Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (18 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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“I don’t want to go.” She looked at her mother.

“Now more than ever, you need to work on securing your future.” Her aunt’s hand gently rested on her shoulder.

Piper nodded. She sat for a few more minutes and then got up to get dressed.


The ball of the night before had been public and very large with a variety of activities. Tonight’s was private and a much smaller affair. Phillip was in attendance, which was a relief, because both Leif and Asher were eyeing her.

She convinced Phillip to sit out many of the dances with her. But he had other acquaintances and friends to chat with. Whenever he was gone, she hid behind Ethan. For the first time in her life, she was in danger of being labelled a wall flower.

Her aunt chastised her, “We are here, Piper, you may as well make the most of it.”

“Yes, Aunt Lizzie.” Piper sighed.

“And stay away from Mr. Maddox.” Her aunt huffed.

Piper scanned the room and easily found Barrett talking with a group of men. She saw Mrs. Fox lurking by his side. She shrank further behind Ethan. Ethan gently but firmly pulled her out from behind him and several men rushed to ask her dance.

Piper twirled with man after man. She even danced with Asher, simply because she couldn’t avoid him a second night. But she was quiet and she felt drained of energy. Her mother’s illness, coupled with her desire to stop attending parties, was weighing on her. As was the process of finding a husband. She attempted to smile and laugh but her actions felt hollow, even to herself.

Phillip snagged her for a dance and Piper sighed with relief. She was exhausted and he was easy to be around. If he asked her to marry him, she thought she might say yes. She was tired of all of this. She leaned closer to him.

“You don’t quite seem yourself this evening,” he whispered in her ear.

“I don’t feel like myself. Truth be told, I am a little dizzy.”

Phillip looked concerned and Piper gave him a small smile. He would make a suitable husband. Even as she thought it, she cringed a little. Suitable was not a very romantic word. “We’ll step just outside the doors and then I will take you back to your family,” he assured her.

Piper nodded. She took his arm as he led her outside. They stepped onto the veranda and walked to a more shadowed part of the garden. Phillip found a bench and the two of them sat together.

His body was warm against her side. While he didn’t have the hard muscles Barrett had, it was nice to be together in the quiet night.

“Miss Baker,” Phillip started. Piper cringed. She could hear a nervousness in his voice and she simply wanted to enjoy the quiet of the evening.

Piper closed her eyes for a split second and then she opened them again. For a moment, she had hoped it could be like it was with Barrett that time in the carriage. Where they didn’t say anything they just sat together. She had drawn strength from his presence. But now she had to put her personality back on. She had to be the Piper men liked so much. The one where she laughed and flirted. She had to assure him everything was wonderful instead of drawing strength from him.

“Yes, Mr. Stanford.” She gave him her most charming smile. She hoped he didn’t notice it didn’t reach her eyes.

“I hope you know how much I enjoy your company. I hope you enjoy mine.” He glanced nervously at her.

She gave a single nod. She was afraid to speak. She didn’t know if she could hide her true emotions.

“We haven’t known each other too long but I want to know you better…I…” He fidgeted and then suddenly dropped his head to hers.

Their lips met and Piper blinked in surprise. It wasn’t unpleasant. It was fine. The brief contact of his lips on hers.

He lifted his head and gave her a giant grin. “You’re so very beautiful,” he breathed.

“Thank you.” Piper looked away. She didn’t feel what he was feeling, and she didn’t know how to hide it.

“Don’t answer today. I want you to think about it. But, if you would let me, I would make you my wife.” His hands grasped hers. “Piper,” he paused, grinning at her again. “Tell me you will consider it?”

Piper looked at him, words failed her. She gave another nod, but a lump formed in her throat. In this moment, she knew she couldn’t marry him.

From nowhere a hand grabbed her around the waist and another around her mouth, yanking her off the bench. She saw a second figure knock Phillip on the head. Phillip dropped to the ground.

She kicked wildly but the man holding her locked his arms around her and began dragging her through the garden. She fought, kicked, and twisted until she managed to maneuver one of his fingers into her mouth. She bit as hard as she could.

“Owww, Miss Baker,” Asher’s voice came from behind her as he yanked his hand away from her mouth.

“What are you doing Mr. Grey?” she demanded, completely infuriated with the man behind her.

“You won’t let me court you. But you’re the only woman I want to marry.” He continued dragging her.

“Have you lost your senses? You can’t drag me off to get married.” He pushed her out the garden gate where a carriage was waiting. Piper began to struggle again as Asher tried to force her through the door. She used her feet to push away from the carriage as Asher attempted to wedge her in.

“It’s been done before. I’m not a man who likes to wait.” He grunted as he tried to force her in.

“Or use any manners at all. Return me at once. This is unacceptable.” She kept pushing with her feet as she tried to twist away.

Suddenly Piper heard a thump right by her head and then both she and Asher were falling. She landed on top of him and looked up to see the man with the scar standing over her. She gasped in real fear this time as he yanked her up and tossed her in the carriage. Her shoulder banged sharply against the far wall and she fell to the floor.

“You are tasty,” he said as he climbed in and snapped the door closed. “That idiot thought I would help him for a few bucks, but I’ve got other plans for you.” He picked her up and tossed her roughly on the seat. In an instant, he grabbed the front of the dress and ripped it, then grasped her by the arms to yank her towards him. A scream built in Piper’s chest.


Barrett scanned the dance floor a third time. Where had Piper gone? He had already checked the library, the study, and several salons; she was nowhere to be found. A flash of her hair, caught his eye by the patio doors. He swore under his breath. He thought she had learned her lesson after the last time.

He caught sight of Stanford next to her. It only made him angrier. The man would never keep her safe the way he would. She should know better than to go off alone with him.

Why did Piper even see him? He was long winded, boring, and completely wrong for her. She needed a man who was strong and capable. He caught himself, and sighed. More and more often, the truth smacked him in the face. Though, he was hard headed, even he could see he and Piper were meant for each other.

And he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied with any other wife. She was perfect for him in every way. And she deserved more than what he had offered her. She deserved everything that was his to give. He would find a way to make it right with Penelope and her family but he couldn’t deny his feelings for Piper anymore. Frankly, he had been doing a terrible job of it anyway.

Hiding behind bushes to steal kisses was silly and juvenile. While he had just wanted to be close to her, he had made it so difficult on Piper. He was being an ass. He had to tell her these things before she went and agreed to marry that twit, Stanford.

He clenched his fists and headed out the door after them.

It didn’t take long to find them sitting on the bench. He could hear Stanford’s voice, pleading earnestly, though he couldn’t make out the words. Was he too late?

Piper looked away from Stanford. He sucked in his breath. Her mouth was drawn into a frown her eyes sad. His insides twisted. He didn’t have to ask what caused her pain. She didn’t want to marry Stanford, but she didn’t really feel as though she had a choice.

He stepped towards them, first he needed to get rid of Stanford and then he would tell Piper how he felt.

Suddenly two figures stepped out of the shadows. He could see them both clearly. One was Grey, the other was the man with the scar.

In an instant, Stanford was on the ground and Piper was being carried off. Barrett followed. He knew Phillip Stanford couldn’t keep her safe. And now those two would pay for trying to hurt Piper.


Before she could let the scream out, the door snapped back open again, and as quickly as the man with the scar had grabbed her, he set her free. She watched as Barrett yanked him by the hair and hauled him back out of the carriage. Then Barrett slammed his fist into the other man’s face. He dropped like a stone to the ground. He landed directly on top of Asher Grey.

Barrett looked up at her, and his expression turned absolutely black at the rip in her dress. “I am going to kill them both.”

She launched herself out of the carriage and into his arms. He caught her easily and her lips sought his. She was so happy to see him she didn’t care he wouldn’t marry her or that she had told him to stay away. She feathered kisses all around his face and then moved back to his lips. His were strong against her own as he carried her in his arms. She had no idea where he was taking her, nor did she care.

In that instant she knew she couldn’t be with anyone else. He was the only man for her no matter what that meant. She was hopelessly in love with him, and he soothed the aches of her world.

Their lips met again and again. “Piper,” he groaned.

“I need you.” She tentatively pushed her tongue into his mouth. She pressed her body closer. His body clenched against hers.

Another carriage door opened and Piper realized he had taken her to his own buggy. His lips never left hers as they climbed inside. He shut the door and then pulled her onto his lap. Their lips continued to meld together. Piper poured all of her emotional turmoil into the kiss; her mother, the attack, Phillip’s proposal. She tried to draw strength from Barrett’s lips.

“I’ve changed my mind,” she stuttered out between kisses.

“About what?” he asked as his lips left her mouth to trail down her neck.

“I want to be your mistress. I can’t live without you.” He groaned and his lips found hers again, ravaging her with kisses.

It felt so right to be with him. She had one detail she needed to clear up and then she could quit the charade of trying to find a husband and just love Barrett.

“I just need to ask you one thing.” She pulled away and bit her lip. She didn’t want to have to say any of this but it had to be done. “I don’t know how this usually works but I am hoping you can help me invest my inheritance so when you are done with me I can provide for myself. I won’t be able to marry and—”

“Piper,” he interrupted her, sighing heavily. “If I were to make you my mistress, which I won’t, I would make sure you never wanted for anything for the rest of your life. That inheritance would only be the beginning of what I gave to you—”

“Wait, you gave to me? The inheritance is from you.” She pulled away. She didn’t know whether to slap or kiss him.

“You were pushing me away, not that I blame you. I had to find a way to make sure you were taken care of. While grieving for your mother was no time to choose a husband.”

He was right. And he had cared for her the way no man ever had. What was more he hadn’t expected anything in return. He cared enough to provide for her even when he thought they would have no relationship. “I see,” Piper couldn’t quite keep the sadness out of her voice. While she knew he was once again trying to care for her; she didn’t want to be without him.

“I’ve changed my mind too.” He kissed her several more times.

“About what?” she croaked out, tears stinging her eyes. He was going to refuse her offer.

“You’re not going to become my mistress, Piper. I care too much to do that to you.”

Oh?” A tear slipped down her cheek. He stopped kissing her and looked her in the eyes. Then he brushed the tear away with the pad of his thumb.

“I can’t be without you either. Piper, I want you to be my wife.” Barrett kissed her as she gasped.

“But your title, your family, and your obligation to the lady your promised to?” she spluttered.

“My family will learn to deal with it and if they don’t we will spend most of our time in America. My brother can handle the duties of the title. And Penelope never wanted to marry me either. I will make sure she is well matched with someone else. As to my duty, time will tell.” He was kissing the top of her breasts. “I want to marry you.”

“But why now? What has changed?” Piper couldn’t help but ask. She needed to know.

His hands stilled. He looked into her eyes. “There is no one better for me than you. I can’t be without you, Piper.”

“But what if you change your mind? What if your family despises me?” she cried, pushing at his shoulders. Her ripped dress was giving him a great deal of access to her bosom and he was taking full advantage. He was also making it hard for her to think.

“Piper, I’m not going to change my mind. My family will have to adjust, but I do owe them an explanation. I have to return to England and tell my family in person and make arrangements for Penelope.” His lips found hers again and she clung to him, kissing him over and over.

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