Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (22 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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“Would you like to join us for dinner or would you prefer to freshen up and have dinner delivered to your room?” Barrett asked instead of answering the Earl.

By way of answer, Lady Maddox placed herself at the other end of the table. But the Earl huffed. “It is certainly casual here in America.”

“I would have made other arrangements had I been expecting you.” Piper could still feel Barrett’s tension and they still had not moved from the spot they had been standing. Piper wondered if her legs would even work. “Please sit next to my mother. Lady Percy and Thomas can sit by Lady Fairfield and Mr. Wright.”

Everyone took a seat as the next course was served. Piper looked at the assembled guests. Not one person smiled. Several shifted uncomfortably. Piper was perched on the edge of her chair, her hands clasped together under the tablecloth. Barrett reached his hand under the tablecloth and patted her knee. Piper sat up even straighter.

She picked at her food as the silence stretched out. No one had spoken for at least five minutes. Barrett, as usual, took charge of the situation. “How was the crossing, Mother?”

“It was terrible as usual.” She took a delicate bite of her shrimp.

“And how are our affairs in England?” He sat back in his seat. His brow was creased as annoyance flitted across his face.

“We will discuss it later,” she sniffed her disapproval.

“What shall we discuss then?” His tone was clipped.

“How has the weather been in New York?” Her Grace asked blandly.

“Very mild.” It sounded like Barret was gritting his teeth. “And in England?”

“A wet spring,” she smiled coolly. “Miss Baker, do you reside full time in New York?”

“No, my mother and I live in Boston. We came to visit with Lady Fairfield as she was spending the season here.”

“And your father?” Her Grace’s hand delicately wrapped around the stem of a wine glass.

“He passed a few years ago.” Piper was now as straight as a board. She didn’t know what conclusions the Duchess would draw from this information, but she wouldn’t be cowed by the other woman’s stiff behavior.

“Such a shame. I met him a few times. He was a very handsome and likable fellow.” Some small amount of regret laced the Duchess’ voice and Piper blinked twice in surprise.

“Thank you for your condolences.” Piper relaxed her posture a fraction of an inch.

The rest of the meal passed with stilted conversation. Shortly after the meal was done, Piper’s family took their leave. Ethan and Barrett walked the ladies out.

Barrett took her aunt’s arm. Ethan and Sybil were next and Piper followed at the back of the group.

“I am going to stay and see what I can learn,” Ethan whispered behind him to Piper. Both Sybil and Piper shook their heads in agreement.

Barrett handed her aunt into the carriage. Then he turned to her. He put his hands on her waist and whispered in her ear, “I know you are worried but try not to be. I don’t have to go to England now.”

“She’s here to marry you,” Piper choked out.

“I know,” he said. “I have known Penelope her entire life and she is still frightened by me. Could you imagine that marriage? She jumps every time I speak. I told you, I will find her a new match. We will marry, Piper.” He gave her a warm smile.

“How is your mother going to take the news?” Pipe worried her lip with her teeth.

“Let me worry about that.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll visit tomorrow.”

“All right,” Piper agreed but she could hear the worry in her own voice. She squeezed his hand as she got into the carriage. As she glanced behind her, she could see Barrett’s mother standing on the top stair of the front porch. The Duchess was still as a statue.

Piper’s insides fluttered again. Her feeling earlier that something was about to go terribly wrong came back with a vengeance.



Once they arrived
home, Piper didn’t bother to go upstairs. She wouldn’t sleep. Instead, she stepped out onto the courtyard.

The moon shone bright in the sky and stars twinkled. She sat herself down on a chaise and attempted to relax her churning stomach. Barrett didn’t seem too worried.
was something.

But his mother had brought a woman from England. How could Barrett get around that without risking his relationship with his family?

Piper wasn’t sure how long she sat outside, but the soft click to the French door broke her out of her reverie.

Ethan crossed the courtyard and stood next to her. “How are you holding up?”

She looked away. “Where is Sybil?”

“Inside. She thought we might need a few minutes. Scoot over.” She pushed to one side of the chaise and he laid down next to her. “Have you ever thought we did this completely wrong?”

“How do you mean?” She turned her face towards him.

“I guess you haven’t,” he laughed a little. “I would be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t worried about marrying into British aristocracy. I know Barrett, but the few times I‘ve been to England, it was terribly uncomfortable.”

“It does help to be born into it.” She patted his arm.

“I should have fallen for you and you for me. And Sybil for Barrett and Barrett for Sybil. They could have gone off to England and been titled and privileged. You and I could have stayed in America. Simple. Ever wonder why it has to be so difficult?”

Piper bit her lip. “Ethan…” she started but didn’t know how to finish.

“I’m not declaring my feelings for you. I am wild about Sybil. I’ve never had a sister but I imagine my feelings for you are like those of an older brother. I am simply wondering why we choose the most difficult path.” His hand came up to rub his forehead.

She smiled at him relieved. He was right. She felt about him much the same way she felt about Sybil. “It will become more comfortable. You will learn the rules and having money always helps. Your problem is an easy one to solve. Mine is different. Even if Barrett does marry me…”

“He will marry you, Piper. If Barrett is one thing, it is stubborn when he makes up his mind.” Ethan chuckled.

“He has changed his mind several times since I have known him. He said he wouldn’t marry me…” Piper’s voice rose with concern.

“You seem to be the one exception. So let us assume the two of you marry. What is the problem you are worried about?”

“I…I contribute so little to the marriage.” Piper bit her lip. Worry rose up in her chest.

Ethan stared at her open-mouthed. “Piper, what you contribute to Barrett’s life is immeasurable.”

Piper wasn’t sure he was right there but she didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “What happened after we left?”

Ethan hesitated. “It’s complicated.”

“You were right when you said it would have been so much easier if I could have fallen in love with you or with someone else. I look at a man in front of me and think, why can’t I just love him? Wouldn’t my life be easier if I could just feel that way about him? But we never seem to want it if it’s easy.”

Ethan held her hand. It was a brotherly gesture. “They brought Penelope over to marry Barrett. While she is also titled, their funds seem to be low.”

“There is a lot of that going around.” Piper grimaced. If the Percy’s were desperate, they would be harder to overcome.

“I am sure Lord Percy sees Barrett as the perfect answer. It elevates her title and replenishes the coiffeurs. Their land adjoins, so Her Grace thinks it will be a perfect way to increase their holdings.” Ethan gave her hand a little squeeze.

“It sounds ideal,” Piper’s voice cracked a little. In every way Penelope was a better choice for Barrett.

“Except for the part where Barrett doesn’t like her and she seems frightened out of her wits by him.”

“Thanks for coming, Ethan. You should go check on Sybil. She’ll be missing you.” Piper let go of his hand and laid her hands across her stomach.

Ethan patted her shoulder and then got up off the settee. He gave her one last look and then went into the house.

Piper didn’t move a muscle. She was afraid if she did, she would shatter into a thousand pieces.


Piper woke early the next morning though she had barely slept. She lay several of her favorite dresses from Barrett out on the bed. Then she put the jewels out on the dressing table. Behind them she put her inheritance she now knew was from him.

Somehow, looking at these things was a tangible reminder he cared for her. She needed to look at them to be reminded. If she didn’t, she was afraid she would lose all hope.

While Barrett was full of assurances, Piper was full of doubt. In her heart, she knew it would be better for Barrett to marry Penelope.

What did she herself bring for him? She contributed a sick mother, no money, no land, no title. In other words, she contributed nothing. Despite Ethan’s attempt to convince her otherwise, she knew Barrett would be better to marry a woman from the aristocracy.

She had told Barrett to go away so many times. She had thought it was for her own good that she said this but it had been for his too. She didn’t add anything of value to his life.

She sucked in her breath. Was she afraid of losing Barrett or feeling guilty because she should let him go? When she was with him she couldn’t think straight to know.

A knock sounded at her bedroom door. “Come in,” she called, perplexed.

The door swung open and the butler stepped in. “Mr. Maddox is here to see you.”

“Tell him I will be right down,” her voice shook. Since when did Barrett send the butler upstairs? He always just charged into her room. It made the butterflies in her stomach beat wildly.

The door snapped closed again and she turned back to look at the items spread around her room. Even if he ended it, she would have these reminders of what they shared.

The door clicked open again and she wondered why the butler had returned. “I will be right down.” She waved her hand.

“No need,” Barrett’s voice rumbled behind her.

She turned and crossed the room in two steps and wrapped her arms around his neck. It made her feel better that he had done what he always did. He completely ignored social convention and was standing in her bedroom. Somehow this meant nothing had changed.

“You came,” she breathed as he returned the embrace and his lips came down on hers.

“I told you I would,” he answered between kisses.

“I know. I just worried,” she choked a little on the words.

“Well, don’t worry. I am a man who keeps his word,” His voice was low in her ear.

Piper pulled her head back. Two thing bothered her about this statement. “Does your mother usually keep her word?”

His brows drew together. “Who I marry is not her promise to make.”

“Are you only marrying me because you gave your word? If you have changed your mind, I won’t hold you to it.” She eased back, turning her head away but he drew her closer.

“You know it is not the only reason, Piper. Last night we talked about you staying in my house, in my bed. You think I am that fickle?” He growled it out and Piper started in surprise. While he growled often, he had never been upset with her.

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