Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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Her mother interrupted, “Mrs. Baker. Please just call me Mrs. Baker.”

“Of course, and her daughter Miss Baker. If you could escort the lady to my quarters, I will give them over for the night.”

The captain nodded. Mr. Maddox turned to her mother. “Would you mind if I spoke with your daughter for a few minutes. I will make sure we are well chaperoned, and I will deliver her shortly.”

Her mother nodded but Piper gasped. “Mother, it just isn’t—”

“Hush dear. This man saved your life. No one from society will see you here.” Her mother turned with the captain and left.

Piper assessed the man in front of her and her nerves danced again. She had no idea what he wanted to speak with her about. Which was so unusual. She always knew what men wanted from her.

Instead of asking her anything, he signaled for the sails to unfurl. They billowed down, flowing towards the deck in the breeze. There was such grace in their descent. Piper watched them for a moment. Nothing was more exciting than a ship setting sail. Except, perhaps, the man she stood with now. She took a deep breath, trying to get ahold of herself. Dukes were off limits to poor American girls. It was ridiculous to even think.

Glancing over to Mr. Maddox, she realized his eyes watched her intently. A blush crept up her cheeks. His very glance filled her with heat. He finally broke the gaze and walked away. Disappearing momentarily, he quickly returned bringing a bottle of wine with two goblets.

Piper’s nerves fluttered again. “I don’t drink.”

“Tonight you do, after what you just went through”

The brown depths of his eyes drew her in. His lips were the softest thing about him. She felt the strangest urge to touch them. Everything else about him was rock hard. Piper closed her eyes as she thought about being tucked up against his side. Giving herself a little shake, she focused on the conversation. “Ladies my age do not generally partake.”

He chuckled, “Of course you are right. It has been a while since I have spent time with ladies your age.” He emphasized the word
and the word

Who did he usually spend his time with? Unsure of how to respond, she said the first thing that came to mind. “Besides, it dulls my senses too much. Men sometimes try to take advantage,” Piper clamped her mouth closed. She was saying too much again.

He laughed and the sound rolled over her. It was like grass waving gently in a field. It was a nice sound that soothed her nerves. She relaxed a little more.

“I promise I will not take advantage of you even if you have a little wine.”

“That’s what they all say.” She wrinkled her nose but took the glass he extended to her. Their fingers brushed and another jolt of excitement shot through her.

He laughed again. “I imagine they do. And you are smart not to believe them.”

“Even you?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Especially me.” He took a step closer. She had to agree. Judging by her reaction to him, he was dangerous.

Piper looked away, ignoring his proximity. “What did you wish to speak to me about, Your Grace?” She took a small sip of her wine, trying to change the path of the conversation.

“Mr. Maddox is fine. I only use the title in England.” She nodded as she looked out over the ocean and watched the dark water slip by the ship. It was easier than looking at him.

“It’s a beautiful boat.” She reached her hand out and let it trail over the brass of the rail. It was so smooth under the glove of her hand. She felt Mr. Maddox step closer again but kept her eyes on the water.

“This boat is very special to me.” He paused, studying her.

The silence, and the intensity of his gaze, filled Piper with discomfort. It was such an odd reaction but she ignored it and filled the space with more babble. “It’s an interesting name,
The Destiny
. May I ask what it means?”

“You may. This boat, my company, it feels like what I was destined to do.” She could feel him moving closer still. A shiver of excitement ran down her spine but she ignored it as she trained her eyes on the sea.

“It sounds nice to have found your place in the world.” It surprised her to know how much she meant that statement. It would be so comforting to know where she belonged. Between their financial situation and her mother feeling under the weather, Piper had the feeling of being adrift.

It was silent for a few moments and when he did speak, his voice was closer. “What is wrong with your mother?”

Piper’s breath caught. It was as if he was tapping into her thoughts. But she barely knew this man, to share her inner thoughts was out of the question. “Are you always so direct? It can’t make you terribly popular with the aristocracy.” She continued to look at the water.

He chuckled. “You know, it doesn’t. You, however, bear all the markings of a proper English miss. Your mother did a good job, with the exception of one thing, of course.”

She turned to look at him then. Indignation marked her brow and she gave him a scathing look until their eyes locked. Then she forgot her annoyance and her breath started coming in short gasps again. He was standing so close. His powerful body called to her softer one.

A piece of her auburn hair unhooked from her loose coif in the sea wind. Mr. Maddox caught it between his fingers and rubbed it, then tucked it behind her ear. It was terribly intimate, and Piper blushed at the gesture.

“Don’t you want to know what that one thing is?”

“What?” she had completely lost track of the conversation but then she remembered. It broke the spell and she turned away again. “No, I don’t.”

He laughed that beautiful laugh and Piper gritted her teeth. “You’re too feisty to be a true English lady. Most genteel women would have crumpled into a heap of blubbering tears after what you went through. Or perhaps fainted. And I have never met an English girl who has been so honest or looked so beautiful doing it.”

She shook her head. “Now I know you’re teasing me.”

His hand touched her arm and Piper stepped back then. “You promised.”

“I promised not to take advantage of you. I didn’t promise not to touch you at all.” His smile was wicked then.

“I expect you to act like a gentleman. I don’t let men…” He stepped towards her. She turned away and set down her wine glass attempting to put some distance between them.

“Ah, there is the English miss again. But you have avoided the question. What’s wrong with your mother?” He didn’t touch her but he was close enough for her to smell him. He smelled like horses and leather, mixed with the salt air. There was another scent too, something male and beautiful.

Her voice shook when she answered. “I don’t know. She won’t see a—”

“Why not?” His voice cut in.

Piper shook her head. She didn’t want to tell him they didn’t have the money. That her mother wanted to spend every dime putting Piper through one last season so Piper could find love and a husband. She had begged her mother to see a doctor but she had refused. Her stubborn mother was going to marry that ninny to care for her and spend the last of her money on Piper’s future.

She felt them again. The tears that had threatened earlier. One slipped down her cheek again and Mr. Maddox brushed it away.

“Please don’t,” her voice pleaded. She didn’t even know if she was asking him not to touch her or not to ask the questions. Another tear fell down her cheek.

“I’ll have my ship doctor examine her,” he said as he removed his hand.

“Thank you.” Her voice was choked with emotion.

“You weren’t that happy when I saved your life.” He wrinkled his brow.

It was her turn to laugh. “I didn’t know who you were and I was in shock, I think. He put his mouth on…” she slapped her hand over her lips. What was she doing?

“Where?” his voice growled. Now it was deep and threatening. His face moved even closer.

“I just have never let a man kiss me.” She closed her eyes not wanting to see his face.

“You still haven’t. Let a man kiss you.” His voice was so close. Its low rumble soothed her jangled nerves.

Her eyes opened again meeting his. “That is very true. Thank you for saving my life.”

His thumb, which had wiped the tear, now brushed across her lips. “You’re welcome. Someday a man will kiss you and you will forget all about tonight.”

Her breathing was labored again. His touch made her flutter all over. “I have been to Boston, New York, England, and even France. I haven’t met a man yet that would make me forget.”

“Now your English roots are really showing through. Fussy.”

“Americans say picky. Your English roots are showing through.” She straightened her shoulders again.

He shook his head but his eyes danced with merriment. “I should get you to your mother. We don’t want her to worry. I will send the doctor in momentarily.”

He placed her hand in the crook of his arm and Piper’s nerves danced again. She needed to get away from Barrett Maddox. He was wreaking havoc on her senses.



Piper glanced around
the room Barrett Maddox had placed her mother in. It was stunning. Mr. Maddox had left them to retrieve the doctor.

“He is direct, isn’t he?” Her mother moved to sit in a beautiful wing backed chair.

“Yes, he certainly is.” Piper sat next to her.

“And handsome. Strong too.” Her mother looked around the room.

“You forgot rich,” Piper added dryly.

“So I did.” Her mother’s eyes twinkled.

“And titled, Mother. You forgot titled.” Piper looked at her lap.

“He’s made his home in America,” her mother said softly.

“For now. He’ll marry from the aristocracy and settle with a proper English lady. Maybe we should introduce him to Sybil.” Her heart twisted a little at the words. Leave it to her to want the one man she couldn’t have. While she understood that, thinking of him with Sybil seemed especially painful. She had thought just last night she would do anything for her cousin.

“What did he want to talk about?” her mother deftly asked.

“You. He’s gone to fetch the doctor to see about that cough.” Piper looked intently at her mother.

“Posh. I don’t need a doctor. I need to see my daughter happy.” A knock sounded at the door.

Mr. Maddox came in followed by a round but affable looking man Piper could only assume was the doctor. “Pardon the interruption,” Barrett’s low voice filled the room. “You ladies were discussing something so earnestly. Are you concerned for your safety?”

“Oh, nothing like that. We were talking about how my daughter needs to marry.” Mrs. Baker smiled angelically at the men but Piper stood with a gasp.

“Mother, please.” Her hands balled at her sides. Why was she saying these things in front of Mr. Maddox?

The doctor looked at her with surprise. “Mrs. Baker, I cannot fathom why you would be worried.” His eyes travelled to Piper.

“Indeed,” Mr. Maddox added.

“My mother is deflecting. We should be talking about her health.” As if on cue, Mrs. Baker started coughing. Piper patted her mother’s back and the doctor stepped to the older woman’s other side.

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