Taken by Chance (8 page)

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Authors: Chloe Cox

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Taken by Chance
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She did as he told
her, surprised at how free she felt while following orders. It shouldn’t make
sense, but somehow…

She felt his hands
around her ankles, and then he was lifting and spreading her legs again,
positioning himself between them. She smiled and gave a satisfied little
murmur. She was going to get expertly fucked again.

“Stay still,
Lena,” he said, now a huge shadow that loomed over her. She was enjoying this
element of the unknown so much that she almost didn’t want her eyes to
adjust—except that she was missing out on seeing that beautiful man.
“Whatever I do, you keep your hands where they are, you understand?”

A small shiver
raced down her spine. His voice was different. Fuller. Deeper. It didn’t even
occur to her to argue or disagree.

“Yes,” she said. “Sir.”

She was rewarded
for that with a little growl, and a hand on her breast, fondling her nipple.
“I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you, Lena. I’m
be at this for a while.”

“I have no problem
with that,” she breathed.

“You might,
later,” he said, leaning over her. God, she loved the feel of him on top of
her. “I have an appetite for you like you wouldn’t believe.”

Oh, she would. She
could see herself becoming a Chance addict. Just one time, and…

thoughts were interrupted by his finger sliding inside her, curling around to
coax a moan from her

“That’s better,”
he said, much closer to her now, hovering right over her. His finger kept
dipping in and out, lightly caressing her inside and out. Teasing her.

“Please,” she
said, and her hips said the rest.

She heard him
laugh. “You think that’s begging?” he said.

She might have
come back with some smart ass remark—and part of her lingered on what he
might have done about
, his words
“mine to punish” still fresh in her mind—but he covered her lips with
his. The kiss started gently, though his finger never let up, keeping the
pressure inside her building steadily. He parted her lips with his tongue and,
good God, was there anything the man couldn’t do well? His tongue was just the
right amount of pressure, just the right amount of moisture. And when he bit
her bottom lip, she found herself clenching.

“Interesting,” he

And then his mouth
was gone. He moved to her neck, her earlobe, her collarbone,
shoulder. Her nipples ached for his attention, hard, fierce little points, but
he took his time with that tongue.

that tongue

What else could he
do with it?

“Chance,” she

He answered by
taking one nipple in his mouth, and pushing another finger inside her. His hot,
wet tongue toyed with her nipple while his fingers pressed upwards, inside her,
right on her g-spot. Her body wound tighter, coiling in a knot around that very
spot, and her desire to have his cock inside her again turned into a very
pressing need.

“Chance,” she said
again, and his teeth closed around her peaked nipple. It

And she liked it.

“Oh God,” she said
again, this time to no one in particular.
The universe, maybe?
Her hands twisted the sheets around her as she stared up into the dark and his
tongue trailed down her stomach.

fingers inside her now.
fucked by Chance’s hand was better than anyone else she’d had.

“So wet,” he said.
“So beautiful.”


“You should see
what you look like when you come,” he said, ignoring her. She could feel his
breath on her thighs. “Fucking amazing.”


“Don’t move those
hands,” he warned her.

A fourth finger
Oh God, now she
felt stretched so wide, and the pressure was too much…

She felt his lips
close around her clit and groaned. His tongue started slow, laving wet circles
around her clit while his fingers—his
to fuck her in earnest, curling up to her g-spot with every stroke. She was
certain she was going to lose her mind. Another cry tore from her throat, and
it didn’t sound human, even to her, and then he put his lips around her clit
and sucked.

She didn’t know
what tore through her. Crashed into her. For one horrible moment she thought
she was going to pee, out of nowhere, and then she came with such violence that
it actually hurt. It swept over her like a giant, overwhelming wave, drowning
her in nothing but that white, incandescent sensation, obliterating everything
in its path. The contractions whipped her about the bed, sheets tangled, legs
cramping around his shoulders.

She was flooded
with it, and it took a while—she had no idea how long—for it to
recede. She felt Chance lick her thigh and kiss her stomach, murmuring
something. He sounded fevered, urgent. She lifted her head, barely, still
somehow weak, and shifted her bottom.

It was wet.

Oh God. She hadn’t
imagined that. She had really…

She met his eyes,
humiliated and embarrassed, not quite sure what she had done, expecting to find
him—what, grossed out?
Or worse, pretending to be fine
with it?

“You are fucking
amazing,” he said.


He rose to cup her
face with his hands, forcing her to look directly at him. He didn’t look
disgusted, or annoyed. He looked hungry. Ravenous. Like he’d only just started.

“Don’t ever
apologize for an orgasm like that,” he said. He was actually breathing hard.
She could feel his dick pressed against her, and he was rock hard.

“I’m so
embarrassed. It felt like I had to pee, but I don’t…”

He smiled,
laughed, kissed her. “No, you didn’t pee. That was female ejaculation. That was
the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

He really…he was
really smiling. Like she’d given him a gift. Softly, she said, “I’ve never done
that before.”

His grin now was
wolfish. “How’d it feel?”

turn to smile.

“Are you sore?”

“No, I’m ok.”

“Good,” he said,
lifting her leg. “I’m not done.”

By the time he
was, she was too tired to get up. Too tired to talk. Too tired to do anything
but sink into sleep, lying peacefully on Chance’s chest, feeling like she’d
been thoroughly, irrevocably marked.





Chance woke up in
the exact same position in which he’d fallen asleep: with a peaceful Lena
sleeping on his chest, like a kitten.

Good God,

brain, his body, on fire with Lena.

Better than he’d
imagined. Than any man alive had a right to hope.

He tried to rein
himself in and think about the fact that he’d made a promise, meaning he had an
actual obligation. This wasn’t just empty fucking. She trusted him to help her.
In the back of his mind, as he was advancing on her, scouting her body, taking
in everything he could, he’d wondered if he’d feel the same way the next day,
that this was his only choice, given what she’d said. Or if he’d wake up
knowing he’d made a promise he couldn’t keep to someone who needed help.

far, so good.

He’d walked up
those stairs convinced that he would explain some things, that would be that,
and she’d be on her way.

And then she’d
said the one thing that could have compelled him to change his mind. He did not
see that one
coming, that
was for sure. Once she’d
said she needed his help as a Dom to get over what that idiot did to her, he
was just a goner, no hope for him at all. As a Dom, first of all, he couldn’t
turn away a sub that needed his help. But it was like she knew he’d spent the
last few years reliving the times he’d failed a woman who needed his help, and
knew he’d make up for it in any way he could.

she didn’t know any of that.
She couldn’t. And thinking about Jennie or the Asala family again should set
him on edge, like it always did. Only now he had a naked Lena draped over him,
and he felt…

Normally he only
felt like that in the
of dominating a sub,
usually in a scene. It was that same feeling he’d had earlier, like just her
presence calmed him, took off that edge in him that was always looking for a
bad guy to fight.

He frowned. That
was dangerous freaking thinking, right there. Chance knew enough to know that
no one else was going to fix him but him. That wasn’t how people worked, and
looking for that in someone else was as bad as a woman who thought she could
fix a broken man and got herself into a bad situation as a result.

Focus on the present. Focus on what you promised her you’d do.

Well, at the
present moment, he was very much enjoying the prospect of Lena in his bed for
the foreseeable future.
And the prospect of keeping her naked
for as long as he wanted.

He smiled. Good
thing it was his prerogative to set the rules. It was good to be a Dom.

first things first.
He needed
confirmation that this was the right thing for her. He needed to hear it in the
light of day, and he needed her to hear his own reservations—informed
consent wasn’t just some byword. He’d need it before he broke out the toys or
set any rules.

Slowly and
carefully, so he wouldn’t wake her, he shifted Lena onto her side, next to him.
She only sighed, and settled down on to her back, giving him an unbelievable

Damn, she had to
be cute when she was sleeping, too.

Chance pulled on
an old pair of sweats, then padded to the bathroom and got a warm, wet
washcloth, which he then wrung out and brought back to the bed. They had made a
considerable mess. Normally he wouldn’t just pass out without cleaning up, but
that night had been anything but normal. Still, it was his job to take care of
her, no matter what the outcome of their coming conversation. No woman went
neglected in his bed.

So he’d take care
of her.

He climbed back
onto the bed and gently began to wipe her down with the washcloth. Didn’t take
long for
to wake her up.

But she woke up

“That feels good,”
she murmured.

He bent her leg at
the knee so he could get to her inner thigh, and she opened her eyes with
alarm. Then she tried to hide it.


“What are you
doing?” she asked, leaning up on her elbows.

He grinned.
“Cleaning you off so I can mess you up again,” he said. “If I decide that’s the
way to go.”

Her cheeks
darkened. God, she was beautiful.

“I like you on
me,” she said quietly.

Chance paused. She
hadn’t said that seductively, or teasingly, or…anything but quietly and earnestly.
He was instantly hard. He looked up to see if she was retreating from that
little unplanned moment of vulnerability, and
sure enough, she wouldn’t meet his eyes now.

“Are you sore?” he

She shook her
head, mute.

He said, “Last
night was something.”

“Amazing,” she

“Yeah, it was. It
was also what we might call off the books,” he said, running the washcloth up
her leg. He heard her breathing quicken. “Not part of our official arrangement.
That will begin today, conditional upon a few things.”

Her eyes went
wary. Chance gently stroked her with the washcloth while he met her eyes,
wanting her to get the message: he’d take care of her, no matter what.

“What do you

sweetheart,” he said. “Don’t get spooked. This is a big thing you want to do,
and I need to make sure you know what you’re getting into, and that you’re
doing it for the right reasons. I’m cautious because I don’t want you to get
hurt. Ok?”

She visibly
relaxed, but not all the way. What had she expected the conditions to
be—something he wanted from her? Like she expected him to take his pound
of flesh?

Yeah, she had some
issues to work out.

“Ok,” she said,
eyes still a bit narrowed. She pulled herself up so that she was leaning
against the headboard, and pulled her legs up to her chest. Covering
in a protective stance, defensive as hell, however
unconscious. That wouldn’t fly when—if—they got started, but now
wasn’t the time to go at her defenses head on.

She said, “So what

“Well, first
things first: before we get into what it would mean for me to train you as your
Dom, you need to know what I was going to tell you last night,” he said,
feeling…strange. He should have the tightness in his gut, the feeling running
up and down his spine, just thinking about this.

He didn’t. He was
just focused on her.
The Zen of Lena.

Chance trapped her
with his stare, wanting her to know that this was important.

“I don’t know what
image you have of Doms. If it’s from books and movies or even the
, it’s probably wrong. Or at least not one hundred
percent right.”

“Strangely, as an
actress and a writer, I am familiar with the concept of fiction,” she said,
smiling slightly. She seemed relieved, her shoulders dropping another fraction
of an inch.
On familiar ground.

Give her a

Chance grabbed
hold of her foot and rubbed it in his hands, chuckling. “Just you wait ‘til you
find out what I’d do to my sub for that kind of smartass remark.”

Her sudden intake
of breath was definitely noticeable, her skin flushed, her pupils dilated.
Chance smiled at her, not gently, but hungrily, and kept going.

“Look, Doms aren’t
cartoon-perfect, though some of them like to think they are. I’m a man who’s
sexually dominant, and damn good at it, but I have flaws, like any other man.
Big flaws. And I have a past full of fuck ups, though
involving BDSM,” he added. “It’s important that you know that.
I have my own demons, Lena, and that’s why I was reluctant to get involved with
you. The only way I normally get involved with women, and with submissive
women, is no strings attached, and you…”

He sighed. He had
her full attention.

“You’ve got some
strings on you.”

“I do, do I?”

“You know you do.”

She tried to stare
him down. Chance might have laughed, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He waited
until she looked down, her long black eyelashes fluttering prettily on those
smooth cheeks—just like a good sub.

“Listen,” he said,
rubbing her foot with tender care. She was starting to relax under his touch,
which was a good sign. “This—what you’ve asked me for? This is different.
I take my duty as a Dom very, very seriously. I take that responsibility
seriously. I take it so seriously that I take my ego out of it. It’s the most
important thing in my world, and while I train you—
I train you, Lena—you become the most important thing in
my world. It won’t be about me until I think you’re ready for it, though, trust
me, I’ll look forward to that day,” he said, letting his mind drift briefly
over all the ways he would take Lena for his pleasure. “But until then, it’ll
be about you. Do you know what you’re getting into?”

“I think so,” she
said, braving a look up. When she saw his face, she smiled, brightening up the
room. “You sound like me—you come with a warning label. I think I might
have been
out if you
warn me about something. Those guys who think they’re
perfect are usually the ones you have to worry about.”

Would wonders
never cease? His crazy, beautiful, untrained sub was
, too.

“What’s your
warning label?” he asked, stretching her leg out toward him. She was opening
up, slowly.

She laughed, and
it was shiny, glittering sound. “Irrevocably skittish? Oh, and prone to
trusting the wrong people. So that’s a good sign, right, Mr. Guy I Inexplicably

Lena was laughing
at herself as she sat before him, naked, and let him massage her leg, working
his way up, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still scared. Chance could feel it,
an undercurrent working between them, some part of her silently asking him for

He was used to
reading subs. He wasn’t used to feeling this…connected. Not right away.

“Yeah, you do
trust me,” he said. “Why?”

“I told you last

“Not good enough.
This is serious stuff. Answer me.”

He had stopped
toying with her now, needing to get to the heart of this, and he could see her
struggle. Good. She was putting effort into it, treating it seriously. If she
hadn’t, he would have reconsidered everything.

“I can’t give you
a solid answer,” she said finally, meeting his eyes. “And that bothers me at
least as much as it bothers you. In the end, I just…do. Part of it is the way
you looked out for me yesterday. Part of it is how Adra spoke about you, about
your reputation. Part of it is Volare’s reputation. Part of it is what I felt
last night. What I feel right now,” she said, taking a deep breath that seemed
to reverberate throughout her whole body.

Chance was sure he
felt it, too.

“But I’m not
dumb,” she went on. “I know none of those things should be enough. It just
feels right. And,” she said, “before you say anything, believe me: I think
that’s crazier than you do, given what I’ve just been through. But I’m tired of
missing out on things in life because I can’t trust that they’ll turn out
perfectly. For some reason I trust you for this, and I am reveling in the
novelty of that feeling. Besides, if you turn out to be an axe murderer, I…”

He raised an

She stopped,
cocked her head,
. “I was about to say I don’t
have anything else to lose, but an axe murderer would be going after heads,
That…that would count as a loss.
I retract the axe
murderer comparison.”

“Formally?” he
asked. This woman was just

Provided you’re as sane as everyone thinks you are, I don’t have anything else
to lose.”

Well, he’d been
there. To him it didn’t signify weakness or even desperation—sometimes
rock bottom was where you found yourself.

In fact, Chance
was beyond pleased. He hadn’t expected that.
Not at all.
Not with the whirlwind nature of this whole thing. But that had been an
intelligent, thought out, considered answer, honest and realistic, and even a
little insightful. It had been everything he might hope for in a potential sub.

“I’m glad you said
that,” he said. “I can train you, as nuts as this has been.”

“I didn’t know I
was being interviewed!”

She tried to kick
him and he caught her easily, dragging her body down to his and spreading her
legs just enough.

He saw her breath
hitch and her lips part.

“I told you, I’m
going to be assessing your needs,” he said, holding off just a little longer.
“But more importantly, Lena, this stuff is serious. I need you to be honest
with me like that all the time.”

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