Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (30 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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She lay on top of him, completely content as his other arm wrapped around her waist, cradling her. “That was perfect. I think I’m ready for a rest now.”

He chuckled in her ear. “Your arm isn’t hurting, is it?”

“No. How did you know that would work?”

“I was desperate.”

“Now I know why women allow themselves to be ruined. Being with you is so utterly fabulous. Is it always like this?”

“No, my love. It is very rarely like this.” His hand began stroking her hair as he nuzzled her ear.

Piper bit her lip, she wanted to ask him something but she was afraid. “Mrs. Fox said your appetites would wear me out. What did she mean?”

He stilled under her. She tried to turn to see his face. “She meant I would want to do this far more than you would and you would grow tired of my needs.”

She slid her body slowly off of his. Once on the mattress next to him, she could turn and look at him. “Why would I grow tired of this?” she asked, completely perplexed.

He smiled and stroked her cheek. “Women do tend to tire of it more quickly than men, and it won’t matter to me when you do. But Mrs. Fox is a cold and calculating person who doesn’t understand what we share.”

“I am sure you are right about her but wrong about me. I can’t ever imagine not wanting to touch you,” she yawned as she spoke and he drew her close.

“Naptime for you.”

“Will you stay with me,” she asked, closing her eyes.




Piper woke a
few hours later, feeling delightfully rested. She stretched being careful not to move her arm. Barrett gave her other arm a squeeze. “You’re awake.” She smiled sleepily.

“Yes, how was your rest?” His face nuzzled her hair.

“Wonderful. Did you sleep at all?”

“No, but it was very relaxing.” His hand travelled up her midriff to her breast.

“What have you been doing?” She turned to look at him. How long had she been asleep? It felt like a long time. What had he done that entire time?

“Watching you. Trying to decide what I am going to do about that man with the scar.”

“He isn’t dead?” Piper’s voice filled with fear.

“No, but he will be soon enough.” Piper felt Barrett tense against her.

“What are you going to do?”

“We both know he double-crossed Asher. The question is why. I am going to find out and then I am going to decide what I do with the man. I’ll not let him hurt you again.” His arm tightened like steel around her.

“When?” she whispered. She was afraid to hear the answer.

“As soon as we dock.” His voice rumbled low.

“But you said you would stay with me!” Piper cried attempting to sit up and then falling back to the pillow, wincing in pain. Panic was rising in her chest. That man could kill Barrett simply out of spite. There was nothing good about that man.

Barrett slid an arm underneath, gently shifting her to sit up more. “You will be perfectly safe on this boat, surrounded by sailors.”

“But what about you? You won’t be safe.”

“It doesn’t matter. You are my wife and that gives you all the protection a woman can have. You’re a wealthy duchess, your every need—“

“I need you. Don’t do this. Now that we’re married he won’t try to hurt me again.” Piper’s good hand grasped at his chest.

“I can’t take that chance, Piper. It is my job to keep you safe. Nothing else matters.”

“You said you couldn’t deny me anything. Don’t try to find him. Please.” She bit her lip but his mouth remained set.

“I have to. I won’t risk it.” He stroked her arm but she tried to pull away from him. “Don’t hurt yourself, love.” He brushed her temple with his lips.

“I am frightened for you.” Her voice shook.

“Piper, I am not a man who runs from conflict. You know this. If I was, I would have never met you.” Piper caught her breath. He was right. He had singlehandedly taken on four men to save her. “I will not let a threat to you stand. You remember I took this man down with one punch?”

“Be careful.”

“I will.” He gave her one last squeeze as he climbed out of the bed. “Let’s have something to eat. You need your strength.”

Piper nodded but she knew she would barely eat. She wouldn’t be right until Barrett returned to her. If she lost Barrett now…she couldn’t think about the rest.


The boat docked early the next morning. Piper said very little as Barrett dressed. Two pistols and three knives were strapped to various parts of his body. It didn’t make her feel any better.

He helped her dress, even though he didn’t want to. “You should stay in bed.”

“I can’t spend the day in bed knowing you’re in danger.” She held her chin high, glaring at him. If she didn’t, she might cry.

He sighed. “You’re angry with me.”

She didn’t answer. It was silly to go over it again. She wouldn’t change his mind. They stepped out of their room to find the entire family assembled on the deck. Tom and Ethan were outfitted to accompany Barrett. Piper breathed a little easier, knowing he would have both of them with him.

“Don’t worry, Piper. It will all be fine.” She tried not to cry as Penelope and Sybil stepped next to her. Each woman looked as she felt, scared and pensive. Their men were going into battle too.

She wrapped her good arm around Sybil. Penelope tucked her arm around Piper’s back. “Stay safe, come back to us.” She held her chin high.

“We will. I love you.” He kissed her on the cheek, and with one final look, he headed down the plank.

Tom and Ethan followed. Penelope sniffled next to her. Piper patted the other woman’s arm. “Let’s go try to eat. There is nothing to do now but wait.”


Barrett made his way down the docks in the early morning light. The occasional sailor was making his way back to his boat after being out all night. They gave Barrett and his posse a wide berth.

Ethan had told him the man was staying at a boarding house in Lower Manhattan. They made their way directly to the house. It had already been two days and Barrett was afraid the other man would disappear into the city.

It was so early; the doors were locked when they arrived. Barrett knocked softly but no one came. He hadn’t wanted to alert the man he was coming.

When he knocked a second time and no one came, he banged louder. There was nothing to be done for it.

An older woman answered the door looking tired and harassed. She glared at Barrett. He grimaced, it was not a good start. At his pained expression, she stepped back in fear. He attempted to soften his face as he pulled out his coin bag.

He pulled a gold piece out, holding it between two fingers. “I’m looking for a man with a scar.” His voice gritted out and she took another half step back.

Ethan stepped forward, smiling his most charming smile. He took the coin out of Barrett’s hand. “Hello again, you remember me.”

The older woman blushed like a young maid, stepping forward again. She smiled, showing missing teeth. “Of course. You came lookin’ for the man with the scar. He ain’t here no more. Left last night, he did.”

Barrett cursed under his breath, but the woman eyed him suspiciously so he tried to train his face into a neutral gaze.

Ethan set the coin in her palm but kept his fingers on it too. “You seem like a smart lady, any idea where he went?”

She smiled at Ethan again, closing her fingers around his. “Said something about hunting a fox. Seemed crazy to me. There aren’t no foxes around here. He didn’t look too good neither. Told him he should stay in bed.”

Ethan looked at Barrett in confusion but Barrett gave a single nod to other man. He had the information he needed. Ethan pulled his fingers from the woman’s grip and gave her a parting smile. “Thank you.”

She took the coin, all smiles. It was more money than she probably made in a day. “Thank you kindly,” she called as she closed the door.

The three men turned from the door back to their horses. “What does that mean, hunting for a fox?”

Barrett grimaced, “Not a fox, the fox. Mrs. Samantha Fox. I should have known she was involved in all of this. She has been sniffing around. I knew she had a cold heart but I never imagined…”

“Any idea where she might be?” Ethan climbed into saddle, looking down the street.

“No, but I know where to ask. She had a friend. We will go there next.”


An hour later, Barrett climbed back down the stairs of a Manhattan townhouse. “Did you find her?”

“I think so. Mrs. Clark hasn’t associated with Samantha for a while, but she says she thinks she is in an apartment in lower Manhattan. One of the tenements. Apparently she has burned through every penny of her inheritance and is now burning through every friendship. I now know why she was so eager to rekindle our relationship. I always knew she was heartless. How could I have been so foolish?”

“Well, when you were with her, you weren’t looking for heart. You simply had other things on your mind.” Ethan attempted to console his friend.

“Why is the man with the scar going to Mrs. Fox now? What does he want from her?”

“We are about to find out.” Barrett doubled back to the lower section of the city.

It only took fifteen minutes to get back to Lower Manhattan and another ten to find the tenement Mrs. Clark had mentioned.

People were starting to stir now and an elderly gentleman confirmed Mrs. Fox did live there and a strange houseguest had come the night before. “But then again, a lot of odd men come and go from that woman’s home. She’s a different one. Beautiful but strange.”

He said she lived at apartment five hundred and two. The three men moved up the stairs and then silently down the hall.

Apartment five hundred and two was silent. “What will you do?” Tom whispered.

“Stand back,” Barrett gritted out. “When the door gives, everybody duck.”

Barrett pulled out both pistols. He took a deep breath and then threw his shoulder into the door. It didn’t give on the first push and Barrett grimaced. He had announced his presence now. He hit it again and the door gave. Barrett dove for the floor as a bullet whizzed past his head. He prayed no one was hit as he raised his own pistol and fired at the scarred man. Barrett didn’t miss. He hit the man directly in the chest and the man dropped to the ground.

Barrett made a dash for him, knocking the weapon out of his hand. But, the man was already dead. He looked behind him, Tom and Ethan seemed unharmed.

Barrett glanced around. A curtain separated the room and he moved to see if Mrs. Fox was on the other side.

He moved slowly around the corner, moving the curtain to the side. He paused, closing his eyes for a split second. Then he moved to the bed and began untying Mrs. Fox.

She had been beaten but she wasn’t dead. She moaned in her sleep. Barrett called the other two men to help untie the ropes.

“Dear God in Heaven,” Tom chocked out.

“I know she is an injured woman, Tom, but she is most likely involved in Piper’s kidnapping. Keep in mind she is the perpetrator.”

Tom nodded and they finished untying her. Barrett nodded to the dresser and Ethan packed up all the personal belongings he could find. Barrett wrapped her in the blanket and carried her out the door.

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