Taming the Raven's Son (Galactic Lust) (6 page)

BOOK: Taming the Raven's Son (Galactic Lust)
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Within a few weeks, a mining crew would arrive and Ryker’s
usefulness would cease. As much as he loved torturing him, he loved money more.
He would have avenged his brother. With the start of mining, riches would flow.
And money was why he’d left the Governance. Three squares a day, a pittance to
risk your life and the
of service wasn’t worth spit

* * * * *

Sage feigned sleep when Jacob placed her on the bed. The
pain from the previous day had become a distant nightmare thanks to the last
half hour in the med unit.

Her thoughts remained filled with what would happen. In her
heart, she knew she’d tolerate almost anything if she retained hope of escape.
She hadn’t given up on a possible rescue, but the likelihood of someone at the
company being behind her kidnapping came to mind more and more.

Her stomach hurt. Her head ached. Her muscles screamed for
another few minutes inside the med unit. How had this happened? From her birth,
she’d done the right thing, followed the path set for her and excelled in the
world of business. Which one of her colleagues could hate her enough to do
something like this? Her luck wasn’t bad enough to be on one of the few
starships to be hijacked. No, someone had arranged this.

“Cutthroats,” she whispered. “Backstabbers.”

Funny, she’d never viewed any of them in such a light. She’d
been taught early on not to trust anyone. Even her parents, who currently
resided in the lap of luxury, maintained an ulterior motive when grooming her
for success. They’d benefitted from the spoils of her labor.

“Raise your head,” Jacob said, having returned to the bed.

She did, engrossed in the horror of what she’d face in a few
days. It wasn’t until he placed a thick cloth over her eyes that she paid
attention. She reached for the blindfold.

“We’ve got a large distance to cover in a short period of
time, Sage.” He caught her wrists and placed her hands against her belly.
“You’ve too many things on your mind to concentrate on our journey. I’ll help

“By blindfolding me?”

“Yes,” he replied, tying the knot at the back of her head.

“I don’t—”

“Your opinion wasn’t requested.”

The fear she’d experienced earlier burned away with
something better, easier to tolerate. Anger heated her insides.

“And to help you remember that,” he said, placing a cloth
over her lips, “you’ll be gagged as well. Open your mouth.”

Did she have a choice? When she parted her lips to question
him, he slipped the thick material between her teeth. He lifted her head and
secured it. She bit down on the gag, trying to fight the urge to swing her

“Good,” he said, “you’re focused on me now, not what
troubled you a moment ago.”

You’re damned right I’m focused on you.

“This is our second intimacy, Sage.” He stroked her arm and
she flinched. “After feeding a newly acquired meek, a Master should examine her
to fully appreciate every aspect of her body.”

Her stomach dropped and she suddenly needed to go to the
relief area.

“I’ll be gentle and thorough.”

“Mmm, mmmm!”

“You’ll relax and allow my exploration or I’ll tie you down.

She trembled as her skin practically shriveled. The last
examination she’d endured had involved a meditech android and a room devoid of
people. It wasn’t that she was shy. She couldn’t care less who saw her naked.
The whole “examining” thing was what rattled her.

He stroked her arm repeatedly, deeply massaging her strained
muscles. She released a quivering breath, glad he hadn’t begun his
investigation with her breasts or other

“You work to maintain your muscle tone,” he commented.

Every day, three times a day.

“I’m glad you take care of yourself. Not all beings do.” He
massaged the palm of her hand, paying particular attention to each finger. “You
don’t typically worry in your everyday life.”

How could he assume that from studying her hand?

“You don’t bite your nails or the skin beside them. You also
don’t have wrinkles on your face where worry lines might surface. I could’ve
assumed you spend a great deal of time on your appearance and had the wrinkles
treated. You don’t strike me as a vain woman, though.”

Warmth and wetness stroked her index finger. He’d taken it
into his mouth! He ran his tongue over it slowly, deliberately as he sucked.

He released her finger and said, “A kiss, that’s all.”

“Uh-uh,” she managed to utter through the gag, telling him
in the only way she could she didn’t agree with his statement. She’d been
kissed and what he’d done couldn’t be considered kissing.

“It’s my form of kissing. What good is rubbing your lips
over something? For adolescents, it’s a beginning. We’re adults. We’re beyond
so simple a method of foreplay.”

She drew a shaky breath and tried to calm herself despite
the growing knots forming in her stomach. As he explored her other arm and
hand, lavishing it with the same careful massage, she found herself relaxing.

“I would usually explore your mouth next. I’ll have to forgo
that until later. Let me have a look at your neck.” He stroked from under her
chin down to her collarbone. “You’re so tense. I’ll ease those muscles once I
turn you over.”

She’d rather lie on her back. The last few times she’d been
turned to her stomach, she’d been beaten.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?”

She took a long moment and resisted the urge to nod.

“Of course I’m not,” he said, raking his fingertips down her
throat in a nonthreatening, tender manner. “The med unit took away the physical
pain. The mental anguish is what lingers. Perhaps I can somehow distract you
from those memories.”

Meticulously, he ran his fingers down the front of her
shirt, unfastening each button and parting the material. The stirring of his
breath on her heated skin warned her of what would come next. To her surprise,
he left her breasts covered and slid his fingers along her lower rib cage and
belly. Slowly, deliberately, he stroked until she grew accustomed his touch.

He his hands during a caress and covered her breasts. Air
hitched in her throat before the shock faded and she could breathe normally.

“You’re very sensitive.” He didn’t rub, squeeze or even move
as he gently held her breasts within his large, warm hands. “Your nipples are
waking with barely any stimulation.”

Yes, she could feel the reaction. It was as if she’d
received a chill. They’d never drawn into peaks with so little provocation. He
slid his palms to the sides of her mounds and her nipples tightened more with
the touch of cooler air.

Warm breath washed over first one breast and then the other.
She squirmed against the soft, fur-lined bed and moaned. What was wrong with
her? The fear in her belly began turning into something different. Something unexpected.
Something pleasant.

“Very, very nice, Sage,” he said while gently pinching the
peaks of her breasts.

The praise and featherlight touching produced immediate
wetness between her legs. His gentle words and careful exploration did more to
stimulate her sexually than the act itself had with other men. Did he possess
some sort of power over women? He certainly wasn’t hard to look at. But at the
moment she couldn’t see a thing except in her mind’s eye.

“And now I’m going to kiss each breast so I can learn the
taste of your skin. I want to memorize the texture of your nipples as they

She covered her mounds before freezing in place. Would he
tie her down because she’d disobeyed? She bit into the gag when all she really
wanted to do was scream out her frustration. Her choices remained limited.
Jacob or Sovereign.

“You’ve made a mistake. I can tell by your expression you
acted without forethought. Spread your arms wide and leave them against the

Hesitantly, she complied, exposing herself to his hands,
eyes and mouth.

“One more act of defiance will result in punishment. Let’s
not ruin this experience. Agreed?”

She nodded, releasing the breath she’d held.

“While I understand you’re new to this,” he said, stroking
her breasts before pinching her nipples lightly, pulling them until they
lengthened and hardened, “you mustn’t stop me. I told you I’d be gentle. I
will. But I won’t hesitate to tie you down if necessary.”

The stroking, plumping, pinching and pulling rippled over
her skin, causing mild shocks that traveled to her spine.

“I need to understand your anatomy, your likes, your
dislikes, your hesitations and limits. I don’t have weeks to discover these
things. I have days. You’ll help me by lying still. Understand?”

“Mmm,” she hummed, saliva filling her mouth.

“If I inadvertently hurt you and you need me to stop, you’ll
pull your right hand into a fist. I’ll stop what I’m doing and we’ll

She nodded and bit down on the gag. When he stopped stroking
her breasts, she arched her back. Her body acted of its own accord, seeking the
touch that a moment ago had brought her pleasure. She squeezed her thighs
together, intensifying the ache in her swollen labia, increasing the wetness
escaping her vagina.

The darkness forced her to concentrate on nothing but his
gentle touches and licks. No visual distractions stopped her from responding.
For the first time in her life, she couldn’t use all of her senses to assess a

Higher and higher she rose on a dark cloud of lustful
sensations. The urge to spread her legs became overwhelming. With each nip and
wiggle of his tongue, he stripped her of any pretense of modesty. Had her other
lovers been so inept? Or was Jacob extremely skilled? A moan escaped her throat
as he tested her nipple with his teeth.

“You were made for this, Sage. I can tell already. You
appreciate a little pain infused with your pleasure. Oh, how I’d love to place
jewelry on these beauties.”

She squirmed, rubbing her ass against the soft bed as he
rolled her nipples between his fingers.

“You’d look amazing with your hard buds secured in a pair of
golden clamps.”

Her thoughts had never been so sexually vivid or wild. She
imagined how the clamps would feel, torturing her already sensitive nipples,
tugging and pulling slightly with each breath she took. She pushed her breasts
higher into his palms, silently asking that he act on his words. She wanted to
feel the discomfort, endure the pain all while he watched and assessed her
reactions. Would he be pleased with her responses?

Will he, or can he make me feel more than this?

“Have you ever been gently tortured?” he asked before he
licked the underside of her breast.

She shook her head, barely able to concentrate on what he’d
asked. The wonderful tingling ignited by his tongue distracted her.

“I’d wager you’d like it. The incessant pulling and tugging
on your sensitive nipples would keep you in a constant state of arousal.”


The heat of his lips surrounded her right peak as he drew it
into his mouth. He rolled his tongue over it repeatedly as he applied gentle
suction. The maddening exploration of her breast made her ponder what he’d do
next. The ache and pressure inside her pussy built with each movement of his
tongue. When his teeth gently closed on her nipple, her hips lifted from the

The forerunners of climax broke over her in a consuming wave
while ruffling her skin. She strained and clasped her thighs together to make
the orgasm manifest. The beginning of sweet, aching release washed through her
vagina, over her pubis and crawled up her belly. The tiny, growing heartbeat in
her clitoris expanded and turned into a pulse-pounding beat.

Oh yes, yes, yes!

Her first climax with a man tingled and ached. It taunted
her pussy with the impending storm of sexual gratification. Her mouth watered.
Her knees spread wide as she prepared for it.

Harder, Jacob. I can take it.
Make me come.

He released her breast and blew over her wet, tight nipple.
“Very good, Sage. And now the other one.”

From behind the gag, she screamed, “Nnnn!”

“Patience, Sage. Patience.”

Chapter Four


Jacob could lose himself in the exploration of Sage’s body.
This incredible woman heated from his barest touch. The six men before him
must’ve been fools not to spend time testing and teasing her. In less than ten
minutes, he’d brought her to the verge of climax.

Whether she knew it or not, Sage would thrive under the
right man. A Master could spend years applying different techniques to foster
her incredible sex drive. He wished they could’ve had more time. Personally,
he’d like to take a leisurely approach with her and not rush such an exquisite
learning experience. She’d agreed to act the part of a submissive. He wondered
how much she’d need to act.

In less than a week, he needed to gain her trust and compliance
for what would happen. He hadn’t worked out every detail in his mind, but a
plan had begun forming.

“Sage,” he said, releasing her left breast from the pressure
of his mouth and tongue, “spread your legs.”

She complied and he smiled. He stroked her belly. “I’m going
to leave you for a few moments to shower and retrieve some things I’ll need. I
didn’t have an opportunity the wash this morn. You, however,” he pinched her
lightly, “received your cleansing in the med unit. If you hadn’t, I’d take you
with me.”

She whimpered behind the gag.

“While I’m gone, I want you to prepare for what comes next.”
He stood and watched her squirm against the soft fur-covered bed. “You’ll
remain still and stop that fidgeting.”

She managed to cease undulating but it took her long

He smiled because of her efforts to obey. “You know where
I’ll examine you when I return.”

Her thighs quivered perfectly. He needed her to dwell on
what might happen and get ready. “I’m meticulous, Sage. No part of you will
remain hidden from me when I’m done.”

She shivered and her breasts swayed. Neither nipple had
diminished since he’d sucked them into hardened peaks. He raked her supine,
exposed body with his gaze, paying particular attention to her pink, hairless
and swollen pussy lips. He knew when he opened her slit he’d find a
well-lubricated vaginal opening and an enlarged clitoris.

“Lie just as you are, Sage. Relax. Nap if you can. I’ll
return shortly.”


Sage lay quietly, contemplating a minor transgression. If
she slipped her finger between her legs and touched her clitoris, she’d climax
and alleviate a portion of the tension torturing her muscles.

After the release she’d be able to concentrate on her
predicament and tackle it head-on. Shit, her body’s readiness for sex almost
hurt. In some ways, though, she welcomed the ache and yearning. With all the
hoopla in the workplace about who hooked up with whom for the night, she’d
begun to wonder if something was wrong with her.

Oh, she’d experienced a certain degree of desire at times,
sometimes for no reason at all. Or at least none that she could readily name. A
quick session in her private restroom took care of those distracting sensations
so she could resume working.

Unable to remedy her problem while passively lying there, it
seemed all she could concentrate on was the steady throbbing between her legs.
The near climax without completion made her body ache and teeth bite into the
gage. She didn’t like to draw situations out, especially uncomfortable ones.
She preferred to deal with things and have them laid to rest.

“Is your fist an indication of something, Sage?” Jacob asked
long moments later.

To her amazement, she discovered both of her hands were
balled into fists. She opened them and tried to relax. Her concentration
must’ve made her fingers curl. Perhaps if she appeared willing, he’d continue
with his
and finger her to orgasm. He’d liked the response
from her nipples. Wouldn’t he also want to see how she responded to direct
sexual stimulation?

The side of the bed dipped slightly and he touched her calf.
“Bend your knees and bring your feet closer to your body. Yes, that’s it, spread
for me.”

His deep, monotone voice sent shivers racing across her
belly. Air stirred the wetness saturating her crease, stimulating her beyond
anything she’d experienced to date. She closed her eyes behind the blindfold
and wished with all of her heart he’d change her position to accommodate a
round of sex. She knew for the first time in her life she’d enjoy the hell out
of it with a man.

“I’m going to examine you. Concentrate on relaxing.”

Yeah, sure.

He pinched her swollen labia and pulled them apart, exposing
her, stripping away any modesty she might’ve had. To allow him such access
without protest tempered her lust.

He touched the top of her crease with the pad of a finger,
pushing up roughly. She whimpered and bit down, wondering what he’d do next.

“Because you neglected to tell me your heritage, I’ll
carefully examine your clitoris. You see, some cultures pierce the hood
covering the clit. Others remove the protective flesh so a woman can either be
aroused more easily or be maintained in a sexually stimulated state.”

With her small sex organ exposed, she fought not to close
her knees.

After he released her labia, the tissues tingled and warmed
where he’d pinched. The tingling moving through her pussy felt good. He parted
the upper portion of her crease wider and pulled back her clitoral hood. A
shocking, searing pain-like sensation rippled through her vaginal walls. Her
hips bucked and she moaned against the gag.

“I know, I surprised you.” He tugged on her clit harder.
“That’s it, breathe through it. I’m almost done.”

She made a fist with her right hand. A second later, the
pressure from his fingers changed. The discomfort dulled as a deep, burning
throbbing sensation pulsated through the swollen tissue into her vagina.

This feels good. Very, very good.

She flattened her hand on the bed, letting him know she’d
reconsidered. Her ears rang from the rush of blood speeding through her heart.

“I’m almost tempted to roll you over and examine your rectum
first. I think you might climax if I explore your pussy.”

Oh hell no!

He laughed before brushing his fingertip over her clit
several times. Her hips rose to follow the contact when he pulled away. “I told
you I’m thorough. Before I’m done this morn, you’ll be stretched and opened,
ready to receive whatever toy I choose to place up your ass.”

She shook her head and started closing her fist. He placed
his palm against hers and stroked her wrist. “Object if you want. Make a fist.
But first think about your situation.”

He lightly caressed her swollen pussy lips as he
simultaneously stroked her wrist. “I won’t permit you to come so soon.”

She groaned and realized he’d meant every word. She’d never
last. Never.

“I can stop. For now. But eventually we’ll need to come past
this hurdle. Or,” he said, pinching her pussy lips together tightly, “you’ll
allow me to finish. I’ll need to place a finger inside you, discover which
spots to touch and which to avoid. I’ll need to go deep to see how you respond
to having your cervix rubbed and poked.”

Could she be mentally deviant in some way? Had her newfound
taste for blindfolds and pain have caused it? The throbbing from deep inside
her pussy was so profound, so intense, tears gathered behind her closed
eyelids. Her skin tingled as her insides burned. Her stomach dropped because he
might continue. Her heart pounded because he might not. This couldn’t be mere
sexual frustration.

“It won’t all be pleasant, Sage. I’ll do things in the
process to stop a climax. Before I’m done, your clit will swell and grow
larger. Your pussy will cry and scream for relief. You’ll be more aroused than
you’ve ever been in your life.”

She shook her head, afraid of feeling that much. She hadn’t
bargained for this level of stimulation. He’d drawn the situation out,
prolonging that pinnacle moment of breathlessness before orgasm. She preferred
immediate gratification. To delay the pleasure gave her time to think and
rationalize the situation. She’d talk herself out of enjoying their interlude.
She’d come back to reality and never find the pleasure. After everything she’d
been through over the last day, she deserved a mindless climax.

“And when you can’t stand another second, I’ll roll you to
your belly. I’ll spread your ass cheeks and begin over. If you’re good and obey
and lie still for me, I’ll reward you.”

The breath she’d been holding escaped her lungs, leaving her
dizzy and disoriented.

“When I permit you to come, you’ll climax so hard, you’ll
scream behind the gag.”

Her vaginal walls clenched and released rhythmically,
seconds away from producing an orgasm. It wasn’t her fault. His description of
what would come shoved her closer to the edge.

“Sage,” he said with dire warning.

I can’t stop!

A firm smack landed against her swollen, wet pussy lips,
both stunning her and increasing the building orgasm. “Sage, I’m warning you.”

Her entire body stiffened as the climax manifested, warmth
and current washing through her pussy and thighs. Her mind turned to mush and
she focused on the pleasure, wanting a full taste to thoroughly enjoy.

He spread her labia and rimmed her opening. A second later,
she realized he hadn’t used his fingers. The object targeting her was cold and
stiff. She cried into the gag as he pushed an icy cylinder into her, instantly
stealing her climax.

She closed the fingers of her right hand, gouging her nails
into her palm.

“You’ve had enough?”

She nodded furiously. The object slid from her pussy. But
it’d been removed too late. She could discern the sensation of arousal but at a
lower level. He’d stolen her climax.

“Do you need to rest for a while?”

She nodded, wanting nothing more than to wallow in some
So close.

“You may want to reconsider, Sage. As your pussy warms, the
unanswered desire will come back, maybe worse than before.”


She opened her palm as her arm fell limp. Her entire body
sagged into the bed. She couldn’t go through that ordeal again. What did he
expect from her? What did he hope to achieve? She would’ve climaxed like never
before. Wasn’t that enough?

“Should I continue now?”

She nodded, hoping the numbing effect of his magic orgasm
cheater wouldn’t wear off before he finished.


Jacob found himself hot and aroused. It’d been too long
since he’d been with a woman, let alone one like Sage. Every part of him wanted
to end the second intimacy and crawl on top of her. The only thing stopping him
was the fact that she’d said she’d never enjoyed sex. For that to be true, she
couldn’t have been properly aroused.

Their time together would be short, which was all the more
reason to savor every moment, each new discovery. He’d experienced the wonders
of pure lust and finally having it answered. She didn’t. He wouldn’t cheat her
out of her first true climax at the hands of a man.

He kept the chill-rod close at hand to squelch her next
climax. It would offer an immediate reprieve for her. He expected to use it
several times over the course of his exploration.

He blew warm breath over her pussy lips before touching her.
He smiled, enjoying the subtle flex of her hips rising slightly, offering her
body. He spread her labia, noting the lovely pink color of her crease. She’d
been put together very delicately and he’d need to remember that.

He rimmed her opening with the tip of his finger. Her legs
opened centimeters, inviting him to explore. His cock throbbed as he eased his
way into her warm, wet channel. He concentrated on what he discovered and tried
to calm the heartbeat in his erection. He must pay attention and learn her
likes and dislikes.

A rough patch of silken nerves lay slightly inside, facing
her pubis. He ran his finger over it several times. The moans coming from her
throat were music to his ears. Her sensual purring spurred him to go deeper,
explore all of the slick walls surrounding his single finger.

Another roughened area lay toward her rectum. When he rubbed
it, she bore down on his finger and exploded into orgasm. He withdrew and
inserted the chill-rod. He kept her labia spread and watched as her pussy
clasped the rod several times. It took her a full minute to realize what’d

Deedra had explained to him the sensation of incomplete
climax could be compared to having to urinate, starting to go and then abruptly
stopping. The amount of release she obtained not only didn’t ease the desire to
expel it all, it worsened the urge. Sage screamed into the cloth tucked in her

“Easy, Sage. Relax. Let the cold take it away.”

She shook her head and bit into the gag while her hand
remained opened against the bed.

Taking advantage of her still-cold pussy, he spread her and
inserted two fingers. “You’ll need to relax and let me in deep. Oh yes, that’s
it, sweet woman. Spread for me and let me test your depths.”

“Mmm! Mmm!”

“I won’t let you get too close this time. You’re still
fairly cold inside. Raise your legs and hold them.”

She grasped her knees and pulled them up, spreading herself
wide. Pre-cum leaked into his pants.

So trusting! So fucking arousing!

His fingertips touched her cervix and she jerked. He
withdrew and pushed into her, making sure to rub over the smooth surface.
Sounds of displeasure rose from her throat. Rather than cease, he released her
labia and fingered her clit while he accustomed her to the deep penetration. He
wanted to teach her that enduring slight pain would ultimately be rewarded with

“That’s it, sweet woman, hump my fingers if you think it
will help. Work yourself into a frenzy and I’ll steal it away.”

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