Takedown (15 page)

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Authors: Garnet Hart

BOOK: Takedown
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Outnumbered, they managed to pull Blaze up and away from his brother. Travis didn’t even try to fight back. He just stood up and wiped the blood off his nose, grinning.

“Not bad,” Travis taunted. “But not hard enough.”

It infuriated Blaze even more. “You want a piece of me?” he roared. “You got it. I’ll see you in the cage. And you’d better train hard because it will be the end of your career.”

Travis was surprised, including the rest of the men. Afterwards, they all cheered.

“Fight of the century!” one yelled. Some even high-fived Travis.

Blaze pulled away from the grip of the giant black man and glowered at Travis, but his brother completely ignored him and celebrated with the rest of the men.

Blaze turned to the door and left the building.

Fuck. What did he just do? He just gave that son of a bitch a reason to celebrate. That was exactly what Travis wanted, and he had given it to him so easily.

Wait just a minute.

He stopped as he was about to get into his car. Did that asshole say that just to enrage him?

What a dumbass he was. He actually fell for that?

Shit! He’d go see Meg right now. He’d ask her personally if Travis had told the truth.

That bitch. She’d better answer him correctly, or God only knew what he might do to her.





Chapter 18


“Who’s coming here?” Meg asked Travis whom she was speaking with on the phone.

“The son of a bitch.”

“I know a lot of SOBs. That includes you. So who is it?”

“Your ex.”

“Alec? How did you know about him?”

“Damn it, Meg. Don’t make me say his name.

“Oh.” Now, she understood. His brother whose name he did not want to mention. “Why is he coming here?”

“I told him you’re pregnant.”


“And I told him the baby’s mine.”

“What the fuck!” she exclaimed so loud the neighbor’s dog started barking. “Are you crazy?”

“You kidding? I was very smart.”

“What did you do that for?”

“It’s a trick, and he bit it. Now, he’s coming to your house. He is really mad so you’d better ask someone to accompany you.”

“Shit!” Suddenly, she was trembling all over. Her knees could hardly keep her legs straight. “I’m going out, and I’m not coming back here until you fix this shit.”

“No, stay there.”

“Fuck you. He’ll kill me.”

“Your brother is on his way. But call a neighbor, in case he won’t make it in time.”

“My neighbor is a seventy year old woman. What can she do?”

“Then go to your porch. In case he’d do something, someone will see. But don’t leave the house.”

“No, no, I’m leaving the house,” she said as she grabbed her purse and car keys. “You can’t make me a sacrificial lamb to your god damn shit.”

“Listen to me for a second. He just accepted the fight.”

“Then congratulations to you. You got what you want. Just leave me out of this.”

“Don’t you get it? Josh is out. He doesn’t have to fight me anymore.”

She froze as the realization hit her. That was correct. Josh should be safe now. “You mean it?”

“Yes, as long as you don’t spoil it.”

“So what do you want me to do?”

“If he asked you who the father is, tell him it’s me. Don’t tell him the truth until we both signed the contract.”

“The baby is barely five weeks.  You mean I’ll tell him I’ve been sleeping with each one of you at the same time?”

“That’s exactly what I told him.”

“Shit, Travis! You’re an ass!”

Travis laughed. “You know what to do.”

Suddenly, she heard a loud knock on the door. “Fuck. He’s here.”

“You on the porch?”

“No. In my room.”

“Damn! I told you to go to your porch. Don’t open the door just yet. Josh is on his way.”

“Travis, if something happens to me, I will kill you. I swear I will kill you.”

“Fine, fine. I’m hanging up.”

She growled when the call ended. Now, she really was in trouble, and she had to face this monster all by herself. She hoped Josh would come soon.

The knock became louder it seemed like Blaze was trying to break down her door. She locked herself in her room, praying the door could withstand all those battering.

Suddenly, it stopped. She waited for another minute, but she did not hear anything anymore.

Slowly, she walked out of her room and quietly descended the stairs. She peered through the window and found the porch empty.

He’s gone. That was such a relief. Now, she could think about killing Travis for putting her life in danger.

She noticed something in the driveway.

Shit! He’s not gone. His car was still there. So where could he be?

She heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. Then she realized.

The backdoor!

Before she could run back in her room, a shadow emerged from the kitchen. Frightened, she cowered against the wall until the unwelcome guest revealed himself.

He did not seem surprised to see her there. His eyes were blazing, like his name implied. This was exactly how she used to see him in the octagon, or more. The wickedly funny and gentle nature that had surprised her about him suddenly vanished, as if they were nothing but pretense, and this was now his real self—a monster intent on tearing her apart.

“Why weren’t you answering the door?” he asked in a low, raspy voice. “Are you afraid?”

She shrank back further, but he kept moving forward. He gave her a once over.

“You are afraid,” he noticed. “Did you do something behind my back?”

She shook her head. “I was just alarmed at who’s knocking on the door. I didn’t know it was you.”

“Now, you know it’s me. Why are you still scared?”

“Not anymore.” She tried to smile, but the way he squinted his eyes meant he suspected something.

“Is it true?”


“Answer me, is it true?”

“I don’t understand.” Actually, she did. But she would play dumb for now. That would buy her some time until Josh arrived.

“Stop bullshitting me!”

His loud roar made the hair on her skin bristle up. Her heartbeat jumped, kicking hard against the wall of her chest. “If you’re asking if I’m pregnant, yes,” she replied, trying to sound brave even if she was actually terrified to death.

“Whose dick is it?”

She looked away. She knew what to say, but it was difficult to do it.

“Answer me, damn it!”

“It’s not you!” she snarled back.

He looked shocked. Finally, she was seeing an emotion from him. He was angry, but it wasn’t the most dominant in his face. Pain overwhelmed everything. She could not believe that this so-called Octagon Demon was actually susceptible to such emotions.

“So all the while, you’ve been cheating behind my back?”

“I don’t remember committing myself to you, so I don’t consider that as cheating.”

“Bryan’s parents were right about you. You’re just a gold digging bitch. That was why you did not want any commitment, because you were weighing who between me and Travis was the fatter pigeon. And when I turned down the multi-million dollar offer, you’ve decided Travis was a better choice. Then you dumped me.”

Her jaw dropped. His accusation was beyond anything she could tolerate. “You don’t know anything.”

“I know it all now, Meg. All the while, I thought you’re different from any other women I’ve met. But you’re not. In fact, you’re the worst.”

She heard someone turning the doorknob. Suddenly, the door opened and Josh stepped in, gasping.

Finally, her brother came to her rescue. She finally managed to take a deep breath.

Josh did not say a word and darted his gaze between her and Blaze. When he probably figured out that all was well, he sighed and stepped out to the porch.

Blaze did not say anything more and followed Josh out of the door. As he passed by her, she noticed something in his eyes.

He was teary, and the pain that he had tried so hard to conceal had become too apparent.

A drop of tears rolled down her cheek.

Fuck, he did love her, and she just crushed him. Worse, he just made a slut of herself in front of him.

Candace was right. She was a bitch, a whore, and a slut rolled into one.








Chapter 19


“They’re coming,” Ryder said as he lowered his phone on the conference table.

Blaze glared at the CEO who was grinning from ear to ear. The grin of a greedy son of a bitch who finally had his hands on a pot of gold after a long search. It pissed him off.

But he had already given his words. He would fight his brother in the octagon and beat him. It was the only way he could redeem his pride after being kicked hard in the butt.

The contract was ready. Jackson, his lawyer who was seated beside him, was currently reading it. Chuck was also there. He had re-hired the services of his former trainer-manager for this upcoming fight.

“All good?” he asked.

Jackson nodded yet kept his eyes on the paper. “So far.”

Blaze turned his attention to Ryder, who was restlessly tapping the glass table with the tip of his nails. This contract was between the fighters and the Battledome. They will have to sign another contract with the UFC later on, before the presence of a much bigger audience, not to mention, the media.

“So how much has the UFC promised you that you had to go to great lengths to get me in?” he taunted.

Ryder grinned. Money was written all over his face. “Can’t disclose it, but trust me, we’re all even in this.”

Blaze was tempted to roll his eyes. Ten times more was what this greedy pig meant by even.

Suddenly, Ryder’s secretary opened the door. She was followed by Travis, Steven, and a lady lawyer.

They all stood up and shook hands with the newcomers. Travis ignored him, which was something he had expected.

“Alright, gentlemen,” Ryder happened to catch a glimpse of the only woman in the room, “and lady,” he continued. “I hope you’ve gone over the copies of the contract I’ve sent to each one of you. Do I hear any questions, reactions, or objections?”

The lawyers shook their heads, but Blaze raised his hand and looked at Travis.

“We had a deal,” he reminded his brother.

Travis nodded. “I know.”

“I told father about it, and he said he will not undergo the surgery until the fight is over. So you don’t have to donate blood until then.”

“That’s good,” Steven nodded. “I’m actually concerned.”

“And I have another condition.”

Travis crossed his arms and nodded for Blaze to continue.

“You have to marry Megan.”

Travis was frozen, so were the rest of his party.

“W-wait,” Ryder said. “I hate to interrupt, but that is personal.”

Blaze turned to the CEO. “It is personal. It is between me and my brother,” he said and looked back at Travis. “So are you going to marry her?”

Travis chuckled. “You’re not serious about that, are you?”

“I am damn serious, Travis. That’s an order from our father.”

“He’s not my father anymore. He can’t tell me what to do.”

“If you don’t marry her, there will be no fight.”

There was a long silence. Among them all, Ryder was the most anxious one. Of course, he was on the verge of losing his millions.

“Fine,” Travis replied after a long moment, to the shock of the others. Only Ryder reacted differently.

“Great,” Ryder said, apparently trying so hard to conceal his excitement. “It’s settled then. Unless you have any other conditions or requests?”

Blaze sighed. “That’s about it.”

“Perfect. Then, we’re all ready to sign.” Ryder opened the folder which contained the original contract. He handed each party a copy.

Jackson scoured the whole ten pages again to make sure there were no discrepancies before he passed it to Blaze. After Blaze placed his signature, Chuck and Jackson signed, as well.

When they returned the papers to Ryder, Blaze noticed the CEO drawing a deep sigh of relief. He knew what was in this greedy pig’s mind, that finally he was guaranteed of a great deal of money.

“And when is the wedding?” Blaze asked Travis who was about to stand up.

“After the fight.”

“No. You have to marry her sooner than that.”

“I can't rush a wedding. She deserves a grand celebration and not just a quick dinner in a restaurant.”

“Fine, and don't forget to invite Dad. Don't bother with me because I'm not going.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t intend to,” Travis said and left the room.

Blaze could hardly contain the hurt wrecking his insides. But as a brother, and for the woman he cared about, that was the best thing to do. Even if it was killing him.

“You should have made me draft a contract for that matter,” Jackson suggested.

Blaze shook his head. “He may be a jerk, but I’m sure he’d be true to his words.”


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