TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4) (3 page)

BOOK: TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4)
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“When you’re ready then.” Pyotr gave him a long assuring look, like a pillar only a brother could provide, before he vanished behind the wall to head out. It was his brother’s way of saying he would be there for him whenever he was ready to talk. Even with a new love of his own, Pyotr would never stop being Pyotr. Nothing was too important to keep him from family. Always the big brother that looked after his siblings as if they had always been his own children, and in a sense, they were. After all, Trofim himself, had only been eleven years old when their parents sent them out of Yugoslavia to flee the coming civil war. Pyotr became the only mother and father they had after that.

Trofim stared at his locker, hating the sinking feeling he had. Even less, he lacked the motivation he needed to get dressed and forget what could not be changed.

“I got tired of waiting outside for you.” Someone spoke from behind him.

Trofim spun about, jumping to his feet and backed against the lockers at the familiar voice. His heart dropped the millisecond his eyes came upon the handsomely refined face of Shay Wilks. “What are you doing here?” He swallowed hard, trying to regain his bearings and hopefully some resistance.

Shay took a step towards him, closing the space between them that wasn’t nearly enough, and placed one hand flat against the lockers next to Trofim’s shoulder.

Trofim’s eyes followed the possessive move of Shay’s arm still molded with the muscles of an athlete and took that as a sign to move away. One step and Shay slapped his other hand up, blocking his escape. “Still running I see.” It was more of an accusation than something arrogant. So much of the
rich boy
attitude was at work in Shay.
When he had Trofim in his targets, Shay fully intended to have him.

“I didn’t run. I left. I got that break into modeling. It required a lot of travel.” Trofim blabbed out in his defense. Even if it wasn’t entirely the truth.

~  *  ~

“Yes, I know. But were you so busy you couldn’t pick up the phone and call your lover just once? I didn’t even get a
from you.” Shay let his eyes drift down Trofim’s body, lapping up the very sight of him. Then back to Trofim’s eyes. Blue like the night was long. Not a light blue or a sky color, but deep like cobalt stone. The kind of blue most had to accomplish with contacts, but Shay knew first hand Trofim’s eyes were all natural. The color of his soul— so deep, it was staggering.

“Senator Wilks saw to that.” Trofim snapped, stifling the rest of the words where as the shakiness of his voice conveyed there was more he wanted to say.

Shay stilled, just inches from Trofim’s face. He had always known his father had some doing in Trofim’s sudden departure, but no one, not even Trofim’s brothers would speak of it. “I was angry for months after you left and then I saw the first modeling release of you
” Shay laid a soft feathery kiss against Trofim’s jaw, “I saw how beautiful you are, but those first few pictures also showed your pain. I saw in your eyes you were hurting too.” He kissed him again with light, lingering contact, “I tried to reach out to you, but you never came back— ‘til now.” Shay leaned back, his gaze washing over Trofim’s body as if he had done so with his hands. “So handsome.” He whispered, as if remembering something far more intimate, “I think I’ve managed to collect every photo ad ever printed of you.” His hands dropped from the lockers to Trofim’s arms, delighting in the feel of the excerted muscles of his biceps. Shay’s eyes locked on the muscular curves, “Damn, rowing has been good to your body.” Shay moved his hands up over the other man’s shoulders, gliding down over his chest. Both hands squeezing the firm gentle rise of pec muscles firmly then catching one of Trofim’s sensitive nipples between Shay’s fingers and pinched him hard.

~  *  ~

Before the gasp could barely break past Trofim’s lips, Shay came over them, his tongue plunging into his mouth and lapping at his tongue. Claiming Trofim all over again with a deep hunger that had never been quenched by anyone but Shay.

Trofim was spontaneously drowning in the kiss, feeling the man’s arms tighten around him like a snake coiling around its prey, refusing to allow even the slightest chance for escape. Yet it was the kiss which made Trofim stay. Shay had a mouth that could get you drunk on the euphoria of its caress, as if his kiss were made of honey wine. And Shay was force feeding an entire barrel of it into Trofim’s mouth that very moment. Delivering and eating all at the same time. Moreover, to ensure there was nothing left of his resistance, Shay pressed in, delivering a firm grinding of his hardened arousal against Trofim’s own cock. Shay’s hands wandering further down and grasping over Trofim’s hip, pulling them to ride against him.

Despite every brain cell sending up immediate alarms to get away, Trofim’s body knew he was in the arms meant to hold him and everything lit up. Awake and wanting. Convincing him to stay where he belonged.

~  *  ~

Since he was a boy, Shay had always fantasized of ensnaring one of the Laszkovi brothers, and in his book, Trofim was cream of the crop; and, at one point, had been his. Standing here now, pressed against Trofim’s body again, every lust laden memory Shay’d ever had was heating up inside him once more. He wasn’t about to let Trofim leave without being reminded just how good Shay could make him feel. Renew those intimate addictions, making it so Trofim had to come back for more.

Skipping past ceremony, Shay dropped to his knees, pulled the man’s towel free and pressed his face into Trofim’s crotch, inhaling the alluring, clean male musky scent of the man and felt his cock harden against his face in a matter of seconds. Shay smiled as he licked at the soft skin of Trofim’s hilt, glad to know he wasn’t the only one who remembered.

~  *  ~

Trofim’s arm shot up as if he had every intention of knocking Shay away from him, but surrendered instead, coming up over his own head and sliding down to cover his eyes. “Damn it— shit—” Trofim gasped sucking in his breath just to get the next word out before having to find his breath again, “Don’t do this.”

It was hard enough just to stay on his feet. Shay’s mouth had that kind of effect on him, but there was still the underlining current that they would have a world of hell come down on them if they got caught.

“I can’t stop.” Shay purred against his skin, “Do you have any idea how difficult it’s been, waiting for you to come home?”

~  *  ~

Shay ran his tongue along the underside of Trofim’s cock watching the man’s head fall back on his shoulders. He watched the convulsions in Trofim’s chest and shoulders as Shay licked over the broad tip of his lost lover’s shaft and nibbled over the glans; super sensitive and delicious. The chills it created deliberately intended to overwhelm Trofim. His hands instantly running across his chest to still them in response to Shay’s approach, but dropped down to fondle himself, adding to the elixir given over by Shay’s tongue.

~  *  ~

Trofim’s fingers reached out to find Shay’s lips, tracing the movement as his hard length of muscle slipped between them. Into a hot mouth of bliss, and surrendered to Shay’s will, rendering him helpless against the moans that ripped from his lungs.

Trofim looked down his body at the man eating hungrily around his cock and the sight made him even weaker. Shay played with him, allow Trofim’s cock to slip from Shay’s mouth. The erotic sight of how the glistening broad tip now shone with the added moisture of saliva, left Trofim helpless to do anything, but throw his head back again and enjoy.

He chewed at his lip.
God the man had a wicked tongue. One he’d never forgotten and after all these years it’d only gotten better.
But Shay Benjamin Wilks was off limits. Son of one of New York’s elite
rich families and former Senator, he was way off limits for any gay man.

Trofim was going to say something— something along the lines of
we can’t
, but then his cock hit the back of Shay’s throat and then slid in even further until Shay’s lips were kissing Trofim at his hilt. “
— fuck, Shay.” He groaned, forgetting everything else.

Shay's mouth moved steadily up and down, his tongue whipping around the shaft like a demon hell bent on cursing him to fall in love with this man all over again. Trofim stroked at his balls, already pulling tight against his body while his other hand felt around the side of Shay’s face, finding the fullness of the man’s cheeks from his thick cock pumping into Shay’s mouth.
Oh god it was euphoria and it was coming to destroy him
. He couldn’t remember ever feeling something as exquisite as Shay’s mouth. The pleasure so intense it was almost painful. It was torture just to
pull away.

He’d known Shay since they were kids in the Academy school; Shay was a few grades down and not on the radar. It wasn’t until Trofim was in college, Leon, his boyfriend at the time, came to him with stories of the newest pledge and a magical mouth. Leon invited the pledge over for a three-way. It just so happened the pledge turned out to be Shay Wilks, and damn had he grown into a man. Trofim could never take his eyes off the man. He was hooked and the threesome carried on, but it wasn’t long before the chemistry shifted and Leon was left out.

That year, Trofim’s four years in college came to an end; his relationship with Shay did not. For Shay’s remaining three years towards his bachelors, Shay was on the collegiate rowing team, and the boathouse, after practice, became one of their usual hook-up spots.  Shay’s pre-med Bachelors program was demanding to say the least. And he had his hopes set on being accepted into medical school for the surgical program, but he always made time for Trofim somehow.

The two of them had been in love then. Even now, Trofim could feel the heartache wanting to be mended by the same man sucking him to the edge of orgasm.

Trofim’s body trembled, his breath turning ragged as he struggled to breathe in the ecstasy coming at him like a wave to pitch him over the edge. “Oh fuck, Shay—” he gasped, “feels so good, so good.” His knees weakened and Shay’s hands tightened their grip on his hips, keeping him steady.

Trofim tangled his fingers into Shay’s light, golden-brown hair, riding the motion of his head, sliding up and down his cock, faster and deeper while his other hand roamed over his own body. Feeling over his abs and chest— raked through his hair then back down to race over his body again. Shudders turned to jerks and his knees threatened to give out. He slapped a hand on the lockers behind him for added support, while the on hand on Shay’s head tightened, “Oh god, Shay, I’m gonna cum.” Trofim couldn’t stop his body from surrendering to what it loved. His leg lifting up to drape over Shay’s shoulder, and pressing the heel of his foot into Shay’s back. And he was finding it hard to ignore how his thighs ached to have Shay’s familiar hard body pounding between them.

Shay’s head pressed in, taking Trofim’s cock all the way past his throat and then those damn grey eyes looked up at him, and Trofim was done. His whole body tensed and locked. A groan fought its way past clenched teeth as the explosion rattled through him like a shock wave over every nerve ending and then shot out of his rod, filling Shay’s mouth and gullet with his release.

His fingers raked through Shay’s already tussled locks while those of his other hand raked through his own, fighting to hang on while Shay’s throat hugged and caressed every last drop down, like milking nectar for a meal.

Shay let Trofim’s softening shaft slip from his lips and he kissed and licked over it tenderly before making his way up the chiseled chest to find Trofim’s lips waiting to reward him with a deep kiss. Trofim’s reached up and cupped Shay’s face and drew him in. His tongue licking out to taste Shay’s lips before finding their way past them to tangle with his tongue. Shay’s hands mirrored those of Trofim’s and the two kissed with a deep passion they’d never shared with anyone else before.

“When was the last time you felt something as good as that?” Shay teased him with his self-gloating.

“About five years ago.” Trofim sighed and pulled away slowly.

“What? Aren’t there gay men other than you in the modeling industry?” Shay said it with heavy sarcasm, yet seemingly pleased that no one had had his man during their separation.

“There are. They just don’t touch me the way you did.” The sarcasm was scratching over tender ground that at the moment felt like fresh wounds and squelched the euphoric after-feeling. “How’d you know I had practice here?”

“I’m interning at Queens General, under Pavle. I overheard him on the phone the other day saying he wasn’t going to make it to practice. So when my class lecture for tonight got canceled—” Shay shrugged, “I took full advantage of your where-a-bouts before it would be time for me to go in for my rotation at the hospital.”

“Going for the fuck ‘em and leave ‘em tactic, are you?” Trofim hardened himself and turned his back to Shay, swinging his locker open. It was bad enough he couldn’t resist the man, but for Shay to just come here to use him for a quick fix pissed him off. Stripping the last of the lingering intimacy he’d allowed himself to reconnect with.

“Oh, I won’t be fucking you tonight, Trofim.” Shay leaned a shoulder against the lockers, watching him like Shay owned him or something.

Trofim pulled his briefs over his legs and up over his hips, feeling every bit of Shay’s licking gaze as he did. Trofim tossed his head back to flip the long strands of his curly bangs from his eyes and forced a hardened glance towards Shay. “What? Don’t tell me your parents were right all along and you’ve gone straight.” Trofim grabbed the can of body spray and doused himself. The space around him filling with the fresh scent of zingy lemon peel, basil, fig leaf, vanilla, and warm teak wood. He triggered a few extra shots, if not to rid himself of Shay’s scent, then to at least fog his long ago lover out of his personal space. “So what was this? A blow job for ol’ time sake?”

“Not hardly. I’m still as gay blooded as the day I was born; I just don’t have any intentions of letting anything come between us again.” Shay stepped into Trofim, his hand dropping over the soft bulge in Trofim’s briefs and stroked over it, “Not even a condom. We’ll go get our blood work and then I’m going to nail you to my bed for several days before I let you up again.”

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