Table for Two (16 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Table for Two
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"Ok, but only cuddle!"

He smiled at her innocently. They ordered their dinner and went to lay down in his room. Once under the covers, he turned on his side and pulled her body close, so that they were spooning. His arm wrapped around her stomach tightly, feeling how perfect she fit beside him. Just before he drifted off to sleep, he promised himself that he would show her that she could trust him, and that he could be the man that would make her happy.



Parker woke up to a knock on the door, feeling more rested than he had in a while. Isabella stirred next to him, obviously hearing the knocking too. She moved to get up, but Parker pulled her back to him. She looked at him to protest, but he shut her up with a soft kiss to her lips. "Thanks for sleeping with me, I didn't realize how much I needed that." He got up and went to answer the door, leaving Isabella still sitting in bed, touching her lips, and smiling.

Over dinner they decided to stay in for the night and watch some movies and relax. They cuddled together on the couch watching one of the Pay Per View movies that the hotel offered when Isabella grabbed the remote and put the movie on mute. She sat up and looked at Parker, and he was instantly on guard. He eyed her suspiciously, like she was going to say something that he wasn't going to like.

"You were right." She stated simply.

"I usually am, but what was I right about this time?" He asked slowly, still a bit apprehensive.

She groaned. He was going to make this hard on her, and she hated it when he got all cocky when she was trying to have a serious conversation with him. "You were right when you said that you already had my heart, and you were right when you said that you had already given me plenty of reasons to trust you." The words rushed out of her mouth.

He smiled. "And this means…?"

She rolled her eyes at him. "This means that I want to give 'us' a try, but I don't want to rush things, especially when you're touring."

"I knew you'd see things my way eventually." He teased, causing him to get tackled on the couch. They playfully wrestled on the couch until he got her body underneath his. He kissed her deeply, savoring the taste of her mouth, the feel of her tongue dueling with his, the soft moan that vibrated in the back of her throat. When they finally came up for air, he smiled in relief. "I have been wanting to do that since I saw you in the airport."

She just smiled and sat up. "We're missing the movie." She rolled on her side and he lay down behind her, taking the television off mute. He played with her hair and lightly ran his hands up and down her arms while he tried to watch the movie. But he didn't have any interest in it anymore. The only thing he could concentrate on was the woman in his arms, the one he never wanted to let go.

Bella was having the same problem. Every time she felt his touch, shivers ran through her body, and she knew that she had made the right decision. Even if she knew it all along, it felt great to let it out in the open.

When the movie ended, Bella yawned. She had been fighting to keep her eyes open the last half hour of it, but she didn't want to get out of Parker's arms. Seeing her yawn, Parker sat up and got off the couch. He pulled her up so she was standing in front of him and he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" He asked. "Just sleep, I promise!" He added when he saw the uncertain look cross her face.

She nodded in agreement and went to her room to change into her pajamas. Parker was waiting for her in bed when she got there, and once she got under the covers, she turned on her side so that she was face to face with Parker.

"Thanks for making me take this vacation. Looks like I needed it for more reasons than I realized." She admitted.

"I am so happy to have you here. I'm tempted to kidnap you and not let you go back to New York until the tour is over."

She laughed. "Dylan's already pissed at me for leaving. I guess I've been leaving him in charge a little too much."

"He's your employee. If he can't handle what his boss tells him to do, maybe it's time to find a new job?" He reasoned.

"I know, but he's more than an employee, he's a friend too. Maybe I just need to promote someone else to help out or something."

Seeing the stress start to settle on her face again, Parker closed the space between them and kissed her. What started out as a sweet and gentle kiss soon turned passionate, and led to wandering hands from both sides of the kiss. His hands reached out and rubbed her nipples that we poking through the thin tank top that she was wearing, and her hands were slowing making their journey from his chest to places further south.

Just before her hand touched his hardening erection, his hand shot down and grabbed hers. She removed her mouth from his and backed up slightly with a questioning look in her eyes. "If you do that, I'm going to break my promise of us just sleeping." He panted.

"I'm ok with that." She told him and tried to reach down again.

"Bella, I promised, I'm sorry." He saw the hurt in her face and put a hand on each of her cheeks. "Baby, there is nothing more that I want right now than to make love to you. But we are going to take this slow, and I'm not going to go against my word for anything."

She nodded, looking at him sheepishly as he got out of bed. "I'm just going to go take a quick shower, I'll be right back."

Bella rolled onto her back as soon as he shut the bathroom door and put her hands to her flush cheeks. She didn't know what had gotten into her, she never acted like that before. But she was also sure that whenever she was in close proximity to him, it was bound to happen again.



Parker woke early the next day to get ready for his radio interviews. He softly placed kisses all over Isabella's face and neck, causing her to smile as she woke up.

"Mmmm…What a way to wake up." She moaned as she stretched.

"And so is that." Parker commented as she stretched. Getting out of bed before he acted on his impulses, he gathered some clothes together and put them in the bathroom. "Do you want to come with me today? You can come to the radio interviews or the sound check, or all of them. It's up to you."

"I can't think of anything I would rather do than spend the whole day with you." She winked at him as she got out of bed and went to her room to get ready. Parker shook his head and bit his lip as she walked out, then went to take another cold shower.



The radio interviews were interesting to say the least. Some of them were really lame, the hosts trying to make jokes, and talk about something interesting when it came to Parker, but they seemed like amateurs that didn't know how to do their jobs. A couple were actually funny though, and didn't miss a beat when they saw Isabella show up with Parker. They asked if he had finally changed his playboy ways and finally settled down. As diplomatically as possible, he told them that only time would tell. The last radio station reminded Bella of a Howard Stern show. The host was vulgar, pushing the limits of what he could say, but Parker took it all in stride. It was a battle of wits, and Bella was glad to see that Parker held his own against the guy, without losing his temper.

After getting a quick meal, they all drove to the venue for the sound check and rehearsal. Parker went through his whole show, changing it up a bit from his Indy show, to keep his fans from seeing the same thing time after time if they went to more than one show. Bella stood off to the side to watch him, and she was just as impressed with him as the first time she saw his show. If he didn't like how the song sounded, he did it again and again until it was right. Usually it was the band that messed it up, but he always took responsibility for it. It took a lot longer than Bella thought that it would, but she understood Parker's need for perfection.

After sound check and rehearsal, it was getting late so they went back to the hotel and got some sleep; they had a long day ahead of them the next day, the day of the concert.



Parker laid low the day of the concert, trying to rest and get plenty of fluids so he didn't get too dehydrated from the show.

Isabella gave him some time alone as she went out on the town and did some tourist-y things. Her favorite place was the Shedd Aquarium. She spent a couple of hours in there, it gave such a peaceful feeling.

By the time she got back to the hotel, it was time to get ready for the concert. Not sure what Parker would want her to wear, she decided on the retro Rolling Stones baby tee, along with a short denim skirt and a studded black belt that slung around her hips. To complete the outfit, she slipped on some black studded biker boots. She left her hair down, and instead of leaving it naturally wavy, she took 45 minutes to straighten it. Her make-up was a little heavier than normal again, but she didn't fell like portraying the sweet and innocent girl, if word had leaked that she and Parker were together. She didn't want to ruin his image.

When she finished getting ready, she found a note on the table for her to call Tommy when she was ready, since Parker had to go to the venue early. Tommy would have her ticket and back stage pass. She dialed the number he left for her, and fifteen minutes later, she was in a town car with Tommy on the way to see Parker's show. Tommy didn't say much to her, and she figured he didn't like her too much. But it didn't matter, all that mattered was that Parker liked her.



After the show, it was the same scene as every other time. Crowds of people, mostly women, all waiting for Parker to make his appearance. Bella got smart this time, and stood near the door so that she was one of the first people he saw when he came in. And true to form, she was, and he didn't hesitate to sweep her into his arms and kiss her silly.

She could hear a lot of the girls groan behind her, and some of them even left. Parker didn't leave her side the whole time, and when they had been there a sufficient amount of time, they left and headed for a club that he had promised to make an appearance at while he was in Chicago.

Automatically they were ushered to the VIP room, where they had a private table set up for him and a couple of his 'people', that included Tommy and a couple of his band members.

The drinks started flowing, and Isabella felt the urge to dance. Parker was more than happy to comply with her wishes as they made their way to the VIP dance floor. Both of them danced as if they were the only ones in the club, creating so much heat between them that they didn't last in the club for very long.

The driver of the town car had gotten an eyeful as he drove them back to the hotel since they couldn't keep their hands or lips off each other. The stripping started in the elevator as Bella unbuttoned Parker's shirt and pulled it from his body. They fumbled to their suite, and after a few tries with their lips locked together, the door finally opened, and the rest of their clothes were shed.

They didn't make it to the bed, not even to the bedroom. He took her against the wall, next to the door. It was hot, it was passionate, and it was filled with so much built up sexual tension. He brought her to her peak three times before he finally succumbed to his own pleasure, and then they both slumped down the wall to the floor, where they lay catching their breath and regaining energy. Neither one had too much to drink this time, and they were both very aware of what they were doing. Isabella knew that this was just a start, and she looked forward of what was to come in the future. With that thought, she drifted asleep.

Chapter 14

After Parker had carried Bella's sleeping form to bed, he laid there staring at her for a while. Taking in all the features of her face, he knew without a doubt that she was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. His finger traced all of her features that he loved; her eyebrows, her nose, her cheek bones, her jaw bone, and most importantly, her lips that were so red and swollen from their kissing.

Feeling his soft movement on her skin, Bella stirred awake. Parker leaned over and kissed her softly. "I thought it was the guy that was supposed to roll over and go to sleep after sex?"

Bella blushed. "I'm so sorry. I guess you really wore me out." She smiled sheepishly.

Parker loved the dichotomy of her innocence and her passion. She was beyond a willing and eager lover while they were having sex, but then she was so embarrassed that she fell asleep. It was just one of the traits that he loved about her. And she always kept him guessing. At times she could be impetuous and take off on a plane to tour with him, but at the same time, she was obsessive with sticking to her schedule of her daily routines. She was a hard worker and poured her heart and soul into her restaurant, but she also knew how to have fun…or at least she was learning. She was a great friend, but it was hard to get into her circle and gain her trust.

Bella broke through his thoughts with a strange look on her face, asking "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sorry, just thinking." He smiled. "I'm glad you decided to give 'us' a chance. And I'm not saying that just because of the mind blowing sex that we had."

Bella reached over and pinched him as she blushed. "You better not make me regret it Parker Davidson, rock star extraordinaire!"

"Never!" He promised and sealed it with a kiss. The kiss led to more as Parker pulled Bella on top of him.

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