Taking Care of Business (8 page)

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Authors: Megan & Dane Hart,Megan & Dane Hart

BOOK: Taking Care of Business
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Next to her, he sighed, a purely male sound of satisfaction and sex. It sent her skin into gooseflesh and her body reacted, tightening, hardening, heating.

'Now that I've had some wine and some food, I need something sweet.' Rolling, he got to his hands and knees, then pushed everything but her off the bed.

Her bottom lip caught between her teeth, she watched, waiting to see what he had in store for her next. Not one to disappoint, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her towards him, kneeling between her legs.

His palms, slightly callused and large, caressed her from toe to neck, over and over, until she was totally and completely relaxed. Through her half-lowered lashes, she took in the way he dipped his head to drop kisses over her shoulders and chest. She arched her neck to allow him access and hummed her pleasure as he dragged his teeth over the sensitive spot just below her ear.

The heated wet of his mouth trailed downwards. First to one nipple and then the other. Each cooling as he abandoned it to nip and lave the other one. Her legs moved restlessly on the bed, her thighs seeking to close to squeeze, easing the pressure in her pussy, but his body held her spread.

Finally, he moved down again, kissing her belly, over her mound and then tonguing the crease between thigh and body.

A sound of impatience gusted from her and he chuckled darkly. 'Kate. Sweet Kate, be patient. This pussy is all mine and I plan to taste you on
schedule. You can't deny me for a month and expect me to rush through a blow job like some teenaged boy.'

She watched in stunned awe as he took a long lick, his eyes still locked with hers. Settling on his belly, he cupped her ass, served himself of her body and got down to the business of eating her pussy like a starving man.

Her hands found his head, the cool silk of his hair sliding through her fingers. Her eyes fell shut as her head dropped back to the pillows and she let go and gave in to everything he gave her.

So wet. Her pussy was so wet and he made it that way. It wasn't that he'd ever not liked giving a woman head but this woman's cunt drove him insane. Her taste, the way her clit hardened, begging him for more, each dip and fold of her made him crave her even more.

He wanted to wallow in her for days. The news that she'd be moving just two hours away took him by surprise, but a pleasant one. He liked the idea of having her in his life regularly. He'd dwell on that later.

Her thighs trembled on his shoulders, the flesh of her ass fitted in his hands perfectly as he moved his mouth from side to side through slick folds.

'Please,' she sighed.

'Such pretty manners,' he said, his lips against her cit. Her body vibrated with the words as he'd intended. Sucking her clit between his lips, he plunged two fingers into her body. Her back bowed and she cried out. Not. Quite. There. Yet.

Twisting his wrist, he hooked his fingers and found her sweet spot. Her body tensed as he began to stroke it in time with the gentle sucking of her cit. Her honey rained hot on his palm, her scent flooded his system, blinding him to anything else but her.


The fingers gently sifting through his hair tightened as she gasped a breath and came so prettily. On and on she went as he continued, his mouth on her, her body clutching the fingers buried in her.

Finally, the tension fell from her and she relaxed on to the mattress, boneless.

'You're so fucking gorgeous when you come, Kate.' He kissed his way back up her body, then leaned over her to fish in his pants for a condom.

'You're pretty hot when you're eating my pussy,' she mumbled from beneath him.

He hadn't laughed in bed, not like he did with her, in a very long time. Since the early years with Eve and it had always been one-sided with her anyway.

Wrong image. He pushed that one out of his head and got on his knees where she followed, scrambling up to take the condom from him and roll it on his cock herself.

She shoved him back and scrambled atop him, a smug smile on her lips.

'Bossy. I like that.'

'I know.' Reaching around her body, she guided his cock true and sank down quickly, her pussy swallowing him in one hard, fiery rush. The breath punched from him, the sensation of being surrounded by her grabbing him low in the gut, setting there as she rose up, the muscles in her thighs flexing, her breasts, those lovely full breasts, swaying.

'Fuck. That's so good.'

'Mmmm.' Her nails dug into his ribs where her hands rested to keep her balance.

The light in her eyes, the sweet smile, the way she swivelled on him taking her pleasure while bringing his at the same time, all parts of her he couldn't let go of. Haunted, he might have said even a month ago, but it had shifted to something more pleasant and he couldn't identify just when it had happened.

He cupped her breasts, thumbs sliding back and forth over her nipples as they drew tighter, darkened. Her lips were sightly parted, her breath soft as she laboured over him; strands of her hair slid back and forth across her shoulder as he looked up at her.

His cock wanted to explode. His brain urged him to wait, to not leave the heated embrace of her pussy. He tried to think about the memo he had to write, tried to think of the latch on the back window he needed to fix, but the soft wet sounds of their bodies meeting over and over drew him away from any thoughts but the way she felt clasped around him.

The scent of sex hung between them, of clean sweat, wine, strawberries and her pussy. Heady, tangy, spicy and he realised he'd been imprinted in some sense. Fuck. Like a lovesick boy. Only not so much.

He tipped to one side, taking over, increasing the speed and pressure of his thrusts. Taking it in her stride, she drew her knees up high, opening up, and it grabbed him by the balls.

'Make yourself come, Kate.' He was close, he wanted her there with him.

Her hand burrowed between them and she gasped softly as her fingers made contact with her clit. She held them there, letting the movement of his thrusts provide friction. Dix admired her restraint, the way she drew the pleasure out in tiny, incremental bits. She made him greedy, he wanted more, wanted to gorge himself of her.

Her eyelashes fluttered, her cunt tightened and she came with a soft exhalation of breath. It was too much to resist then and he pressed hard and deep as climax rushed up his spine and emptied endorphins into his system.

He rolled to the side and kissed her shoulder before he got up to dispose of the condom. Each time they were together she felt drawn closer to him emotionally. The last time it hadn't mattered so very much or seemed so big. She lived in Seattle and he in Harrisburg. She'd come home and accepted the offer and began to deal with the move within days of their last visit.

'So when are you moving? You never said.' He settled back beside her in bed.

'Now actually. I closed on a condo yesterday.'

'Why didn't you say anything, Kate?'

'I didn't know what to say. I didn't tell anyone actually. Well, I did tell my parents when I made the offer on the condo; I had to get some financial info from my dad. But I only told Leah yesterday. I needed to do it alone.'

'What do you mean you didn't know what to say?' He sat up.

'Do you want to do this right now? It's nearly midnight. We have early meetings.'

His mouth hardened into a flat line and he sighed. 'Let's get to sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow.'

'You can't sleep here! Oh my God, what if someone saw you leaving my room, or even coming in and then you never went home?'

'We're adults, Kate. This is stupid. I live fifteen minutes away. Why don't you sleep over there instead?'

'We can't be seen together like this. It's not professional. I have to be here early to deal with some faxes I'm expecting anyway. And I can't just stroll in five minutes before you and pretend we didn't spend the night together.'

'You did just fine after this afternoon's romp. Fuck professional. I think you're being unreasonable. No one cares.' He got up and began to put his clothes on.

'Easy for you to say.'

'What does that mean? Who are you, Kate?' He looked at her, his hands on his hips.

'It means men can make all sorts of decisions, do all sorts of things women can't do and be seen the same way. If we got caught by anyone at Allied you'd be fine. Hell, they'd wink-wink you and pat you on the back. I'd be the piece of ass.'

'That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. Who cares if someone knows we're having sex? It's not like a state secret.

This isn't the dark ages. You're a woman in the twenty-first century.'

'Get out. You don't know what you're talking about. Get out.' Rage made the warmth of their evening wear off. He didn't know anything. She'd learned the hard lessons about the difference between how men and women were perceived early on. She couldn't pay for his wilful blindness about the situation. She wouldn't.

'What are you pissed about? We're having a fight and I don't even know why.' He put his shoes on and she shoved his stuff into his hands as she moved him to the door.

'That's why we're fighting, Dix. Now go.'

'What is it with women? You all seem to expect us to read minds. I can't read minds. Just tell me what the issue is.'

'Well, now it's also that you actually had the audacity to compare me to all women.'

'I was married, it's not like I never dealt with a woman before.' Frustration was clear on his face and she wanted to whack him with a pillow.

'Did you just compare me to a woman who calls her ex-husband to open a jar of pickles because she's too inept to hit the bottom of the jar to displace the air in the seal?'

Recognition of his error crossed his face and then what must have been confusion about whether or not he should be mad or defensive replaced it.

'Just. Go. Go before you make it worse. Please.'

He shook his head and let out a long exhale. 'I don't even know why we're fighting. I want to wake up next to you and suddenly you're shoving me out of the door insulting my ex-wife. Help me understand.'

'Dix.' She paused, counting to ten. This wasn't a man who could be managed. She wouldn't have been attracted if he was. She appreciated he wanted to deal with their issues right then, but she wasn't sure of everything herself. It certainly wasn't something she wanted to try to parse out at midnight with another day and a half of the meeting left.

'Are you breaking things off? If so, you owe it to me to tell me why. We're good together.' Dix grabbed her hand and kissed it.

'No. I'm not. I don't even know what we have anyway. But I need some space to think and so do you. About what this is and how and if it can work. I'm tired and really annoyed with you and I need to sleep. Please.'

He dropped his stuff and took her into his arms. 'I know what this is. Damn it.' He kissed her hard and fast. 'But OK. I'll go and we will talk soon.'

After he left, she slid down the door at her back and sat on the floor for some time.


Brandon's gut churned. His dick had gone down but his balls still ached from unspent arousal. He took one hand from the steering wheel to tug at the crotch of his pants, but that gave no relief.

He could still smell her and taste her, and he doubted he'd ever forget the way she'd sounded when she came. It wasn't the first time he'd ever gone down on a woman, but it had never been like that before. The way she'd moved, the way she'd said his name . . . the sheer speed at which she'd had an orgasm. He'd never minded spending a while with his mouth between a woman's thighs, but he'd come to expect the necessity of taking his time. He'd been with Leah for ten, maybe twenty minutes from the time he walked into the room to the time she told him to leave.

His knees hurt too, and he grimaced when he downshifted into the turn on to his street. He'd blown one out playing soccer in high school and the other had been messed up skiing. They didn't usually bother him unless he tried to do too much, but even in church he'd never spent that much time on his knees.

Now, thinking of it, he groaned aloud and punched the radio volume to turn it higher. Normally he listened to the radio or used his tuner to play his iPod, but his fingers fumbled on the controls. When the CD started it was like a jolt back in time.

Karen had made this CD for him, just before he'd discovered she'd been cheating on him. She'd surprised him with it, putting it in his car and leaving a note on the dashboard for him to play it. He didn't know exactly when she'd done it, because the sticky note had fallen off the dash and he hadn't found it until a week or so after they'd broken up. It was a CD of love songs and sex songs, as Karen had called them, and he'd never been able to convince himself she hadn't made it for her other boyfriend but only accidentally left it for him.

The song that came on first made him groan again. 'Lick'. A woman singing about the joys of cunnilingus. Fate was too cruel.

He pulled into an open spot in front of his building and turned off the ignition, but the music kept playing. His dick throbbed and his balls ached. He swiped his tongue over his lips, tasting her. He put his hand to his face, smelling her.

'Did you come here to fuck me?' She'd asked a question. He'd given her an answer. He'd made her come crying out his name, but when it was over she'd acted like it was all just part of the service, like using his tongue to make her come was the same as bringing her bagels and making sure there were enough water pitchers filled.

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