Talent Storm (36 page)

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Authors: Brian Terenna

BOOK: Talent Storm
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“A band. That’s cool.”

He laughed, bobbing his head. “Yeah, it was really cool. I loved being on stage and the thrill of the applause.”

I pointed at him. “I know that feeling.”

“I was quite the showman; people loved me, especially the women. Can you blame them?” he asked, flashing a smile.

I rolled my eyes.

“At some point I grew too bold, thinking fame and money would protect me. I thought I was untouchable. After one of our shows, my family left to change in the dressing room. I stayed and performed a song that I wrote with my friends. My family didn’t know about it. Before my new song, the government had tolerated me. After that, everything changed.”

Leaning closer, I asked, “What happened?”

“After my song, Goldwater’s men came for me. I stood with trembling legs while men charged with drawn swords. I knew Goldwater wasn’t good for Liberty but never imagined we’d lost so many freedoms. Coming to my senses, I turned and sprinted toward the back room. I had to find my family. When I threw open the door, there were five men standing with bloodied swords. I looked down, a sick feeling gripping my stomach. My mouth dropped, and my world shattered around me.”

My eyes were wide as I sat on the edge of my bed.

“Lying on the ground, in pools of blood, was my entire family. I can still picture their lifeless eyes staring at me. I screamed as something snapped in my mind. I had never used my talent to kill, but they had just murdered my parents and siblings. I constricted the arteries to their brains until the light in their eyes faded. If only I’d gotten there sooner...”

How many times had I thought the same thing?

“My family wasn’t to blame for my song, but they’re the ones who died. I see now how stupid I was. I ran out, my father’s guitar still in my hand. After that, I was lost. I didn’t know what to do until Val found me. She helped me put my life back together; she taught me what was worth fighting for. I owe her everything.”

I shook my head, gritting my teeth, even more disgusted at Goldwater. “I’m sorry, man.” I pointed at his guitar to lighten the mood. “Will you play something?”

“I’ll play the song that doomed my family. I like to defy Goldwater now. After I play it once, sing along if you want. I have the lyrics.”

With a big smile, he plucked the strings while tuning the pins. He hit a few notes, then he began to strum lively cords. After a moment, his fingers began to dance over the frets, his pace increasing. The cords, more complex now, sung in a symphony of music. His rich voice mixed with the notes.


“Goldwater you’re a tyrant and a fake.
We used to have freedom, for freedom’s sake.
You tell us that we are secure,
then why do we always need more?
You lie to our faces and drug our water.
All so your men can steal our daughters.
You bleed us dry you dirty thief.
You’re a tyrant. That’s my belief...”


He continued on and when he finished, I clapped, eyebrows raised. “Wow, I can see why he was mad.”

Barid chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it was a bit much. It’s what I felt though. I thought we had the freedom of speech; I was terribly wrong. Let’s do it again. It has been a long time since I’ve played it. Sing along,” he said, handing me the lyrics.

He began to play again, and I sang along, slapping my thigh. It had been a long time since I truly enjoyed myself. While singing, I felt a great burden lift from my shoulders. At the sound of a knock, Barid paused, the notes hanging in the air. He laid down the guitar.

“Hey, it’s me.”

I sat up straighter, a smile growing on my face. “Come in.”

Sofia flung open the door before striding in. She waved to me. “Hey, Jaden.”

My smile stretched as I met her eyes. “Hey.”

When she walked by Barid, he slapped her rear. She jumped, then whirled on him. Anger flashed in her eyes, and her fist slammed into his stomach. He doubled over with a grimace.

“Don’t do that,” she said.

His face grew rosy. “Sorry. I got carried away by the moment.”

“It’s okay,” she said, shrugging. “But I won’t tell you again.” Her eyes landed on the guitar. She pouted before meeting my eyes and crossing her arms. “Why didn’t you invite me?”

“What?” I asked, throwing my hands up into the air. “I didn’t know we’d be doing this.”

A smile broke out on her face. “I know,” she said, flipping her hand at me.

She walked over, then sat on the bed next to me. The warm skin of her exposed thigh leaned against mine. I didn’t move away. Should I have? Looking over, our eyes met. They lingered, and her smile grew. I returned her smile, delighted. Her chestnut eyes wove enchanting spells, enticing me, drawing me near. Her magic, her beauty was so powerful that I couldn’t resist. For a moment, I was lost in that magic, unable to look away. I knew I should feel bad, but it was hard to think clearly around her.

Barid cleared his throat, breaking the spell. “Ahh, that’s why you got so mad,” he said to Sofia.” He eyed me. “You must be a charmer. I’ve never been able to crack her.”

“What?” I asked, face flushing.

Sofia giggled, slapping Barid on the arm. “Don’t give him a hard time. Let’s do another round.”

He smiled again before strumming. We sang several of his songs and other’s we all knew for hours. I felt a glimpse of humanity again, like there was hope beyond my revenge.


Goldwater’s Palace


Archduke Goldwater and Grand Duke Nieri sat at a banquet-sized dining room table, sipping red wine out of crystal glasses. On top of the polished, dust free table were two unused candles. Above that was Liberty’s flag, proudly displaying its red fist.

“William, you’ve been with me from the beginning,” said Goldwater, straitening his already perfectly positioned suit. “You’re the only person that I can trust. Think of all we’ve accomplished.”

accomplished Archduke,” William said.

A wide smile grew under Goldwater’s thick nose.
He’s right, but I’ll throw him a bone.
“It’s your illusions that keep everything stable, old friend. It’s miraculous how you hide all of those decaying bodies in plain view. It’s too bad your emotional control isn’t as powerful.”

Nieri shrugged his slim shoulders. “Your Joy Drug seems to be working just fine. Your Liberty
certainly plays its part too.”

The archduke gave a hearty laugh. The drug was key, but he loved controlling the narrative. The technique was ancient but very effective. His eyes lowered while he rubbed his cleft chin. “Order more guards around your palace. The Underground is stepping up their attacks. We can’t afford to have the drug supply interrupted.”

“Consider it done,” said William, “but they could never hope to rival you.”

Goldwater grimaced. Sometimes the man’s flattery was too much. “They’re a thorn in my side. It’s not like their low levels of talent could hope to challenge me... if I could find them,” he said. His thick, black eyebrows lowered. “Where are they, Nieri?”

“Sorry Archduke. My men are searching every day, but it could take years to search all the tunnels,” Nieri said, wringing his hands. “I’ll figure out another way.”

The archduke patted the man on the back, smiling mirthlessly. Nieri had served him well over the years. As payment, Goldwater had overlooked the man’s disgusting habits. His patience was running out though. “If you were anyone else old friend you’d already be dead for failing me. Now go.”

Nieri jumped up with a deep frown and left immediately without another word.

Goldwater leaned back in his chair and interlaced his fingers behind his head.
At least he knows his place.
He turned toward a gold-framed wall mirror to examine himself. He nodded, satisfied that his side-parted hair was perfectly in place. He looked as good as he did when he had conquered Liberty thirty years ago.

“Aster,” he said, then whistled.

Seconds later, a young woman in a short blue dress came running out, her blond pigtails bouncing. She fell to the ground before him, her head touching the floor.

He eyed her cleavage. “Rise Aster.”

She looked at him with dull, sunken eyes.

“I’m retiring to my room shortly. Have Ivy, Violet, and Lilac join me and then clear the table.”

“Right away Archduke.” The girl turned on her white slippered heel to jog away.

Goldwater’s huge hand shot out and gripped her arm before she could move, his gold rings sparkling in the lamplight. She lurched to a stop and twisted to see him, her eyes huge.

He admired her round rear and smooth thighs, then matched her gaze. “Join us when you’re done cleaning and bring a pitcher of water. I’m going to be thirsty tonight.”


For the last two weeks, I had eaten all of my meals with the rebels. Levette typically ignored me when she wasn’t giving me dirty looks. I didn’t know what her problem was, but she definitely didn’t like me. Even at mealtime, Valleri commanded, and the rebels listened. They cooked simple but delicious meals, working well as a team and cleaned efficiently at Valleri’s direction.

During the two-week span, I only saw Valleri smile twice. Both times were because of witty jokes she made that caused the other rebels to crack up with laughter. If fear or doubt ever crept up in conversation, she was always able to reassure us.

Over that time, Kevin and I played seventy or so more games of chess. He won all of them, but I came close a few times. I was even up material once. Despite my losses, we were quickly becoming good friends.

Sofia and I spent part of everyday together, exchanging stories, some humorous and other sad. We bonded through all of them. There were many similarities in our lives—our pain, losses, and loneliness the most obvious ones. We both grew up oppressed by those more powerful than us. The difference was that hers was by an all-powerful, sociopath, and mine was by my uncle and untalented schoolboys. Still, at the time I was just as helpless.

When we weren’t telling stories, we joked and laughed. Her curls bounced, and her lips curled up into a hundred smiles. I poked her while teasing just as much as she hit my arm in mock anger. Every morning I couldn’t wait until she visited. Most nights, Kevin, Sofia, and I all hung out. It felt like I was a child again, hanging out with Ben and Danessa. It was like being a part of a family. In-between their visits, I worked relentlessly to further build up my muscles. My toned physic was already as bulky as it was before the torture.


One morning a few days later, I swung Peacemaker around with partially bolstered muscles as part of my workout. Someone knocked on the door and pushed it open. Sofia entered. She flinched back, her eyes momentarily flashing wide as my mace swung by. I lowered the mace, leaning on it like a walking stick and raised my hand toward her.

“Sorry, just working out.”

She giggled. “That’s okay. I was just startled. Her brown eyes crinkled in delight, dancing over my bare toned chest and six pack abs. She raised a single eyebrow, her pupils dilating.

She liked what she saw. I stood tall, perspiration dripping down my body. I didn’t flush or cover up. Most of my life, I was shy but didn’t feel embarrassed now. Maybe it was the months of torture I endured, or maybe I was just growing up.

Sofia wore a green V-neck shirt and black shorts. She walked over to my bed and sat, crossing her long, toned legs.

I dried my chest and back with a towel and pulled on a shirt. I walked over to her, sat, and rubbed my shoulders. My muscles were regularly sore from my daily exercise.

Her eyes fixed on my shoulders. “Want a massage?”

I froze, thinking of Lilly and wondered if it would be appropriate. Of course I wanted a massage, but was it too much? “Umm.”

“Don’t be shy,” she said as she guided me into a horizontal position on my stomach. I didn’t resist. She shuffled around for a second before laying her cool, smooth hands on my neck. I stiffened but began to relax as she worked my muscles. Time faded as the pleasure of the massage erased the world. It’d been a long time since I’d been touched this much. She continued to rub my neck, shoulders, and back. Next, she moved on to my arms, hands, and legs. I lay unmoving, completely relaxed.

My eyes shot open when her hand slapped my back. My heart pounded for just a second before settling down again. I apparently had dozed off for a minute.

“You’re done.”

I pushed myself up on my arms with a groan. Turning back to her, I smiled. “Thanks?”

She squinted at me, with a pout

“Just kidding. It was awesome. You can slap me anytime as long as you give me a massage first.”

“I’ll slap you anytime I want.”

“Hmm, I could probably get into that.”

She tapped my cheek playfully. “You’ll get into whatever I say.”

“You sure are persuasive.”

She chewed her lower lip, reminding me of Lilly. Feeling bad, I pushed the thought out. “My turn,” she said, pointing at herself.

“What?” I asked, eyebrows raised. “I didn’t sign on for that agreement.”

She crossed her arms, forehead scrunching. Her curly hair bounced as she huffed.

“Just kidding. You’re in for the best massage of your life.”

She smiled brightly.

“Lay down,” I said, patting her on the back.

She lay on the bed, looking at me out of the side of her eye. I admired the beauty of her profile, her flawless brown skin and the way it accented her dark eyes. For a moment, I was lost, then remembered my task.

The instant I began to massage her back, she melted. I smiled, knowing that there was more to come. After warming her muscles up, I opened the gates of my mind, unleashing talent. Covering every muscle on her back, arms, and legs with separate talent streams, I caressed her with my mind.

She jumped before quickly going limp. “Oooo,” she moaned.

I gradually began to increase the pressure of my strokes.

“Ahhh, this is the best...,” she said.

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