Taming Megan (3 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight

BOOK: Taming Megan
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“Relax,” he said, his hand at the back of her neck, massaging for a moment, then moving down over her back, pressing at her low back so her hips were lifted higher. He gripped her waist and held her to him with one hand while with the other, he rubbed circles over her bottom. “Where do your hands and feet need to stay while we do this?” he asked.

“On the floor, sir.”

“Good girl. Ready?”

“No,” she mumbled.

He chuckled just before the first smack landed.

“Ow!” Megan immediately reached back to cover her bottom, one leg kicking instinctively as she wriggled to free herself.

“Meg, hands and feet,” he said, grabbing the wrist of her errant arm and holding it tight to her low back. “Where do they stay?” he asked, his tone just a hair more stern.

“I’m sorry. It just surprised me I guess.”

“Where?” he repeated.

“On the floor, sir.”

He let her go and she wiped her hair from her face, bracing herself.

He gripped her waist just a little tighter as he began again, this time working faster to cover both cheeks equally and without pause in between. Megan tried to keep her hands and feet on the floor, even managing to catch herself more than once when she involuntarily reached back to cover herself. He didn’t pause with the spanking as he reminded her again of where her feet and hands were to remain.

“I’m sorry. Ow! Can you just. Ouch. Slow down. Jake, it hurts!”

“It’s a punishment, Meg. Not foreplay.” As he said it, he shifted his position and swung one leg over hers, trapping hers between his. “Give me your hands,” he said.

“No,” she said, looking back at him over her shoulder. “I’ll keep them here. I promise.”

“Hands.” He waited.

She shook her head but even as she did, she reached her hands back so he gripped her wrists at her low back, still managing to keep her tight to him as her torso hung over his legs, her heavy hair draped on the floor.

“Ok, let’s get started.”

“Started?” she began, but she never had a chance to finish her sentence because the rain of blows he dealt her next were harder than any he’d given her to this point. Megan struggled against him even as some part of her knew she should remain still, knew she should take her punishment. The spanking was loud, louder than she would have guessed it would be, and she had lost count after the first sixty she managed to keep track of.

Jake carried on, holding her to him all the while as if he didn’t even notice her struggles.

“Please, Jake,” she found herself begging. “Sir, I mean sir. Please.” Her bottom was on fire and it didn’t seem as though he had any intention of stopping. Didn’t his hand hurt? “Please! It’s enough, I’m sorry. Please.”

“Almost there.”


He didn’t even bother to answer her as the next ten landed across the tops of her thighs. She turned to look over her shoulder, wondering if he had switched from using his hand to using that paddle. The sting of each spank was excruciating but he was still only using his hand. She mentally counted the last five, breathing a sigh of relief when he finally stopped, his hand coming to rest on one thigh, pushing her legs apart as he loosened the grip of his legs over hers. Megan realized her face was wet; she hadn’t even been aware she’d been crying.

Jake ran his fingertips over her bottom, spreading her cheeks apart just a little.

Up until that moment, she’d been feeling chastised, punished for her behavior. But that act, that tiny moment, although he didn’t even touch her sex, changed everything. She glanced behind her, meeting his eyes, holding them.


* * *


Her look was one of pure sensuality with just a hint of challenge. He wondered if she was aware of the latter at all. She could seduce him utterly and this lesson would be lost.

Keeping his expression stern, Jake pulled his hand away. “Eyes forward, Megan,” he said.

She blinked twice, pausing for a moment, then lowered her lashes and did as he said.

He had to check himself. His cock had been hard ever since he had stood her in the corner, but spanking her, having her naked and over his lap, having her accept her punishment and even having her struggle and needing to hold her down to finally take her spanking, it made him harder than he could ever remember being. He needed release desperately, but the look on Megan’s face was enough to remind him of what he was doing, why his wife was sprawled over his lap having her bare bottom spanked.

In that one moment, the exchange of power between them had hung in the air.

Megan’s beauty was her power. As innocent as she was, as honest as she was, she was a beautiful woman and beauty was, in and of itself, power. She was aware of it, wasn’t quite comfortable or sure of how to use it, but it was there and experience had taught her how the slightest shift in the set of her mouth, how one sideways glance, could bring a man to his knees at her feet.

But Jake had no intention of allowing that to happen.

He needed to make a point. If he wanted this sort of relationship, tonight would be important. If it ended in sex now, whether it was her seduction of him or his own need, there would be no lesson. It would not be remembered as discipline even though the spanking itself had caused her pain.

“Ten more, these with the paddle. Count them out.”

“Jake…” she began, but caught herself. “Sir…” her gaze went to the paddle in his hand, then to his face and back. “I’m not sure about those.”

“You don’t need to be sure. Do you get to decide your punishment or do I?”

She took a deep breath and let it out. “You do.”

“Face forward please.”

Her expression was one of worry but she did as he said. Jake lifted the paddle and brought it down at not even half the force he could have used. It was her first time with it and although he wanted her to have a healthy respect for the little thing, he didn’t want her to be deathly afraid of it.

Megan called out when the wood made impact with her already red bottom. She clenched tight and wriggled about for a moment before calling out the count. “One, sir.”

Jake struck her other cheek, watching the red of her bottom deepen. She counted and he brought the paddle down two more times in quick succession so she had to catch up to keep the count. The next six came fast on alternating cheeks and Megan whimpered with each blow, but still managed to count. Only once she had called out ten did she soften her body, bending her knees and no longer trying to pull her wrists free. He let them go and she immediately wiped her face. Jake listened to her soft cries but held her in place, running his hands lightly over her swollen, tender bottom. It took all he had not to delve between her cheeks and he slowly lifted her so he held on her on his lap, hugging her to him.

She buried her face in his chest, the wet smear of tears penetrating the fine material of his shirt. She took a ragged breath and he imagined those were the last of her tears. “I’m sorry,” she said, looking up at him. “I didn’t mean to drink so much, it just happened and Josie kept ordering…”

Josie again. Jake held his tongue though. She’d have to figure this out on her own if she wasn’t yet ready to hear him on this particular matter. Besides, she needed to take responsibility.

“You could have said no, Megan. No one forced you to drink so much.”

He felt her nodding her head and after a moment, she looked up at him. “I know. You’re right.”

“You feel better?”

She nodded. “Not my butt but yeah, I guess.”


“I don’t like that paddle, Jake,” she said, giving the thing a dirty look.

He smiled. “It did its job. Let’s get you upstairs and cleaned up. I’m starving for some lasagna.”

“I also picked up a bottle of your favorite wine,” she said, a smile on her face as he stood, keeping her in his arms.

“You were going to try to seduce me to get out of your spanking, weren’t you?”

She shrugged. “Can you blame me for trying?”

He laughed and held her close as they went upstairs.

Chapter Three



“Do I need to pick up anything else for the party this weekend?” Jake asked on Wednesday morning while Megan scrambled his eggs for breakfast.

Jake was bidding on a project to build the new shopping center in town. He had invited the board members and their spouses to a dinner party this Saturday night. He was close to closing the deal that would put his small architectural company on the map.

Megan was perhaps more nervous than Jake though. She always felt a little intimidated in these kinds of situations but tried not to let on. Jake didn’t need to worry about her with all he had going on already.

Megan had insisted on cooking the meal for their guests and had been busy with it since the past weekend. This was one thing she could do well. She had done this sort of thing before but this weekend, the stakes were high and she didn’t want to mess anything up. She mentally checked off her to-do list.

“I think we’re ok. I ordered the case of wine you wanted and that should be in by Friday. I’ve got some more cooking to do but Anna will come over to help with that later today.”

“Ok. I’m sorry I’m not around to help more this week. You’re sure you don’t want me to hire someone to help you?”

“No. I know Anna, I trust her and it will be easier for me to just have her here helping.”

“Well, don’t stress, Meg, everything you’ve made so far has been great.”

“Thanks,” she said, walking Jake out to his car and hurrying back inside to work.

The phone rang as soon as Megan was inside. “Hey Meg, how are preparations coming along?”

It was Anna. Megan poured a cup of coffee and sat down. “Ok, I think. Most everything only has to be reheated. I’m working on finger foods today. The main course is ready and at this point, there’s not much I can do before Saturday. How about you, is it busy at the shop?”

“Had our early morning rush but now it’s quieting down. I’ll be baking for a while and then I’ll head over your way to help you out.”

Anna was a godsend. Megan had met her when she had first started at the bakery. Anna had been there for six years before her. She was older, in her mid-forties and had a teenage daughter. She was a single mom; her husband had passed away in a car accident long before Megan had met her. She was like a big sister to Megan, had been from the start. When the bakery got into some financial trouble and almost closed, Jake helped Megan take out a loan and Megan bought it from the original owners. It was more out of love for the place than for profit; they just barely made ends meet these days. Jake had always offered to help but Megan was determined to do this on her own.

“I really appreciate you helping, Anna. I’m kind of nervous.”

“You’ll be fine. No, you’ll be great. You’re a great cook, what do you have to be nervous about?”

“It’s not the cooking,” she said, sipping her coffee. “I’m nervous about the company. I don’t want to screw this up for Jake.”

“How would you screw it up?”

“You know I’m not that good in groups. Besides, these people are at Jake’s level, not mine.”

“Stop right there,” Anna said. “There is no Jake’s level or your level and you know the first person who’d correct you on that—Jake. When are you going to get that through your thick head?”

Megan smiled. “You’re a good friend, Anna.”

“Now get your ass up and get cooking. I’ll see you in a few hours. Call me if I need to pick anything up on my way.”

“I will. Thanks Anna.”

They hung up the phone and Megan got to work.


* * *


Jake felt like he went from one meeting to another. The last few weeks had been stressful but the deal he was working on was big. He wanted to do the design for a new shopping mall going up in a part of town that was being rebuilt. It was down to him and one other firm, a much bigger, better known firm. The planners would make their decision by the end of the month. He had a shot though and he enjoyed the competition. This weekend’s party would be the icing on the cake. Megan would charm the last few board members who were undecided. He knew she was nervous about the party and her wanting to cater it herself was as much out of her passion for cooking and baking as it was a crutch, the kitchen being someplace she could go to in order to hide.

His cell phone rang and seeing it was Megan, he picked it up. “Hey honey, what’s up?”

“Hi Jake. I’m sorry to bother you at work but do you think you can run by the bakery on your way home and pick up some supplies I need? Anna’s getting them ready for you. I’d go myself but I’ve got too much going on here to leave the house.”

“Sure. I’ve just got one more quick meeting and I’ll give you a hand when I’m home. See you in less than an hour and remember, I’m taking you shopping for a dress tonight.”

“And new shoes?” she asked.

He could almost hear her smile. “And new shoes,” he said. “Now get your butt back to work.”

“Yes, sir!” she giggled.

Jake hung up the phone as his secretary called to let him know his last appointment had just cancelled. That would be Sean Connelly. Damn. Sean was one of the tough ones and Jake had known he would be. He stood and packed a few things into his briefcase. There wasn’t anything he could do about it now. He would talk to him at the party, figure out what was holding him back.

The bakery was in the center of town. It wasn’t quite five o’clock when Jake pulled into the parking lot and walked in the front door of the little shop.

“Damn, it always smells so good in here,” he said to Angie, the young girl who worked the counter.

“Hi Mr. Roark,” she said, smiling. “How are you doing?”

Jake picked up a cupcake from the display on the counter and peeled back the paper. “I’m good, Angie,” he said, taking a big bite of the iced red velvet cupcake. “How are you?” he asked around the mouthful, wiping at some frosting on the corner of his mouth.

Angie giggled. She was sixteen and worked at the bakery a few hours after school. And she had a crush on him. Jake raised his eyebrows and winked. “What? Am I a mess?” he asked.

“Well, you’ve got some frosting on your nose, Mr. Roark.”

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