Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (21 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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The next evening
Piper sat in the carriage with her aunt and cousin. Her mother had attempted to comfort her but Piper was struggling with Barrett’s departure. She was going to lose him. She could feel it.

She wondered if it would better or worse to give herself to him tonight. On the one hand, she would have the memory to hold on to. On the other, there could be consequences she had no control over.

Her hands were clutched together again and she pushed them apart. She would keep a calm exterior tonight. She would not allow herself to break down in front of everyone.

The carriage pulled into Barrett’s drive and the gates closed behind them. The front doors swung open and Barrett and Ethan walked out to meet the ladies.

Piper felt her insides flutter at the sight of him. He really was going to drive her mad. Every part of her wanted him. She had to hold herself back so as not to launch herself out the carriage doors and into his arms.

Instead, she calmly stepped into the doorway as he offered his hand to help her out. Her hand shook slightly. Vibrations from his touch travelled through her entire body. He tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “You look stunning,” he whispered with a gleam in his eye.

Piper returned his look. She felt dangerous tonight. Desperate almost. “Thank you,” her voice was husky. It held a note she didn’t recognize but Barrett seemed to. He sucked in his breath.

“Sweetheart,” he pushed out raggedly.

Her aunt moved into the doorway of the carriage and Barrett moved over to assist. His eyes were all over Piper as her aunt stepped out.

Ethan walked up to the door to hand Sybil out of the carriage but he raised his eyebrows as he passed Piper. “What just happened?” he whispered.

“I’m not sure.” Piper’s swung her gaze back to Barrett, her entire body tensed.

“Ahhh,” Ethan’s hand came up to touch Piper shoulder. “How are you unwed Piper? You must have driven a whole parcel of men to the asylum by now.”

Barrett was suddenly between them. “I’ve warned you before.” Barrett’s voice was low and dangerous.

“Relax, my friend. One Vesser beauty is all I can handle. I was simply telling her to take it easy on you.” Ethan laughed lightly and Barrett seemed to relax a little.

“I don’t like it easy,” Barrett responded.

Ethan laughed more loudly at that as he helped Sybil down. “Truer words have never been spoken. Keep torturing yourself then. But perhaps you could avoid the angst and go straight to the enjoyment by marrying Piper before you leave.”

Piper held her breath. It hadn’t occurred to her to hope for such a thing until Ethan said it out loud.

“You are always pushing me.” Barrett glowered. Piper reached out and lightly placed her hand on his arm. It was still trembling.

“And you always thank me for it after. I would imagine it is part of being a duke. No one ever told you when you were wrong.” Ethan’s eyes danced with merriment as he tucked Sybil into his side.

“Don’t be ridiculous. It isn’t at all proper that they get married now. Why, people will think Piper has been ruined.” Her aunt held a handkerchief up to her face.

“What does it matter? She will be a duchess. No one will say anything.” Ethan quirked a smile. “Or am I misunderstanding English customs again?”

Barrett relaxed further and grinned. “No, you’ve got them just about right.”

Piper and Barrett heard Sybil softly whisper, “Mayhap we should just get married. I, too, tire of waiting.”

Ethan flashed her a devilish grin and the two bent their heads together. She wondered if they were seriously considering a quick marriage.

The group walked inside but Piper felt more restless than ever. Barrett had neither agreed nor disagreed with Ethan’s assertion they should be married. She bit her lip and glanced at Barrett. He looked at her as though he might devour her.

Her feet faltered as she walked. Heat shot through her. Her breath caught. She was desperate, and desire coursed through her veins. Reason was no longer residing in her brain. She wasn’t thinking anymore.

They went inside and headed to a parlor for drinks before dinner. Piper perched on the edge of her chair, jumpy and restless. Conversation was stilted. Everyone could feel the tension in the air.

When dinner was finally called, the group practically jumped out of their seats to enter the dining room. Piper was seated on Barrett’s right with her aunt next to her. Sybil and Ethan sat across from them. It should have been a lovely and intimate party. Piper tried to act normally but her she could barely follow the conversation. She wanted to jump into Barrett’s strong arms and beg him not to go. She wanted to kiss every inch of his face and strip off his shirt. Piper gave herself a little shake. She was sitting next to her aunt.

What could she do to convince him to marry her before he left? Only one thing was coming to mind. Her eyes fluttered to his again. His dark eyes seem to penetrate into her soul. She looked away again. She didn’t want him to know what she was going on inside her head. She had to catch her breath and think clearly.

As the first course was removed and the second arrived, Piper excused herself. She needed a moment to collect her thoughts. Her emotions were out of her control.

She headed down the hall and stopped at Barrett’s office. She had never been in this room and it called to her now. It was so masculine. Barrett’s masculine scent, mixed with rich wood and books. Everything was neatly arranged. She stepped by the desk and a hint of polish hit her nose. A tiny grin fluttered over her face. She was sure he was a man who liked everything just so.

“What are you doing in here?” Barrett’s voice sent her senses rioting.

“I just needed to be by myself. This dinner is much more difficult than I thought it was going to be.” She continued to look around. “Are you angry with me for being in your private space?”

“Of course not. This will be your home, too. You are welcome anywhere. But you don’t seem quite yourself this evening.” Barrett closed the gap between them but Piper skirted out of his grasp.

“You had better not,” she said as she flitted away.

“Why not?” His deep voice washed over her.

“I’m not myself this evening. I am thinking outrageous things. I feel…” desperate, dangerous, ready to throw caution to the wind. Willing to do anything to keep you from leaving.

He closed the gap between them again and firmly grabbed her around the waist. “What should we do about it?”

She looked up at him then. She could feel tears shimmering in her eyes. She bit her lip. Her body was coiled with untapped energy. “Please don’t ask.”

“I’m asking.” His lips lightly touched hers.

The sensation shot straight to her core. She gasped. “I want to stay with you tonight.”

His lips came down on hers again. “What else?”

“I want to stay every night.” She pressed closer.

“And?” his lips lingered on hers.

“I don’t want to wait to get married.” She shivered as his lips came down again, his tongue licking at her lips.

He lifted his head once more. “Say the last part my love.”

“I’m afraid for you to leave,” she spoke so softly, even she could barely hear her words. “I want you to stay.”

“Does it feel better to have said it?” He held her closer.

“That depends. Are you going to do anything about it?” Piper leaned back to look into his face.

He chuckled. “I love how forthright you are. Yes, I am going to do something about it. I don’t seem to be able to deny you anything. I just am not sure what to do. I can’t completely disregard my family.”

She nodded. “Will you let me stay?” She reached up onto her tiptoes to place her lips on his again.

“Your aunt would have me quartered.” But he kissed her back, opening her lips and plundering her mouth with his tongue.

“Your Grace,” The butler’s voice hissed from the doorway. Piper had never heard him sound anything other than disapproving so she started to turn in curiosity but Barrett held her firm.

“Go away,” Barrett spoke in his growl.

“But Your Grace, your mother is here,” The butler’s voice trembled.

Barrett stood still as a stone. “What did you say?” Piper turned to see the man. He looked pale and he seemed to be trembling slightly.

“Your mother, she’s in the dining room. Your brother is here as well. The Earl of Essex and his daughter are also in attendance.”

Piper looked at Barrett. Every line of his face was taut and his expression was black. She squeezed him and he looked down at her. His expression softened just a little. “Brace yourself. This is going to be painful.”

She clenched her teeth as they turned to head back down the hall.

They were greeted by silence when they entered the dining room. Aunt Lizzie looked pale as a sheet. Sybil had her lips pursed. Only Ethan sat back in a casual stance.

Piper turned to Barrett’s family, fear clenching her stomach. Barrett bore a striking resemblance to his mother. Dark features, slightly hooked nose, and a fierce glare were characteristics they had in common. She was tall for a woman but slender where Barrett was broad and muscular.

Barrett’s brother could not have looked less like Barrett. He was tall and slender like his mother with much lighter features. He must have taken after the former Duke.

A woman stood next to Barrett’s brother. She was small and pale with light blonde hair and eyes. She was pretty enough but she looked frightened out of her wits. When Barrett glanced her way, she actually trembled at the sight of him.

An older gentleman rounded out the group. His eyes swept up and down her in a cool appraisal. He seemed to note every detail about her. He was as pale as his daughter but sturdier.

She realized she still had her hand tucked in Barrett’s elbow. She went to remove it but Barrett placed his other hand over hers. Everyone in the room noted the gesture.

“Mother, it is fortunate you came today. I was sailing for England tomorrow,” Barrett said by way of greeting.

“Well, it has been so long, I thought a visit wise. Why didn’t you write you were coming?” Neither had even bothered with hello.

“Why didn’t you?” The two stared at each other.

She continued to glare at her son. “Why don’t you introduce me to your guests?”

Piper could actually see his jaw flexing but his voice was level. “This is Lady Elizabeth Vesser and her niece, Viscountess Fairfield. You already know Ethan.” Barrett paused and Piper could see surprise written on The Duchess’ face. She nodded in their direction.

“And this is Miss Piper Baker. You remember her mother of course, Lady Carolyn Vesser,” Barrett’s voice was dead calm, but next to Piper, he was vibrating with untapped energy.

“Pleased to meet all of you. How is your mother, Miss Baker?” The Duchess directed her attention at Piper. Piper wasn’t surprised Her Grace had focused on her. Barrett still had her hand tucked into his arm.

“Doing better now, Your Grace. She has had a bout of consumption although she is recovering.” Piper curtseyed to the other woman.

“I should like to visit her when she is well enough,” Her Grace’s voice held little emotion.

Fear trickled down Piper’s back. “She would like that, thank you.”

“Ladies, I would like to introduce Lord Percy, Earl of Essex, and his daughter, Lady Percy.”

The girl shook again and stepped an inch closer to Barrett’s brother. Piper’s eyebrows raised a fraction of an inch. Since the butler had announced Barrett’s mother was here with guests, she had this fear Barrett was supposed to marry this waif of a girl, but perhaps she had it wrong. Perhaps this was the fiancée of the younger Maddox.

“To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?” Barrett sounded anything but pleased.

The Earl pursed his lips. “Surely you know already.”

Barrett did not respond, but any hope Piper had vanished with that statement. Piper had been right to be afraid. This was Barrett’s real fiancée. Piper held her head high, but in her heart, tears were starting to fall. She would not be staying tonight. She was afraid she would never spend a night here ever in her life.

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