Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (19 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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He moved her off of his lap but her arms locked tighter around his neck. “Sweetheart, you haven’t answered yet.”

“What?” She pulled back a little to search his face.

His eyebrows rose. “Will you marry me?”

“Oh, yes,” she cried. He kissed her again then headed for the door. “Where are you going?”

“To get your family. You have been gone for quite a while. You can’t return in that state so I will bring them to you. Your aunt will want to know her duties are done.” He chuckled.

Piper laughed too. “We have given her fits.” Barrett tossed her his cloak to cover her dress.

“I will be right back. Keep the curtains drawn. My driver, unlike yours, will keep you safe.” The door closed with a definite click.

Piper sat back against the seat. The events of the last fifteen minutes playing through her mind. She was marrying Barrett. Since she had met him, she had been telling herself he couldn’t be hers and just like that he was. It was thrilling.

But she had doubts too. Not about her feelings. But she worried about his. Was she the right choice for him? Would he regret this decision? Piper shook her head. Never had she connected with anyone the way she did him. She had to try.

Within minutes, Barrett’s carriage was full. Her aunt bounced in through the door and into the opposite seat. That could only mean Barrett had shared the joyous news. She didn’t even ask about Piper’s sudden disappearance or why Piper was wearing Barrett’s cloak. Nor did she protest when Barrett entered and immediately pulled Piper back into his lap.

Piper snuggled into him. She drank in his smell and his feel. It gave her strength. She rode like that while everyone chattered happily, glad for the comfort of his arms.

“My mother is sick again,” she whispered in his ear.

“I know,” he squeezed her as he whispered back. “I can’t promise you she will be all right but I promise to take care of you. We’ll do everything we can to for her.”

She nuzzled her face into his neck, drawing from him the strength he exuded. He felt so amazingly good.

They returned home and Piper raced upstairs to check on her mother and change. She found Dr. Thompson and her mother chatting quietly. “What’s going on?” She stopped to stare at the scene, unable to process.

“Turns out she had just overdone it. No staying up chatting for you.” Dr. Thompson gave her mother the eye and she laughed demurely in turn.

“Yes, Doctor,” she answered.

Piper’s mouth hung open. Were they flirting? She shook her head.

“Mother, may I speak with you?” Piper asked.

Dr. Thompson got up to leave and Piper removed Barrett’s cloak.

“Piper, what happened?” her mother gasped.

“I was attacked. But Barrett saved me.” Piper glowed “He asked me to marry him.”

Her mother beamed back, “Oh, this is wonderful. Has he said how his family will take the news?”

Piper shook her head. “I can’t imagine it will go well. I’m a little worried he’ll resent me for it.”

“I never resented your father. Besides, Barrett is his own man.” Her mother patted her hand. “Go celebrate. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Piper changed and then returned downstairs. Champagne was being passed around, of which her aunt was drinking liberally. No one was more excited to have both of her charges engaged than Aunt Lizzie. “To two fine men!” she giggled as she drank to her own toast.

Even Barrett was laughing. He pulled her down next to him. “How is your mother?”

“Better.” She grinned.

He passed her a glass of champagne. “To us and to Ethan and Sybil.” They clinked glasses.

“You men are going to be family now.” Sybil let out snorting laughs as she clutched her sides.

The two men glared at each other until Ethan finally hiccupped, “Lord save us!”

Piper sipped at her champagne, warmth filling her. The four of them laughed and talked. Ethan was regaling them with a story about Barrett outrunning pirates on the southern coast when Piper heard a definite snore. They looked over to see her aunt was sound asleep.

Sybil giggled. Ethan pulled Sybil into his lap. He whispered into her ear. Piper blushed a little and turned away. Barrett leaned over and whispered into her ear, “Let’s go out into the garden.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her up off the couch and towards the French doors. Piper felt the butterflies rise up in her stomach as they stepped out onto the veranda. It was a cool night and she shivered as the air hit her skin.

Barrett pulled her into his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She was instantly warmed by his heat and his lips on her neck warmed her further.

He kissed along her jaw towards her ear. “Piper, it could take a few months for me to travel to England. We must wait until I return.”

“Wait to be married?” Her breath came in short gasps as his tongue traced patterns on her ear.

“Wait to be intimate.” His teeth grazed her lobe as he said the words and Piper gasped at the sensation.

Her body was tingling all over and now that they were getting married, she was impatient to belong to him. His lips found hers and they shared a searing kiss.

“Piper,” he groaned lifting his head.

She stood on tip toe and pulled his lips back down to hers. She didn’t have to try very hard to convince him. He dipped his head at the light tugging of her hands and took her lips again.

“I don’t want to wait,” she breathed out.

“What if I don’t come back for three months?” he said between kisses. “What if I don’t come back at all?”

Piper stilled. “Why wouldn’t you come back?”

He looked in her eyes. “My ship could go down. A thousand other things could go wrong. The point is I couldn’t leave you unmarried with a child.”

“Oh.” Piper bit her lip as she looked at him. She was suddenly filled with nerves instead of excitement. Did he think they wouldn’t actually marry?

“Don’t look so worried.” He kissed her lips again. “I just want to make sure I am doing what’s best for you. I know your situation has been precarious. We have to take every precaution to make it better and not worse.”

She nodded her head but Piper still felt some doubt. They had only known each other a short time. What if he went back to England and his family convinced him that marrying her was a mistake? What if he still had doubts? Was that why he didn’t want to bed her?

She shivered at the thought but Barrett hugged her tighter, “Let’s get you inside.” He nuzzled her neck and Piper leaned in to his warmth. She pressed closer. She hoped she was wrong. Her hands trailed along his muscles and she breathed in his scent. She nuzzled her face into his shoulder and then her lips kissed up his neck.

She reached his earlobe and took it into her mouth. Then she suckled it. It tasted good. Everything about him was appealing. Her teeth lightly grazed the soft flesh and she felt him suck in his breath.

“Bloody hell, Piper,” he breathed.

“I don’t want you to forget me while you’re gone.” She sucked harder. She had offered to be his mistress. She wanted to be with him.

“My love, there is not a chance in hell.” His lips sought hers and they kissed again, Piper clinging to him. He kissed her a few more times and then slowly set her down.

“I don’t want to go in yet. I want to make sure you…” her voice trembled.

He kissed her to quiet her. “Piper, since I have met you, I have assigned my ship’s doctor to care for your mother. I attended more social engagements in the last two weeks than I did in the past two years, and I handed over a small fortune to you. Finally, I have asked you to marry me. There is very little chance I’m going to forget you.”

“Promise?” She laid her head on his chest.

“I promise.” He squeezed her and led her back inside.



Piper was still
troubled. She barely slept. Part of her wanted to believe he had asked her to marry him because he truly meant it. The other part was worried he had gotten caught up in the moment. That when he went back to London, he would realize he was meant to marry Lady Penelope.

The next morning, she woke early and headed down to breakfast. Her aunt and cousin were still sleeping so she sat alone.

The butler entered with a note. The hand writing scratched across the front was clearly that of Barrett’s.

She opened the letter to see he had requested a formal meeting to discuss terms of the engagement. Piper wasn’t even sure what that meant. Her fear increased. There were terms to the engagement? She would have to discuss it with her aunt when the other woman awoke.

She sighed to herself. She had the sinking feeling she was moving further from Barrett rather than closer to him. All she had wanted was to be by his side. Now there were terms and separations.

Sybil walked in beaming. “Is it possible we are both getting married?”

Piper smiled weakly and her cousin noticed immediately.

“What is wrong?” Sybil reached for her hand.

“Barrett has to return to England to tell his family. He says he won’t change his mind but I am afraid his family will convince him marrying me is a bad idea. Maybe it is…” Piper’s voice trailed off.

“Piper. He came to this decision because he loves you. Try not to worry.” Sybil’s voice was sympathetic.

“We’ve known each other such a short time and he will be gone for so long. How will he remember his feelings for me?” Piper rubbed her forehead with the tips of her fingers.

“It takes a lot of trust, doesn’t it?” Sybil shrugged.

“How are things with you and Ethan?” Piper wanted to change the subject.

“Wonderful, although we are working out a few hiccups too.” Sybil wrinkled her brow. “His business is here, my life and title are there. You would think falling in love would be easier.”

It was Piper’s turn too pat her cousin’s hand. “And where did the two of you disappear last night?” Piper whispered with a grin.

Sybil blushed, looking down in her lap. “Every time I look at him, I completely lose my senses.”

“I know the feeling.” Piper shook her head.

Both women quieted as their aunt walked into the room. She looked rather bleary eyed and remained silent as she took a seat at the other end of the table. Her head dropped into her hands. Even Piper had to hide a smile at the sight of her Aunt Lizzie.

She excused herself and headed back upstairs. Her mother was still asleep and so Piper decided to take the opportunity to read. She had correspondence to catch up on but she honestly didn’t know what to say. Should she write that she may or may not be getting married?

She sat on the bench at the window of her room and lost herself in the pages of a book. It seemed easier to live someone else’s problems. She didn’t know how long had passed, when she heard a ruckus in the hall.

She looked up from her book just in time to see Barrett come bursting through the door. As always he was larger than life and she felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of him.

“Is everything all right?” She stood wondering why he was there.

“You didn’t respond to my message.” His gaze was penetrating as he stood so strong and handsome in the doorway.

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