Taming Megan (6 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight

BOOK: Taming Megan
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“There, almost in,” he said, playing with her, pushing in and drawing it out as her body relaxed and she softened for him.

“I’m…” she began, but before she could finish her sentence, her hips bucked as she came and he held her clit tight, pushing the plug the rest of the way in, seating it inside her bottom. She made some sound, bending her knees, pressing her thighs together, squeezing out the last of her orgasm. When the wave had passed, she began to straighten, reaching back to touch the base of the plug.

“Did I tell you to rise?” Jake asked, picking up the crop.

She glanced back and resumed her position. “No, sir.”

“I’m going to give you twenty with the crop, just to warm you up. Hold your position until you’re told to straighten, is that clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

Jake lined the crop up against the center of her bottom, tapping it once, twice. He then drew back and struck. She gasped as leather connected with soft flesh.

“You wouldn’t be so tender if you hadn’t come, Meg,” he said, his voice stern even though he didn’t mean this as punishment. He brought the crop down again twice in quick succession. “When we play, you’ll have to wait for permission to come or you’ll be punished, is that clear?” Three strokes of the crop accentuated his words.

“Ow, ow! Yes. Ok. I couldn’t help it. Ow!”

“Straighten your legs and bring them together. The last ones will be across your thighs.”

She groaned but did as he said. The fact that she held her position as he struck excited him. Her small sounds excited him. And the marks the crop left behind most definitely excited him.

“It’s over,” he said, setting the crop on his desk. “Remain as you are.” He walked out of the study and to the kitchen where he washed his hands. He then checked the time and took a bottle of beer from the fridge before returning to the study to find her exactly as he had left her. He smiled and went behind her to check the marks of the crop. He imagined she’d be warm from the strokes but she wouldn’t have any more pain or if she did, it would be quickly fading. He would take the cane to her ass one day soon, but not yet. Not tonight. Tonight, he had other plans.

Without a word, he helped her to rise to her feet and walked her over to the sofa.

“On your knees here,” he said. “Keep your panties at mid-thigh.”

She glanced at him for a moment but did as he said, sliding down to her knees and adjusting her panties. He smiled down at her, picked up his notebook from the desk and took his seat on the sofa with her at his feet. “Knees wider, Megan. Good girl.” Keeping one hand on the top of her head, he began to review his notes.

Or at least he pretended to.


* * *


Megan’s bottom hurt. Well, it wasn’t so much that it hurt badly anymore as the fact that she was very aware of it. The crop had left a warmth behind which she didn’t altogether mind now that it was over. She imagined, however, if he used it for punishment, she would be singing a different tune.

Her bottom had adjusted to the plug more quickly than she had expected it to. She was a virgin there, but tonight, Jake’s treatment of her, Jake’s very intimate exploration of that part of her had her thinking of what was to come. She wondered how long he would make her wear the thing before he played with her again. He wouldn’t fuck her there tonight, at least that was what she had understood. She only wished she could bring her knees together for a minute, relieve her swollen clit. Her orgasm had provided release but now, sitting here like this at his feet, her panties not altogether off but simply taken down, she felt more exposed than ever. More submissive. No, that was not the right way to say it. It was more the fact that she felt his dominance over her. And she wasn’t fighting it. She wanted it.

Was that strange? Should she be outraged at his treatment of her? Should she be appalled at herself? Well, she wasn’t. This just felt natural and it was like he had said the other day, that it was still them. She glanced up at Jake. He just kept reading at first but after a moment, he turned to her. He didn’t smile or speak. Instead, he kept petting her hair until she dropped her gaze back down to a spot between her knees.

Finally, he spoke, giving her instruction. “On your hands and knees here, Megan. Ass to me.”

Her pussy throbbed at his command as he widened his knees and put his notebook away. He had seen every part of her but for some reason, the posture she would now assume still embarrassed her as much as she wanted it. She crawled the few paces until she reached the spot where he wanted her and she waited.

“Down on your elbows, ass up, face down,” he said, tapping her hip twice. “When I say all fours from now on, I mean ass up face down, understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

She moved down to her elbows, her pussy juices slick along her thighs. She heard him unzip his pants as he settled between her widespread knees. His hands came to rest on either butt cheek and he spread her open. She felt his touch on the base of the plug as he twisted it inside her while his cock penetrated her pussy. Megan moaned, lifting her hips higher, clawing at the carpet.

“Are you allowed to come without permission, Meg?” Jake asked, reminding her with a slap against her hip.

“No, sir,” she managed, the ‘sir’ coming out funny as he drove his cock hard into her pussy. Her heartbeat shot up and she gave herself over just to sensation as he pulled the plug nearly all the way out then pushed it in again before doing the same with his cock. He did this several times.

“I think,” he said, his movements a rhythm she could follow now. “I think I’d like you to put the plug in yourself tomorrow. What do you think, Meg, think you can do that for me? Put it in when you get home from work?”

She could barely form the word
as he slowly moved inside her.

“Without once touching your clit?”

At that she groaned and he chuckled.

“You want to come baby?” he asked, beginning to fuck her harder.

“Yes. Yes please!” she begged, her voice a pant.

He reached a hand around and two fingers circled her clit, the pad of his thumb rough against her swollen, wet nub.

“Oh!” she gasped. He released her as soon as she did.

“I’m afraid you won’t be allowed to now, Meg,” he managed, slowing down just a little. “You already came tonight.”

“No!” she whined, meeting his thrusts. “Please, Jake.”

He gripped both her hips hard then, his thumbs spreading her cheeks wide as he pounded into her pussy. She felt full with both holes used and wanted nothing else at the moment than something pressing against her clit.

“Please,” she begged once again but he ignored her. Instead, she felt the throbbing of his cock as he swelled inside her until he finally released into an orgasm that drew a cry from his lips and an angry groan from hers.

Chapter Five



Sleep had eluded her most of the night. She glanced at Jake when her alarm went off at a little after 5AM. Well, it was more like a glare than a glance. She turned on the lamp to its brightest setting.

All night long, she had been on the edge of orgasm. All night long, she would wake up just as her fingers came in contact with her clit. He had told her she was not allowed to come. It wasn’t like he would know, surely. He wouldn’t, not unless she told him. Or was very loud about it which she could manage to avoid. But she didn’t want to.

Jake inhaled a deep breath, smiled and turned over in his sleep. She would be smiling too if she had had a night like he had. He mumbled something, saying her name, and she softened. She turned the light back off, slipped out of the bed and went into the bathroom to shower.

Megan was a morning person and didn’t mind the early days as soon as she was in the shower. It was just the initial getting out of bed she had a hard time with. She stripped off the t-shirt she’d slept in, one of his, and turned to look at her backside, disappointed that there was no evidence of the night before. For some reason, she thought the crop would have left some mark, but nothing. She picked up her toothbrush and switched on the shower, brushing her teeth as the warm stream slowly woke her.

By 5:45AM, she was unlocking the door to the bakery just as Anna’s car pulled into the parking lot.

“Good morning,” Anna called out.

“Morning Anna,” Megan said. She opened the door and the two went inside, Anna directly to turn on the coffee machine and Megan to the front counter. “How are you doing? How were Melissa’s tests?” Melissa was Anna’s daughter. She was a sweet girl but at sixteen, a handful for Anna. Funny enough, at least for Megan, Melissa had formed some sort of bond with Megan. She trusted her and talked to her about things Megan had never talked to anyone about growing up herself.

“Well,” Anna began, laying out the butter and flour, “history was a C, English lit a C+ but she failed her math exam.”

“Oh, shoot. Hey, a C+ in English lit and a C in history. You should be proud of those?”

Anna looked at her, her expression one of fatigue. “I am Meg, hell, I’m proud of Melissa. But if she would just get her head out of her ass for five minutes, she would ace these subjects. She’s a smart girl but I just don’t know how to get through to her.”

“Hey, why don’t I come over later today and chat with her?” Megan offered, mentally going through the list of things she still needed to do for the party.

“I appreciate that Meg, but you’ve got your hands full with that party coming up. How’s that going? Are you ready for it?”

Megan began to measure out the flour for devil’s food cupcakes. “I’ve got a few things I need to do still but so much of it has to be done at the last minute. You know how that goes.”

“Sure do. Want me to come over to help tonight?”

“No, that’s ok,” Megan said, her mind wandering to the conversation she had with Jake last night, about what he wanted her to do when she got home. A flush of heat flooded her sex at the thought. “Warm in here, huh?” she said, swallowing, wondering how she was going to make it through the day with this in the back of her mind. Wondering if he was going to give her release tonight.

They carried on talking about the dress and their shopping trip of the night before. By the time the shop opened for their morning customers, the shelves were stacked and the two deliveries they needed to make ready to be loaded into Megan’s car. They had had to let the boy who did the deliveries go to cut corners and although it took time out of their day, Megan and Anna split the chore.

At a little after two, Megan took off her apron and washed her hands. “All right, Anna, I’m going to get going and make those deliveries before I go home. You need anything before I go?”

“Angie will be here in two hours and I think I’ll be fine. Maybe we can hire Dave back soon to do those deliveries for us. He said he’d work for less money.”

Megan shook her head. “I’d feel bad paying him any less than we already were and we can’t afford to pay more. Better for him to find a job that can pay him what he deserves.” Megan came to put her hands on Anna’s shoulders. Anna was worried about the financial situation but Megan wasn’t ready to ask Jake for money yet. She would try once more for another loan but she didn’t want to rely on Jake for this. This was her business, her baby. She had to do this one thing on her own. She knew they weren’t in a great position but they would get through it.

The two of them loaded the deliveries into the back of Megan’s VW Golf.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night?” Megan asked as she climbed into the driver’s seat.

“I’ll be there at 5:00PM sharp.”

“Thanks Anna, I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome dear. And don’t worry, it will be great.”


* * *


An hour later, Megan had delivered the cupcakes and picked up the case of wine for the party. She parked the car in the garage and walked into the house, going upstairs to have a shower first. She smelled of cupcakes and coffee after working at the bakery and it was nice to start fresh, even if she did have more cooking to do.

First thing she saw when she walked into the bathroom though was a note from Jake. Well, more like instructions. She picked up the tube of lubricant and the butt plug he’d left for her, this one just a little larger than the one she had worn last night. Upon seeing it, her belly did a little flip and her clit throbbed. She stood with her thighs pressed together and read the note.



Put the plug in after your shower. I’ll take it out when I get home. Remember, you’re not allowed to touch yourself. If you do, you’ll be punished and I’ll know you need to be punished because you’ll be waiting for me with your nose in the corner and your panties down around your knees.

See you at 6:00.

Love you,



Megan made a face and set the note back on the counter. She turned the water to the coldest setting she could stand, but it didn’t do any good. When she climbed back out and dried herself off, she was still as horny as she had been all day and all night. She took a deep breath and stood before the mirror naked, picking up the tube of lubricant.

It’s not like he’ll know.

She squeezed a dollop of the stuff onto her fingers, eyed the plug and squeezed out some more. She looked at it in her hand, then at the plug. How was she supposed to do this? She picked up the plug and smeared some of the stuff over it. She then squeezed out the rest of the lubricant onto her fingers and threw the tube away. Maybe it was overkill but she wasn’t taking any chances on it hurting. She went into the bedroom and climbed up onto the bed on her knees, glancing at the reflection of herself in the full-length mirror on their closet door. She leaned forward and rested on one elbow as she reached back to rub the lubricant on her bottom hole. She had never touched herself there before and she was tentative to start but as she watched herself in the mirror she grew more and more aroused. Even imagining herself standing with her nose to the wall in the corner, her panties pulled down to make her feel that much more exposed, that much more chastised, made her wet. She swallowed, pressing one finger inside herself but she pulled back instantly, taking up the plug and bringing it to her ready hole. She lay almost flat, lifting her hips just so and brought her other hand to her clit, deciding in the moment with the plug pressed against her back hole that she didn’t care about punishment. He could spank her if he wanted to, but she needed release.

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