Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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Tame the Beast


Book 1 of the Ever After Series


By Allison Smith




Clarabelle Wright doesn't believe in someone else creating her happily ever after. In fact, she has spent her entire life ensuring a future for herself. When the family finances fall further in debt, her big college dreams are put on hold. Beaumont University has one thing to offer, a full ride, and Clara has no other choice but to accept. She's the reliable daughter, the responsible one. But what she truly desires is adventure and passion, and she doesn't expect to find either at the small town university. That is until she accidentally catches the alluring eye of the Adam Beaumont. He's entitled, careless, and a shameless flirt. Clara knows a man of his beastly reputation is nothing but trouble … trouble wrapped in gorgeous, untamed trims.


But Adam has a tempting offer to make. One that will keep his mother off his back so he can continue his regularly scheduled life filled with big parties and beautiful women. It sounds like the perfect plan until a certain beauty proves to be a much bigger challenge than he ever expected. Worse, he can't seem to get her off his mind.


Confident that she's too smart to fall for his games, Clara accepts. But when two headstrong forces begin to clash, someone will have to fold or break all their rules.


Published by Allison Smith

Copyright 2016 Allison Smith


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Table of Contents

Cover Matter




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five


The Country Rose Excerpt

About the Author




To my husband who gave me his patience

to write and the push to publish.


To Jerica MacMillan, author of the

Rebound Series
Players of Maycliff University

who helped me through the journey.


And to my readers who inspire me everyday.


May your own
ever after’s
come true.

Chapter One


“Beaumont University,” Clara muttered as she gazed around the campus she was sentenced to. For the next four years, she would be imprisoned amongst spoiled students who thought they were attending the next Ivy League school.
But one day, it will all count for something
, she reminded herself, swinging her loaded backpack over her shoulder. She pulled on her brown ponytail, saving it from becoming trapped beneath the strap. Her suitcase rested against a single cardboard box beside her. All of her worldly possessions wrapped up in a few small packages.

“Are you sure you don’t want any help bringing your stuff to the dorms?” her father, Gorge Wright, asked. Concern filled his eyes, their warm brown hue the perfect reflection of her own. The poor man’s hair had started to gray ever since his middle child boasted about wanting to attend the largest universities far from their little town of Kleinbrook. If only she were at one of those campuses instead.

“I can handle it. I want to walk the campus, and I know you have to get to work,” Clara said, pausing to send a teasing glare toward her little sister, “and Harper to school.”

Harper bounced with excitement, her long blonde hair mimicking her moves. Her smile beamed with the satisfaction of sweet talking their father into letting her skip her first few high school classes to see Clara off.

“How could I miss it?” Harper asked before pulling Clara into a tight hug. They were less than two years apart, and yet conjoined twins didn’t share the bond that Clara and Harper had. “Now, don’t forget to call. I want to know everything!”

Clara smiled and embraced her sister. “I’ll call whenever I get a chance, okay?”

“Well, you’ll have no excuses once I talk Papa into coming out of the Stone Age and getting high-speed Internet.”

“Good luck,” Clara said with a laugh.

“All right.” Mr. Wright huffed and fussed before holding out his arms for his goodbye hug. “I’ll see what I can do, but until then, study hard, make friends, and for goodness sakes, take a little time and make some memories of your own.”

“I promise … to try,” Clara said with a cheeky smile.

Her father’s eyes rose to the sky in defeat. Books were Clara’s escape from the world. She could spend hours in the pages of a new adventure. Gorge lost count of how many times he had to tear her away from a novel and force her to join the family for dinner. In Clara’s defense, the most exciting thing about Kleinbrook was its library. Sure, the little town was beautiful with its Germanic architecture, but Clara wanted more than the humdrum life it offered. She was sure Beaumont University wouldn’t be any different. Another little town filled with the same faces doing the same tiresome things. Where was the excitement? The adventure?

Harper pulled her into one last hug and whispered, “Do me a favor and go to at least one college party, will ya?”

“You think they actually have parties here?” Clara asked, keeping her voice low and teasing.

Ignoring her, Harper added, “You know mom would have wanted you to enjoy it.”

Harper pulled away, meeting Clara’s brown-eyed glare. It was an unfair card she played. Harper knew it and yet Clara was unable to say anything without their father hearing. Instead, she sent a death glare flying towards her favorite sister until Gorge pulled them all into one last hug before saying their goodbyes.

Clara waved and watched as their little car drove out of view. Pinning her box against her side, she took the first step toward her future. The suitcase rolled behind her as she walked the campus of Beaumont in a daze. Students scurried along the brick paths, boxes and luggage stacked in their hands. She could tell who the freshmen were from their starry-eyed gazes.

The Main Hall was covered in vibrant green ivy, giving the whole campus a very old-fashioned, gothic appeal. Clara took a deep breath and released her foul mood. She couldn’t deny how beautiful the campus looked with its stone buildings surrounded by the crisp green landscape. The smell of freshly cut grass filled the air, reminding Clara that she could have done a lot worse than Beaumont University. It wasn’t her first choice, but at least she would be close to home. That was the reason she applied for the scholarship to begin with. It was her fallback school, close to Kleinbrook, close to her father. She never expected a full ride.

And now she was acting ungrateful.

Guilt pooled in the pit of her stomach, and she shook her head at her behavior. She should have been thrilled to receive such a gift even if Beaumont was the last school on her list. The very last.

“It’s four years, five at most,” she muttered to herself as she made her way towards the residence hall. “Then you can move anywhere. The bigger the city, the better.”

Her newly lifted mood dropped the moment she stepped into her tiny dorm.
More like a prison cell,
Clara thought, her face solemn as she gaped at the white brick wall and the small window that hardly allowed a sliver of light through. She stepped further into her new quarters and was greeted with bright pink décor overflowing half of the space. A blonde girl leaped up from her desk, bubbling with excitement as she rushed over to Clara.

“You must be my roommate,” the girl said with a squeal. Happiness filled her dark blue eyes. “Clarabelle Wright?”

“Yeah,” Clara replied, setting her box on the hard ground. “But call me Clara.”

Clara gasped as the girl pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m Rose.” She almost sang her name before letting out another excited shriek. “This year is going to be amazing! I hope you don’t mind, but I got here early and started to unpack.”

Clara looked at the bright pink corner Rose had already created for herself. With a soft smile, she replied, “Not at all.”

One by one, Clara unpacked her things, placing each of her books on the small shelf below her new desk. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Rose pick up a black blazer and hang it in the little closet the two would share. Clara tugged at her simple white top. Rose’s wardrobe was so vast and vibrant compared to hers.

“So,” Clara began, taking a deep breath. She hated small talk. She preferred taking pen to paper rather than fumble through an awkward conversation. Clearing her throat, she searched for a smooth transition into a possible friendship. “Where are you from?”

Rose’s eyes beamed with joy at the chance to talk about her home. Clara half listened to Rose chat about life in what sounded like another small town with her mother and two aunts. Rose was in the midst of describing the last trip she took when she said, “But that’s just the beauty of living so close to Benson.”

“Benson?” Clara interrupted. Benson was a big city filled with opportunity. A place she desperately wished to visit one day. She wanted to experience the hustle and bustle. Something she couldn’t experience at the small private university. If any college within the wondrous city limits had offered her a better option, she would’ve taken it in a heartbeat. But they didn’t, and her father didn’t have the money to pay for those schools. “You live near Benson?”

“Yes,” Rose replied. “Didn’t I say that?”

Guilt rushed through Clara as she watched her roommate’s face twist in confusion. Rose looked like she honestly couldn’t remember mentioning it or not. Making up for her lack of attention, Clara said, “Sorry, I might have missed that. This is all a lot to take in.”

“I know what you mean. New start! Finally out on our own. Isn’t it exciting?”

Clara returned Rose’s beaming smile with a soft one, not wanting to ruin her roommate’s good mood. Avoiding Rose’s question she asked, “So what are you studying?”

“Interior design,” she replied, pulling out a sketchbook to showcase her drawings.

“Wow, those are amazing.”

“Thanks. Aunt Ava says the only reason I learned how to walk was to draw on every wall of the house.”

Clara laughed as she thought of Harper. Something about Rose’s kind nature and passion reminded Clara of her younger sister.

“How about you?” Rose asked as she organized the last of her high heels. “What do you want to study?”

“Honestly, I’m just taking basic courses until I figure that out. I thought about being a nurse, but I don’t like needles. Maybe something in business?”

“Well, what do you like to do?”

“Read,” Clara said with a laugh as she stared at the book in her hand. She loved the way words had the power to spring to life. There was something magical about exploring the adventures between the pages of a book. If only she could just …

Her thought trailed as she realized what she wanted wasn’t practical. At least, it wasn’t practical for helping her father out of debt. Clara released a defeated laugh. “I just want something that’s not the same thing every day.”

Rose nodded. Her eyes narrowed and fixed on some distant thought. “Well, you’re in luck because you have me as a roommate. And I don’t do boring.”

A surprised laugh escaped Clara’s lips as she admired Rose’s self-assurance. Soon the two were chatting about everything from their families to the upcoming year. When Rose asked about Clara’s sisters, she couldn’t help but grimace. She wasn’t in the mood to talk about Lydia. Clara loved her older sister, but she and Lydia hardly ever got along. Even hours before she left for college, Lydia felt the need to make snide remarks about how privileged Clara must have felt for going to Beaumont. It was the complete opposite of Clara’s relationship with Harper. Clara always wondered if Lydia’s resentment lingered from when Gorge Wright remarried and surprised young Lydia with two new baby sisters in the course of a few short years. Clara tried not to let her older sister get the best of her. She made big plans for herself whereas Lydia seemed content working the rest of her life in the local bar.

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