Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (5 page)

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“Advantage?” He closed his eyes. He was doing it again. Repeating, one word but it was like the woman had read his mind. Any man with half a brain would try to take advantage of Piper.

“You know how men can be.” She waved her hand airily again.

“Yes.” Well, at least he didn’t repeat her word. Barrett was used to being in control of every situation but somehow both Baker women had him at a disadvantage tonight.

“That is why I need your help. I can’t leave her alone in this world. She would be taken advantage of in a second. She needs a strong hand to guide her until she is married. Someone to keep her out of trouble. To keep other men’s hands off of her.”

Barrett’s eyes flew open. “Wait, you want me to be Piper’s guardian?”

“Just until she is married. We don’t have any male family. What is a mother to do? And honestly, it shouldn’t take long. What she lacks in funds she makes up for in other areas. Find the best candidate and send her on her way.” She coughed a little and Barrett was reminded of how sick this woman was.

On her way
. His muscles tightened. He would not repeat her last phrase out loud again. But tension was curling inside him. He couldn’t marry Piper; his father had made a promise for him years ago. While he generally did as he pleased, he had a sense of duty that couldn’t be denied. Still part of him wanted to see her again while another, more sensible part, knew this was a terrible idea. She was more interesting than he cared to admit. “I don’t think…”

“It is fate you saved us tonight. Our families being old friends. I know it in my heart. Piper is lovely to be with. You might even enjoy her company. She is quite funny and charming. Oh, I just know you have been brought to my side in my final hour.”

She was good. He had to give her that. To back out now would be nearly impossible. And if he was honest, which he was trying not to be, he didn’t want to say goodbye to Piper. From the instant her eyes had met his, she had sparked his interest. He couldn’t remember ever being so instantly attracted to a woman.

Keeping other men’s hands off her, that would be easy. He would crush any man who touched her. Keeping his hands off of her, that would be nearly impossible. How could he act as her guardian?


Piper shifted outside the door again, trying to hear the conversation. What was taking them so long? What could her mother want to talk to Barrett about? When had she started thinking of him as Barrett? She barely knew the man.

That wasn’t true, a little voice said in her head. She knew him better than she had known any other man in her adult life.

This had to be the strangest night of her entire existence. Was is just yesterday she had sat with several suitors? She should have just picked one and married him. Her mother would be safe at home, she would never have been attacked, and she would never have met Barrett Maddox.

“Are you all right?” she jumped at the sound of his voice. It was like he materialized when she thought his name.

“Yes, of course. How is my mother, what did she want?” Clasping her hands, she met his gaze.

His eyes seemed to drink her in. They took in every detail about her. “It doesn’t matter now. We’ll talk about it in the morning. Why don’t you join your mother and try to get some rest? We’ll arrive in New York early tomorrow morning.”

“Rest?” she bit her lip, “I don’t know how I could possibly be still enough to rest after today. My life will never be the same.” Her voice caught on the final word despite her attempt to keep her emotions under control.

Barrett reached over and grabbed her by the waist pulling her closer to him. “Try not to worry. She seems well enough for now. She is more concerned about you than herself.”

“She is always worried about me. I’ll be fine, it’s her we need to worry about.” His arm slid around her waist. “Mr. Maddox, I shouldn’t let you…” her voice trailed off. It felt so good to have his strong arm around her. She was too worried to fight him off. His touch lessoned the knot of tension building in her stomach.

He ignored her words and pulled her in closer till she was pressed against him and wrapped in his arms. “Whatever happens, I will keep you safe.”

Tears sprung to her eyes. She leaned in to him then. Her voice was only a whisper, “I’m frightened.”

His chin rested on the top of her head. “I know.” He gave her one more squeeze. “Go in and be with your mother.”

Piper walked into the cabin, glancing around. The sound of her mother’s ragged breathing filled the room. At least she was getting some rest.

Piper assessed Barrett’s quarters again. There was a table with maps and weights. She pulled off her gloves and ran her fingers over one of the weights. Barrett’s hand had touched this very object. She picked it up and held it in her hands, almost as if she would feel his warmth in the thing itself.

Sighing, she set it back down. She began the arduous task of getting herself undressed. She and her mother had let all of their staff go to save money. They usually helped each other change. She wouldn’t wake the other woman now. After she fumbled with the tiny buttons on her dress and managed to untie her corset, she decided to sleep in her shift.

Laying down on a narrow couch, Piper stared at the coiffured ceiling. Thoughts of her mother and the night’s events played over and over in her mind. She finally fell asleep close to dawn.

She woke later that morning confused about where she was and why she was awake. She suddenly realized someone was pounding on the door.

Piper stumbled off the couch and turned a few times to locate where the door was that was being mercilessly beaten. Then she moved towards it, calling out a sleepy. “Who is it?”

“Barrett,” the sharp voice called back.

Piper came fully awake. “What is it?” She searched frantically for a dressing robe to wear but could find nothing.

“Open the door. We’ve arrived in the city and have already unloaded the ship. The tide is rising and the
will leave port soon.” He banged the door again to emphasize his point.

“My mother is still sleeping. I will wake her. I need to get dressed, I…” She was rambling again.

The lock clicked and the door swung open. “Piper, I didn’t want to yell through the door. I am sorry to insist but the carriage is…” He stopped talking, his eyes locked on her. She could feel the intensity of his stare as he did a slow appraisal of her.

Her cheeks filled with color. Too preoccupied, she had left her hair undone while she was sleeping. A great deal of her skin was exposed in the shift. “I had trouble sleeping. I overslept.”

“I can see that.”

Piper assessed him in return. He was even more handsome in the light of day. His dark hair was neatly pulled back while his dark eyes sparkled with amber flecks. His nose was slightly hooked but it only added to his dangerous masculinity. His jaw line was strong and hard like the rest of his body. He exuded power; the kind men followed and women sought.

His face was a mask now. Hers continued to grow redder the longer his appraisal lasted.

“Who is it Piper?” Her mother called from the bed, coughing.

“Mr. Maddox, mother. We have to get ready to go.” She called back, their eyes still locked.

“I will leave you ladies to it.” His eye’s finally released her and he abruptly closed the door.

Piper pressed her hands to her hot cheeks. Then she turned to help her mother out of bed.


A half an hour later, they were dressed. The women stepped out on the deck. Dr. Thompson and Barrett were waiting for them. Piper looked everywhere but at Barrett. It was a warm May afternoon and her cheeks flushed again. Barret came to her mother’s side and helped her down the plank. Dr. Thompson took her arm. He patted her hand in an affectionate way.

“I’ll take good care of her,” he said as he continued to pat.

“Thank you,” she replied.

The four of them climbed into a waiting carriage. Her mother sat down heavily on the seat and the doctor tucked her in with a blanket despite the warm weather.

“Where are we off to?” Barrett raised his eyebrows.

Piper turned a deep shade of pink. “Oh, ah, two hundred seventy-six Madison Avenue.” How could she not have thought of that? Why couldn’t she think straight?

His eyes assessed her again. She had loosely plaited her hair because it was all she could do in that short amount of time and without her mother’s aid. A few tendrils had already escaped and were dancing around her face. Her dress was simple but it was a lovely cream color that complemented her complexion. He continued his assault with his gaze till she was blushing again. She attempted to look out the window as they travelled down the streets of New York.

The scene would have normally occupied her. They were riding through the immigrant section of the city. It thrived with life. Women chatting on the streets, children running about. She barely saw it today. All she could feel was the intensity of his gaze. She blushed even deeper to think he had seen her in her nightdress.

“Piper dear, tell Mr. Maddox about your cousin Sybil.” Her mother leaned back in her seat. She looked tired this morning. She coughed again.

Piper bit her lip, looking at her mother. She didn’t want to talk about Sybil. Sybil was exactly right for Barrett Maddox. Beautiful, English, and titled, she would make the perfect duke’s wife. Her cousin was also a woman who needed saving.

But she wouldn’t deny her mother now. “We will make the introductions. She is a true English lady. She arrived last week from England. Lady Sybil Fairfield, Viscountess of Abberforth.”

“One of my sister’s daughters. You’ll meet her today.” Mrs. Baker closed her eyes, coughing again.

“What brings her to New York?” Barrett’s eyes did not stray from Piper.

Piper looked at her hands. “She wants to participate in New York society. She graciously invited me to join her.” She clasped her hands together, wringing them. Piper knew Barrett understood she was the poor relation her cousin was taking pity on. Sybil was allowing Piper to leach off Sybil’s husband hunt.

“Ah, so that is why you are travelling to New York.” While he continued his stare, his body had tensed to match his eyes. Her brow creased in confusion, she didn’t understand why he was so tense.

“Yes.” Her eyes travelled to the window again. With her mother’s illness, the entire conversation seemed irrelevant now.

“Have you received many invitations?” Barrett’s voice was very quiet.

“I haven’t the faintest idea.” She looked at him then. He seemed to relax.

She however, felt her body tense as their eye’s met. She fidgeted in her seat, unable to get comfortable. Her hands smoothed her dress, then smoothed imaginary wrinkles again. It was so small to be all together and yet she felt so far removed from the man who had held her in his arms last night.

Her eyes retreated once again. But she watched him from the corner of her gaze. He leaned forward, still assessing her.

Blessedly, the carriage reached Madison Avenue and pulled into the drive of her cousin’s mansion. Miraculously, a valet stepped out before the carriage had even stopped.

“Ah, English service, I almost forgot.” Barrett lounged back in the seat.

“Do you miss it?”

“Not really.” The door snapped open. Barrett got off the seat and helped her mother up. Piper and Dr. Thompson stepped out to get out of the way. She walked up the drive, nodding to the staff. The door swung open and Piper stepped through the threshold. Immediately Piper saw her cousin and aunt standing in the entryway.

“Piper, you look terrible.” Aunt Lizzie waved a handkerchief to emphasize her point.

“Yes, Aunt Lizzie. It was a long night. Mother needs to go upstairs.” She felt Barrett step in behind her.

“Before tea?” Her Aunt’s voice held a note of disapproval.

“Yes, Auntie.” Sybil stepped up and kissed her cheek but her eyes strayed to Piper’s mother.

Piper turned to see Barrett half carrying her beloved parent. Her mother’s condition had gotten much worse in the last twenty-four hours. “Mr. Maddox, take her upstairs. Auntie, could you have one of the staff show him the way.”

“Of course.” Her aunt pursed her lips. Piper was going to spend a long time explaining this.

“Dear sister,” her mother called from Barrett’s arms. “Please accompany us.”

“It’s alright, Mother. I’ll explain. You rest.” Her mother nodded and Piper bit her lip. Her mother must feel awful to not protest.

Barrett began escorting her mother up the stairs and Dr. Thomson followed.

“What is going on?” Her aunt demanded as soon as the others were out of sight.

“Mother has consumption.” Piper’s voice was tight. “She kept it from me until yesterday.”

The handkerchief her aunt had been waving now covered her mouth. “Oh dear.”

“His Grace, the sixth Duke of Manchester came to our aid yesterday. He was kind enough to have his doctor examine Mother.” Piper looked at her aunt, pleading with her eyes that her aunt not to ask more.

“How fortunate,” Her aunt paused. “Does he know of your financial situation?”

“Yes,” Piper responded.

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