentle expression reassured her. “And that’s all right with me. I want only your pleasure.”

“You think tying me up will bring me pleasure?”

“Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it. Before you met your boring husband, perhaps? Didn’t you ever wonder what it would be like to be at the mercy of your lover, tied up for his convenience?”

She had to admit, there’d been times she’d wondered about it when she was younger.

Sebastian saw the truth in her mind and grinned like the Cheshire cat.

“There is one big difference now though.” Sebastian led her to the padded bench in one torch-lit corner. “With your new strength, there’s little in this world that can hold you if you do not wish to be held. The bindings are merely decorative. You’ll submit to me by choice, not because you’re unable to do other than what I ask. You have free will in this, my love, and you always will.” He helped her sit on the high table and kept his hands at 89


her waist as they gazed into each other’s eyes. “Will you submit to me? Will you at least try?”

Licking her lips, she gathered her courage. “I want to try, Sebastian. I want to do whatever you want. If I can.”

He leaned in and kissed her. “That’s all I can ask of you, my love.” He settled her so she lay flat against the soft padding. Tugging the gown off her shoulders and down her arms, he pushed it downward until it was off her body, leaving her bare to his gaze. The soft silk slid over her skin, tantalizing each and every nerve ending on its way down.

He grasped her wrists and raised her arms above her head, positioning them at the corners of the table. Padded, mechanical restraints popped up from the edges of the table to encircle her wrists when he hit a lever with his foot. He checked the fit by slipping one large finger between her skin and the padded cuff. She had room to move without chafing her skin and he seemed satisfied. Skimming his big hands down her bare body, he repeated the process with her ankles, binding her to the devilish table, smiling all the while.

“Comfy?” he asked. She nodded, then gasped as the lower part of the table began to separate, drawing her legs apart. When they were spread wide, Sebastian stood between her legs. “Now the fun begins.” He moved his foot on the levers near the floor. A motor activated, lifting the table until her hips canted toward Sebastian, her legs bent and spread as wide as they’d go.

It was decadent. It was heady. It was incredibly erotic to be displayed before him in such a way.

She was confident enough in her new strength and abilities to know she could easily escape the slender cuffs and table contraption if she wanted. She also knew Sebastian would let her up the moment she asked. But she wanted to stay. She wanted to see where his little game would lead, where his passion would take them. She trusted him and she wanted to please him, and in so doing, please herself.

Spread before him, her pussy grew damp. It was an amazing feeling to have the circulating air of the dungeon wafting against her most sensitive folds. She also felt the 90



impact of Sebastian’s gaze like a soft caress. His fingers stroked over her folds and into her core, testing her, measuring her readiness for what he planned next.

“You know,” he spoke almost conversationally as he explored her most private place at his leisure, “back in my day, some medical men made a specialty of bringing women to orgasm. I’ve heard some of them employed special machines to excite the woman in question, or some of them would use their fingers.” He leaned closer and she felt his hot breath whisper over her exposed folds. “We could pretend you’re a society wife with a feeble husband who can’t see to your needs. They often called these doctors in for nervous disorders. Tell me, my lady, are you of a nervous disposition?”

Christy gasped as he filled her with two fingers, stroking deep.

“What was that, my lady? I didn’t quite hear you?” Sebastian chuckled as he pumped into her. “I asked if you were of a nervous disposition. Given to swoons and jitters, are you?” Christy nodded, unable to speak as she neared a peak of pleasure. “Ah, well, I have a solution for that, my lady. My, how much moisture you have here. That’s a very good sign.” He winked at her as she writhed on the table, his fingers pulsing in her core.

Sebastian brought his other hand up to tease her clit and she went over the edge without once looking back.

“That’s it, my dear. You come beautifully for me.” His hands rode her throughout the climax, pulling out only when she’d quieted, to pet her damp curls. He placed a soft kiss on the top of her mound and moved away while she recovered, her eyes closed in pleasure.

Drifting in bliss, Christy felt a teasing sensation on her arm. Her eyes flew open to find Sebastian smiling down at her, a large, fluffy ostrich feather in one hand, a strip of black cloth in the other. It was the feather that had brushed her arm, she realized, raising gooseflesh with its tingling touch.

“Ready for more, my lady?” he asked, moving closer. He laid the feather aside, using both hands to show her the strip of cloth. “I’m going to blindfold you, sweetheart. Is that all right?”



Her pulse leapt at the idea. Moisture flooded her pussy. She couldn’t believe how quickly Sebastian had her ready for more. All with just a few words.

“Yes, Sebastian.” She raised up a little so he could put the blindfold in place.

“Whatever you like.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that.” He kissed her, just once, as he lowered her back to the padded table. She felt movement at her side and knew he’d picked up the feather once more. A shiver coursed down her spine just thinking about the soft brush of that feather down her body, but Sebastian made her wait.

“You know,” even his tone teased her, “anticipation can be something of an aphrodisiac. For example, here you lie, ready and waiting for me to touch you, anticipating where I will stroke first. Will my touch be light or hard? Firm or soft?

Feather or fingers…or something else entirely?” She was aware of him moving around to her side, but still he didn’t touch her. “Tell me, do you want my touch, my love?”

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