Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 (29 page)

Read Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #scifi, #alien, #scifi erotica, #scifi romance, #scifi erotic romance, #evangeline anderson, #fated mate, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

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Yes, but I didn’t think…you’re even warmer than I

You…fantasized about me?”

How could I not? I’ve been in your beautiful body all day,”
he murmured.

Gently, he stroked
her inner folds, his fingertips finding the throbbing button of her
clit and circling it slowly.

So warm,” he marveled again. “And so wet and hot and

gasped with pleasure. “
Well I can thank
for the
smooth part,”
reminded him as he stroked her again.
“Ah, Dios! I mean I…I would never have kept
that waxing appointment myself. Oh, Kerov…that feels so

Like this?” He circled her clit again and then stroked lower,
teasingly pressing just the tips of his fingers into her slippery
entrance. “Gods,
soft little pussy feels like it’s

Do…do you want to find out how tight I am?”
Frankie couldn’t believe
the dirty talk coming out of her mouth. But Kerov just seemed to
bring it out in her. Also, she reminded herself again that he
wasn’t actually touching her—it was her own hand bringing her all
this pleasure. Still, in her mind’s eye she still saw him leaning
over her, caressing her with his big, warm hands as he kissed her
and looked into her eyes…

You know I do,” Kerov muttered hoarsely. “But first let me
make you come. Will you let me do that, Frankie? Will you let me
stroke your soft little cunt until you come for me?”

Yes…Dios, yes!”
she moaned, giving in completely.

Good.” Kerov went to work on her again, exploring her pussy
with gentle fingers, stroking and caressing, finding just the right
way to touch her. Then he put just the pad of his middle finger to
the side of her swollen clit and began to slide it back and forth
in a light, steady caress.

Frankie cried out as
he touched her, wishing she could arch her back and lift her hips
for more. Kerov seemed to know what she needed though—he made the
motions for her.

That’s right,
murmured softly. “That’s right, just open up and let me touch you.
Just spread your sweet little pussy and let me make you

gasped as her pleasure peaked and the orgasm finally washed over
“Oh Dios,

But the big Kindred
wasn’t done with her yet. Sliding lower, he let two fingers slip
into her tight entrance and press deep, to the end of her

Frankie cried out,
unable to help herself, as he fucked into her, the two fingers
riding deep to make her pleasure even greater.

wish it was more than just fingers,” Kerov said again in a low,
hungry voice.

And then she had a
vision of him down between her thighs, his mouth pressed hard
against her pussy as his hot tongue slid deeply into the well of
her cunt, tasting her honey, tongue-fucking her, making her

Oh! Madre de Dios!”
she gasped.
“I thought…thought that wasn’t allowed where you’re

It’s not,” he growled and then, in the image, he pulled her
closer, lashing her clit with his tongue and lapping her cunt to
catch every last drop of her juices as she moaned and writhed under

Frankie cried out as
her pleasure peaked again. She knew that technically she was just
touching herself but it didn’t feel that way. Never had she had
such intense pleasure while simply masturbating. Never had she felt
the intensity of emotions she experienced now with Kerov inside her
as he touched her and brought her to the edge.

It was almost too
much. For a moment she felt like her heart might pound its way
right out of her body.

Then, slowly, the
pleasure began to fade.

whispered as her breathing began to even out again. She felt her
body relax, completely limp against the mattress.

That…was amazing,” Kerov confessed softly. “Your body…it’s so
complex! The pleasure you experience is so nuanced…so

Well, to be fair, it’s not always like that,”
Frankie told him.
“I mean when I, you know,

Is it different when you are with a male? Making love?” he
asked curiously.

Much different,”
Frankie said wryly.
“Of course I’ve only been with Carlos so I can’t
really compare. But it was never like this with him.”

He didn’t take the time to pleasure you properly.” Kerov
sounded disapproving. “I saw it in your memories—he only cared
about his own satisfaction.”

Hey now, don’t go digging around in private areas,”
Frankie protested,
embarrassed. She didn’t want anyone knowing exactly how
unsatisfying her pitiful excuse for a love life had been with her

Forgive me. I will try not to pry in the future. Are you
angry with me?”

You know I’m not. How could I be angry after you gave me two
incredible orgasms?”
Frankie sighed contentedly.
“That really was amazing, you know? It was different
from anything I’ve ever felt.”

felt the same way about the release I experienced when you were in
my body touching my shaft,” he admitted. “I’ve never felt pleasure
so intense. I wonder if it has to do with the Switch?”

Mentally, she yawned.
“Speaking of that, do you have any idea how we’re
going to switch back?”

No, but I’m still thinking about it,” he promised. “There are
some people I could ask…but I’d rather not if I don’t have

Why, who are they? Are they dangerous or something?”
She yawned again.
“Are you…scared of

I’m more worried of what they will think of me if they know
I’m able to Switch or Jump,” Kerov admitted in a low voice. “I
would rather not tell them except as a last resort.”

Well maybe you won’t have to.”
Frankie felt herself drifting off.
“Maybe this time when we
go to sleep…we’ll be separated.”

Maybe.” She thought Kerov didn’t sound very happy about that.
Frankly, she didn’t much like the idea herself. Though Switching in
and out of each other’s bodies was pretty much the strangest thing
she’d ever had happen to her, Frankie found she was growing fond of
the big Kindred—even if she really wasn’t his type.

I’m not your type either—I know that,” he murmured, obviously
catching her thought.

Frankie wanted to protest and ask how he had heard her
thoughts…but then sleep overwhelmed her and the world went dark.
She woke only once, alone in her own bed and her own body.
she thought.
I miss you…
Then sleep claimed her

Chapter Thirteen


Kerov woke up and
looked around. He was sleeping on a cot in the Commanders barracks,
wearing his second best dress uniform which was extremely
uncomfortable. He wanted to lift his hand and unbutton the tight
collar…but he couldn’t. For some reason he was completely

What in the Seven Hells?
He felt a moment of pure panic and then he heard
another voice—a familiar voice—in his head.

What’s going on?”
It was Frankie. The moment Kerov felt her in him, relief
washed over him. So he was back in his own body on Tarsia again
Frankie was with him.

thought at her.
“Are you all right?”

I’m fine. Hey—we can talk mentally now! I wonder

I’m not exactly sure,”
Kerov admitted.
“Maybe our minds are beginning to connect

Because why?”
Frankie demanded and he knew he couldn’t put her off though he
didn’t think she’d like the answer.

Because of the pleasure we’ve shared,”
he admitted.
“It’s drawing us closer together—giving us
a deeper connection.”

paused for a long time and Kerov wondered if she was upset. He knew
how she felt about the Kindred—she probably wouldn’t want to get
more deeply involved with him than she already was.

I’m sorry,”
he said a bit gruffly.
“A deeper connection was not my intention when I
touched you last night. I simply wanted to bring you pleasure…and
to feel your pleasure myself.”

Oh…of course.”
Frankie sounded like she might be blushing.
“But why weren’t we able
to talk to each other mentally after the first time? When I, uh,
you know, jerked you off?”

We weren’t close enough yet. But it
bring us closer,” Kerov said. “Remember, it was
that first shared orgasm
that we were able to access each other’s memories and minds. And
it’s a good thing too—without access to your mind, I would have
been unable to function in your body.”

Nice of you to admit it,”
Frankie said aloud. “And the same goes back to you
double. There’s no way I could have ridden Ursa without seeing how
you found her and raised her from a cub. That was
, you
know—I never would have pegged you as an animal lover.”

love working with animals,”
Kerov admitted.
I would have chosen a career in that field if I could

Why didn’t you?” Frankie asked, sounding curious. “Why pick
the military instead?”

It was chosen for me,”
Kerov said.
“Here on Tarsia, we are not able to pick and choose
our careers as you appear to be able to. We are given aptitude
tests at a very young age and the State decides what is best for

That’s bullshit!” Frankie exclaimed. “But if they did tests
on you, couldn’t they tell you were good with animals?”

They could,”
Kerov said.
“But the tests also showed I had capabilities in strategy,
weaponry, and in commanding others. And since Tarsia is under
constant attack, I was sent into military service.”

Wait a minute—constant attack?” Frankie sat up in the cot,
frowning. Kerov could feel his face making the expression even
though he wasn’t making it himself. The sensation of his body doing
something that someone else had ordered it to do was still
disorientating, but not nearly as distressing as the first time he
and Frankie had had an incomplete Switch.

What kind of attack?” Frankie asked, pulling him out of his
thoughts. “Who’s attacking you?”

It is not a who but a ‘what’,”
Kerov explained.
“It’s a kind of alien parasite—we call it simply
The Swarm.”

So like…insects?” She sent him mental pictures of many-legged
creatures, some with wings and curving stingers at the ends of
their abdomens.

Not exactly.”
Kerov tried to think how to explain it.
“The Swarm is almost like a kind of
rain—a deadly rain—which consists of millions of golden threads.
They come through space—from a planet which orbits us like a moon.
Every time its orbit takes it close enough, The Swarm senses our
heat and light and comes for us, hungry to devour anything they can
land on.”

He sent her a
picture, unfortunately one from memory, of a scarred and pitted
landscape after The Swarm had passed. There were tiny, smoking
black holes bored into everything the ravenous parasites had
touched—including the bodies of fallen warriors.

So…it’s kind of like
acid rain?” Frankie asked in a hushed voice.
“I mean, it burns holes
in everything it touches?”

does not just fall randomly—the Swarm actively seeks out life,
eager to destroy it. It is because we are in a constant state of
war against it that the State controls and directs our lives. Only
by giving control to a higher authority can we survive as a

don’t know if I believe that.” Frankie sounded skeptical. “The
Swarm sounds awful but I don’t believe you should have to give up
all your personal freedom to fight it. I mean, you ought to at
least be free to choose your own career and who you spend your time

Well, we are not,”
Kerov said shortly.
“And there is no use bemoaning the fact because
some things do not change—especially on Tarsia.”

guess not. So, The Swarm…how do you fight it?” she asked. “It
sounds like you should just get out of the way and run for cover
anytime it comes down.”

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