Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (31 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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Piper nearly cried
with relief when she saw Barrett riding his horse up the dock with Tom and Ethan just behind. It took her several seconds before she registered he was carrying a bundle with him and a full minute before she realized it was a person. He was halfway up the gang plank when she recognized the raven hair of Mrs. Fox.

Her breath caught in her chest.
What was she doing here?
But even as she thought the words, Piper knew exactly what Mrs. Fox was doing in her husband’s arms. Of course that woman was involved.

She said nothing as Barrett stepped onto the deck. He gave her a grim nod as he passed by and headed below deck. “Get a cot for the cell. Find Dr. Thompson.”

Several sailors scurried off to do his bidding. Piper followed behind. He looked back at her once. Barrett walked down the main hall all the way to the end and into the only barred room on the ship. Piper had spent very little time down here. It was dark and Piper shivered despite the heat.

Barrett entered the cell and moved to one side. Piper came in behind him. A sailor entered with a cot and quickly set it in the room. The other man left.

“What happened?” Piper finally asked.

“It’s a long story. I will tell you all of it but for now you should know she was involved with the scarred man and he must have sought retribution on her. He beat her badly, but remember, she is no innocent.”

“Let me see.” Piper nodded as Barrett laid her on the cot. Piper stepped over and peeled back the covers. Mrs. Fox was covered in bruises. Piper held back a sob. She knew this woman had done her wrong, but she couldn’t help but feel sympathetic to any woman who was treated like this.

Piper reached out tentative fingers as she stroked the other woman’s hair.

“Piper,” Barrett’s voice was ragged behind her.

“I won’t forget. I know she would have sold me down the river. She’ll pay for her crimes, whatever they are, if she gets better. But I won’t leave her to die alone. Not like this. I can’t abandon anyone like this, Barrett. No matter how wrong they are.”

“She is dangerous—“

“You told me you had to go find the man with the scar because it was who you were. You’re a fighter and a defender. You have to understand this is who I am. I care. Would you have married me if I was more like her?”

Barrett gave her a long look. “I’ll stay too.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze.

Dr. Thompson entered. Piper held the woman’s hand as the doctor assessed her. Blessedly, Mrs. Fox never woke up.

“She has a few broken bones. The question of her survival depends on her internal bleeding. Only time will tell.”

Barrett nodded as Piper called to a sailor to bring her a chair. “Two,” Barrett added.

They passed most of the day sitting by her side. Barrett asked her to rest several times, but she refused.

As the evening sun set, Mrs. Fox moaned in her sleep. Piper reached for the woman’s hand and held it in hers as Mrs. Fox’s eyes fluttered open.

The other woman looked at her in utter confusion, but Piper turned and called to one of the guards for water.

“Why is your arm in a sling?” Mrs. Fox croaked out.

“I was shot. What happened to you?”

She shook her head. Tears sprung to the other woman’s eyes. Barrett fetched the water as it passed through the bars. He handed it to Piper who gave Mrs. Fox a drink. When she had taken a sip, she answered, “He wanted to kill me very slowly.”


The other woman closed her eyes. “I guess it doesn’t matter now. I told him to connect with Asher Grey. That Asher would pay him for his help.”

“Why did he immediately double-cross Asher?”

Mrs. Fox looked away. “He likes beautiful women. I think, I’m sure he…” her voice trailed off.

“You put him up to it. Were you going to pay him more to then double-cross?” Barrett’s voice was low but the threat was there, nonetheless.

“I don’t have any money.” Mrs. Fox’s voice was barely a whisper.

“But you thought you’d get the money from me with Piper out of the way.” Barrett stood.

“Yes,” Mrs. Fox looked away as she spoke the single word.

Piper turned to him. “It’s done now.” She turned back and gave Mrs. Fox another drink of water.

“She will have to pay for her crimes, Piper, you were nearly killed.”

Piper brushed the hair back from the woman’s face. “That is a problem for another day. Send for the doctor. Do you want anything to eat, Mrs. Fox?”

“Just water.”

Piper and Barrett left the cell an hour later after the doctor had given Mrs. Fox laudanum to sleep. Her situation was still tenuous.

Piper was exhausted as she walked down the hall. Barrett wrapped his arms around her to help her up to their room. “You’ve overdone it. You are still recovering.”

“Mmm…” She laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re back. I was so worried.”

“Me too, my love. Let’s get you to bed. We have all time in the world to figure out the rest.” He picked her up, kissing the top of her head and carried her to bed.


The next week passed in a blur. Piper felt stronger every day and it was wonderful to take a break from society. The entire family stayed on the ship. When Barrett and Piper weren’t with family, they were alone together, learning the secrets of marriage. Truth be told, Piper was not looking forward to going home.

Although, she would not be going home, she would be going to Barrett’s. Her mother would join them. In a few months, they would cross the ocean with Barrett’s family, for Sybil and Ethan’s wedding.

Mrs. Fox was slowly recovering. Piper went to visit her every day and it was obvious Mrs. Fox was a broken woman. While Piper felt sorry for her, she did not trust the other woman. The question remained, what to do with her.

When Mrs. Fox was finally able to get out of bed, Piper and Barrett paid her a visit.

“I hear congratulations are in order.” Mrs. Fox eyed them like a cornered animal.

“Indeed, thank you.” Barrett’s voice rumbled.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Mrs. Fox slowly drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them.

“I think you already know. What you tried to do Piper. It is not a crime that can go unpunished.” Barrett’s voice was even but Mrs. Fox winced.

“Yes, I assumed it would be so.”

“I’d like to give you a choice. You can face trial here or you can take a ship to Australia and start over. It’s an island of convicts, I don’t think it would be easy but you wouldn’t be in a cell. Take some time—”

“I don’t need any time. I’ll head to Australia. There is nothing here for me anymore.” The other woman laid back down. “If you will excuse me, I find I am very tired today.”

“Of course.” Barrett turned to leave but Piper looked at the woman for one more second. Mrs. Fox was the perfect example of what happened to someone who lived their life without honor.

Barrett gently took her hand and she turned with him. He wrapped an arm around her waist. Piper glanced back to see Mrs. Fox staring at them. Piper turned away. She had to focus on the future now. Her future with Barrett.



Three months later
, Piper looked out the port hole of the ship as a seamstress worked on her gowns. “It’s still raining.” Her brow furrowed and she yawned sleepily.

Barrett chuckled from a chair in the corner. “We’re almost in London. Expect it to rain most of the visit.”

Piper made a sour face and looked longingly at the bed. “I’ve been to London before. I’m aware of the weather. I am just so tired. Maybe I will just take a little nap.”

Barrett stood and came to kiss her cheek. “We will be pulling into the harbor shortly and I know Sybil and Ethan will want to see you. You may have to skip your nap today.”

She made another face, as the seamstress loosened another seam. “I’ve got the size now; I will be able to do the rest of these without Her Grace.”

“Thank you,” Piper sighed and then yawned. “Now may I take a nap?” She had been so sleepy for the past month, she could hardly make it through a day without one. Dr. Thompson said it would get better soon.

Barrett chuckled again. It had that low male rumble that sent Piper’s nerves dancing. “All right, maybe for a few minutes. Do you want me to lie down with you?”

“Oh, yes.” Piper smiled wickedly at her husband. He turned to dismiss the seamstress. As soon as the door the clicked closed, he lifted her down off the stool and carried her to the bed.

Within seconds he had her gown off and her pantaloons down. He paused looking at her, unsure.

Piper huffed impatiently. “Dr. Thompson already told you, the baby is fine. As he is my new father, I doubt he has reason to lie. We are free to make love as often as we want.”

He kissed her lips long and slow. “I know sweetheart but I could never do anything that would hurt you or the baby.”

“What we need is you. Promise me, I will always have you.”

“I promise; you will always have me.”

Piper smiled against his lips. She had never imagined she would be so gloriously happy. She still couldn’t believe she had tamed this Duke’s reckless heart.


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