Talent Storm (41 page)

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Authors: Brian Terenna

BOOK: Talent Storm
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“I loved her too, but I had no choice. If I didn’t kill her, she would have killed me. In the confusion of the massacre, I slipped away. For years after that, I had nightmares of her attacking me. It sickens me to have to remember her that way.”

A single tear ran down her cheek, a crack in her armor. She wiped the tear away. “I see Nadia in you. In your spirit, your power. Like her, your telekinesis is strong, but you have something more. You have an iron will. You can resist him.”

I thought of Victor Deo. I shook my head. Was I really that special? An entire group of trained and talented rebels fell before Goldwater. How could I beat him alone? But I wasn’t alone. I had Valleri, Sofia, Barid, and Pavel. Maybe we could do it. No, we would do it. We’d save Liberty. “You're right boss. We can do it. Give me the support I need, and I’ll kill him.”

Valleri smiled, looking years younger. “Good, you and Sofia will be our primary weapons. The rest of the rebels will play support roles. We’ll weaken the government's hold over the people by eliminating the grand dukes. The first and most devastating blow to the tyrant’s power will be the assassination of Grand Duke Nieri, the illusionist and emp. His emotional control is absolute. His illusions hide death, disease, and distress from the people. His mind maintains its influence even when he’s sleeping. As long as he lives, people can’t wake from the dream into the nightmare.”

I shivered. How many people would die in the process?

“We’ll also need to shut down the Joy Drug pumps in the basement of his palace,” said Valleri.

“Joy Drug?” I asked.

“Liberty’s water supply is drugged. We have filters on our water, but it can only process so much water at a time. It’s why we ration.”

I met Valleri’s eyes. “What happens when we shut it down?”

“It will be tough for people.” She grimaced. “Withdrawal symptoms include, fever, hallucinations, vomiting, and agitation. They only last for about a day though.”

I winced. It sounded rough, but what choice did we have? “Let’s get started.”

“Soon. First we need to heal from our last encounter. Then, we’ll plan and strike.” She paused, scowling. “The objectives will be much more difficult without Kevin. Damn those bastards.”

“Losing someone is...” I trailed off as I shook my head, staring into space. When my eyes met hers again, I said, “I’m glad we’re working together. I finally feel like my life has purpose.”

Valleri snapped back to attention from her thoughts. “Right... well, go heal. I have to think. In two weeks we will make our first strike.”

I left the rebel commander in her office, imagining the stress she must be under. I hoped to be free of my own stress soon. We’d either kill Goldwater or die.


On my way to Sofia’s room, I wondered what I would say. After I thought she might be dead, I was devastated

I was foolish to think that she’d be safer without me. We were all at danger because of our cause. What a fool I was to think I was cursed. I should have believed Sofia. In war, people die. I just didn’t realize that my entire life was a war. The Coalition accelerated the danger to me when they forced me into the military.
Locke’s Coalition: Where Freedom Reigns.
Ha, where was my choice?

Wait. I shook my head. This wasn’t the time to think about war. What about Sofia? Sofia and I were safer together; we were happier together. Being apart from her because I didn’t want her to die and leave me alone was stupid. If I left, then I’d already lost her. I quickened my pace, mind made up and excited to tell her.

A minute later, I stopped at a door where my cloak was hanging. I knocked. After waiting for a few seconds, I knocked again. Not getting a response, I peeked my head around the entryway of the small musty room. Sofia sat cross-legged with her hands covering her face, crying softly, her curly hair twisted in greater disarray than normal.

“Sofia, can I come in?”

“I’m sorry. Come back tomorrow. I... I just need to be alone.”

I nodded, disappointed, but understanding.


The next day, when I entered Sofia's room, she was in the midst of a leg stretch. Her head was nearly touching the knee of her long athletic legs. I admired the smooth skin of her legs before knocking. When I did, she looked up.

“Hey, how’re you feeling today?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I’m fine. I just finished working out. I’m trying to keep my mind off of things.”

I nodded, pressing my lips together. “Yeah, it seems like that’s all I do.” Standing in the doorway, my stomach burned and my palms were sweaty. I steeled myself, pushing away my anxiety. Worries were for kids, not warriors who survived Goldwater’s torture. I’d say my piece and she’d fall into my arms. “Can I have a seat?” I asked, pointing toward the bed.


I walked over and sat next to her. The soft surface yielded under my weight.

She met my eyes. “I’m sorry about before. Val told me that it wouldn’t have mattered if you were at the prison. It means a lot that you chose to save me instead of the prisoners, but what were you thinking?”

I raised my chin and said, “I didn’t want you to be hurt.”

“Aww, what a good
you are.”

Damn. She was still mad about how I turned her down. I touched her shoulder and locked her eyes. “About that, I was wrong. I want to make a life with you.”

She squinted, furrowing her brow. “You said it was a bad idea to be together.”

“I know.” I lowered my head for a few heartbeats before meeting her brown eyes again. “I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

She leaned in slightly, a bead of sweat running between her breasts, into her plunging neckline. “Oh?” she asked.

Unable to resist, I glanced down at her glistening rounded cleavage. I smiled, my skin tingling and my eyes lingering.

“Up here,” she said flatly, motioning up to her eyes.

I felt my face flush, and my heart accelerate. Damn, why couldn’t I be more subtle?

“Is that why you were wrong?” she asked, leaning back and crossing her arms.

“What? No,” I said. “Sorry. You are beautiful, but I like so much more about you. I’m excited to see you and talk to you every day. I feel empty when I’m not with you. When you were captured, everything became clear. The idea of thousands of innocent people dying tore at me, but if you died, I would have been destroyed. I only turned you down in the first place because I was scared I’d cause your death. Now, I know I was being foolish. You were right; I’m not cursed. I’ve just led a hard life.”

She met my eyes, uncrossing her arms and leaning forward. Her pupils were dilated and her lips turned up into a smile. For a moment, I thought she might kiss me, then her smile faded as she looked away. “No, you were right.”

Her words punched me in the stomach. “No.” I shook my head, willing her to see things how I did. “I wasn’t.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, refusing to meet my eyes. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea anymore. After my capture and Kevin’s death, our struggle just seems so much more real now. The time we spent together was like a fairytale, but it wasn’t real. Death is real. Pain is real.”

I couldn’t believe it. Now that I’d missed my opportunity, I was even more desperate to be with her. I wouldn’t give in without a fight. I reached out, touched her cheek, and gently turned her face toward mine. “I know our lives are dangerous, but shouldn’t we take a shot at being together, rather than giving up now?” I asked.

She pulled away, shaking her head slowly. “I forgot how dangerous our lives are. I can’t get more invested in you because if I did, it would tear me apart. Until this war is over, I can’t have feelings for anyone. I know it seems like I have everything under control, but I’m barely holding on. It’s been a long time since my parent’s death, but Kevin’s has brought back all my old feelings.

“Sofia, please—”

She shot me a hard look and cut me off. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m sorry. Now I’d like to be alone.”

The finality of her words slammed into me, like a talent-launched boulder. I stood, feeling unsteady before walking out of the room like a zombie. I’d lost her.


The next day, I didn’t leave my room, feeling heartbroken. I didn’t eat and I didn’t sleep. I only thought about Sofia and what she meant to me. After I couldn’t cry anymore, I resolved to take control of my life and win her back, hope giving me the energy I needed to go on.

Over the next few days, I put my plan in place. I mentally picked flowers and floated them through grates to give to her. I made her meals and brought them to her room. I smiled at her, held doors as she passed through, and gave her compliments.

She received all of my kindnesses and was pleasant in return. I thought I was making headway. When I asked her to reconsider, she turned me down again cold, citing the same reasons. I felt abandoned, like the million other times in my life.


That night, I sat in my bed, considering my options. I’d do whatever it took to be with her. Being apart from her was like torture. Suddenly I jerked my head up, knowing there was only one way. Sofia didn’t want to be with me until Goldwater was dead, until the war was over. I ground my teeth and clenched my shaking fists. I couldn’t bear to wait for Valleri’s plan. I had to show Sofia how much she meant to me. Exhaling sharply, I bounded to my feet, threw on my cloak, and pulled the hood up. I strode to the corner of my room, then tossed my mace over my shoulder before exiting the door.


I marched into the conference room toward the main exit. Barid, who was playing guitar in the corner, looked up, his fingers going still and the music fading. Pavel was meandering near the door. He froze and turned when he saw me. Val was nowhere to be seen.

“Where are you going?” asked Pavel.

I glared at him. “I’m going to kill Goldwater. Now get out of my way.”

“What? No. Val has a plan. You’ll wait for her orders.”

He moved to block my path, his big hands raised. My heart pounded and anger instantly flowed through my body. I hated when people told me what I couldn’t do.

From the corner, Barid said, “Jaden come on, calm down. What’s wrong? We’ll do it together.”

I wheeled on him, lips pressed in a thin line and my nostrils flaring. “Don’t tell me to calm down. Goldwater has destroyed my life. He needs to die, and I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of my life.” In the back of my mind, I knew I was being foolish but didn’t care.

He shook his head, standing up. “It’s not all about you. We will end it. Just stick with Val’s plan.”

Without an answer, I dashed toward the exit. I tried to spin around Pavel, but he grabbed me, his massive hands digging into my arms.

My eyes shot to his and locked his gaze. “Pavel, you’re making a big mistake. Take your hands off me...
.” My body shook as I clenched my fists.

Suddenly, Valleri’s voice boomed in my mind, causing me to stumble.

After I steadied myself, I looked over at Valleri.

She stood in the hall, her back straight and her cold eyes locked on me.
You will follow my orders.

Her thoughts assailed mine, sapping my control. I couldn’t. I had to kill Goldwater now. “I can’t put up with it anymore. He needs to die!”

I slammed my palm into Pavel’s chest. He soared into the far wall. When he hit, he grunted before sliding down to his back. His eyes closed as his head lulled to the side.

You will obey.

The force of her talent exploded in my mind, dropping me to one knee. The world spun around me, and bile rose in my throat. Holding my head, I tried to resist, but it was impossible.

“I will obey,” I said, like her puppet, then teetered to my feet, leaning on my mace for support.

Pavel stood as I walked back to my room, my head lowered. She was right; I was being stupid. I just felt so alone, like I was back in prison, like I was the only person in the world. I yearned for an ending.





For a week, I wallowed in misery, only leaving my room to take meals. I had thought my pain was behind me, that I’d mastered it; I was completely wrong. It had returned like a lifelong enemy. I hadn’t spoken to Sofia or any of the rebels the entire week. When Valleri talked to me, I responded in one-word answers and left her as soon as possible. She had made me feel like a fool when she ordered me to stay. Not only did she take away my ability to make decisions, she embarrassed me in front of Barid and Pavel. Since they were witnesses to my shame, I refused to meet their eyes. I felt bad for slamming Pavel into the wall but didn’t apologize. Barid attempted conversation a few times, but after I rejected his attempts, he gave up. Pavel didn’t even bother.

Seeing Sofia was the worst. She tried to talk to me once, but I wasn’t interested. I felt exposed around her. Each night, I thought of ways to win her back; each morning, I lost my resolve upon seeing her set jaw. The look in her eyes told me there was nothing I could say to change her mind. I’d probably be alone forever. At least I’d still get to kill a grand duke soon. Valleri said we’d plan Nieri’s assassination after dinner. I couldn’t wait.


A few hours later, we all sat in the conference room with Valleri standing before us. I felt uncomfortable sitting in the same room as the rebels.

“Thank you for all meeting me here,” said Val. “Our strike tomorrow will consist of the assassination of Grand Duke Nieri.” When she said his name, I saw Sofia tense. “When we kill Nieri and shut down the drug pumps, the city will be thrown into chaos, making our next two assassinations easier.”

I felt my stomach tighten. Wasn’t there another way? “Won’t the government retaliate if the people rise up?”

Valleri steepled her fingers and nodded. “In all likelihood they will. Of course we want to minimize civilian deaths, but we’re at war. People will die in this war. Nieri must die to give us a chance against Goldwater.”

She was probably right as always, but I didn’t like the thought of innocent people dying.

“Pavel and I scouted his palace and the surrounding area,” she said. “Luckily for us, Grand Duke Nieri doesn’t live in secrecy. Despite his overconfidence, we’ll need to draw guards away from the palace. There are many more than he used to have. The diversion will be executed by Pavel, Barid, and me. After drawing off the palace guards, Sofia and Jaden will slip into the palace and take down Nieri.”

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