Read Taken: Against My Will Online

Authors: Zureika Willow

Taken: Against My Will (7 page)

BOOK: Taken: Against My Will
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              She sat upon the window seat looking out of the park across the street when she heard the door open. She didn’t turn to look who it was as she guessed it was probably a nurse or Paul come to check on how she was. She was utterly shocked when she heard his voice,
“Hey gorgeous. How are you feeling?”
               Vicky turned her head slowly, avoiding the pain in her back and saw Tristen stood closing the door quietly behind him. She knew she should have been scared. She knew she should have grabbed the alarm that hung by her bed and rang it as quickly as she could but she didn’t. Instead she felt relief and happiness at seeing him. The fact that he was stood before her meant that the police hadn’t caught him yet. As she thought about it she began to panic.
“Tristen you can’t be here. There are cops everything.” She hissed in a whisper as she swept herself from the seat into his arms. He looked surprised and held back for a moment before wrapping his arms around her. Vicky winced in pain as his arms brushed her wounded back and he pulled himself back as though he knew he’d hurt her.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed as he lifted her head to make her look at him and began to stroke her cheek, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Believe me that’s nothing.” Vicky replied.
“Vicky you look awful.” Tristen examined the bruised cheeking and receding swelling that was her face.
“Again that’s nothing.” Vicky told him. She turned and lifted the top of the pyjamas Paul had gotten from her place. Tristen gasped in shock horror as he saw the lash marks on her back. When she turned back to him, putting her top down, she saw that his face was flaring with anger.
“Your husband did this didn’t he?” Tristen demanded. Vicky didn’t need to answer. Her facial expression was enough for him to read as clearly as a book.
“I’m going to kill the bastard.” Tristen hissed as his nostrils flared with anger. Vicky grabbed hold of his arms and tried to calm him.
“First will you stay with me a while?” she asked him in a soft tender voice. Tristen’s face softened as he looked down at her.
                No matter what his crimes had been in the past he was nothing compared to the man she has been living with. There had been no tender looks, no loving kisses. It had been one slap after another as soon as the ring was on her finger. It was as though as soon as the gold touched her skin she was an object that was Ian’s to own, to do with as he pleased. Vicky looked down at the ring that still banded her finger.
“I won’t let him hurt you again, I promise.” Tristen said as he pulled her closer to him.
“I want him to pay for what he’s done to me.” Vicky whispered.
               Tristen wrapped his arms around her and looked deep into her eyes.
“I’ll do whatever it takes.” He promised. Then he added, “You look tired. Are you not sleeping?”
“I’ve been having nightmares.” Vicky admitted as she shrugged her shoulders.
“I have nightmares all the time.” Tristen told her. Vicky remembered the morning when he’d woken up screaming and nodded her agreement.
“I remember.” She told him.
“Let’s get you settled,” Tristen told her as he swept her toward the bed. Vicky settled in and tried to get as comfortable as possible on her side. To her surprise Tristen removed his shoes and climbed in beside her. He wrapped his arms gently around her so not to hurt her.
“Try and sleep now and I’ll tell you a story.” He whispered softly to her.
“What story?” Vicky asked pulling her head up to look at him. There were many things she wanted to hear about but they definitely weren’t fairy tales and she wanted to let him know that.         
“What would you like to hear?” Tristen asked.
“Tell me about your childhood.” Vicky whispered as she lowered her head back down onto his chest. She felt him tense suddenly as she spoke.
“I’m not sure I…” he stammered and Vicky pressed herself against him, trying to comfort him.
“Please, I want to know more about you.” Vicky pleaded. Tristen sighed out a long breath before finally beginning,
“When I was five my mum left my father and I. My dad was so depressed and just buried himself in his work, leaving me to do everything on my own. He met a woman who brought him out of it but unlucky for me she saw the scum of the earth,” Tristen’s body shook as he spoke and Vicky pressed herself close to him and wrapped her arm around his waist, “She beat me night and day. She ordered me around making me open her wine bottles for her. Because I was so young I had trouble opening them and if I didn’t open them quick enough she’d beat me harder.”
                    “Didn’t your dad stop her?” Vicky couldn’t help but ask. She felt Tristen shake his head.
“He refused to see any of it. Besides he was too busy working all the time. You see he was a doctor. He was always being called out and whenever he wasn’t around she’d beat me. She’d make sure that she was the only one to bathe or dress me and she’d mark me only where people couldn’t see; where my clothes hid the marks.” Vicky felt herself shudder.
“What happened to your dad?” Vicky asked.
“When I was sixteen they were both killed in a car crash. Shelley had been drinking as usual but she insisted on driving and my dad wasn’t one to deny her anything so they went for a drive and never came home.” Vicky gasped in shock.
“I’m so sorry Tristen.” She looked up at him and saw the pain in his face. He shook his head then.
“Don’t be sorry for me. That day was the best and worst of my life. I may have lost my father but I gained my freedom and the control over my own life.”
          Tristen forced her head down onto his chest with his chin. “Now that’s enough story time. It’s time for sleep.” Vicky didn’t object. She was too tired. Her eyes were already fluttering shut and it wasn’t long before she finally dropped off with her head resting lightly on his chest. She breathed in a soft sigh as she took in the feeling of him beside her. For the first time since she’d arrived in the hospital she felt safe.


Chapter Nine
When she woke Vicky found that she had not dreamed at all. She woke feeling well rested but was dismayed as she realized that Tristen was no longer beside her. Fresh morning light filtered through the blinds of the window and she could just see the back of a police officer parked at her door. Climbing carefully out of bed she headed over to the door and the officer turned to look at her.
             “Hello, Vic, how are you feeling?” he asked.
“Better thanks, Mark, I don’t suppose I have any visits?” she asked as she looked up and down the corridor, desperate to catch a glimpse of Tristen. He was nowhere to be seen.
“Sorry Vic, I haven’t seen anyone all night. My shift is finishing soon. I can stay a while longer if you want some company.” He offered. Vicky finally looked up at his kind, round face and placed a hand on his arm,
“Thank you, Mark but I think I’ll be fine. Besides you look like you could do with a rest.” Mark nodded and she added, “If anyone comes can you let me know?”     
“Of course.” Mark smiled down at her with the same cheerful smile he always had on.
“Thanks again.” With that Vicky turned and headed back into her room.

Another week passed before Vicky was finally discharged from the hospital. She packed her things into a bag and readied herself for Paul who would be picking her up to take her back to his place. There was no way she was going back to her apartment while Ian was still there. The thought scared her to death. Since the night she had slept beside Tristen
she had not been able to sleep a wink. Her nightmares had returned and it was as though he would be the only one who could ward them off. She hadn’t heard any news regarding the investigations to find him and she guessed that Paul and the others were trying to keep her out of it after her ordeal.
                She sat on the window seat watching the people in the car park below as they hurried about their business. One woman was trying to juggle three children while carrying what looked like clean clothes for what must have been a patient in the hospital. Another woman was helping and elderly man from the car. She watched as he stumbled and the woman had to catch him. Vicky winced as she imagined him toppling to the hard tarmac floor.
              The sound of the door opening behind her made her look around. For a flash moment she remembered that it had been how Tristen had entered and she hoped it would be him standing there again. When she looked around she was disappointed to see that it was Paul looking at her.
“Don’t look too disappointed to see me.” He laughed as he headed over to her bed and picked up the bag.
“Sorry, I thought you were someone else.” Vicky explained as she removed a strand of hair that had fallen down into her face. Paul shrugged his shoulders and Vicky was relieved that he didn’t ask any questions.
“Let’s get you back to my place so you can get settled in.” he told her as he turned back toward the door with her bag over his shoulder.
“Thanks for doing this Paul.” Vicky told him as she followed him out of the room.
             She had already signed all the papers and she was free to go. She found all the nurses waving her goodbye and wishing her well as she followed Paul down the corridor. Even some of the patients gave their farewells.
“It seems you’ve made a few new friends.” Paul laughed as he led her toward the car park where they climbed into the squad car.
“Well if I didn’t speak to anyone I would have gone stir crazy in that place,” Vicky explained as she buckled her seat belt, “I can’t wait to get back to work.” Paul shook his head as he climbed into the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition.
“Boss said that won’t be for a while,” he explained as he pulled the car out of the parking space, “He says that you need time to rest and recover and probably need to see the shrink.” Vicky felt angry at this. In all her years on the force she had never once had to see the shrink. Now because of her husband everyone probably thought that she might go crazy on them.
“I don’t need a shrink.” She hissed at him, unable to hide her temper.
“Hey don’t shoot the messenger. I don’t think you need one either but rules are rules. You’ve had a pretty bad time of it lately and it is bound to have left a few mental scars.” As he spoke Vicky couldn’t help thinking of her nightmares. Maybe he was right.
              They were silent for a few streets but as they turned the third corner Paul asked,
“So are you going to tell me what happened?” he glanced at her before looking back at the road, “What made Ian do this to you?” Vicky shivered as she heard his name.
“He has been doing this to me for years.” Vicky finally admitted. She heard Paul gasp in shock but he quickly hid his shocked expression.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked as they turned another corner.
“I didn’t want everyone at the station thinking I was a hopeless little woman who couldn’t defend herself. Nobody would have taken me seriously.”
“But when you’re working your like… I can’t even explain it. You’re just unstoppable.” Paul protested, “How could he get one over on you?”
“Because, well, at first I thought I loved him,” Vicky explained, “I couldn’t hit a man I loved. When it got worse I started to think that maybe it was just normal.”
“Honey, it definitely isn’t normal. I’m going to make sure he goes down for this.” Paul promised as they finally turned onto the drive of his small two bedroom house.
            Paul killed the ignition and led Vicky inside, carrying her heavy bag for her. She was still sore from her wounds but the doctor had prescribed some kick ass painkillers and she was feeling a little light headed after taking her first dose.
             Inside the house was beautifully furnished. It reminded Vicky of a little farm house with checked curtains and flowery cushions. As they entered the house the staircase was to their right while the hallway led off to other rooms on their left.
“I’ll take your things up to the guest room. Make yourself at home.” Paul told Vicky as he headed up the stairs.
“Thanks for letting me stay here Paul.” She called up to him as he went.
“It’s no problem. You’d do the same for me.” She heard him call back down to her.
            Vicky walked down the hallway and through the first door where she knew the living room was. Inside the coal fire was burning. It was one of the feature’s Vicky looked most about Paul’s home. It was always comfortable and welcoming.
               Just as she settled into the comfort of the cushions on the sofa, Paul appeared in the room with a scowl upon his face.
“I’m afraid I can’t stay. They need me at the station but don’t hesitate to give me a call if you need anything.” He explained as he moved around the room looking as though he was grabbing things that he needed for work.
“Do you have any paperwork you need completed? I could really do with something to get my mind back on work.” Vicky asked as she saw him piling paper into a briefcase.
“I’ll see if I can get something faxed over for you if you’re really that desperate.” Paul laughed as he clicked the briefcase closed and headed toward the door.
“Is Joan working today?” Vicky asked. Paul stopped in the doorway and nodded.
“She will be back around tea time.”
Vicky was left alone in the house having no idea what to do to pass the time. She was already rearing and ready to go back to work. She wanted to throw herself back into her job to get rid of the thoughts that kept clouding her mind. In the waking world her thoughts were always on Tristen but whenever she closed her eyes – even for a few moments – she found that her thoughts turned dark and Ian would be prowling through her memory.
             After flicking through the many channels on the television and finding nothing of any interest Vicky headed up to the guest room at the back of the house. After unpacking her meagre pile of clothes into the small chest of draws and shoving the bag down the side of it, she threw herself down onto the readymade bed.
            Her eyes were just fluttering closed when she heard the sound of a floorboard creaking. Her body reacted instantly and she threw herself into a sitting position which sent pain shooting up her spine.
“Paul? Joan? Is that you?” she called loudly as the house went silent. It was almost too silent. It was as though the whole house had begun to hold its breath. A shiver of fear ran through Vicky as she pushed herself off the bed and crept toward the bedroom door. It was open just enough for her to peer through the crack between the door and the doorframe. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw someone stood on the other side. She was about to grab something to defend herself with when the recognized the face that stared back at her through the crack. Tristen’s face widened into a smile as he rounded the door and swept her into his arms.
“Careful.” Vicky warned as she felt his arms brush against the still sore wounds that crisscrossed her back.
“I’m sorry.” Tristen apologized as he attempted to hold her gently.
               Vicky slammed her hands into his chest and pulled back as reality suddenly dawned on her. She couldn’t believe it. She was stood in Paul’s house – a cop’s house – and here stood a wanted man as though he had just walked in through the front door.
“Tristen, what the hell are you doing here?” Vicky demanded. Tristen’s eyes flashed with unhappiness as she pulled away from him. He let her go without protest and stared down into her eyes as he replied,
“I needed to be sure you were ok. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for you to get out of the hospital.”
“Why have you been waiting for me?” Vicky demanded. She suddenly felt angry. It was as though Tristen had already decided what was going to happen between them. Yet again it seemed she was trapped by a man who had the bigger say in everything.
“I couldn’t stay with you in the hospital. There were too many people watching you,” he explained as he saw the angry expression on her face, “At least here I can see you whenever the cop is at work.”
“That’s right Tristen. He is a cop and you’ve broken into his house,” Vicky shouted, unable to hide the angry tone from her voice, “How could you be so stupid. Your DNA will be all over the place now.” She pressed the palms of her hands to her temples suddenly feeling a headache coming on.
              Walking across the room she sat down on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands, staring at the hard wood floor.
“Vicky, why are you so mad?” Tristen asked as he walked over to sit down beside her. Her head whipped up, sending shooting pain into her temples as she glared at him.
“You’re a criminal, Tristen. I’m supposed to take you into the station and lock you up for a very long time but instead I’ve been sat having conversations with you. Even worse I’ve had sex with you!” as she spoke she couldn’t even believe her own words. Saying it out loud made it even more real.
“I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid,” She could no longer look at his big puppy dog eyes. Instead she looked away from him feeling tears in her eyes, “Tristen, you have to leave.” She heard Tristen’s sharp intake of breath as though he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Vicky, I can’t leave you.” He protested. She felt his hand on her knee and glanced down to see his fingers squeeze gently on her knee cap. She shook her head and swept his hand away from her.
               “Tristen, I’m married.” The words were out of her mouth before she even knew what she was saying. He threw himself to his feet and stared down at her. Vicky could feel his eyes burning into her but she was unable to look up at him.
“You can’t be serious, Vicky,” he leaned down on his knees and grabbed hold of her head, forcing her to look at him, “That monster beat you so hard you nearly died.” His voice was filled with barely disguised anger.
“He is still my husband.” Vicky shook her head away from his hand and averted her eyes yet again. She could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes.
“Is that all that’s stopping you?” Tristen asked as he stood up again and moved a few inches away from her as though he couldn’t bear the thought of touching her again. Vicky shook her head again then.
“I can’t be with you because you’re a criminal, Tristen,” she looked up at him then wanting him to see the seriousness in her eyes while he heard it in her voice, “It doesn’t matter how well you’ve treated me, you still hurt all those women.”
“What if I take my punishment for it?” he asked, “Would you change your mind then?”
“A police officer can never be with a criminal. It would take all the meaning out of my work.” Vicky’s throat felt as though it was closing over. She couldn’t believe what she was doing. She was hurting the only man who had ever shown her the pleasure she could have if she just let go of everything else. He had proved so many things to her and she wanted to continue to learn but she wasn’t sure that she could.
             Tristen dropped down on his knees again then. He didn’t touch her this time. Instead he simply looked at her as he said,
“I will turn myself in at the police station in the morning,” his voice was filled with promise, “I’ll do it for you if you will promise me you will be there when I get out.” Vicky suddenly thought of something. If she promised him this one thing there would be no more victims. She would save the many women who may get hurt if he continued to roam the streets. She could imagine what kind of rampage he might go on if she refused him.
“How do I know you’ll do it?” Vicky asked.
“You can take me in yourself.” Tristen’s answer came almost as soon as she had asked the question. It sent her mind whirling with shock as she realized how deadly serious he was. In that moment she knew there was no way she could refuse.
“You had better go and get all your business tied up then,” she spoke in a calm, matter of fact voice, “You might be going a way for a very long time.”
             Tristen’s eyes sparked with fear but his voice remained strong as he told her,
“Will you meet me at your apartment at midnight? There’s something I have to do before we go to the station.” Vicky felt worried as she wondered what he could possibly have to do in her apartment. Seeing the hopeful look in his eyes there was no way she could refuse him.
“I’ll meet you there.” She told him. Tristen leaned forward and placed a kiss upon her lips. Vicky’s eyes automatically closed as the kiss lingered on her soft, plump skin. When she opened her eyes again Tristen was gone. A feeling of disappointment filled her.

BOOK: Taken: Against My Will
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