Tales Of Lola The Black (13 page)

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Authors: A.J. Martinez

BOOK: Tales Of Lola The Black
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“Lalita, I think I found your daughter.” Flinch said to the fiendish woman. Lalita looked at Lola. She stared at the young girl unsure of what to say. “Daughter?” Lalita said. “What makes you think this child is mine. She looks like an urchin left at a cold dark alley. Poor thing. Why are you giving her and her pet such a hard time?”

“They entered the realm with no relic. I sensed their mana from miles away and I had to capture them. Any mortal who wonders Necrovania without authority will be punished and killed on sight. Their souls will be delivered to Odiamus. The dragon god of darkness will decide their fate in this realm.” Flinch did not like humans. He would find any reason to torture
them for his pleasure. The fiend stared at Lola but he did not dare touch her now that her Lalita was here.

“What is going on here?” Lola asked. She felt lost as if something was eluding her. “This woman cannot be my mother. My real mother is human. Not some feathered fiend.” Lola’s snake hair continues to coil around her, protecting her and snapping their fangs at their foes. Lalita turned to Lola and gazed at the young girl. She star
ed into Lola’s eyes and saw that the girl was frightened. She contemplates the spell of snake hair protecting her. She looked at her lips and the pale color of her skin. That dark beauty. Lola was nude cloaked by the spell that extended her hair. Lalita felt Lola’s mana. She recognized it. Lalita smile and a shed a tear. Then she began to walk towards her daughter with her black wings wide open.

“By the dragon gods. This cannot be possible.” She whispered as she walked towards Lola. “It has been nineteen years.”

“Get away from me you fiend.” Lola snarled. Her snake hair hissed and snapped their fangs. As the woman got closer to Lola the snake hair withdrew. Lalita touched Lola’s snake hair and it deformed itself into strands of hair. Lola began to panic. She thought she was losing control of her spell. Her snake hair would not follow her command. They now obeyed Lalita and deformed as she walked by. Lola’s hair began to contract until it’s length was up to her knees. Her hair covered her private parts. Lola extended her rod to cast a spell. “Pikan fahiah!” She yelled but nothing happened. Lalita was canceling her spells.

“Do you know why your spells don’t work against me?” Lalita asked kindly. Lola stepped away from the fiendish woman.

“I am not sure but all I know is that I am not leaving this realm without the moon stones.” Lola stood her ground. She was afraid now that she could not cast any spells. She regretted jumping into the realm of darkness unprepared.
I wish Shastih was here
, she thought. She was not ready to die yet. Not until she breaks Dougals’ curse and holds him in her arms like she once did under an oak with the falling leafs of autumn.
Damn it, this can’t be the end. Dougal if you still have any energy left please, help me, I am scared.

“ Don’t be afraid my dear. I am not going to hurt you.” Said Lalita reaching out to Lola with arms open for an embrace.

“I don’t trust you.” Lola replied. She had her rod about her, waving it despite the fact that her spells were being canceled by the Lalita.

Lalita then turned to Flinch. “You can leave now Flinch. I will take care of her from now on” she told the purple fiend.

“You should know better than to sympathize with a human.” Said the fiend. “Odiamus will punish you severely for breaking his rules.”

“Correct me if I am wrong but the girl entered the realm through a portal. No rule prevents humans from entering through portals. After all, Odiamus himself has many hidden portals in the human world.” Lalita giggled. She would not allow Flinch to harm the girl any further. She was also a guardian of Necrovania.

“Do whatever you want but know that if I don’t rid us of this pest, other fiends will lust for her flesh.” Flinch said. His skeleton horse came to him from the fogs of the realm. He mounted the horse and rode into wilderness of Necrovania.

Lalita looked at Lola. Her eye pupils were vertical like a snake. She was as frightening as Lola’s dark form. “My dear Lola, You have grown into a beautiful young woman. Do you know who I am?”

“Not really” Lola replied and refused to let her guard down. “I only want to find the moon stones and get out of this wreck. Grant me this one request and there will be no bloodshed.”

“Bloodshed!” Lalita repeated and chuckled. “You have your father’s cockiness.”

“What do you know about my father? He died years ago.” Lola said and her eyes damped. “You are probably keeping him in some pit in this realm.”

“It must have been tough for you. Not ever knowing your real mother or father.” Lalita felt Lola’s past. She could feel the years of pain that Lola had endured looking into the young girls eyes. “I just want you to know Lola that I am here to help you. It is the least I can do after I gave you away when you were just a child.”

Lola fell into a daze as Lalita spoke. Something had triggered in her mind and in her heart. Like a missing piece of the puzzle that she had found lying on around a table. Lola lowered her rod and looked at Lalita. She stared back into those white eyes. She felt as though something had eluded her for so long. Then she whispered the word “mother.”

“Yes my dear. You were just six months when I gave you away to that farmer in North Alexandria.” Lalita paced towards Lola with tears in her eyes. “It is a miracle to see you here. I must be the luckiest fiend of all.”

Lola was speechless. She felt something filling an empty spot in her heart. She knew it was her. She knew that this fiendish woman was her mother. Her mind denied but her heart spoke. Lalita looked like her. Raven black hair and pale white skin. Lola saw herself in Lalita. Lalita’s mana was similar to Lola’s. It was neither cold nor hot but a steady temperature that ran through her body. Even her name was similar to hers. Lola and Lalita. Like the names of twins.

“Where?” Lola whispered, her lips quivered. “Where have you been all these years? Why was I left alone?”

“I don’t expect forgiveness my dear Lola. I had to leave you in the hands of a mortal after giving birth to you.” Lalita answered. “Enemies of your father wanted the half breed child and I had to hide you. I had to leave you in a safe place where enemies could never find you.”

Lola’s lips quivered trying to hold in the tears. She never thought this day would come. She never thought she would ever stumble upon her own blood. She always thought that she would spend the rest of her life alone with Dougal by her side. She never imagined finding her mother in Necrovania. It would explain why she had dark powers without ever having to train like other dark mages. It would explain why fiends would follow her in the human world. It would explain why she had a keen eye for things of the dark realm.

“Why did you leave me?” Lola asked, her eyes damped and her lips quivered and she sniff. She trembles from sadness.

“Your father was a great fire magus who worked for the Alexandria dynasty.” Lalita began to explain. “He never told anyone of his love for a woman of Necrovania. I lived in the human world for many years and escaped my duty as a guardian of Necrovania. After you were born your father Solario tried his best to keep you a secret but it was futile. Soon the Alexandrians discovered the half breed of human and fiend called Lola. The Alexandrians were already doing experiments to create a half breed and combine it with their blood line. They killed your father and tried to take you away from me by force. That is when I had to give you away to someone that will keep you safe. I gave you away to a farmer in North Alexandria to prevent the monarchs from finding you. I had return to Necrovania and I was punished for mating with a human. My only wish was to see my daughter grow. It is more than I asked for that my daughter came to me here in the dark realm.”

Lola surrendered to her emotions and ran to embrace her mother. Her mother a fiend, guardian of Necrovania. Her mother that she had longed for. Lola remembers those depressing nights when she used to live in Perim’s mansion her old master. She would wonder what it would be like to have parents. She always wondered what her mother would be like. Deep in her soul she always felt her mother’s presence. She knew she existed out there somewhere. She cried in her mother’s warm arms. She pressed her face in her mother’s bosom. “It is like a dream. I know I saw you in my dreams but I never thought you were real.” Lola sobbed.

“I wish your father was here to see how beautiful you have
grown to be.” Lalita caress Lola’s cheeks. “Your magic is so strong and you have much vigor in you.” Lalita wrapped her wings around the two of them. Finally she held her daughter in her arms again. She then pulls away from Lola. “A girl as beautiful as you should not be walking around Necrovania like that” Lalita told her daughter. She wrapped her wings around Lola and with dark magic she clothed Lola with black garments. A long skirt with black feathers at the ends. A corset with floral patterns. Leather gloves and spiked high heel boots. Lola looked at her new garments. She loved them. It was the same style she always uses with a touch of dark magic. “It is beautiful.” Said the dark magus.

“I knew you would like it.” Lalita said and kissed her daughters cheeks. She held Lola tightly and would not let go. She wanted to regain the years she had lost with the girl. “If only I
could have taken you here. We could have watched over you but mortals were not allowed to reside in Necrovania. I had to leave you in human hands.”

“Mother…Where is father?” L
ola asked. She always thought of the farmer who raised her as her father. Now that she held her mother in her arms she wondered about her father.

“Your father is in the realm of light.” Lalita answered. “After the Alexanders murdered him his soul was lifted by the Vivories of the realm of light.

Lola daze for a moment. She did not fully understand how her mother a fiend and her father a human fell in love. She wiped her tears and asked. “How did you and father fell in love?”

“I am not sure if this would be the right time to tell such a long story.” Lalita answered and looked away. She was unable to answer Lola’s question directly. “We should help your friend.”

Lola then remembered Dougal. He had been deeply wounded by that purple fiend named Flinch. She ran back to her friend. Dougal had returned to his regular form of a wolf. “I am sorry. I almost forgot about you.” She said but the wolf did not answer. He had a hole in his chest. Lola had never seen such a wound.  “Please don’t die on me yet.” She whispered.

“He cannot die.” Lalita informed. She kneeled down next to Lola folding her wide wings around her. “No one dies in Necrovania. One can only die in the human world. Here one can only feel pain, faint or go into long slumbers. He will be fine.”

Lola looked at her mother and smiled. Lalita then place her hand over Dougal’s wound. Red steam rose from her hand. She casts a fire spell on the wolf and the large wound slowly began to close. Once the wound closed it had left a scar on the wolf. Lola sights in relieve. She kisses her mother then hugs Dougal. However, the wolf did not wake up. Lola could feel him breathing but he would not wake.
That transformation must have used up a lot of mana didn’t it
, she thought. 
Don’t worry there is still hope. It is not over yet

“You love him don’t you?” Lalita asked. Lola blushed and turned her cheek with embarrassment. “It is alright you don’t have to tell me.”

“He is my only family. He is the world to me and is always by my side through our travels.” Lola shed a tear then gazed at her mother. “Can you help me search for the eye of the moon?”

“It will be a pleasure my dear. We can talk more on the way there.” Lalita said. Then she grabbed Lola’s hand and stood her up. She spun Lola around and placed her hands on the girl’s back.

“What are you doing?” Lola asked solemnly.

“I want you to fly with me my dear.” Lalita said and pressed her dark mana into her daughter. Black steam rose from her hands. Lola felt mana thrust inside her. The wounds from her torn wings healed and they began to grow again. Feathers sprouted from her back. Wings of a black bird stretching twelve feet wide in black and purple. Lola’s heart pounded with excitement. She was filled with joy as her wings flapped ascending her into the sky.

“My wings. My beautiful wings. Mother…how did you do it?” asked Lola. The cold wind of Necrovania blowing thought her hair.

“Dark magic my dear. Our mana is similar. I love your dark form. It is more beautiful than a harpy.” They both held hands and looked at each other. Winged fiends of the same blood. It seemed to have happened too fast yet it felt like fate brought them together. Lola had found the missing piece of her puzzle in Necrovania. She found it ironic since she was always running away from fiends yet she was one all along.

“Come my dear. Bring your friend and I will take you to the moon stones.” Lalita said as she flapped her wings in the air. Lola descended down and hauled Dougal with both arms and ascended up. Both winged women flew over wastelands of Necrovania. Crows and gargoyles flew pass them. Lola was frightened by the titan hands that emerged from the dark clouds. Lalita flew ahead of her. After their flight over the wasteland, a forest of naked trees streamed below. The wind was cold in their flight. Lola coughed and began to feel feverish.

“What is the matter my dear?” Lalita asked looking over her right wing.

“I am starting to feel somewhat sick.” Lola answered and coughed.

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