Tailing Her (2 page)

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Authors: Celia Kyle

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #werelion, #bbw

BOOK: Tailing Her
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She narrowed those amber eyes, and he felt the heat of her anger wash over him. Yep, that made him hard, too.

“Glare all you want, baby, but you’re still going to listen to me.” He tore his attention from her and called out to his men. “Lennox, Colton, Oscar… Take lead. Zane, Grant, Austin, cover our backs.” Brett crouched and snatched Jennifer’s blood splattered phone. As he rose, he reached to give it to Nash. “She was on the phone with Penny. Call her back, and tell her we’re keeping Jennifer safe.” Nash’s hand closed around the cell phone and tried to take it, but Brett didn’t release the device. Instead, he locked eyes with the other lion. “There will be no mention of bullets, guns, and blood. I’ll fill Marcus in once everyone is safe. Got it?” Nash was quick to nod his agreement. “Good.”

With that, they departed, Jennifer’s deadly nails clicking as they struck the hard floor. It was the only sound that accompanied their retreat, his men remaining silent and watchful. When guards stepped forward to stop them, it took one glare from Brett to have them quickly retreating. Yes, they backed off, but continued to follow as they made their exit. When their group finally reached the underground lot, he only let them get as far as the building’s exit.

There he spun and flung an envelope toward the nearest male. “Give this to the judge and tell him to call me.” At the mention of “judge,” Jennifer released a snarl that bounced off the bare concrete surrounding them. Brett merely rolled his eyes and then gave the nearest guard another glare. “Got it?”

The man nodded and that was good enough for Brett. He whirled to face the waiting SUVs and strode toward the one that held a glaring and growling lioness in the back. Yup, that look got him hard too. He should give up and admit that everything about Jennifer Palmer got to him. Got to him in the very best, dirtiest ways.

He climbed into the back and slammed the door behind him. “Let’s do it.”

The vehicle jumped into action, the men quickly following the plan they’d laid out the previous night. Penelope had called him in a jumbled panic, and his brother’s furious snarls filled the background. The Alpha Mate was scared for her best friend, which upset the alpha, which meant Brett had to do
about the situation.

Kidnapping Jennifer seemed like the perfect answer. He had felt a little bad about the idea, but now that he’d realized she was his mate, he was patting himself on the back for such an ingenious plan. She was his mate, and he had her to himself. Maybe not alone, she was still at risk and he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her safety. So his guys would stick around, but for all other intents and purposes, she was his.

She swung her attention to him, head peeking over the back seat and the angry glare in place. If she turned him on this much with anger, he couldn’t wait to see her overjoyed. He’d probably come in his jeans. She curled her lip, exposing a white four—inch fang in an obvious threat, and he couldn’t suppress the laugh that burst to his lips.

“I hear you, baby. I want to get dirty too.” He smiled widely, letting his teeth lengthen ever so slightly. “But we’ll be alone soon and you can show me all the wicked things you want to do with those fangs of yours.” He let the simmering heat in his mind fill his gaze. “And then I’ll show you what I want to do with mine.”

Jennifer growled, the sound rolling through the cramped interior, and his men stiffened. A hint of stinging fear filled the cabin. If that didn’t prove she was perfect for him, he didn’t know what would. These were the strongest lions in the pride, and she’d just scared them all with a single grumble. Yeah, he couldn’t wait to get down and dirty with her, to taste her from head to toe, and mate her…

Brett had to kill the guy after her first. That meant actually
to the woman and not the lion.

He glanced at the passing scenery, realizing they were a lot closer to the safe house then he thought, and he knew it was time to get down to business. They drove past the place, checking the street and exterior from afar as they looked for any interlopers. Then they’d circle back and slide into the garage before anyone recognized they’d arrived.

Unfortunately, the first pass down the street told him they’d been compromised.

“Motherfucker.” He glared at the familiar red offending vehicle parked in the driveway as they sped by. Even better—or worse—the driver of the red sports car stood on the concrete, wearing shorts that barely covered anything and a top that covered even less. Going further, the woman was hopping in place, waving at them as her tits bounced and nearly flopped free of their covering. “Dammit,” he spat. “Oscar, location seven.”

“Beta?” He didn’t need to scent the air to know the subordinate lion was surprised.

The other two lions—Lennox and Colton—flicked their gazes toward him, the same question on their features.

“Do it. We’ll discuss it later.” Yes, they’d discuss quite a bit later. Specifically, why the top-secret safe house for pride members in trouble sported a non-top-secret visitor.

“Hey, Beta, isn’t that—”

Brett was going to kill Lennox. “Shut it.”

“—Candy, your ex?”

Yep, Lennox was a dead lion. Double dead when Jennifer’s attention fixed on him and her rage struck him like a physical thing, punching him in the chest. “Baby…” He reached for her, intent on stroking away some of her fury, only to have her snap at him with those large teeth and powerful jaws. “Okay then, we’ll talk at my place.”

It was where he’d wanted her from the beginning, but he’d already committed to taking her to the primary safe house. Now that it was compromised, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. And right now, all he wanted to do was fuck. Against the wall, on the floor, in the bed… He didn’t care where as long as it meant being inside her with both his cock and fangs. Based on the deadly glare she was shooting him, he didn’t imagine it’d happen any time soon.

But a guy could hope.

Chapter Two


When they finally stopped their mad dash from the courthouse, Jennifer intended to find out what the hell was going on, except there was a teeny, tiny three hundred pound problem. Specifically, she was still lion shaped and three hundred pounds. She sneered at Brett as she padded past him into his condo. This wasn’t their original destination, and her lion was still pissed about the reason they’d changed their plans.

“…Candy, your ex?”

Oh, she was so hearing

Now on two feet and freshly showered, Jennifer rubbed the towel over her head, soaking up the moisture that remained. Even now, fifteen minutes later, frustration thrummed through her. No amount of snarling and growling got Brett talking about “Candy.” Nope, he had simply kept urging her toward the shower with assurances they’d talk after she shifted and got clean.

Well, that was then, and now she expected answers. If some chick was after her mate…


Jennifer had a mate. And not some pushover lion that her father and brother could intimidate. Nope, this guy was one hundred percent dominant, badass male. And he was hers. He was gorgeous with muscles on top of muscles covering his body from head to toe. His burnished gold hair had her fingers itching to sift through the strands. His blue eyes, when they weren’t filled with desire for her, held evidence of a teasing nature, and he was so strong… So damned strong. Two bullet wounds and still he laughed and joked as another pride member dug the hunks of metal from his body. He was bossy and sexy and snarly… Yup, perfect for her.

She finished drying her hair and then wrapped the damp towel around her body, tucking the edge within the fold to secure it. She shook out her hair, running her fingers through the wet strands in an attempt to untangle the mess. It didn’t take her long to give up, since she didn’t have a brush on hand, and simply used her hair clip to keep it out of the way. Skin covered—mostly—she padded from the massive bathroom. She was getting answers. She wanted Brett to tell her what the hell was going on, give her a brush, and hand over some clothes. Not necessarily in that order. Actually, he was her mate. If they were alone, clothing was optional.

Barefoot, she padded through the expansive condo, following the low murmur of voices down the hall. She passed several rooms, some easily identifiable as guest rooms while others looked like additional family areas and a study. How large was this place?

She finally emerged into what had to be the central living area and came to an abrupt stop. Holy fucking sexy lions! She remembered having a few men in the SUV with them when they left the courthouse, and there’d been another behind them, but she didn’t remember them being so damn sexy.

She must have made a sound, must have whimpered or whined the tiniest bit because Brett whirled in place so he could stare at her. Those eyes locked on hers, his gaze sinking into her as if he were attempting to read her mind. She tore her attention from him. He didn’t get to see her secrets. Not yet anyway.

Brett growled low, his blue eyes flashing yellow as he approached. He stomped across the polished wood floor, the room seeming to tremble with each step. It took no time for him to close in on her, lessening the distance within seconds, and then he was reaching for her. Gold fur slid free of his skin, coating his arms in shades of yellow and cream. His blunt, calloused fingers rapidly shifted from human to lion. It was evident the beast was making decisions and not the man.

Jennifer eased back a step, unsure if she should hold her ground or run for cover. It was clear he was pissed, again, and that anger was intent on her. She moved backward again, fighting to increase the distance between them but a loud snarl was enough to keep her frozen in place. He flexed his hands once again, nails lengthening further, and now a hint of true fear thrummed through her veins.

And that snippet of worry was enough to infuriate her inner lioness. How dare this asshole scare her. She wasn’t afraid of anyone. Well, maybe Marcus but he didn’t count. Because he was her best friend’s mate first and North American Alpha second.

Brett though… He was her mate who was obviously furious as hell about something.

Clutching the towel with one hand to ensure it remained in place, she held out her other in an effort to forestall him. “Hold up a second.” The towel slipped a bit, but she tightened her grip. “What’s got you so pissed? I’m the only one here allowed to be angry.”

He curled his lip, flashing all his sharpened teeth. “They can see you.”

God save her from possessive lions. “It’s not like you have something for me to wear.”

He simply growled and reached for her, his hands easily encircling her bicep as he tugged her toward him. It wasn’t until he bent at his waist and pressed his shoulder to her stomach that she realized his intention. He was going to toss her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. It was a totally caveman move and while she normally would’ve found it sexy, it so wasn’t at the moment due to one small reason. One typically silk and lace crafted reason.

Jennifer abandoned her hold on the towel and instead whacked at his back with rapid slaps. “Don’t you dare!”

Brett simply chuckled and didn’t slow.

“I mean it! I’m not wearing

That got him freezing in place and then he released her and slowly straightened. By the time she was able to look him in the eye once again, she wasn’t surprised to see his features resembled his inner beast more than a man. He quickly crowded her against the wall and then spun to face the other men in the room.

He released a bone-chilling hiss that had each of them looking everywhere but at Jennifer. It seemed like hours passed but it was only seconds before Brett was satisfied everyone was staring elsewhere. The moment he felt comfortable, he nudged her toward the hallway, returning the way she’d come. He stood between her and the males during their shuffle, ensuring he kept her hidden from view.

The moment she was near enough to the bedroom she’d been using, Jennifer darted into the space, and put at least twelve feet between her and Brett. He followed, slowly closing the door behind him with a soft click. Then he turned toward her and leaned against the wood panel. He crossed his arms over his chest and simply stared at her intently. He didn’t say a word, didn’t move another inch, but simply stared.

“What?” she snapped.

Brett shrugged. “Nothing. Just enjoying the view.”

His gaze seemed to stroke her body from head to toe, his attention starting at her face and then heading south. His eyes gradually shifted from bright blue to his lion’s gold. His concentration lingered at her breasts and she immediately tugged the towel tighter around herself, ensuring she was covered. That brought a small smirk to his lips, and she glared at him in response.

But it didn’t matter. He continued his perusal. When he got to the wide flare of her hips, he remained focused on that part of her for more than a moment. He licked his lips, and she noted his human canines were longer and more pointed than before.

“And it is a lovely, lovely view.” He met her eyes. “But you know that already, don’t you?”

Jennifer squirmed beneath his perusal and fiddled with the damp towel that hid her from his gaze. Lovely view? Hardly. Like her best friend Penelope, Jennifer wasn’t the ideal version of a lioness and she knew it. But she wasn’t about to tell him she knew he was lying about his attraction.

“Of course.” She shrugged.

Maybe he really did think she was pretty. He was her mate and she didn’t think she’d end up with a mate who thought she could lose a few pounds.

Now she treated him to the same intent examination, looking her fill, and her lioness purred at what they found. Massive muscles, wide shoulders, and an attitude that annoyed her as much as aroused her.

“Like what
see?” His deep voice vibrated through her, and she couldn’t fight the little snippet of desire that slid into her veins.

“Maybe.” No sense in letting a guy know she wanted to bang him non-stop for the next twenty-four hours.

“Uh—huh.” He pushed away from the door and slowly padded toward her.

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