Read Tainted Love (Book 1) Online

Authors: Ghiselle St. James

Tainted Love (Book 1) (37 page)

BOOK: Tainted Love (Book 1)
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Happiness looks good on me.



Opening Ben’s front door, I am still so blown away by the elegance of its seventeenth century French architecture mixed with modern accents. Locking the door behind me, I head upstairs to the main bedroom.

I toe my brown platforms off and drop my oversized handbag to the floor. Walking over to the four-poster bed, I part the veils to see a red lingerie box.

“So he wants me in lingerie, huh?” I murmur, opening the box.

I howl with laughter when I see the contents of the box. Red lace panties. Just red lace panties.

“Oh, my sweet, dominant Ben, I like your style,” I mutter, closing the box and heading for the bathroom.

My hands
fly up to cover my mouth and I gasp at seeing what Ben has prepared. The bathroom, by itself, is amazing. It has a large white bathtub with gold plumbing and two large white columns on either side of it. Adjacent to the bathtub is a glass encased shower with surrounding jets, also with gold piping. The sink is white with a bronze countertop and a small plush bronze bench in front of it. The room is complete with a white toilet and white bidet alongside it.

d never seen anything like it. The bathroom is too over-the-top to be what Ben wanted. It has a woman’s touch all over it. Then again, looking at the setup he has laid out for me in here, I have to re-frame my thoughts.

The steps leading to the bathtub
are lined with candles. The bathtub is filled, with rose petals dancing atop the water. The smell of the rose petals tickles my nose, making me want to jump in.

“Oh, my sweet, dominant Ben, I like your style!”
I gush, repeating the sentiment I had murmured earlier.

Instead of taking the much desired bath, I opt to make dinner first.

His fridge and cupboards are well-stocked, a chef’s wet dream probably. I decide to cook pan-fried fish with macaroni salad and steamed broccoli. It’s easy and would give me enough time to take a bath afterward.

Unfortunately, however, I didn’t take into consideration that I wouldn’t be able to find anything, so dinner
took longer than I’d initially thought. It took me twenty minutes to find the pots, and another fifteen to gather all the things I’d need to prepare dinner. An hour later and I was able to get to my soothing bath.

I am completely soothed and clean when I get out of the bathtub. Padding to the bedroom naked while drying my hair, I am riveted b
y the dark, heated gaze of Ben. He is leaning against the glass door to the balcony, with two glasses of wine in hand. Gazing at me like a predator, he stalks over to the bedside table and rests the glasses on it.

Forget the outfit,” he says, walking over to me. He grabs me to him and kisses me roughly, bruising my lips. “You are so sexy, Sullivan,” he breathes.

I fist his hair, loving the feel of the smooth tresses between my fingers.

“Come,” he commands, tugging me to the dressing room. En route, he drops his jacket to the floor then wields me to him again, kissing me madly.

Jesus,” he swears, adjusting himself. “I need to take you, right now.”

Ben presses a button located behind one of the wall lanterns in the room and the mirrors click and begin to part. I jump, and edge closer to him, wondering what the hell
is going on.

“A secret room?” I say, scared out of my wits.
“You chose
to kidnap me?”

Ben swats my ass chuckling, “Smart ass.”

The doors open further and I see light spilling into the room and my eyes brighten as the butterflies take flight.

“Your dungeon?” I question, my breath leaving me in lusty bursts

“I call it my Fulfillment Room,” he answers low and breathily. “Come.”

Ben pulls me into the
dimly lit room where the first thing I eye is a large black St. Andrews cross to the far right of the room and a padded spanking horse. In the middle of the room is a massive black four poster bed with blood red sheets and karabiners dangling from it. Alongside the bed is a selection of whips, paddles, and riding crops.

My sex clenches and arousal pools between my legs. I have walked into my
own erotic fantasy come true. Other men I’ve dated have given me a pseudo kind of pleasure where bondage and dominance is concerned. They played at it but were never…
. Jared was the only man who lived it, who made me feel his consuming power; the only man that truly loved me with it. I may have found it again…

I let go of Ben and walk to the implements
of punishment and run my trembling hands over them.

“Do you like it in here?” he asks, his eyes dark and licentious.

“Yes,” I breathe; my voice now hoarse with need.

Ben circles me, tracing his fingers lightly up my arms, sending delicious shivers through me. Pressing his body to mine, I feel him harden.

“Bed. Now,” he rumbles, the effect rippling through my body with a thousand volts of desire.

I climb onto the bed slowly, my nerves getting the best of me. I w
ant him so much that I ache. Goosebumps mark my body like a tattoo and my heart thumps against my chest, wanting to break free.

“Face down, knees propped, arms spread,” he commands
as I watch him undressing.

Something about his
orders, his voice as he commands me, sets my body on fire and I do as he tells me, eagerly anticipating what comes next.

Ben grasps my legs together then I feel rope at the ankles. He binds them together and I watch as he secures the rope to either post at the bottom of the bed. He then reaches to the left of the bed and produces a handcuff secured to a karabiner then closes the cuff to my wrist. He does the same to the other hand.

“Are you comfortable?” he asks, his voice sinking deep into my veins.

I can’t move. My ass, gloriously propped up, is open and exposed for the taking. My pussy throbs unrelentingly and I yearn for him to be deep inside me. I moan as my body helplessly struggles against the restraints, enjoying the feeling of being bound and at his mercy. I’m bubbling over with desire and I feel like I can already explode.

The riding crop falls hard and stinging on my ass and I cry out from the shock of it.

“Answer me, Sullivan,” he commands.

“Yes, yes!” I answer breathily, writhing against my binds.

My body is on fire for him, and the sweet sting of the crop sings through my limbs.
As the sting tingles through my body and dulls, I embrace the pleasure it brings. He swats me again, the bite registering deep in my loins. Then his mouth is on my dripping core, lapping at the evidence of my desire.

He flicks the crop over my ass again and I whimper when it grazes my swollen sex. Ben flutters gentle kisses over my
tingling rear, the stings ebbing away into pleasure. I am going crazy with need as I wish he would fuck me; but if I have learned anything about him, it is that he is into delayed gratification. So I take the pleasure he is giving me with relish.

Ben swats me again, doling out decadent punishment with every bite of the crop.

“Ah! Oh, God,” I cry out breathlessly.

I writhe in ecstasy, loving the sting of pain I feel. I hear him groan as he swats me harder and harder. I’d give anything
to see his face. The flush coloring it as he restrains himself from fucking me and the rigid, unyielding power of his throbbing cock begging to be lost deep within my deepest depths, would be a sight to behold.

It is an arousing thought, stirring my libido the more. I absorb each blow, knowing by now that my ass is rosy.

“You look so fucking delectable with my marks all over your ass like this,” he grumbles, stroking my ass.

“What is this?” he asks rubbing a finger between my folds and feeling the wetness of my arousal. “Is this turning you on, my
wicked girl?”

I groan and press backward at the urgency of his fingers.

Ben swats me hard and I feel like I could explode. “Answer me,” he demands. “Are you turned on?”

“Yes,” I blow out, my voice dripping with carnality.

“Listen to you. You want my cock inside you, don’t you?” He lands an even harsher blow to my ass. “Do you want me to finger you while I punish this sweet ass of yours?”

“Yes…please,” I beg.

Ben eases his finger in and out of me, slapping my behind in succession. I know I must feel sore, but the pleasure I feel dulls any pain. He speeds up the jerking of his finger and I am almost there. Swatting me harder, he withdraws his finger and I am left dangling on the edge. I scream, wishing he didn’t stop. My core quivers and dips, thumping heavily with unsatisfied desire.

Ben leans forward and kisses my smarting behind, his lips providing a cooling sensation that takes the sting off. Slowly, I come down from the edge. But no sooner had I come down, than Ben thrusts one then two fingers inside me.

“God!” I scream out in a sexual rush.

He hammers his fingers into me building my orgasm once again. I reel in the feel of his fingers and I thrash my head against the bed awkwardly. I am almost there when he pulls out of me again and smacks me hard on
my ass. This time, tears prick my eyes. That blow hurt like a bitch.

Ben frees my hands and I rub at them, eyeing the bruises they’d already formed. He also unties my legs, laying me flat on my stomach. He rounds me and his erection eyes me from where he stands. It twitches and I know it wants me.
wants me.

“Suck,” he orders, and I can’t do it
any quicker.

Propping up on my knees, I tilt my head forward to receive him. A
s soon as I approach, he grips my head and thrusts me to it. I slurp him greedily, appreciatively, longingly. He lets out a hiss as he slowly grinds himself deeper into my mouth. Swirling my tongue along his rigid length, I groan in satisfaction which in turn makes him flinch and groan.

“That felt so good. Take me deeper.”

I breathe out and then I swallow him to the back of my throat. He stills.

“Look at that. You are so beautiful taking my cock like that.” He runs a hand down my cheek th
en withdraws.

I stop him from withdrawing completely, clasping his cock and sucking on the tip. I twirl my tongue around the head then lock my lips tightly over him, sucking hard. He rewards me with a splash of pre-cum that whets my senses and drives me to want to make him come.

Sliding to the ground, I crouch as I press my hands on his tight ass and urge him deeper. I lap him, sucking earnestly, making gurgling noises as his dick hits the back of my throat. I pull him out of my mouth and, hoping I am not making a mistake, I lift his cock and swat his tight balls lightly. He groans and grabs on to the post so as not to fall. I smile wickedly at him. I’m good at this and I know it.

I gather his balls into my mouth and w
et them. Then I suck on one sack then the other, rewarding my ears with his light whimpers. Sliding him slowly back into my mouth, I can feel his hips thrusting forward. I look up to see his lips parted and feel him grind inside my mouth. It’s time to make him come.

I grab onto his cock and I start jerking it firmly while sucking him harder and harder.

“If you keep this up I’m going to come, Sullivan,” he warns.

I pay no attention to him as I suck harder with even greater urgency.

“Fuck, where do you want it?” he asks gruffly, pulling from my mouth momentarily.

“My mouth,” I manage to say before he shoves
himself back between my lips.

Sucking my cheeks in, I fellate him faster and faster, sheathing my teeth. My lips are tender, swollen
even, as my teeth clamp down on them, but I don’t care. I am going to make my man come.

I clamp down
tighter on his erection with my lips, sucking hard. Ben pumps his hips forward, gathering my hair into his hands. With one final thrust, he stills, gripping my hair tightly.

A spurt of warm liquid touches the back of my throat and I grunt, swallowing quickly.

BOOK: Tainted Love (Book 1)
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