Taking Passion by Storm (9 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: Taking Passion by Storm
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I find you fascinating.”

brushed a finger along her lips. “And I find you as endearing as I’ve always
found you. You’ve grown into an intelligent, enchanting woman.” He kissed her
lips with nothing more than a light feathery touch, but the effect had her
gasping for more. “And a beautiful one.”

stroked her hair, then moved his mouth to her neck where he flicked his tongue
over her skin. Nadine’s moan was automatic. Her entire body tingled as he
planted soft kisses along her jaw line.

I also find you incredibly sexy in a non-obvious way,
and that’s what makes you so enticing.”

wouldn’t know how to act sexy if she had to, so to hear him say he thought she
was sent a gush of wetness to her pussy. This was really going to happen! She
was far more aroused now than she’d been earlier. Even better, the only images
dancing through her head were the ones featuring Addison, and what she imagined
his naked body looked like.

slowly moved his hands down her back, sending shivers ran and up down her
spine. “Open your eyes.”

hadn’t realized she’d closed them. Nadine opened her eyes and gazed into his.

That’s better. They’re the most startling shade of
blue I’ve ever seen. Like the way Puget Sound used to look.” She didn’t know
how to respond to such an amazing compliment. “Nadine, tell me you want me. I
need to hear you say it. Tell me you want me to make love to you. I want to be
sure you’re ready for this.”

been ready for it longer than she could remember. “Make love to me, Addison,”
she whispered. “Teach me the way sex is supposed to be.”




cried out loudly as he moved his hands to her front. He teased her nipples
through the fabric with his thumbs and gently cupped her breasts. The sensation
was so erotic, and not at all like Lonnie’s clumsy groping had been. This
wasn’t the uncontrolled fumbling of a horny teen. The way he touched her was
reverent, as if afraid she might break if he wasn’t careful.

May I take off your top?”

one had ever asked. She swallowed against the lump in her throat and nodded.
Addison rolled the bottom up over her bra and pulled the shirt off so slowly,
the act itself became sensual, not merely rote. Her bare arms were chilled,
although the temperature in the room was warm. He moved his hands over them
slowly, easing back the goosebumps.

Do you want to take off your jeans, socks, and boots,
or shall I do it?”

You do it. Please?”

kissed her, his lips lingering a bit longer this time, but he released it far
too soon again. “My pleasure, Nadine.”

held her breath while he unfastened her jeans, then slid them down as far as
possible with him still standing. He gave her a slightly wicked smile. “Nice
panties.” Nadine’s face burned. There was nothing special about them. Simple
cotton, pale pink, with no fancy lace trim or decoration. Surely he was teasing
her. “They make you look innocent, and that’s a very seductive image.”


moved around her and sat on the bed, then took her hands and walked her toward
him, which she found difficult to do with her jeans around her knees. When he
cupped her pussy through the cotton, she cried out again as tiny jolts of
electricity raced through her body. “Nadine, you’re wet.” His voice held a note
of surprised delight.

As if I could help it.”

bent his head and kissed her pussy lips. She moaned loudly and grasped his hair
as he teased her through the panties with his tongue and his fingers. When he
stopped short again, she wanted to cry out in frustration.

These are in the way.” He slid her jeans down to her
ankles, and then he helped her step out of them, and took her socks and boots
with them.

That’s better.” He brushed his hands up her thighs,
over her abdomen and then grasped her breasts again. “You’re beautiful. Do you
know that?”

had to blink back tears. No one had ever called her that. “No.”

gaze turned tender and soft. “Before this day is over, you will believe that of
yourself. I promise you.”

let out a shaky breath as he told her step apart a bit, then moaned loudly when
he cupped her pussy and resumed teasing her clit with his thumb through the
fabric. He fastened his mouth on one nipple, biting it gently through her bra
until she thought she’d go out of her mind with need. She’d never felt anything
like this, and hadn’t expected him to be so patient or playful. She’d imagined
him simply stripping her clothes off, removing his own in a hurry, and then
taking her.

. It was sexy and slow. He
gave her time to explore each sensation, and to breathe. It felt incredible and
sent her arousal to places she hadn’t realized it could go. She wanted to let
the tears come simply because she was so damn happy!

let go of her and smiled. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

That was a first, too. “Fine. No, not
just fine. Wonderful. Incredible. I’m not sure how to put it into words.”

No fear?”

shook her head. “No. Not even close. I’m so damn aroused I’m ready to burst.”

chuckled softly as he circled her clit with his thumb. “Ah, yeah. I know
exactly what you mean. Tell me about the one sexual experience you had before.
How old were you?”

Does it matter?”

Yes. It’s the only one you had that was consensual. I
want to know what you did and how it felt so I can make sure it’s so much
better, you won’t even remember it after today.”

It already is
that much better.
It was difficult to think with him rubbing her
clit that way. The only orgasms she’d ever had were the ones she’d given
herself, but that hadn’t happened in a very long time. “I was sixteen. He was
the high school boy all the girls wanted, but he was nothing more than a
player. We didn’t even take off all our clothes.”

slid down her bra straps. “That couldn’t have been very fulfilling for you.”

his voice always sounded this deep and sexy?

It wasn’t. It hurt, but not as much as I’d been told
by my friends it would.”

Was it fun at all?”

Not really. It was boring. I felt nothing. Except
used, of course, the next day.”

slid the straps off her arms and then held the cups in place. Nadine could
barely take a full breath. She was so damn excited she wanted to scream and cry
at the same time.

That must have been humiliating. You were so young,
and it was your first time.”

I was. Yes. My first time.”

I’m sorry you went through that. I’d like to replace
that memory with new ones.” He removed her bra and gazed at her breasts for
long moments, not saying a word. “You are truly stunning, Nadine. I mean that.”

knew he did. She heard the conviction in his voice and saw it in his eyes when
he lifted his gaze. He cupped her face and kissed her, this time lingering for
a long time. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and she moaned deeply in the
back of her throat as her arms circled his waist. She could feel the muscles in
his torso, and could hardly stand this now. She wanted him. All of him.
Everything he could give her.

he released the kiss, he trailed his tongue over her neck and down into the
valley between her breasts. “Stop me if you feel afraid or need a break. Even
if you want to talk about something. All right?”

Okay,” she whispered.

I don’t want you uncomfortable at all, Nadine. I want
you to enjoy this.”

Thank you.” The tears slipped down her cheeks now, and
she didn’t try to stop them. Addison licked her nipples, one then the other,
gazed into her face to gauge her reaction, and then returned to torturing them
with soft licks and tiny bites. She’d never felt anything like it in her life.
Her clit throbbed, and her panties were now ruined they were so damn wet.

held her close for a moment, then turned her around and laid her on the bed.
“You still okay?”


I’m going to take off your panties.”

All right.”

slid them off and grinned. “The carpet matches the drapes. I did wonder. Your
hair is really blonde.”

giggled. “I’ve never heard that before.”

didn’t say anything. Instead he gently parted her legs, turned her torso toward
the edge of the bed, sat in the chair, and pulled her toward him a bit. “Bend
your legs at the knees for me, sweetheart.” She did, then held her breath as he
parted her curls with his fingers. “And now I
get dessert.”

Oh my God…” Nadine bucked her hips off the bed and dug
her fists into the blanket as he licked her clit.
Holy hell!
She’d never felt anything like this in her life. He used
his tongue in long, slow strokes over her entire pussy, then returned to her
clit, licking harder and alternating that with gentle sucking.

was going to come. No doubt about it. She groaned loudly, not giving a shit now
if everyone out there heard her. They didn’t matter. All that existed was
Addison’s mouth and now his finger as he slowly slid it inside her. He moved it
in and out as he continued torturing her with his tongue, and when the orgasm
started, she let out one long, low continuous moan and just allowed it to

contractions were so much stronger than any she’d brought on by herself. His
finger still moved in and out, but when he withdrew it and pushed two inside,
it burned for a tiny second. Then that sensation was replaced with the most
delicious floating feeling. He licked her gently now, slower, but kept his
fingers inside, fucking her with them. The exquisite sensation went on and on,
and Nadine never wanted it to end.

he withdrew his fingers, she could do nothing but lie there, breathing hard,
still moaning softly. Her pussy was still contracting, and she wanted him back
inside it.

stood and watched her, a sexy grin on his face. “Well, that was fun.”

laughed softly. “Yes, it was.”

took off his shirt, and she sighed at the look of him. He was as muscular and
beautiful as she’d imagined, and covered with a fine dusting of dark hair. As
he removed his jeans, boxers, socks, and boots, her attention was drawn to his
cock. Red, swollen, and larger than she’d anticipated, it seemed to move with a
life all its own.

she really let him put that inside her? She wanted to. His fingers had felt
amazing, so surely his dick would, too. This would be all right. She could do

What are you thinking?” His voice caught her by
surprise because of the note of uncertainty in it.

You’re large.”

soft chuckle sent a shiver down her spine. “Ah, thank you, I think. Are you
having second thoughts?”

No. It’s just that…”

sat her up and moved next to her, cupping her face. “Tell me, please. I meant
what I said. I don’t want this to be painful or frightening for you.”

When you had two fingers in me at first it burned a

nodded and scooted off the bed. “That is easy to fix.” He pulled on his jeans
and t-shirt. “I’ll be right back.”

the heck was he going? She sat up and hugged her knees, wondering if she
shouldn’t put some clothes back on in case one of the others wandered down
here, but he was back quickly with a small duffle bag.

watched him open it and take out a bottle and a box of condoms. “Don’t ask why
this is here.”


glanced up, giving her a sheepish grin. “Okay. Let’s just say I have some teams
who always want to make sure they’re prepared for any possibility, and leave it
at that.”

So this isn’t yours?”

No, but don’t worry. They’re unused.” He held up the
bottle. “Lube. Ever use it?”

shook her head.

Makes everything slippery and can’t hurt either one of

Sounds like magic.”

laughed again. “Some people would say it is.” He removed his jeans and shirt,
then sat on the bed again and placed the bottle and the box on the nightstand.
She eyed his naked body once more. The quick side trip to wherever that duffle
had been stored hadn’t made his dick any less hard.

Do you want to touch me? You don’t have to if that’s
too much right now.”

It doesn’t seem fair if I don’t.”

shook his head. “Please don’t think that. This isn’t about fair. It’s about
you, your pleasure, and making new memories to replace your painful ones.”

What do you get out of this?”

gave her a look filled with awe. “Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how
incredible this is for me? To watch you come like that and to know I did that
to you … Nadine, I wish I had words to describe it. You made me feel like the
most amazing lover on the planet.”

never thought about it that way before, and the realization that what he’d done
to her gave him so much pleasure made her bold. Nadine reached out and touched
his chest, running her fingers lightly over his hair. The soft, sexy groan it
elicited spurred her on. She rubbed her index finger over one nipple, and
Addison let out a sound that was almost painful.

You make me crazy with need, sweetheart.”

I never touched Lonnie.”

Was that the high school kid?”

Yes. I mean I never touched his naked body.”

lay back on the bed and put his hands behind his head, a huge grin on his face.
“I’m all yours, Nadine. Explore away.”

was so damn beautiful, and his cock looked ready to burst. She moved next to
him but couldn’t get comfortable, so instead she straddled his thighs. The mere
act of taking the initiative like that gave her renewed courage, and it earned
her another sexy moan from Addison. He reached up to take her hands. “I’m only
human, Nadine.”

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