Tame the Beast (Ever After #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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“But my little sister, Harper, is basically my best friend,” Clara said with a wistful smirk.

“I always wanted a sister,” Rose replied. For a moment, her cheery smile faltered, but with a loud clap of her hands, the grin was back as she said, “Enough unpacking. Do you want to head down to the cafeteria? I met one of the guys from our floor earlier, and he’s gorgeous. Not quite my type but still nice to look at.”

“And what is your type?” Clara couldn’t help but ask.

The curve of Rose’s lips fell into a frown. “I’m not sure. But when I see him, I’ll know.”

“Like love at first sight?”

Rose’s cheeks turned as pink as her flowing tank top. “I know it’s silly, but a girl can dream, right?”

Clara wasn’t ready to admit it, but she understood the starry look in Rose’s eyes. There were not enough hours in the day to count the number of fictional romance heroes she had fallen in love with. Amused by her roommate, Clara asked, “So you don’t think hall-boy could be the one?”

“I don’t think so.” Rose’s nose wrinkled, giving her best impression of a Shar Pei. “And hall-boy’s name is Luke. I told him we would meet up with him later, so come on!”

just met.”

“And I knew we’d be good friends.” The look in her eyes left no room for argument. “So come on!”

“Fine,” Clara whined. Fighting a smile, she added, “I’m almost done. I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay. Just don’t stand me up.”

Clara took a deep breath as her roommate glided out the door with a light spring in her step. Clara wasn't sure what the year would bring, but with Rose around it would be interesting. She seemed like the type of girl who got along with everyone. Still, the temptation to blow off Rose and dive right back into her latest story was far too enticing. Dante, the gorgeous heartthrob, secret prince, and hero of her favorite guilty pleasure, was just about to ravish the beautiful Lady Genevieve. Clara's stomach twisted in anticipation, already knowing the passionate scenes ahead.
If only life could be that exciting.

But she’d promised to meet Rose in the cafeteria, and Clara was a stickler for keeping to her word. With a reluctant push, Clara tucked her favorite scandalous romance into her new bookcase and reminded herself that stories like those did not end happily in the real world. If she wanted an adventure, she would have to seek it out herself. Beaumont was not part of the journey. It was simply a resting place before her real life began.


Chapter Two


“Men!” Luke cheered as he held up his spiked drink and waited for his friends to do the same. Smuggling their flasks into the cafeteria was a tradition dating back to the first day they moved into the dorms their freshmen year. Luke’s baby blues scanned the table as he tipped his cup again and said, “To another year!”

Adam smiled wide as he held his glass up high. Surrounded by his closest friends, he couldn’t wait for the year to begin. He’d known Luke and Deacon Conroy from the time they were kids. Trouble was a part of their daily schedule. Well, it was for Luke and Adam. Despite being twins, the Conroy boys were nothing alike, right down to the looks. Luke was six foot tall and loved to chase the ladies with his blue-eyed, blond hair, pretty boy charm, whereas Deacon was short, stocky, and by the book. Still, the three were inseparable.

“To another year,” the group echoed as they took a swig of their drinks.

“Come on, Adam,” Corin Sander urged from across the table. “Let’s hear it.”

Adam’s blue stare narrowed, meeting Corin’s dark eyes. Corin Sander and his best friend Marcus joined their group at the beginning of freshman year, which meant the two were around long enough to know the routine. A wicked smirk covered Adam’s face. He knew what was on Corin’s mind.

“Nah, man. There are ladies present.” Adam gestured to the two girls who were lucky enough to stick around.

“Oh, please.” Marcus snorted, his snub nose tilting upward as a smile spread across his broad jaw. “I don’t know about Natalie, but I’m sure Olivia has heard plenty worse from you over the summer.”

Olivia giggled obnoxiously from Adam’s side. She’d been glued there for the past month. If it weren’t for the constant putting out, Adam would have ditched her weeks ago. Who was he to pass up a good time? And Adam had nothing but time. Unfortunately, Olivia did not. Sure, he’d miss tugging on those red locks and watching those beautiful blue eyes light up for him, but the new school year was about to start, and there would be plenty more ladies just as willing to keep him company. A gorgeous girl like Olivia would find someone new in no time, and Adam was not a man to be tied down. Not if tied down meant commitment.

With a wicked glint in his steel blue eyes, Adam held up his drink. His guys followed suit. He paid no attention to anyone passing by as he said, “Here’s to tappin’ kegs and speadin’ legs and hoping sperm don’t hit the eggs! Bottoms up, boys!”

Triumphant hollers orbited the table as the guys downed the remainder of their drinks, slamming the empty glasses on the table. Deacon was the last to finish.

“Deacon,” Luke taunted, “I thought we talked about this, bro. You gotta step up your game!”

Adam shook his head and suppressed a laugh. The Conroy twins couldn’t be more different.

“Whatever.” Deacon grumbled as he rose from the table. “Just don’t come crying to me when you’re all too hung over to write your first paper.” Grabbing their empty glasses, he headed for the soda fountain for refills.

“Where do you come up with this shit?” Corin asked Adam between laughs.

Adam replied with a smug smile and shrug that said he wasn’t sharing any sources. Luke was the only other guy around the year the former college gods shared their brilliant wisdom before graduating, and he was too distracted by some blonde who walked into the cafeteria.

“Rose!” Luke called from across the room. He waved her over before lowering his voice to the group. “This is the girl who lives on the same floor as Deacon and me. She’s cool. You’ll like her.”

Natalie shifted between Corin and Marcus. Adam watched as her eyes jetted over to the girl who danced lightly across the cafeteria. It seemed Natalie didn’t approve of another blonde joining their little group.
Too bad

“You calling dibs?” Corin asked.

“Maybe. If it means she’ll be safe from the likes of you,” Luke said before turning to greet Rose. “Hey there, pretty lady, get your things unpacked?”

“Yep.” Her smile was dazzling, causing Olivia to wrap her hands around Adam’s arm.

, Adam mused to himself.

“Where’s your roommate?” Luke asked.

“Clarabelle said she would be down soon. She just got here.”

“Clarabelle?” Corin asked, weaseling into the conversation. “Her last name doesn’t happen to be Wright, does it?”

“Yeah!” Rose’s smile grew wider. “You know her?”

“Sort of. We both grew up in Trousdale. We went to the same high school until her family moved. Can’t wait to see her again,” Corin replied with a hint of excitement.

“We just met, and I love her already.” She beamed as she held out her hand to Corin. “I’m Rose, by the way.”

“Oh, sorry. That’s Corin, Natalie, and Marcus,” Luke said as he pointed around the table. “And Adam and Olivia.”

Rose waved, her blue eyes wide and gleaming as she looked around the seats. Adam approved. Not that he would hit on her. Sure, she was beautiful, but it was obvious his best friend had his sights set on her.

Being the gentlemen he was, Adam offered Rose his seat. The daggered looks from Olivia were strong enough to pierce right through his heart. He was going to have to ditch her and fast.

“Are you sure?” Rose asked sweetly.

“Yeah,” Adam replied. “I have to go anyways. Meeting with my mother.”

A chorus of “Oooo’s” bellowed around the table as if they were a bunch of middle schoolers and the principle called the class troublemaker down to the office.

“Knock it off,” Adam warned.

“Tell Dean Beaumont I say hello,” Luke said with a suggestive wink.

Adam replied with a glare, daring his friend to say more. Over the years, more than one cougar joke had been made at Adam’s expense.

“Dean Beaumont?” Rose asked. “Your mother’s the dean?”

“Yep.” Adam flashed his signature smile before giving a little bow. “Adam Beaumont at your service. See you around, Rose.”

Without a single goodbye to Olivia, Adam was out of the cafeteria and headed for Main Hall. In the last couple of weeks, the girl had gotten too clingy for Adam’s taste. The chase was over, and it was time to move on. Adam had two more years left, and he wasn’t going to waste them. At twenty years old, his life was only just beginning. Walking down the stone hallway, Adam’s mind wandered to all of his plans for the year. By the time he made it to his mother’s office, he was lost in thoughts of big parties and beautiful women.

“Come in,” his mother called after his second knock.

“Hello, Mother.” Taking a seat, Adam threw his feet up onto her desk. He was careful not to kick her shiny gold nameplate that read Angela Beaumont.

“Feet down,” she instructed. She was the perfect example of how the esteemed Beaumonts should always conduct themselves. Well-mannered, always composed, always aware of how she presented herself to the world. Even her designer clothes were tailored to demand respect and power. Her hair, pulled into her usual French twist, was dyed and smoothed to perfection. Not a single blonde hair out of place. The only hint of emotion on her poised face shone in her disappointed stare as she looked across the table at him. “Adam, we need to discuss your current behavior.”



Chapter Three


Clara followed her orientation group in quiet agony. After what felt like hours of listening to her student tour guide discuss every single detail of each historic building, Clara was ready for a well-deserved nap. Her little flats proved to be a horrible choice in footwear as the vicious edges dug further into her skin. She would have blisters for a month. Her only source of comfort was the equally pained look on Rose’s face. At least they could suffer together.

“Now, I would like everyone to take a paper for the scavenger hunt,” the tour guide said, her voice too excited for Clara’s foul mood. “This will help you become familiar with campus before your classes start next week. You may split up into whatever groups you’d like, but meet back here at two.”

“Partner?” Rose turned and asked as they received their papers.

“Sure.” Clara glanced down at her sore feet. “What kind of impression do you think I’d leave if I ditched the shoes and just walked around campus barefoot?”

Rose suppressed a laugh. “I’d be more concerned about what you might step on. Just don’t go down Greek Row.”

Clara laughed and shrugged the thought away. “My little sister is constantly barefoot. She prefers it that way.”

“I think I’d like her,” Rose said, smiling as she linked their arms together. “Come on. We have time to run back to the dorm and change. My feet are killing me too. Flats, adorable with many outfits, not meant for walking around campus.”

“I think I’ll wear slippers to my first class.”

“Right there with you.”

With a new determination to complete the scavenger hunt without blisters, the two retreated to their room. Lost in a discussion, they looked over the list. They took little notice of the guy in their path until they were almost crashing into his large figure.

“Ladies,” he greeted. “Headed somewhere?”

Rose answered first. “Corin, right? Sorry we almost ran you over.”

Corin’s deep laugh filled with amusement. With his height and even larger frame, there were very few who could run him over. His dark eyes darted to Clara. She shifted under his gaze, averting her eyes from his.

“Clara, it’s good to see you.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while,” Clara said. Two years to be exact. Corin Sander was not a man one could forget. She might have missed her hometown of Trousdale, but he wasn’t the reason.

“It’s funny how life brings old friends back together again.” Amusement filled his piercing stare.

Clara replied with a soft smile, remembering why she never liked the guy. In Trousdale, Corin was the man every girl in her school drooled over, which made his over-inflated ego swell even more. Clara never understood the appeal. But the more she had tried to ignore him, the harder he tried to pursue her. Shivering at the memories, she prayed he’d grown up in the last couple of years.

“So, where are you two lovely ladies headed?” he asked.

“Scavenger hunt,” Rose replied, oblivious to Clara’s disinterest. She lifted the paper for reassurance. “We have a couple of hours, so we are heading back to the dorms first.”

“Scavenger hunt, eh?” Corin snatched the paper from Rose’s hands. “I remember this. They make all freshmeat do it. I’ll tell you what, I’ll get you the answers if you two ladies promise to come to my party tonight. And later, if you’re still lost on campus, I’ll give you a tour myself. What do you say?”

“Thanks, but you don’t have—” Clara began to say, but Rose’s voice rang over hers.


Corin’s dark eyes shifted between the girls. His smile crept across his lips into something Clara could only describe as unscrupulous.

“We’ll be there,” Rose assured.

“Perfect. Meet me back here at a quarter to two.” With a wink, Corin continued down his path, the scavenger hunt clutched in one hand and his phone in the other.

As soon as he was out of hearing range, Clara turned toward Rose. “Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“We were supposed to fill it out.”

“Oh come on, Clara. First of all, my feet are killing me, and I know yours are doing the same. You didn’t want to go on the hunt as much as I didn’t. It’s not like it’s a graded assignment or anything. We could have probably filled out the answers without even leaving the dorms.”

Clara’s face remained sour. Even though she knew Rose was right, there was a larger problem with their deal. “I don’t want to go the party.”

“Why? It sounds like fun.”

“Trust me when I say that Corin Sander wants more from a girl than just showing up at his party.”

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