Tame: Carter Kids #3 (11 page)

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Authors: Walsh,Chloe

BOOK: Tame: Carter Kids #3
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"You're all mine now, Thorn," Noah rasped, claiming my mouth with his and I knew I would never care about another thing for as long as I lived just as long as he kept kissing me.

I had done it.

I had married Noah Messina, and what was even more miraculous was that he had married me – of his own free will.

This man was absolutely lethal to me.

His smile alone seemed to have the power to control my mood – to elevate me.

And now he was my husband.


With devotion in his eyes and sex on his mind, Noah broke our kiss and grinned down at me. "So what was your better idea?" Rubbing my nose with his, he sighed contently. "You said you had a better idea than wedding bands."

"I don't want a ring on your finger that you have to take off every time you fight. I want something permanent." Smiling, I pressed one more kiss against his lips. "I want a tattoo."

Noah threw his head back and laughed. "Coming from the girl who once told me I needed to buy a coloring book and stop drawing on myself."

"What can I say?" Titling my head to one side, I grinned. "A girl can always change her mind."







Several hours, and several bars later, Noah staggered out of elevator in our hotel with me in his arms.

"Stop laughing," he grunted, as he struggled to put one foot in front of the other. "You're putting me off balance."

"Oh yeah," I choked out. "I'm the one putting you off balance." I couldn't stop laughing as he tried and failed miserably to swipe the door with the key fob. "It has nothing to do with the alcohol you consumed."

"You're a bad influence on me, wife," he slurred, finally managing to open the door of our suite. Misjudging his steps, my usually balanced husband –
– staggered over his feet, resulting in us landing in a heap just inside the doorway of our suite.

"Oh my god," I cackled through fits of laughter. "I can't breathe." Everything was spinning. The walls. My head. My words. And I'd never been happier. "You're so funny."

"Told you I'd do it," Noah slurred from somewhere underneath me. "Told you I'd carry my wife over the thrush hold…"

"Thrush hold?" My laughter turned into screams of hysteria. "Oh…oh…I can't even…" Struggling to calm myself, I managed to choke out, "It's called a

"You'll be laughing," Noah shot back, managing to roll me onto my back. "When I violate your threshold tonight."

"You couldn't violate a carrier bag in your condition," I teased. Not that I was in much better condition. "I can't feel my tongue." Sticking my tongue out, I touched it with my fingers. "…eriously, oah, I -ant-feel-i-ongue…"

"I'm…in love with you," he slurred, dropping his head onto my chest.

"I'm in love with you, too…oh!" Pushing against Noah's shoulders, I tried to dislodge myself from under his body. "Let me up. I need to pee!”

"Stay." Clamping his hands on my hips, Noah nuzzled his nose against the fabric of my dress covering my stomach. "

"Really?" I sighed happily. "You remember that?"

"I remember
," he chuckled as he struggled to climb to his feet.

When he finally managed to stand up, he reminded me of the leaning tower of Pisa.

Reaching down, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

Struggling to maintain my own balance, I padded after Noah who was staggering into the bedroom and attempting to strip his clothes off on the way.

"What are you doing?" I giggled, following after him.

"Getting ready to violate that threshold."






Chapter Thirteen


My phone was blowing the hell up.

For the last forty minutes, a constant stream of vibrating and fucking beeping noises had been drilling through my brain.

I wanted to make it stop, but I couldn't get off the goddamn bed.

My hands were shackled to the bedpost and the only person who knew where the keys to release me were just so happened to be passed out beside me with her ass in the air.

"Noah," Teagan moaned, twisting in the sheets. "Make the noise stop."

"I can't." Pulling on the handcuffs that had me bound like a bitch, I let out a heavy sigh. "Didn't think I'd be back in cuffs so soon."

The hammering on the door began out of nowhere followed by some more beeping.

"Noah…please!" she wailed. Dragging a pillow out from underneath her head, Teagan cradled it to her stomach. "I'm dying here." Whimpering, she curled up in a tiny ball. "My head is trying to leave my body. It's so bad."

"I told you to stop after the second bottle of Jack." I specifically remember telling her that right before she tied me to the bed. That was right after I violated her threshold for the third time.

Jesus, drunken sex with Teagan was fucking unbelievable.

I needed to get her oiled up more often.

"You told Drunk Teagan to stop," Teagan moaned. Opening one mascara smeared eye, she peeked up at me and held a finger in the air. "Drunk Teagan didn't give Hungover Teagan the message."

Sitting up ever so slowly, Teagan held her arms out at her sides, as if she was genuinely afraid she would topple over. Her hair was the definition of a crow's nest and I swear to god she never looked more beautiful.

"Noah," she whispered, eyes locked on the black ink circling her ring finger. "Did we?" Turning her face to me, she blinked rapidly. "Jesus Christ, we did!"

Getting married on a whim in Vegas may have been my idea, but tattoos instead of bands on our ring fingers? Well, that was all Teagan.

Hangover forgotten, Teagan scrambled onto her knees and crawled up my body. "Oh my god," she breathed. Grabbing ahold of my left hand – that was still cuffed to the bedpost – Teagan examined my freshly inked ring finger. "We're married!"

Grabbing my chin with her hand, Teagan lunged forward and planted a kiss to my lips. "You actually married me!"

"At what point in time last night did I give you the impression I had cold feet?"

"You didn't," Teagan replied sheepishly. "I just…" Shaking her head, she let out a laugh. "I just…God, Noah. I'm your wife. Your freaking wife!" She flopped back onto the bed beside me and giggled. "I still blush when buying tampons at the pharmacy and now I'm someone's wife."

"My wife," I corrected. "Not someone's. Mine."

"Wife." Teagan bit down on her lip and breathed. "Noah Messina is my husband."

"Damn fucking straight."

"You managed to tie me down, save me from prison, and tramp stamp me all in the one night?" Letting out a whistle, Teagan patted my thigh. "Your powers of persuasion are beyond impressive."

"Noah, you better open the fucking door now, boy!"

Quincy's voice filled my ears and I groaned.

"Do you have any idea of what time it is?"

"Do you think you could kill him for me?" Teagan asked. "Or throat punch him to shut him up?"

"Baby, unless you untie me, I can't do a damn thing," I told her with a smirk.

"I can't…I sort of made the keys fly." Teagan nodded towards the window where it was barely bright out. Shrugging, she smiled sheepishly. "Um, yeah…Sorry?"

"Sorry?" I laughed and pulled on my shackles. "You will be when I get out of these." Shaking my head, I asked, "Where did you get those anyway?"

"You don't remember?" Teagan grinned. "They were a wedding gift from Bill and Betty."

"Bill and Betty?" My brow furrowed in confusion. "The couple that got married before us?"

"Yup." Teagan cocked a finely curved eyebrow and smirked. "And I might have been drunk but, from what that Betty woman told me, I think it's safe to say that ole Bill was in for a treat last night…."

"I can hear you guys!" Tommy's voice filled the room this time as the merciless banging continued on the door. "Open the door right this second or I'll have Lewis kick it down!"

"What's the fucking emergency, asshole?" I roared, losing my patience. Teagan flinched and covered her ears and I mouthed sorry before calling out, "It's too damn early for banging down hotel doors."











"I'll get it," I told Noah. I didn't particularly want to open the door and let Tommy and Quincy inside of our little bubble, but the fuckers wouldn't stop banging and my poor head couldn't take much more.

Climbing off the bed, I covered Noah's waist with a sheet before rummaging around the carnage on the floor in search of a shirt.

Finding one, I slipped it over my head before padding through the suite to the door. 

"How are the newlyweds?" Tommy sneered when I threw back the door, glaring at me like I was a poisonous insect.

I opened my mouth to answer him, but Quincy shoved past me, storming through our hotel suite like a hurricane. With one last look of disgust, Tommy stalked past me.

Lewis, who was standing outside in the hallway, nodded politely to me. "Good evening, Teagan," he acknowledged before turning his back on me, his guarding resumed.

Good evening?

Shaking my head in confusion, I closed the door and wandered back into the bedroom where it was going down like Donkey Kong.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Quincy was roaring. "You're all over the goddamn internet. Getting hitched in Vegas? Real classy."

When he reached the bed, Quincy flung his iPad at Noah.

The device bounced off Noah's rock hard abs before landing on the carpet alongside the bed.

"That cost me a thousand bucks, guys," Tommy groaned, diving for the device.

Noah shrugged nonchalantly from where he was still shackled. "I didn't tell him to throw it."

"I thought you had more than one brain cell in that head of yours, boy!" Quincy continued to roar. "No pre-nup. No goddamn nothing."

"You think you can storm in here like you own the place and throw things at him?"

Noah must have some serious self-control, I thought to myself, because right now I was burning mad.

Bending down, I grabbed the first thing that caught my eyes – which just so happened to be one of my heels from last night.

Standing up with the silver heel in my hand, I swung my arm back and let it fly.

I couldn't begin to describe the satisfaction I felt when my heel clocked Quincy on the back of his head.

"You crazy fucking bitch," Noah's coach snarled, swinging around to glare at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You want to keep this going?" I demanded. "Fine." Reaching down, I grabbed my other heel. "I can go all day." I aimed my shoe at his head. "Call me crazy again. I dare you."

"Noah," Quincy hissed. "Call your girl off before I do something I regret."

"Wife." With a strength that I knew he possessed but still surprised me, Noah yanked one hand roughly, shattering the cuff before doing the same with the other.

So much for needing keys…

Noah then proceeded to climb off the bed and walk across the room as naked as the day he was born, without a blush on his cheeks.

"Wife," Noah said when he reached my side. "Call off
my wife
." Pressing a kiss to the top of my head, Noah stepped around me and pulled open one of the dresser drawers.

"The media are all over this," Tommy said before quickly adverting his eyes from the sight of my naked husband in all his morning glory.

"Getting married in Elvis's Chapel?" Quincy piped up, tone laced with disgust. "Classy."

"Did you have a reason for bursting into our room this early?" Taking out a pair of black shorts, Noah quickly stepped into them and pulled them up to rest on his perfectly proportions narrow hips. "Or couldn't you wait to offer your congratulations?"

"Considering it's past eight in the evening and you were supposed to be at the arena fighting in forty-five goddamn minutes, then yeah," Quincy hissed, chest heaving. "I'd say I have a pretty good reason for bursting in on you."

Grabbing Tommy's hand, Noah muttered a string of swearwords when checked the time on his watch. "Jesus Christ."

Holding the back of his head with his hands, Noah inhaled a deep breath. "Fuck," he finally whispered, eyes locked on mine. "How long were we asleep?"

"I don't know." I was so drunk when I fell into bed this morning that up until now I'd thought it was still Friday. "It couldn't have been more than…"

"It doesn't matter!" Quincy growled, interrupting me. "What the hell are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Checking his watch, Tommy cursed under his breath. "If we're lucky we'll make it."

"Go," I urged when Noah's worried eyes landed on my face. "Hurry up," I added shoving him towards the bedroom door.

"What about you?" Noah asked as he slipped on his pants and then his shoes. "I don't want you here on your own."

"I'm not alone. Lewis is outside." Pushing him towards the door, I reached up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Go fight. I'll clean up and follow after you guys with Lewis."



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