Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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Ethan gave him a smug glance. “Long enough to know you are trying to light a fire.”

“Go to the devil.” Barrett couldn’t listen to this anymore. He didn’t want to examine his feeling, especially not with Ethan. He stomped back to his office.

Ethan’s laughter followed him.

Slamming the door, he threw himself into the chair at his desk. Men in his position didn’t fall in love. They married for lands, title, or perhaps money. Everything he had done up to this point had been to preserve his family’s legacy. And the match his father had made for him fit neatly into this plan. While the Percy’s lacked funds, he would marry Penelope, and in return, he would receive an ample amount of lands that bordered his own property. He loved his business, but he had done it for his family’s legacy.

He put his head in his hands. Piper was wreaking havoc on his life.


The carriage ride for Piper was equally unpleasant. She cursed herself for responding to his kisses. The first time she could blame it on shock but this time…

He’d said he wanted her to be his mistress. The audacity of it. She had never even kissed a man until four days ago. Any other man would beg her to be his wife. Even Ethan had asked her, and he was far more handsome than Barrett.

If she was honest, Barrett’s dark looks and dangerous aura excited her in ways no man ever had. It helped he had come charging to her rescue. But that didn’t matter. Her whole life she had known she would save everything for marriage. She hadn’t meant to even kiss a man other than her husband. Being a mistress was out of the question.

But Barrett wouldn’t marry her, and that was clear after today. She could admit, at least to herself, she had hoped he would ask. No man had ever made her feel the way he did. But he wasn’t going to and she had to marry someone. While he had most likely experienced the rapture they had shared kissing many times, she might never experience it again. Her chest ached at the thought. But if Barrett wouldn’t marry her, she mustn’t allow him such liberties.

Should her mother die, she would be alone in this world. And no one loved her. Many admired her, but no one loved her. Could she really marry a man she didn’t love? Where love wouldn’t grow? She felt absolutely trapped between what she wanted and what she had to do.

A sob escaped her chest. Then another. She threw herself on the seat of the carriage and cried out all of the pain and anxiety of the past week. Sobs wracked her body and tears flowed from her eyes. Her nose filled too, and she realized she had no handkerchief.

The carriage pulled up to her cousin’s home and Piper felt utterly defeated. She still had the dresses, she was a mess, her mother was still sick, and Barrett felt further away than he had been just this morning.

She pulled herself off the seat as the driver snapped the door open. He looked momentarily surprised but said nothing and she tried to hold her head high as she walked past him muttering a small greeting.

Her aunt was waiting for her. “Piper this is completely unacceptable.” The woman stopped, looking at her. “Did he compromise you?”

“Aunt Lizzie! Of course not. Don’t be ridiculous. He refused to take back the dresses and I am upset about Mother. I just needed to cry.” Piper turned away and without another word, headed up the stairs to see her mother.

She walked into the room and found Dr. Thompson at her mother’s side. As he stepped away, Piper took a good look at the woman she loved. Her skin was pale. Her cheeks were hollow and her hair lay limply on the pillow. She was wasting away. The low grade fever kept her from eating and the cough ravaged her body.

Piper thought she had cried every tear in that carriage. But as she took her seat in the corner of the room, they began to fall silently down her cheeks again. She covered her mouth to keep from sobbing out loud as Dr. Thompson cared for her mother. She didn’t want to interrupt. Instead she bent her head.

“I’ve given your mother some laudanum so she can rest. I’ll be back in a bit to check on her.” Piper nodded, not making eye contact, as the doctor left.

She wasn’t aware of how much time passed but at some point she slipped out of the chair and slid to the floor. Her head rested on the seat of the chair.

“Piper.” She heard Barrett’s voice from the door. She didn’t answer.

Her aunt’s voice was a loud whisper coming from the doorway, “I don’t know what to do. She’s been like this for an hour.”

Piper felt his footsteps across the floor. “Get me a warm cloth,” he said to someone.

He picked her up off the floor, cradling her in his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her face in his shoulder. She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent as he carried her in his arms out of the room.

“Where are we going?” she whimpered.

“Just somewhere we can talk.” His lips grazed her temple. He squeezed a little tighter as they went down the stairs and into one of the parlors. He sat with her in his lap gently stroking her still disheveled hair. “It’s all right. I’ll take care of you. Don’t cry now.”

Her aunt came in and handed him the warm cloth. Piper didn’t look at either of them as he pressed the cloth in her hand to wipe up her face.

Finally, her aunt spoke, “I know what my sister asked of you and I don’t like it.”

Piper lifted her head then. “What did my mother ask?”

“That I watch out for you.” He brushed the hair back from her face but Piper barely noticed the gesture. Why would her mother have a handsome eligible man look out for her? She would be ruined if anyone found out.

Her aunt pursed her lips and stared at them but then went to sit in the corner of the room behind them. Piper could not believe her aunt was permitting her to sit in Barrett’s lap. It was the most out of character thing her aunt had ever done. Something was going on, but she didn’t know about.

“I’m sorry about what I said earlier.” Barrett took a deep breath. “I should never have asked you to become my...”

“Shhhh.” Piper sat up. “Why are you apologizing now?”

He looked surprised. “You’re upset.”

“I am upset about my mother!” She was lying a little. She was upset about her mother but she was also hurt by his offer. She didn’t want him to know he had stung her pride and her heart. She wanted him to ask her to marry him. “If she dies, I will be alone. No one in this world will love…” She was doing it again! Telling him too much.

A pained expression crossed his face. “I will help you find a husband.”

“A husband is no guarantee of love.” She climbed off his lap, using anger to break out of her sadness. “And I do not need your help for that. In fact, as I tried to tell you earlier, your presence is the opposite of helpful.”

“Why is that?” He gave her a level stare.

“Probably because you refuse to keep your hands off of me and you threaten other men with bodily harm.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Why is

He chuckled. “You’ve got me there.”

She took a deep breath, bolstering her courage. “Unless you plan to offer yourself.”

His voice lowered as he spoke for her ears only, “I’m a duke, Piper. And my family has been arranging a match for me for years. To go against that would…” his voice trailed off.

Her shoulders slumped. Of course he already had a beautifully perfect aristocratic lady waiting for him in England. She had been foolish to even hope for a second he could ever marry her. Deep in her heart, she knew this was part of her sadness. She tried to keep it out of her voice when she answered, “I understand. But you have to understand no man will offer for me while you are by my side.”

“Then we are at a real crossroads. I promised your mother I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. While I see your point, I can’t have another man taking advantage of you because he thinks you have no male protection.”

“What exactly did you promise my mother?” her eyes narrowed when she spoke.

He looked evasive as he answered, “Just that.”

“Send someone else then.” She shrugged.

“Like Ethan,” his voice growled again.

She rolled her eyes. “Your choice.” She turned away, but he caught her wrist and gently pulled her closer to him.

“Piper, if you don’t marry, if anything happens to your mother, I will take care of you.” His thumb massaged the wrist.

“For how long? And at what cost to my reputation?” She slowly slid her hand away, “Goodbye Mr. Maddox.”

He didn’t answer. His eyes glowered as he watched her leave the room. She could feel them boring into her back. She ignored them. If Barrett was marrying someone else, she had to forget him and find a real suitor. He had helped her so much, she couldn’t deny that, but he was dangerous to her heart and her reputation. Though it pained her heart, she had to stop seeing Barrett Maddox. She headed back up the stairs to sit with her mother.


Barrett climbed into his carriage. His driver had come racing into the house to report Piper had sobbed the entire way home. Barrett had left Ethan sitting in his office as he had dashed out the door. The carriage made its third trip of the day to Piper’s home. If anyone was paying attention, that was most certainly suspicious.

He ran his hand through his hair. What would he do if gossips tried to ruin Piper with stories of gifts and elicit visits? It was an impossible situation. She had looked crushed when he told her about Penelope and he had hated doing it. But he needed to be honest with her. She deserved that. Actually, she deserved to be his wife. Piper was a woman who should be at his side, not tucked in some back room. But dammit it all if his father hadn’t made promises. He felt obligated to honor them even if they would make him miserable.

Piper had been trying to say goodbye to him. Like bloody hell that was happening. His fists clenched at his sides. Then he relaxed shaking his head. He couldn’t marry her but the thought of someone else doing it filled him with anger. Actually, it was more like primal rage.

Piper was filling every corner of his mind. Every time he saw her, he wanted her more. Not just physically, he wanted to hold her, soothe her, while he eased her heartaches.

Piper had two problems. One, she had very little money. Two, she could be alone. Piper could easily find a man to care for her. But, she was right, it was likely to be a loveless marriage, at least on her part. If she had more funds, she could take her time in choosing a husband. She wouldn’t have to pick the first ass who came her way.

It briefly flitted through his mind he just didn’t want Piper to marry but he pushed it aside.
He was doing this for her
, he told himself.

He pulled back into his drive and hopped out of the carriage. He needed a plan to gift Piper some money in a way that wouldn’t arouse suspicion. Maybe Ethan would have an idea.



Piper dressed for
the evening carefully. She picked a cream colored gown that complemented her skin. She supposed it would have been better to defy his request but he was right, it was the perfect dress for her. It came off the shoulders and showed a nice amount of cleavage. Her maid, whom she had borrowed from Sybil, elaborately dressed her hair. Winding a long string of sapphires around the crown of her head and through the tendrils of curls pinned at the back, her locks sparkled as they caught the light. These sapphires were one of their last remaining pieces of jewelry.

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