Authors: Alexis Lauren
"Isa, you're going to need to let go of my hand sweetie. It's kind of attached." Dylan joked.
"No, you have to come with me. I can't do this alone." She told him.
He thought about it for a minute. Whatever was wrong with her was something that was private, but she would most likely tell him what was wrong with her anyway, so why not go in there and hold her hand while she waited?
He rose from the chair, and the two followed the nurse to a small examination room, where she took Isabella's vital signs and left.
The doctor eventually made an appearance, fifteen minutes later. Isabella explained her symptoms to him, and asked if it sounded like she had a multiple personality disorder. The doctor laughed at her, making her feel even worse, then told her that it was most likely something different. He drew her blood and told her they would run some tests and get back to her by the end of the day.
Still not feeling much better, Isabella and Dylan left the doctor's office and went into work.
By 4:00, Bella was going out of her mind wondering why the doctor hadn't called yet. She was going to have to leave her office and head to the kitchen soon, so she was praying that he would call her soon.
At 4:15, Dylan knocked on her office door. "Any word yet?" He asked as he stuck his head in.
Isabella shook her head. "No, nothing. Want to come in and wait with me? I've been playing this fun game… 'How Far Can I Chew My Nails Down Until My Nail Bed Bleeds?'." She laughed sarcastically.
"That bad, huh?" He asked, smiling sympathetically.
"Worse." She shook her head. Another knock at her door made her jump out of her chair.
"Sorry boss, but the produce just came in and they need you to look over it and sign for it." Carter, her sous chef told her.
Isabella nodded. She had called them the previous week and exploded over the phone saying that she hadn't gotten everything that she ordered. They reached an agreement that from now on, she was the only one authorized to accept their shipments, verifying that what she received was what she had ordered. "If my phone rings, answer it. I'll only be a minute."
No sooner had Isabella stepped out the door did her phone ring. Dylan ran out to get her, but she was already wrapped up with the produce guy, so he ran back in and answered it.
"The TigerLily, Isabella Violi's office." He answered professionally, just in case.
"Good afternoon, this is Dr. Rush's office calling for Ms. Violi." The woman spoke through the phone.
"I'm sorry, she just stepped away from her desk for a moment. Can you hold?" He asked.
"Actually, I have other patients I need to call. Is this her husband?" The nurse asked.
"Ms. Violi is not married. I'm her emergency contact though." He told the woman, remembering that she had put Dylan's name on the forms.
"Well, I shouldn't be doing this, but I really do have a ton of other calls to make, so can I leave a message with you?" The nurse asked.
"Sure." Dylan told her. He grabbed a pen and paper to write down everything the nurse told him.
"Please tell Ms. Violi congratulations on her pregnancy. Dr. Rush said she will need to make an appointment with her choice of obstetricians within the next month. From her test results, it looks like she is already well into her first trimester." The nurse said.
Dylan was shocked. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. She's pregnant? Isabella Violi?"
"Yes, sir. That's what the test results say. Please be sure to give her this message and tell her to call if she has any questions." The nurse said and promptly hung up.
Dylan stood there in shock, phone still in his hand, until Isabella came in a few minutes later. When she saw the look on his face, her stomach dropped and she felt like she was going to be sick.
"Dylan? What is it? Is it serious?" She asked as tears stung her eyes.
Hearing her voice, he snapped out of his stupor. "Well, that all depends on how you look at it." He told her, trying to formulate in his head exactly how he was going to tell her.
Isabella quickly sat in the chair closest to her before her legs gave out on her. "Just tell me." She whispered.
Dylan went over to her and kneeled next to her. "Bella honey, you're going to be a mom. You're pregnant."
Isabella's eyes shot up and stared him in the face. She just looked at him for a minute before busting out in laughter. "Oh god, you had me going for a minute there. I thought you were serious."
Dylan put his hand on her shoulder, and gave her a tight-lipped smile, shaking his head. "I am serious." She immediately stopped laughing and looked at him questioningly. He nodded his head, his eyes full of care and concern.
"Oh God! I can't be pregnant! I haven't…Oh, no, I have!" Her hand flew to her mouth, remembering the night with Parker. "This can't be happening." She muttered, disbelievingly.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but just think, it could be worse. It could have been that multiple personality shit." He tried to rationalize.
"I'm not so sure about that." She looked around her office, then stood abruptly. "I need to go home. Can you handle the restaurant tonight?"
"Sure. Whatever you need." He told her. "Do you want me to stop by after we close tonight?"
"Thanks, but no. I just need to be alone right now." She told him, grateful for his friendship.
"Call if you need anything…No matter what!" He said and kissed her cheek.
"Thanks, I will." She promised.
Isabella went home from work that night and crawled straight into bed. She sat there crying for hours. Crying for her future, for her baby's future. What kind of mother would she be? And Parker…where would he play into all of this? They made a huge mistake, and she was sure that this wasn't what he wanted out of a drunken one night stand. Should she even tell him? Would she rather that he not know than have her child have to face the rejection of its father?
Everything was up in the air now. Could her business maintain its success if she has to share her time between the restaurant and a baby? And on top of that, would she even have the energy to do both?
She didn't move from her bed until Wednesday morning. She had played over all the scenarios in her head, trying to figure out what to do. Abortion was never even considered, no matter how unplanned this pregnancy was. But in the 37 hours that she lay there thinking, the only thing she knew for sure was that she was going to make the best of the situation that she was in. She still hadn't decided on whether to tell Parker or not, and even if she wanted to, she had no idea how to get ahold of him. She would just have to cross that bridge when she came to it…if she came to it.
That night at work, Dylan kept a close eye on her, making sure that she wasn't pushing herself too hard physically. He also wanted to make sure that she was ok emotionally too, and was satisfied that she seemed to be accepting her pregnancy.
"Mother, I don't know why you had to pick me up. I could've just met you at the restaurant." Parker told Bunny once he got into the town car.
"You know darling, most young men greet their mother with a 'Good Evening Mother, how are you doing?' I know I taught you better manners than that." She told him with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
"Sorry Mother. How are you?" He asked and leaned over to kiss her cheek.
"I've been well, thank you. I've been keeping busy…dining with the girls, tennis lessons, golf, my charities. My social calendar is just packed full right now." She told him, glowing with satisfaction.
"Well, I'm glad to see old age isn't keeping you down. Most widows tend to let themselves go after their husbands die." He commented to his mother, knowing that she would take offense to the old age part.
"Parker Andrew Davidson! I'll have you know that I'm only 50! I have plenty more years ahead of me until I hit 'Old Age'." She protested.
"Mother, you're 53. Don't deny it." He laughed.
"Whatever, 50 is close enough." She smiled.
Not long after, they pulled up outside of the restaurant. Parker looked up at the canopy overhead and saw the fancy sign calligraphy proclaiming them to be at The TigerLily. He groaned. "Oh, Mother. Couldn't you have picked a different restaurant?"
"I am just fascinated with this place. They have the best food, and such a wonderful atmosphere. You would think you'd indulge my desires. I won't be around forever, you know." She pointed out.
Parker shook his head. "I'm sure I'll be gone long before you will." He told his mother as he led her into the restaurant. Parker was glad that he'd made himself look presentable. He didn't think there was much chance of seeing the owner, but just in case, he wanted to look good enough to make her drool.
Their meals came and went uneventfully, sharing pleasant conversation to pass the time. When dessert came, Bunny did something that made Parker's heart jump to his throat. Before the waiter could leave, she put his hand on his arm and asked if Isabella was available. He went to find out, leaving Bunny very pleased, and Parker very mortified.
"Hey boss, there's a woman out there who was asking for you, table 23." One of the waiters told Isabella when he went into the kitchen.
"Is there a problem?" She asked. She liked to know beforehand if she was walking into a hornet's nest.
"I don't think so. I think she just wanted to say hi." He told her, then disappeared back into the dining room.
Bella took off her black apron and laid it on the counter near the door, then washed and dried her hands. She checked the mirror to make sure she was presentable before she went to the dining area herself.
She looked over to table 23 once it came into view and saw one of the ladies she had met a few weeks ago. She'd been coming in at least once a week ever since, and made sure to say hi each time she was in. There was also a man sitting at the table with her, but all Bella could see was the back of the dark-haired man's head. Usually she came in with her women friends, so Bella was intrigued.
"Bunny, how are you?" Isabella asked when she got closer to the table. She leaned down and kissed the older woman's cheeks.
"I'm great. Having a wonderful dinner with my son." Bunny pointed to the man sitting at the table with her, shielding his face with his hand. "Isabella, this is my currently rude son, Parker. Parker, this is Isabella." She smacked his hand away from his face, eliciting a gasp from Bella.
"We've met Mother." Parker spoke softly while Isabella just stood there with her mouth open.
"Oh wonderful! I think the two of you will get along famously." Bunny said, clasping her hands in front of her in excitement. "Are you ok dear?" She asked Bella, seeing her pale face.
Isabella nodded after a minute. "Um, Parker, can I talk to you in my office for a minute?" She asked softly. She wasn't sure what she was going to say, but fate had obviously brought him to her restaurant for a reason.
He nodded, and threw his napkin on the table as he stood and followed behind her. Bunny was left at the table to create a hundred different scenarios as to what was going on between the two of them. All of them ended up with Bella as her daughter-in-law and the mother of her grandchildren. She was quite pleased with herself.
Once the door closed, Parker was quick to jump to the matter at hand. "What is it that you wanted? I don't have all night."
"You might want to sit down for this." She motioned to a chair.
"I think I'll stand." He told her defiantly.
"Fine, don't say I didn't warn you." She took a deep breath. "Parker, I'm pregnant, and it's your child." She blurted out.
Parker looked at her with a raised eye brow. "Oh, really? You expect me to believe that?" He asked her. "I should have known you would do something to try to ruin me. How much do you want?"
"Excuse me?" She asked, not understanding what he was talking about.
"How much do you want to keep from going public with 'my child'? Do you know how many times women have come to me and said that I fathered their children? Do you know how many of them were actually mine? None of them were mine, that's how many. It's all a ploy to get money from me." He spat, his anger rising.
"Well, you're the only one I've been with in a really long time, and I'm sure this was no 'Immaculate Conception', so that leaves just one conclusion." She argued.
"Yeah right. We had a one night stand, and you expect me to believe that I'm the only one you've been with in a while? Come on, tell the truth. I bet you do it all the time…go out to bars, pick up a guy, go home and screw his brains out? You're a little slut, aren't you?" Parker taunted.
"Screw you. I told you that was the first time I'd ever had a one night stand." She could feel the tears prickling her eyes.
"Yeah, and I've never heard that one before either. Get real. It's the same old story I hear time after time. If you're even pregnant, it's not mine, so forget the whole extortion thing." He told her and walked out of her office, slamming the door.
Only once he was gone did Isabella let the tears fall.