Read Taking the Plunge Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Taking the Plunge (3 page)

BOOK: Taking the Plunge
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How were your classes?”

He shrugged.
“Boring. I hate school.”

“I don’t care for it much either.”

“I thought you loved science.”

“Not really. I just do it because I need job security.”

“Yeah. I wish I had a family trade to go into.”

Nancy never revealed the family business she would inherit someday. Her father insisted on training her to take over the hotel and be a partner with him, but she couldn’t do it. He was so greedy and selfish and she didn’t want to be a part of that, become a
greedy jerk. No one hand any idea that she was loaded. She kept it to herself because she didn’t want the attention. She wasn’t proud of her money, but ashamed of it. “You’ll find your own place in the world, Derek.”

As a pro surfer.”

She rolled her eyes.


“I think it’s ama
zing you’re pursuing your dream and I admire you for it, but don’t throw all your eggs in one basket.”

“Throw all my eggs in one basket? What’s the point
of doing something if you don’t put your whole heart in it?”

“That isn’t what I meant either,” Nancy said.
“Even if you became a pro surfer, it wouldn’t last long. You’ll age and won’t be able to do it anymore.”

“So, since I
know it’s going to end I shouldn’t bother at all?”

quiet conversations always turned to arguments. It was frustrating. Nancy sighed. “You aren’t listening to me, Derek. I think you should pursue your dreams, but I also think you should pursue a lifetime job. There’s no reason why you can’t do both. You can enjoy two things at once.”

He shook his head. “You don’t believe in me. I get it.”

“I never said that,” she snapped.

“Well, that’s what I heard.”

“Forget it.”

Whatever.” He shoved his ice cream into his mouth, his eyes downcast.

“Why do we argue all the time?”

“Because you’re always get mad at me.”

“You were the one who snapped at me.”

“Well, it’s fucked up that my own girlfriend doesn’t believe in me.”

She sighed, knowing this was a moot point. Instead, she ate her ice cream in silence. Instinctively, she wanted to apologize, but she didn’t. She didn’t do anything wrong. He was just too sensitive about this topic. “I have a microbiology exam coming up.” She didn’t know what else to say.

“The lecture or lab?”


“That’ll be easy.”

“Did you already take it?”

“Yeah. It’s the only lab I actually liked doing,” Derek said.

She finished her ice cream then pushed it a
way. “Thank you for the ice cream.”

Thanks for letting me take you.”

She watched him eat, noting the movement of his mouth. She hate
d being so attracted to him. Nancy knew she should just be smart and get out of this relationship. It was too unpredictable to have any real future.

“What did you do last night?” he asked.

“Painted,” she blurted. After the words came out of her mouth, she regretted saying them.

ed?” he asked. “I didn’t know you made art.”

She shrugged. “It’s a hobby.”

“That’s cool.”

“I’m not very good at it.”

“Well, I don’t think Picasso is very good, but he’s hailed as a master,” Derek said.

That made her smile. “It just makes me feel better. Sometimes when I feel stressed and scared, I pull out my paintbrush and throw the colors on the page, forgett
ing about everything that weighs me down. It’s the only way I can silence the doubt and pain in my mind. It’s almost therapeutic.” She had never been that open with anyone before. It just came from her lips, unstoppable. She stared at the table, waiting for him to say something, ask her about the pains she was referring to, but he didn’t. When she looked at him, his gaze was focused to the left.

“Let’s sit here,”
a pretty blonde said to her friend as they sat at a nearby table. They were both wearing bikinis, their sandals tracking sand across the patio. Derek was staring at them, his eyes focused on the blonde’s ass.

Nancy held back the tears and took a deep breath. She was sick of this. She grabbed her purse then walked off, leaving him sitting alone.

“What? Where are you going?” Derek said.

She kept walking, feeling the anger and regret flood through her. She was so stupid for expecting Derek to do anything else, like actually care about something she had to say. He cared more about checki
ng out a girl’s ass than Nancy’s feelings.

“Stop,” Derek said when we reached her. “What the hell did I do now?”

“You weren’t even listening to me,” she said as she pushed him back. “Could you respect me just a little bit and not gawk at every girl that walks by?”

“I wasn’t gawking!”

“Fuck you!” she said as she pushed him again.

“Nancy, calm the fuck down.”

“Go fuck yourself.”

He grabbed her arm. “You know I check out girls all the time. You want me to be
fake and pretend I don’t when I’m around you? You want me to be a liar? I’m not a liar.”

“You’re a fucking asshol
e. You could at least be a gentleman when I’m standing right next to you.” She marched off again, heading to the sidewalk.

“Where are you going?”


“You’re going to walk?”

“What do you think?”

They walked past his car and he grabbed her. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry.”

She jerked her arm away. “I’m done with this.”

“Calm down. It didn’t mean anything. I would never cheat on you, Nancy.”

“That’s beside the point,” she said as she rounded on him. “I was talking to you and you weren’t even listening to me.”

“I was listening! You said something about painting.”

She rolled her eyes. “So no, you didn’t listen to me.”

“Calm down.”

“Bye, Derek.” She walked away again.

Derek grabbed her and pushed her against his trunk, pinning her against the door with his heavy body. He grabbed her face and sealed his lips over hers, holding her arms by her side.

Nancy tried to turn away, but he continued to devour her. “Stop it!”

He released her hand then cupped her face, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. His kiss was rough and aggressive, dominating her body and her mind. His hands slid down her waist, gripping her hips, as he embraced her against his trunk.

She tried to fight him, but the feel of his lips dulled her mind. The intensity of his kiss made her shake. She could kiss him all day, feel his tongue inside her indefinitely. Her hands ran through his strands of hair then down his back, feeling the muscles underneath his shirt. Her anger dwindled the longer they made out in the parking lot.

Derek grinded against her hips, pressing his erection against her stomach. It was big and long,
reminding her how good the sex was. He knew what she liked in the bedroom and always delivered. Her lips burned as he kissed her, caressing her lips with his. Her heart hammered in her chest as the arousal pooled between her legs. Eventually, she was so hot for him that she grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to her, as close as he could get.

Derek broke their kiss and rubbed his nose against her
s, his hands grabbing her breasts and massaging them. “My place?”

She knew she should say no.

They got inside his trunk and drove back to his apartment in silence. His hand was on her thigh then it moved to the area between her legs. His fingers rubbed her, pressing against her in the right away, keeping her horny for the entire drive.

When they came back to the apartment, they stormed to his room then locked the door behind them. Derek immediately grabbed her and ripped her clothes away, practically tearing them off her body. Her kissed her neck and chest as he moved, sucking the skin between his lips.

Nancy pulled his shirt off, revealing the chest she loved so much. He had wide shoulders and large pectoral muscles. They flexed when she placed her
hands on him. His stomach was even better, chiseled with an eight back that led to small hips. When her fingers moved down his chest to his stomach, she felt the heat of his body. He was always warm.

She unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, along with his boxers. When she saw his hard cock, all logical thought ceased. The darkness set
in, only her strong desire remaining. All she thought about was fucking him, getting off to his sexy physique. His cock always hit her in the right place, igniting her into a blaze of burning fire.

He pushed her on the
bed and kissed her then lay on top of her, his cock pressed against her stomach. He parted her legs then leaned over her, grabbing a condom from his nightstand. He tore it open then handed it to her. She pinched the tip as she rolled the condom to the base of his dick, touching the mound of hair of his balls. She leaned back as he grabbed her thighs then slipped inside.

“God…yeah,” she said as she scratched his back.

He pounded into her, rocking his headboard into the wall. When he fucked her, he never tried to stay quiet. He didn’t care if his roommates heard him. Derek grunted and breathed hard as he worked his ass to thrust inside her.

She used his muscled body to pull her hips to him, fucking him hard from below. Within seconds, the pool of pleasure started to leak everywhere, moving from her stomach to the apex of her thighs. It burned until it exploded.
“Derek, yeah.”

He fucked her harder.
“Cum for me.”

She leaned up and bit his shoulder, feeling the intense orgasm rock through her. “Yes!”

Derek moaned as he thrust into her, sweat dripping from his chest. Suddenly, he picked her up then rolled on his back, placing her on his hips. He gripped her waist and thrust into her from below. She grabbed his shoulders and rode him, pushing his cock as far as it would go. Seeing his hot body below her fueled her. She could fuck him all day because he was so hot.

Derek dug his fingers into her skin. “I’m almost there, baby.”

“No. I want to come again.”

He sat up then grabbed her ass, lift
ing her onto his cock while he thrust from below.

She pressed her face close to his as she enjoyed the tip of his cock fucking her hard and fast.

“Come on, baby.”

She gripped his neck. “That feels so good.”

“I know.”

She felt the orgasm hit. “Yeah! Derek!”

He grunted as he fucked her even harder.
“Yeah….hmm.” His thrusts became irregular as he came inside the condom, filling it with his semen.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against his chest, catching her breath. She felt his sweat stick to her breasts.

Derek lied down then pulled her to his chest, resting his hand on her waist. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Nancy grabbed the condom and pulled it off, tossing it in the wastebasket. She lay down and rubbed her hands across his chest, making him feel calm after the extreme fucking they did.

When the hormones passed and her lust was satisfied, the sadness returned. Their relationship didn’t have a good foundation of trust, love, or even friendship, but the sex was unbelievable. Every time she tried to break away, she remembered how good it felt to be fucked by him. She was lucky if she got to come at all with other guys. Derek always delivered, satisfied her needs when they couldn’t be met. It made her feel worse.

She kept waiting for Derek to change, but the longer they stayed together, the more she realized it was hopeless. In her heart she knew Derek was a good guy. It just didn’t always come across. She believed everyone was a good person and just made mistakes. The Derek she wanted was deep in there, hiding. If she waited long enough, he would come out.

“Can I sleep here?” she whispered. She had never slept overnight at Derek’s place. He always said he had homework or
other things to do. She hoped if they were intimate in other ways, he would open his eyes and realize his faults.

“I have an exam to study for,” he said with a sigh.

“Oh.” She couldn’t hide the disappointment she felt.

Derek stood up and grabbed his clothes, getting dressed.

After a moment of depression, she stood up and pulled on her clothes then let him drive her back to her car at school.

He walked her to the door
then kissed her gently, his lips feeling soft against hers. She was still upset about his behavior at the ice cream parlor, but she didn’t feel like fighting again. She decided to let it go.

“I’ll see you tomorrow
,” he said as he opened her door.

BOOK: Taking the Plunge
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