Read Sweeter Than Wine Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Leopard Men, #Erotic Stories, #Supernatural, #Abused Women

Sweeter Than Wine (14 page)

BOOK: Sweeter Than Wine
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“That’s a shame, Sebastian. Truly.”
Matt sounded genuinely upset at the idea. “
I’ll have to tell my brother Grif. He could at least keep an eye out for her from a distance,
if nothing else.”

“Why do you think I asked you to escort her, Matt? She needs her own kind, even if
she doesn’t quite realize it yet. Take it slow, my friend. Tonight you’ve met. Next time,
perhaps you can take it a bit farther. Believe me, it was hard enough to get her to agree
to outing herself even this much. She would rather have stayed hidden for the rest of her


days, but that’s no way to live. Not when there are other
like her nearby, willing to
accept her for who she is. Just tread lightly. That’s all I’m asking.”

“Heard and understood, my friend.”

Christy checked her watch and realized enough time had passed. She stood gracefully and gave Sebastian a peck on the cheek before excusing herself from the room full of men. Following Matt’s scent, she found him pacing outside a door in one of the far hallways.

“She’s changing,” he said quietly, a hurt and troubled expression on his face.

“Ordered me right out of the room with an imperious tail wag. This little kitty isn’t used to being around other shifters.”

Christy went up to him and hugged him. It was the comfort she would offer any friend. Regardless of how they’d met, and the intimacies they’d shared, she knew they would always be friends. He’d given her a part of himself and she would be forever grateful to him for his generosity of spirit, loyalty, and incredible strength of character.

With a reassuring smile, she stepped back and knocked on the door. “Morgan? It’s Christy. Matt’s here too. May we come in?”

The door opened and a gorgeous young woman stood there, looking a bit nervous as her topaz eyes darted from Christy to Matt and back again. When they made no move forward, she relaxed a bit and seemed to get a hold of herself. She stepped back for them to enter.

Christy went in first, but stopped Matt just inside the door. “Matt’s not staying, but Sebastian thought you should meet.”

The woman nodded, swallowing hard. “So he said on the phone. I’m Morgan Chase.”

Matt towered over both women, though Morgan was quite a bit taller than Christy.

He held out one hand to the woman and gave her his best roguish grin. “Matt Redstone.”

They shook hands and Morgan seemed to ratchet down her nerves another notch. “I want to extend a little invitation to you, Ms. Chase. My oldest brother is Alpha of the cougar clan in these parts. Your breed is like a cousin to ours and you’d be welcome in the clan.






If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to call.” Matt reached into his pocket and fished out a business card, handing it to Morgan. “You can reach me or any of my brothers through Redstone Construction at any time. All of the office staff are
, so you can talk freely to anyone who answers the phone.”

Morgan examined the card then tucked it away in her pocket, her expression thoughtful. “That’s very kind of you, Mr. Redstone. I can’t say for certain whether I’ll take you up on the offer, but I’ll definitely think about it.”

Matt nodded, not entirely happy with the answer, Christy could tell from the tightening of his mouth, but willing to move in slow steps, as Sebastian had requested. He backed toward the door, leaving the women to their business.

“I’ll be here all night either talking with the guys or prowling the perimeter. Perhaps I’ll see you on your way out?”

Morgan nodded, seeming not entirely pleased by the idea. “Perhaps. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Redstone.”

“And you, Ms. Chase.” Matt winked at Christy then headed back down the corridor toward the living room. Christy closed the door and leaned against it.

“I understand you’re Sebastian’s lawyer.” Christy opened the conversation with an innocuous observation, hoping to get the tense woman to relax a bit.

Morgan nodded as she moved toward the small sitting area that had a low table and several chairs. “Sebastian saved my life when I was a teen. He put me through college and law school.”

“I know.” Christy moved nearer the other woman and took a seat, satisfied with the surprise on Morgan’s face. “Sebastian and I are joined. It’s very new to me, but I can read his memories, and I’ve seen you in them. He’s very fond of you, you know.”

Morgan seemed troubled as she sat opposite Christy and pulled out a large brown folder, setting it on the table between them. “It’s nothing romantic. He’s like an older brother or father figure to me.”

Christy decided to cut Morgan some slack. “Oh, I know that. Don’t worry. I can access his feelings too. I know he loves you like a kid sister. It’s very different from the 109


love he and I share. I just wanted you to know where we all stand. This vampire business…and the
…it’s all very new to me. I didn’t know a thing about any of this supernatural stuff until a few days ago.”

“When your husband beat you to death.”

It wasn’t a question and Christy realized this woman didn’t pull her punches. Her momentary good mood shattered, Christy nodded.

Morgan opened the big envelope and started sorting through papers. “Well, the good news is, we have a good case for divorce. Even with the altered medical reports, there’s still enough evidence to prove he mistreated you, and your testimony will clinch it, if he wants to fight you in court. Any lawyer worth his salt will tell your husband to give you what you want because you could easily pursue criminal charges against him, not only for the assault and battery, but also for raiding your bank accounts. Did you know he’s made you a pauper?”

“What?” Dismay filled her. She knew Jeff was a rat, but she wouldn’t have thought he’d be bold enough to rob her blind.

Morgan nodded. “I’ve followed the paper trail and it’s pretty clear he’s been setting this up for a while. He’s been siphoning money off the trust your parents left to you for the past year or so, but now he’s come out in the open and started making huge withdrawals. If you were a corporation, I’d call Jeff Kinsey an embezzler. But since you’re still married, the law is tricky.”

Christy sat back in her chair and puffed out air, trying to control her anger and dismay. She was angry at Jeff and even angrier at herself for being so stupid.

A perfunctory knock sounded before Sebastian opened the door and entered. He moved straight to the small loveseat Christy sat on and pulled her into his arms, kissing her temple and drawing her close. A knowing look passed between the lawyer and Sebastian. He’d known what Morgan had discovered already.

“It’ll be all right, my love. We’ll fix this. Don’t worry.”

“But all my money—”




Sebastian shushed her with soothing strokes of his hands down her arms. “I have all the money we’ll ever need, Christina, but Morgan will see to it that Jeff makes restitution.

Won’t you, my dear?”

Morgan nodded, a cunning feline smile lighting her tawny eyes. “With pleasure.

Sebastian’s right, Mrs. Kinsey. Your husband wasn’t very smart about the way he took your money. I have more than enough evidence to get him to do pretty much anything we want.”

“Don’t call me that. Call me Christy, okay? I don’t ever want to be called by his name again.”

Morgan smiled, an understanding light in her tawny eyes. “All right, Christy. Shall I start the paperwork to change everything back to your maiden name then?”

“No,” Sebastian objected. “She’ll be taking my name. As soon as possible, we’re getting married.”

Congratulations were offered by the young attorney and Christy basked in the fond feelings Sebastian directed her way. She also reveled in the idea this would be no quickie wedding like the one she’d had with Jeff in Las Vegas. No, this time would be for keeps.

Forever. With their friends gathered to witness their happiness.

Sebastian left a few minutes later and the women got down to the nitty gritty of the divorce papers. There were certain provisions Christy wanted to insist upon and others that didn’t really matter. The house for example. She didn’t want anything to do with that house. Jeff had chosen and bought it without her input and it held nothing but bad memories for her.

They talked over the specifics for about an hour. Christy liked Morgan’s quick mind and dry humor. She was efficient, witty and a little ruthless, which was a good quality in a lawyer, and Christy thought perhaps, she’d made a new friend in the young



Chapter Nine

The next evening, right after sunset, Sebastian and Christy headed to her old house by very conventional means, taking one of Sebastian’s cars—a midnight blue Lamborghini—and driving the forty-five minutes from Sebastian’s estate to her old neighborhood. Christy had lived in a very nice upper middle class section, but it was nothing like the exclusive area Sebastian called home. Seeing his estate from the outside, she was once again amazed by the simple majesty of his home. Just driving down the winding driveway that led from the seven-bay garage building to the front gate was impressive.

After seeing the way Sebastian lived, it was a little embarrassing to worry so much over the money Jeff had stolen from her. Though a huge amount to her, it was probably pocket change to Sebastian. Still, it was her money and she’d also paid for the house Jeff had bought after the wedding. Standing on principle, Christy wanted what was hers back.

She deserved at least that after putting up with Jeff.

Christy clutched the papers Morgan had drawn up and left with her the night before.

All she had to do now was work up the nerve to give them to Jeff. He’d heard about the divorce, which was what had set him off, but he’d yet to be served the papers. Sure, they could’ve hired someone to give him the papers, but it was important to their plan that Christy see Jeff in person. It was also important, on a personal level, that she confront him.

After his last blowup, Christy feared Jeff’s reaction, but another part of her—the brave part that gained strength every day from Sebastian’s loving care—was looking forward to seeing how she’d do against Jeff now. She almost relished the idea of giving him a little back of what he’d dealt.

While not a violent woman, Christy had been pushed beyond her limits and she figured it was healthy to fantasize about planting her fist in Jeff’s face. Not that she’d 112



ever do it. Well, not unless he swung first. She felt a surge of excitement and fear mixed together. If he tried to hurt her, she wondered if she’d freeze or if she’d have the wherewithal to defend herself this time. Now that she knew how to do so and had the power to back it up.

Sebastian reached over the center console and placed one warm hand over hers. She was gripping the envelope with the divorce papers so tightly, her knuckles were white.

“I’ll be with you, Christina. Kinsey will never be able to harm you again.”

“Is it bad of me to want to punch his face in?” Christy turned in her seat to watch Sebastian’s strong profile as he drove with confidence down the streets of her old neighborhood.

He laughed. “Not at all. And if you don’t, perhaps I will.” Sebastian lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles before releasing her to downshift.

Within moments, they pulled up in front of her old house. It had never really been a home to her, though she’d tried her best. It was a beautiful place, but she wouldn’t miss it.

“Are you ready?” Sebastian shut off the engine and turned to her.

Christy took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. “As I’ll ever be, I guess.”

Sebastian got out and came around to open her door, ushering her from the low-slung sports car. His manners were impeccable and Christy smiled up at him as she stood, though inside, she quaked with nervous excitement. The coming minutes would set events in motion, both in her personal life, and in the plan the men had devised to deal with the magical threat.

Christy had been taken to the hospital with little more than her bathrobe, so she had to dig up the spare key from the side of the house to enter. She considered ringing the bell, but dammit, it was still her house. She could enter it if she wanted to. And she could bring a friend inside as well.

Christy opened the door and stepped inside. Sebastian waited outside until she turned. “Please come in, Sebastian.”

Sighing, he stepped over the threshold.
“Glad you said that.”





“So those old myths about having to invite a vampire in are true?”

“It’s tradition, love.”
He tugged at his collar and looked a tad uncomfortable. “
are creatures of habit and after living so long, sometimes tradition is all we have left.”

“Well, consider yourself permanently invited into this house. It’s still mine and I can
damn well invite whoever I want inside.”

Sebastian placed one warm hand on her shoulder, squeezing with gentle pressure.

“Well said, my love. Feeling independent, are we?”

“I’m preparing to do battle.”

Sebastian chuckled as they moved down the hall toward the back of the house.

“Good for you, Christina. Remember, I’m here for you if you need me.”

She stopped to look up into his eyes.
“I’ll always need you, Sebastian.”

“Well, look who’s decided to come crawling back.” Jeff stood in the light from the kitchen, a beer in one hand.

Christy spun to face him, her heart in her throat. Sebastian’s warm presence behind her gave her courage.


“Is that all you can say? Where the hell have you been for the past week?” His voice rose. “Who is this guy? One of your friends’ wacko husbands? Is that who you’ve been with? One of your weirdo college friends?”

“Jeff, you nearly killed me.” Christy’s voice was pitched low, but the words cut across the dim hall.

“You don’t look hurt to me,” he sneered.

“But I was,” she whispered.

“Courage, my love.”
Sebastian’s voice in her mind steadied her.

She moved forward, and incredibly, Jeff fell back, moving into the kitchen. He put the island in the center of the room between them, placing his half-finished beer on the counter. Christy and Sebastian stayed on the other side of the large kitchen, but the lighting was better in here. Jeff’s eyes followed them with rage and suspicion. Christy remembered that look, but this time, she didn’t have the same level of fear. In fact, the 114



more time she spent in Jeff’s presence with Sebastian beside her, the more she saw how pathetic Jeff really was. All the fear he’d taught her in recent months dropped away to be replaced by contempt.

“You’ve abused me for the last time, Jeff. I came here get my stuff and give you these.” She slapped the papers on the table between them but he made no move to retrieve them.

“What’s that?” Jeff eyed the folded stack of papers, anger causing color to rise in his face.

“Divorce papers.”

Jeff swore, but didn’t touch the papers, eyeing them, and her, with building rage.

“You little bitch!”

He stormed around the table and raised his hand, but the blow never landed. Christy was long gone and Jeff’s balled fist struck empty air, throwing him off balance.

Everything happened in slow motion. Christy saw Jeff’s fist coming at her face, frame by frame, as she moved lightning fast out of the way. She went low, as Hiro had taught her and used a sweeping motion of her leg to drop Jeff to the floor, easy as pie.

Jeff hit the table leg on the way down and lay on the ground, a look of surprise on his face as he clutched his side.

“What the hell was that?” Fury shone in his eyes. Fury…and fear.

“That was me not taking any of your crap anymore, Jeff. I came to get my things. I expect you to stay out of my way while I do it.” She smoothed her shirt as she spoke, trying to control the trembling of her hands. She’d just stood up to Jeff’s anger and it felt good. Damn good.

“In fact,” Sebastian spoke for the first time, “you should probably go have those ribs looked at. That was a nasty fall. How clumsy of you.” Sebastian’s chastising tone increased Jeff’s anger, but she wasn’t afraid anymore.

“Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do in my own home?” Jeff rose to his feet, clutching his side, his breath hissing out in fury and pain.



Sebastian towered over Jeff, using his greater size to intimidate. Christy could also feel a bit of Sebastian’s mind magic in the air. She’d bet he was adding some psychic persuasion to his words and it appeared to be working. Jeff’s face went a little slack and a fraction of the anger drained away from his features.

“I’m the man who will rip your heart out if you ever raise a hand to this woman again.” The growling promise in Sebastian’s voice sent a shiver down her spine. Jeff staggered back, using the kitchen counter for support.

He looked from Sebastian, to her, and back again. Rage showed in every stiff line of his body, as he edged toward the back door that led to the garage.

“This isn’t over, bitch. You and your freaky boyfriend had better be gone when I get back. I don’t know what he did to you, but you’re not the woman I married.”

Christy faced him as he drew the door open. “No, I’m not, Jeff, and I never will be again. I should have found the courage to shoot you the first time you slapped me. It would have been worth the prison time just to get away from you!” She screamed at him, but Jeff was already out the door and heading for his ego car—a late model Lexus he’d bought with her money. “You bastard!”

Tears formed in her eyes and her body shook with turbulent emotion. It felt good to fight back, to say some of the things she’d bottled up inside. It was cathartic to see Jeff scurrying away like a mangy cur with his tail between his legs.

It was about time.

Sebastian came up behind her as Jeff roared out of the drive. Warm hands settled on her shoulders, rubbing in comfort as he moved his body into alignment with hers. She relaxed back against him.

“You’re sexy when you’re angry.”

Sebastian’s rumbling words tickled her ear and startled her into laughter. That felt good too as his arms lowered to her waist, embracing her.

“You’re good for me, Sebastian. Without you, I never would have found the courage to stand up to that bastard.”




“You always had it within you, my love. You just didn’t have the means or opportunity to let the real woman out. Now you do, and I, for one, am proud of you.”

Sebastian turned her in his arms and held her close, kissing the top of her head.

“Oh, Sebastian.” She raised her lips to his, seeking his kiss. Whenever he kissed her, all was right with the world and nothing else existed.

But he pulled back much too soon. With an apologetic smile, he reached for the cell phone at his waist.

“I have Matt on standby. He’s got a pickup truck, so anything you want, we can take with us now.”

“What would I do without you? You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?” She marveled at the effort he’d put in on her behalf.

“I try.” He punched a speed dial button, said a few words, and a moment later shut the phone. “He’s around the corner. He’ll be here in a few minutes. Why don’t we go through and see what you want to take with you?”

She reached up to cup his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. “I love you.”

He turned and kissed her palm. “And I you.”

While they were lost in each other, Matt arrived and rang the doorbell, breaking them apart. Christy felt flushed as she headed down the hall to open the door. Matt winked, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek as he entered.

“You okay, sweet thing?”

“As good as can be expected, I guess.” She tilted her head, considering. “Actually, better than that. Thanks for coming over, Matt. Once again, you’re saving my life.”

He shrugged. “What are friends for?”

Over the next twenty minutes, the three of them went through the house room by room and cleared out the few items Christy wanted. Most were heirlooms from her family of little monetary value, but precious to her for the memories they held.



As Jeff drove himself to the emergency room for X-rays he placed a call on his cell phone. Damned if that weirdo Ben Steel hadn’t been right. The woman who’d just decked him was most definitely
the same mousey girl he’d married after college. Christy was different now. She had a strange look in her eye and a backbone she’d never possessed before.

The man with her gave him the creeps as well. Eyes of a stone killer, Jeff hadn’t liked anything about the sinister character and it killed him to think his wife was most likely fucking the bastard.

Well, Jeff would find a way to put a cramp in the asshole’s style. Steel didn’t say much, but his friend Mario had told Jeff a few things. He claimed Christy’s old college friends had gotten mixed up with a bunch of vampires. Vampires! For cripes sake.

Jeff had laughed at the little man when he’d said it, but after looking into those cold eyes, he wasn’t so sure. And what else could give his wife her sudden Supergirl complex? Christy had always been a klutz, but tonight she’d gone all
Crouching Tiger
on him. It wasn’t normal. Not in a week. Not after a lifetime of ineptitude.

And she was strong too. He’d felt the power behind her leg sweep. She had new skills that couldn’t be learned in a week. Not even if she’d been a top athlete before she’d disappeared from the hospital without a trace. That was weird too. Oh, he figured her friend, Jena, was hiding her at first, but he’d kept an eye on Jena and knew Christy hadn’t been with her do-gooder doctor friend.

BOOK: Sweeter Than Wine
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