Taming Damian (8 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wood

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Taming Damian
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“Alex? What’s wrong?” My chest tightened at the sight of her in tears.

“Damian, do you still love me?”

Her question took me by surprise. It was actually the last question I’d thought she’d ask, because it was the one question that was going through my head about her—did she still love me?

Our eyes met and I saw the emotion and love in her watery eyes. I pulled her face toward me and softly kissed her pink lips.

“I love you, Alex. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you more than I ever thought could be possible.”

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she took in my words. “Thank you, Damian. I needed to hear that.” She wrapped her arms around me and whispered, “I love you, Damian. I don’t ever want to leave you.” 

As she buried her face against my chest, I wondered if she could hear how fast my heart was beating when she’d said those words.
Can you hear how much I need you to love me, baby?

On our drive home, I started to question everything.
Can there really be an explanation for that text? Did Chris do something to Alex? And if Alex really is pregnant with Chris’s baby, can I handle that? What if the person she loves is me and not Chris? Am I able to look past that and be stay by her side?




“I love you, Alex. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you more than I ever thought could be possible.”

Damian’s words had been replaying in my mind since he’d said them yesterday. They had instantly comforted me and put a smile on my face. It had been the last thing that echoed in my mind when I fell asleep in his arms last night, and as I stirred awake this morning, his words repeated in my thoughts even before my eyes fluttered opened.

Maybe things won’t be so bad after all

I opened my eyes slowly and yawned. It was pitch black.

That’s weird.

It took me a moment to realize that something was blocking my eyes.


I heard movement next to me on the bed and felt the duvet and bed sheet being pulled off my body.

“Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?”

“I was sleeping just fine, but now I’m wide awake and cold,” I whined.

He snickered. “I can fix the cold part.” I heard a hint of amusement in his voice and knew he was up to something.

“Did you blindfold me?” I reached for my face.

“Don’t take it off.” He grabbed my wrists and I heard him chuckle. “Can you see anything?”

“No, I can’t see a single thing.” I tried to sound upset, but my voice betrayed me. There was something about the blackness that turned me on. I felt all my other senses come alive at his touch—his rough, strong hands, the subtle musk of his aftershave, the heat of his body against mine. Then I felt his grip against my hands tighten and I knew there was no use struggling against his strong hold.

“Perfect.” His deep voice drew out the word slowly and seductively, and I felt my body instantly respond as moisture collected between my legs.

“Why did you blindfold me while I was asleep?”

“I thought we could spice things up a bit?” I felt him tie my hands together and secure them against the bedpost above my head.

I giggled as I felt his hands slowly move down my side. “What exactly do you call having sex on the hood of your car? Bland?”

I heard him chuckle and imagined him licking his lips in amusement. I could feel his piercing blue eyes slowly roaming down my naked body, and my chest heaved up and down as I waited in anticipation for what he had planned for me.

“Baby, yesterday on the car was anything
bland,” he groaned as his hands moved up the inside of my legs toward my thighs. I writhed under his touch as they pressed firmly into my skin and his fingers purposefully slid up toward my wetness, zoning in on their target.

I moaned when his hands were inches away from my entrance.

“Every time I think about your pussy in my mouth as you vibrated against the hood of my car, my dick gets so hard that it’s painful.”

I let out a surprised yelp as he spread my legs apart, letting the cool air in the room reach my wet opening. “Oh God!”

“After I’m done with you, baby, you’ll think I’m God.” His deep, hoarse voice sent a shiver down my body.

“You’re such a fucking tease!”

He snickered. “Baby, we’re just getting started.” I felt his body shift beside me as his hands moved down my inner thighs toward my bent knees. I felt the heat of his body above me as his hands spread my bent legs farther apart. “Now that’s what I call a beautiful butterfly spreading her wings.”

A moan escaped my lips and I arched my back in anticipation when I felt the heat of his breath slowly moving down my inner thigh toward my opening. The stubble on his face gently tickled against my sensitive flesh, causing a need to grow in the pit of my stomach.

“I love to hear you moan for me, Alex,” he groaned. “You have no idea how crazy that makes me.” I felt him shift his weight as the heat of his body grew hotter above me. “Tell me you want to know how crazy you’re making me?”

“I want to know how crazy I’m making you,” I panted.

“Open your mouth,” he commanded.

I obeyed, and the moment I parted my lips, his hard, silky erection entered my mouth.

“Fuck, baby, I love those lips,” he groaned.

I moaned in desire as my tongue circled his shaft and he moved in and out of me. I struggled with my secured hands above my head, wanting to grab his ass checks and take him in deeper inside my mouth.

“Alex, I’m going to fucking come in you if I don’t pull out now!”

No, you’re not.
As I sucked harder, I raised my head up and took the entire length of his shaft down my throat. He grunted in surprise, and I knew he wouldn’t be able to pull out now. After a few deep thrusts, his body tensed around me as he drove into my mouth one last time. I felt his orgasm shoot inside me and smiled in satisfaction.

“Fuck, baby! That was incredible,” he managed to say through his unsteady breathing. “Just incredible.”

“It was,” I beamed as I licked my lips. 

“Now it’s my turn. Let me show you how incredible you are.” I could hear the hunger in his voice, and I throbbed below in anticipation. “Are you ready for me, baby?” I felt his hot breath against my opening, and it sent shivers down my back.

“Yes!” I gasped for air.

My toes curled against the sheets as his thumb suddenly began to circle my clitoris while his tongue lapped up my wetness.

Then I heard a familiar sound and felt something cool and light around the opening of my pussy. “Hey, that tickles,” I giggled uncontrollably. “What is that?”

“Something sweet to go with your honey,” he growled.

It was whipped cream from a canister.

I didn’t have a chance to respond because his tongue was already expertly licking and sucking me again, and all I could think about was the pleasure that overtook every thought and fiber in my body, leaving me breathless and desperate for more. I suddenly screamed as I felt his tongue enter me, sending me to the point of no return.

“Damian, I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” I cried. My hands tightened their grip on the bed sheets as a current of earth-shattering pleasure rippled through my body.

But instead of stopping and teasing me further, his tongue moved rapidly against my clitoris as his two of fingers entered me. A sharp gasp escaped my lips when his fingers curled into a hook as they continued moving in and out of me, hitting my g-spot with each thrust. Within seconds, my body began to spasm out of control and I cried out as an intense current of pleasure crashed through me, taking me over the edge of ecstasy.

At some point in time after the tingles that blanketed my body had begun to subside—perhaps it was seconds, minutes, or even hours later—I felt him untie my wrists and remove my blindfold from my eyes. I blinked as the bright morning sunlight coming in from the bay window temporarily blinded me. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw him gazing down at me with his warm blue eyes. I sighed at how much those eyes could cause me to feel the way I did. His hand brushed a few loose strands of hair from my face as he smiled down at me.

“I love you, Alex.” His voice was smooth and rich like dark chocolate, and I felt my insides melt at his declaration.

“You sure have a way of showing it.” I giggled as I pulled him down for a kiss.

“Are you complaining?” he teased.

“Not at all. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He shifted his body and lay next to me, his fingers playing with my hair. “Good, because I have a lot more
to show you.” He gave me a sinful smile full of promises that left my body craving for more.

“I love you too, Damian.” I wrapped my arm around his chest and rested my cheek against the contours of his chest. I heard the fast beating of his heart thump gently against my ear and felt my body mold perfectly against his.

As I slowly drifted off to sleep, there was a nagging voice in the back of my mind that I couldn’t seem to shake.
Even if he makes a good boyfriend, is that enough for you and the baby? If this is the only way he knows how to show you he loves you, is he mature enough to be there for you, to be there for this baby? Would he even want you to keep this baby once he found out? And even if he did, would he be willing to be a father to this child despite the truth?


“It’s really good to see you, Alex.” Chris smiled at me from across the table. His eyes twinkled in that same sincere way I had become so familiar with during our four years together, and it wasn’t until now that I realized how much I’d missed that comforting smile and gaze that reminded me so much of my old home.

“I know. I’m so glad you’re in town.”

“Me too. So how are you?”

I sighed. “To be honest, I’ve really been a total mess lately. So I’m glad I can sit down and talk to someone who knows about this.”

He furrowed his brows and frowned. “You haven’t told him yet, have you?”

“No.” I lowered my head and stared at my food.

“How are you feeling about everything?”

I shrugged as I thought about his question. “It’s been over a week since I found out and I’m still in a bit of a shock. One moment, I’m totally fine and am thinking about things positively, but then the next moment, I’m breaking down in tears and can’t seem to believe it’s true.” I sucked in a deep audible breath as I held back the tears.

“Oh, Alex. Look at me.” He leaned across the table toward me and held my gaze. I saw the sincerity and compassion in his eyes and felt a new wave of emotion wash over me. “Believe me when I say this. You
get through this. You are one of the strongest people I know. Plus, you have me.”

I looked at him and gave a half smile. “Thanks.”

We ate in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.

“So…” He shifted in his seat as he looked down at his food.


“So are you sure you’ve made up your mind about what you’re planning on doing?” He finally looked up at me, his eyes full of worry.

“Yes!” I exclaimed with more confidence than I felt. “I’m definitely keeping the baby.” I looked down toward my hands as they automatically circled my stomach.

“Are you sure?” There was fear in his voice as his gaze moved to my hands.

“Didn’t I just say yes?” I was starting to feel annoyed by his obvious disapproval.

“Even though…” His voice trailed off, unable to finish the rest of his words.

“Yes. You don’t have to worry… I’ll be okay.”

There was an awkward pause between us, and for a moment, I wondered if seeing Chris again was a good idea.

“Have you been eating well?” he asked, trying to change the subject.

I shook my head and looked down at my picked-over food. “Not really.” 

“Alex, I’m worried about you. If you want to keep this baby, you need to take better care of yourself.”

“I know that in my head, but…but my body won’t keep any food down.”

“Morning sickness?”

“No, that hasn’t been too bad yet. No, I’m sick to my stomach with worry.”

He reached for my hands from across the table and squeezed them. “I’m here for you. Just tell me what you need. It can be anything and I’ll do it.”

I looked at his hands on mine and tears started to fall down my face. I looked up at him. “Can you tell Damian?”

Chris looked at me sympathetically. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

I pulled my hands from under his grasp and dropped them to my side. “You’re right. I know.” I felt my body slump deeper into my seat.

“When are you planning on telling him?”

The thought of Damian caused panic to spread through me, leaving me gasping for air. “I don’t know… I know I have to soon. I thought maybe after this weekend. I still need some time to get mentally ready.”

“Okay.” He sounded unconvinced.

I buried my face in my hands and began to sob quietly. “Chris, what do you think I should do?” I sounded as desperate as I felt as I looked up at Chris, irrationally hoping he had an idea that I was blind to.

“Tell him—”

I opened my mouth to protest, but he stopped me.

rather than later. He’s going to find out eventually, so why not tell him now? That way he’ll have time to digest what this all means.”

“I’m not ready yet,” I shot back stubbornly as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

“Alex, Damian deserves to know. If you’re keeping this baby, then he’s going to be a father soon. He
to know that.”

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