Taken: Against My Will (8 page)

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Authors: Zureika Willow

BOOK: Taken: Against My Will
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When evening came Joan arrived just like Paul said she would. She walked through the front door carrying a bag full of Chinese takeaway. The smell of food drew Vicky downstairs as her stomach began to rumble. She suddenly realized how hungry she was. Her mind had been focused solely on Tristen after he had been in the guest room. She couldn’t help but wonder what he could possibly have planned for the night ahead.
              Vicky found Joan in the kitchen plating up the chicken chow mien and rice. The smell of it enveloped Vicky making her mouth water.
“You look starving.” Joan frowned as she looked up from plating up. Vicky nodded as her stomach gave a loud growling sound which answered for her.
“Here, tuck in,” Joan laughed as she handed a plate piled with food, “Do you like prawn crackers?”
“Yes. I love them.” Vicky replied.
“Good because Paul hates them.”
“More for us then.” Vicky laughed in amusement as she headed through an archway to the dining table beyond and sat down. Joan followed her carrying her own plate and settled down opposite her.
“How are you feeling?” she enquired as she began to mix her rice into the sauces that pooled on the plate in front of her.
“I feel much better,” Vicky replied as she began to tuck into the food, “Thank you for letting me stay here for a while. I hope I don’t step on anyone’s toes.”
“Don’t worry. I have no feeling in my toes.” Joan joked. Vicky almost choked on her food as she laughed.
                 They ate in silence then until there plates had been scraped clean. Vicky stood and picked up both of their plates.
“I’ll wash up.” she offered. Joan quickly shook her head and attempted to take the plates back from Vicky.
“There’s no need for that. I can do it.” Joan told her. Vicky shook her head and pulled the plates out of Joan’s reach.
“It’s the least I can do. I want to do my bit around the house while I’m here.”
            Heading into the kitchen she filled the sink with warm soapy water and began to wash off the plates and cutlery they had used. Joan remained at the table looking over the newspaper that lay on the place mat in front of her. She looked so enthralled with the news that she barely seemed to bat an eyelid as the doorbell began to ring.
“I can get it.” Vicky offered.
“No, its fine. You go ahead and get ready for bed if you like. You look shattered.” Joan’s voice was filled with sympathy as she headed past Vicky and down the hallway toward the front door.
             Vicky remained at the sink pretending to finish off the pots while she strained her ears to listen to who might be on the other side of the door.
“Good evening miss, I was wondering if I might be able to speak with my wife?” Vicky’s heart stopped as she recognized Ian’s voice. She spun around and saw that Joan had used her body to block the doorway.
“I’m afraid she doesn’t wish to see you.” Vicky was relieved to hear that Joan was actually standing up against the man who had beaten her.
“I have merely come to apologize.” Ian assured her. Vicky couldn’t help letting out a snort of disgust as she heard his words.
“I’m afraid it would take much more than an apology to right the wrongs that you have committed against your wife sir,” Joan’s voice was filled with venom. Vicky couldn’t believe how brave the woman was being, “Please leave before I get a mind to call the police.”
             With that Joan slammed the door shut in Ian’s face. She locked the door and put the deadbolt across before returning to the kitchen. When she saw the look of terror on Vicky’s face she moved forward and cautiously wrapped her arms around Vicky. The feeling of having someone comfort her was a relief and Vicky found herself leaning into the embrace.
“Don’t worry, Vicky, your always safe here.” Joan whispered gently as she patted her on the shoulder.
“Thank you, Joan.”
That night Vicky lay in bed watching the alarm clock tick by with every minute. Paul got in around 8pm and both he and Joan headed to bed not long after leaving Vicky to wait for the time when she would leave to go back to her apartment to meet Tristen.
             After a while she began to grow restless. Her heart pounded with panic as she realized that time was slowly moving toward whatever Tristen had planned for them. A thought crossed her mind then. Would Ian be at the apartment? What was Tristen going to do if he was? The thoughts whirled around Vicky’s head until her head hurt almost as much as it had when Ian had struck her.
             When it came to 11pm Vicky finally climbed out of bed and changed into some skinny jeans and a sweater. She found her feet carrying her down the stairs where her boots were waiting. As she pulled them on she heard movement from upstairs. She paused and held her breath as she wondered who had gotten out of bed. The sound of footsteps came from above her. She remained in the shadows at the bottom of the stairs, praying that whoever it was wouldn’t look for her there. A few moments later the bathroom door clicked shut and she realized that one of them must have just needed the toilet.
               Vicky pulled on both her boots and then waited calmly, breathing as quietly as she could as she waited to hear the footsteps retreating back to the master bedroom. When the sound finally came she waited until it stopped and then unbolted the front door. Her breath caught in her throat as the door made a creaking sound. She became motionless and waited for someone to shout downstairs. They never did.
               Instead of having to answer awkward questions Vicky found herself racing down the driveway and around the corner of the street. She knew that the journey would be faster by car but she didn’t want to chance Paul waking up and finding his vehicle missing from the driveway. That would only create more questions than it was worth. Besides it would only take her ten minutes more and she had plenty of time before midnight. 
When Vicky got to the apartment building, she stopped in the car park and glanced around. Only when she was sure that she couldn’t see Ian’s car did she begin to climb the stairs toward their apartment. Her heart pounded as she imagined what might be waiting for her inside.
            It wasn’t long before she stood at the door of the apartment. To her astonishment she saw that it was open a crack and she could just see light coming from inside. The sound of someone moving on the other side of the door made her a little more cautious. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the doorknob and pushed the door slowly forward. The smell of vanilla incense hit her nostrils as she entered the apartment. Closing the door behind her she walked forward into the apartment. Shock filled her as she walked down the corridor to see that Tristen was stood in the kitchen, stirring something in a pan on the stove.
            “Tristen, what are you doing?” she demanded just as he turned to look at her. A bright smile lit his face as his dark eyes fell on her.
“Good, you’re here,” he grinned, “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come.” Vicky removed a strand of hair from her face and placed it behind her ear before replying,
“I nearly didn’t.” leaving the pan on the stove, Tristen moved around the kitchen island to stand in front of her. He looked down at her with an admiring look on his face as he lifted his hand to stroke her cheek.
“Well I’m glad you decided to.” With that he leaned down and placed a chased kiss on her lips.
“Why don’t you go and get into bed?” Tristen suggested, “I’ll finish up here and then join you.” He gestured toward the bedroom door that was open just a crack.
              Vicky was about to protest when she saw his expression urging her forward. She sighed as she turned and headed toward the door. The scent of incense grew stronger as she drew nearer to the door. Her fingertips pressed on the wood of the door and it swung upon. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the scene before her. The bed covers had been changed and there were rose petals everywhere. Even more astonishing was the amount of candles that spread across the room. They were everywhere; on the bedside tables; on the desk; everywhere.
                The feel of hands on her hips made her gasp. Her head fell back as Tristen’s hand raised to move her hair so that he could kiss her neck from behind.
“What about Ian?” she whispered almost as though she didn’t want to ask the question at all. She felt Tristen shake his head behind her.
“We have plenty of time. He’s passed out in the local pub.” Tristen explained. He spun her to face him then and his eyes sparked with excitement, “We’ve got this whole place to ourselves for the rest of the night.”
“I can’t stay all night,” Vicky shook her head, “Paul and Joan will notice that I’m gone if I stay too long.”
“Well then we’ll have to make the most of a short time.” Tristen laughed. She felt his hands cup her buttocks and then she was lifted up into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist in an attempt to keep herself from falling. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck, her fingers twining in his hair. They kissed feverishly as Tristen carried her over to the bed. Her stomach fluttered with excited butterflies as he threw her down onto the bed and clawed at his shirt as though it made him feel claustrophobic.
               They both moved quickly as they began to undress themselves and then each other and then themselves again. Neither of them could remove their clothes fast enough. Between each undone button was a kiss. Whenever their eyes met another spark flashed through Vicky. She was suddenly hungry for him as she remembered the previous times she had been with him.
              The candle light flickered as Tristen threw his trousers away and dropped down on top of her. The feel of his naked skin on hers lit a fire inside her that could only be extinguished by one thing. Only he could do that one thing. She drew him down to her with her fingernails in his shoulders and kissed him hungrily. She felt as though she was starving for pleasure. The arousal between her legs was burning hot and she could control herself no longer. The blood burned beneath her skin as she ran her hands down the muscular expanse of his chest and then his abdomen. He groaned as she reached down and took his erection in her hand. His hands began to wander down her body as he leaned down and kissed her chest and then each of her breasts in turn. His lips were warm and soft against her delicate skin.
           Her eyes rolled back in her head as his hand traced down her stomach and between her legs. Her stomach twisted into a tight knot of pleasure as it built inside her. The room spun as she longed to have him inside her.
“Make love to me.” She ordered him as she pulled his head back to her face and kissed him hard on the lips before taking his ear in her mouth and nibbling on his earlobe. A soft groan came from his throat, tightening the knot in Vicky’s stomach. When his mouth returned to her neck she felt a slight pressure as though he was sucking on her skin. The odd sensation was both painful and pleasurable at the same time. She squealed in excited pleasure as she dug her fingernails deeply into his back. He let out an animalistic growl as her nails drew a little blood.
“You’re getting naughty.” Tristen whispered into her ear. His voice was filled with cooped up tension as he suddenly inserted himself inside her. She grabbed hold of his sides as she readied herself for the intense pleasure she was about to feel. They moved in unison; both intent on sharing their pleasure with the other.
             They climaxed with each other, their bodies melding together as they cried out. Vicky leaned into Tristen pressing her lips against his chest. They remained connected as Tristen lay on top of Vicky. His heavy breathing pressed his chest into hers. When Tristen finally moved his face was broad with a smile.
“Seeing as we don’t have much time, let’s take a shower.” He laughed as he grabbed hold of her and picked her up onto her feet.
“Are you serious?” Vicky giggled as she allowed him to drag her into the en-suite by her wrist.
              A few moments later the shower was on and Tristen lifted Vicky up into the shower. They stood under the water flow in each other’s arms. The water was warm against Vicky’s back and soon the room was filled with fragrant steam. They wrapped their arms around each other, letting the water wash over them. The sensation of arousal built up inside Vicky again just as she felt Tristen press the palms of his hands to her buttocks.
             The sound of something hitting the tiled floor on the other side of the shower curtain made Vicky jump.
“What was that?” she whispered to Tristen as she felt her heart beating rapidly faster. Tristen shrugged his shoulders and gripped her tighter as though he was trying to calm her. It didn’t work. Vicky could suddenly hear heavy breathing as though someone had just run a long way or they were very angry. She shoved Tristen away almost making him slip on the bathtub floor. She reached out to grab hold of him to stop him falling but someone had wrapped their arms around her waist and was pulling her out of the bathtub.
“Get off me!” Vicky kicked and screamed as she attempted to pull the arms from around her waist. With a sick feeling and a dizzy head Vicky realized who it was. Ian had come back much sooner than they had been expecting. She could feel the anger pulsing through his tight grip as he threw her on the ground. She looked up at him with blatant fear in her eyes as she raised her arms to protect her against the punch that was coming toward her head.
          “Don’t you lay a single finger on her ever again!” a yell came from in front of Vicky. She removed her arms and looked up to see that Tristen had grabbed hold of Ian’s fist and was pressing so hard on his knuckles that Ian looked as though he was about to burst into tears. Tristen shoved him backward by the fist and Ian stumbled over the toilet just managing to land on the lid.

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