Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams (22 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Tapestries 03 - Woven Dreams
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All eyes turned to the two remaining Craddock brothers. The youngest raised his hands and stepped forward. “Peace.” He glanced over at Sednar, who nodded. “The challenge has been fairly met. At least by the Bakra family.” Radnor paused and then continued. “However, it has not been met fairly by the Craddock family. We ask if you are satisfied by what has occurred or do you require more?” Jarmon knew that this was the brother who had helped Genny escape. He stared at the man who was only a year or so younger than himself. There was a quiet strength about him and Jarmon knew that he hadn’t had an easy life. It didn’t excuse what had been done to Genny, but Radnor and his brother, Sednar, would have their hands full in the near future with Leon dead. If Harmid died—and he probably would, as neither 113

brother seemed to be in a hurry to offer him aid—then Sednar was the new Lord of Craddock Keep.

He strode toward the two men, wanting this settled once and for all. Both of them tensed but made no move to draw their weapons. Good. They weren’t as hotheaded or stupid as their brothers. He sensed Garrik moving up on his right side, coming to stand beside him so they could confront the two remaining brothers together. That was how it should be.

Jarmon stopped a few feet away from them and addressed Sednar. “As the eldest remaining brother, you are now the Lord of Craddock Keep.” Sednar glanced at the still body of Leon and then at his brother Harmid, who was still moaning. “I am not yet, but it seems likely.” There was no sorrow in his eyes, only weariness.

“We will have Genny as ours.” Garrik laid their claim, stating it in clear, unmistakable terms.

Sednar shot his brother a quick look and then nodded. “I believe she will be in good hands. We consider this matter done and want no more trouble with the Bakra family.”

“What about the Luther brothers?” Jarmon didn’t want them showing up any time in the future pressing a prior claim.

“In spite of what Leon asserted, nothing has been officially decided or agreed upon.” Sednar’s gaze was steady. “I will deal with the Luther brothers.”

“Jarmon?” Zaren and Bador had moved up to flank them. “Do you consider this finished?” Zaren ignored everyone else but Jarmon.

Jarmon faced his eldest brother. “If Genny is ours, then it is done. I am satisfied.” Nodding, Zaren faced Sednar. “The Bakra family considers this matter finished.” Relief flashed across the younger man’s face before disappearing behind an impassive mask. “We will take our dead and wounded home.” Turning away, he called for the men-at-arms. They quickly bound Harmid’s wounds and threw him over the back of one of the waiting horses.

Radnor hadn’t moved, his eyes still locked on Jarmon. “You will be good to her.

Take care of her.”

They were statements, not questions, but underneath, Jarmon heard the plea for reassurance. “Genny’s happiness and wellbeing is my first concern. Always.” Radnor nodded abruptly and whirled away to join what remained of his family. He shot a longing gaze over his shoulder, his eyes connecting with Genny’s for the briefest of moments before he looked away again. Jarmon watched the connection between brother and sister. Perhaps, in time, that was a breach that could be mended.

When all the men were mounted, they turned their horses toward home, urging them forward. The hooves pounded on the packed dirt as they picked up speed. It would be a long, miserable trek home, dragging a dead man with them. Probably two 114

by the time they reached Craddock Keep again. If his wounds didn’t kill him, then infection probably would. Jarmon didn’t envy them the trip.

He turned to face Genny. Jane stood just behind her, but she seemed so alone as she watched what remained of her family ride out of the courtyard. His arms ached to hold her, to comfort her. What would she think of him now that he’d killed one of her brothers? Would she still even want to look at him? Or would she always just see the blood on his hands?

Jarmon knew that was the main reason he’d wanted to be the one to challenge Leon. Yes, he’d wanted a chance at revenge for what the other man had done to him.

He was only human, after all. But deep down, he believed that Garrik had a better chance at being accepted by Genny as a husband.

As badly as he wanted her for himself, he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her with them, even if that meant he would only have her for himself once a week.

And that wasn’t a sure thing even if she accepted Garrik. Not now. Not after what had just occurred on this bloody field. She might never open her arms to him again and he’d cut off what remained of his left hand before he’d force her to accept him.

The crowd was quiet and many of them had retreated a slight ways to give them some semblance of privacy. Both Zaren and Bador had squeezed his shoulder, murmuring how proud they were of him. Then they too were gone, taking Jane from Genny’s side and withdrawing a fair distance away.

Garrik walked toward Genny, determination on his face. Jarmon watched as his brother swept her into his arms and buried his face in the curve of her shoulder. Her arms came around him, holding him tight. He could see her whispering in his ear but couldn’t hear what was being said as Garrik answered her back.

His hand throbbed and he glanced down, wondering if he’d been injured. His sword was still clutched tight in his hand. So tight in fact, his knuckles were white.

Cursing roundly, he shoved the blade into the dirt to clean the worst of the blood from it before sheathing it.

Garrik and Genny were still talking earnestly. He was happy for his brother. He only hoped that one day she would open her arms to him once again. His eyes burned and he blinked hard. Scrubbing his hand over his face, he squared his shoulders and turned his back on the tender scene behind him.

He’d done what he’d set out to do and he had no regrets. He’d told Genny that she would be free, no matter what the cost, and he had kept his vow.

Putting one foot in front of the other, he began to slowly walk away.

Genny hugged Garrik tight, loving him more in this moment than she ever had. He was such an amazing man, so generous and giving. “You understand?” His smile was tender as he leaned down and grazed his lips against hers. “I’ve always known.” He stroked his thumb over her cheek, wiping away a tear that seeped from the corner of her eye. “Don’t cry, Genny. You are both wounded souls that call to 115

each other. You understand one another better than any other can. But more than that, I believe you can heal each other, become stronger. How can I not want that for the both of you?”

“You are the best of men, Garrik.” Emotion overflowed her heart and she went up on her toes to plant a hard kiss on his lips. He caught her head with his hand, holding her to him as he thrust his tongue into her mouth for a leisurely kiss.

They were both slightly breathless when he pulled back. “I’m not that good,” he countered. “Jarmon once promised me more than the normal one night a week with you. If you have no objection, I plan to take advantage of that.”

“You are always welcome, Garrik. That is, if Jarmon will have me.” She pushed away from Garrik and looked for Jarmon. He was walking away from them. From her.

“Go.” Garrik gave her a small push. “He probably thinks you do not want him now after what he has done.”

“Not want him?” She could hear the incredulous tone in her voice.

“Genny,” Garrik explained softly. “He just killed one of your brothers. Harmid may die as well from the wound I gave him, but that is not a given yet.”

“He laid his life on the line for me. How could he think I would condemn him for that?”

She didn’t wait for Garrik’s reply, but began to follow Jarmon. He was moving further away from her with every step and she began to hurry. Within seconds she was running. She called out his name. He hesitated but didn’t stop. “Jarmon!” she yelled again. This time he stopped, but he still didn’t turn around.

Genny continued until she was in front of him. His face was inscrutable, but his eyes were bleak and so filled with pain and sorrow that she swayed. His hands quickly came out to steady her, but just as quickly dropped back to his side. He wiped his hand against the leg of his pants. It was still stained with blood.

She swallowed hard. This man would have died for her. It was time for him to know the truth. “You said you wanted the answer to your question when the challenge was over.”

Jarmon flinched slightly before he recovered himself. “The answer is obvious. I wish you happiness.” He tried to move around her, but she shifted her body, keeping it in front of him. Short of physically lifting her out of the way, she wasn’t letting him get around her.

“You still haven’t asked,” she prompted.

“I don’t need to ask,” he gritted out from between clenched teeth.

Genny crossed her arms over her chest. “That sure of yourself, are you?” His hands closed over her shoulders and he tugged her up until their noses were almost touching. She could see the pain and the fury in his eyes, but she wasn’t the least bit afraid of him. “Don’t toy with me, Genny. Not about this.” 116

Cupping his familiar, scarred cheek in her hand, she shook her head. “I would never tease you about something this important, Jarmon.” The words that she’d thought would be so hard to say flowed effortlessly from her. “I love you, Jarmon Bakra. And if you would have me as wife, I will openly and gladly have you as my husband.”

He stared at her for so long she began to get nervous. “You’re supposed to answer me.”

He gave a great cry and dropped to his knees in front of her. “You are the heart that beats in this chest and in this home, and if you would take me for husband I will give you my love, loyalty and devotion for as long as I live. With me, you gain the love, loyalty and devotion of my brother as well, who will be lover to you, and would also be your husband should I die before you. In return, I ask for your love, loyalty and devotion and any children that the gods see fit to gift us with.” She’d never thought that a man would want her enough, love her enough to pledge himself to her in this manner. She slid to the ground, wrapped her arms around his shaking shoulders and held him with all her strength. Tears flowed unchecked down her face as his arms tightened around her. He jerked back to look at her and she could still see the uncertainty as well as the tears in his eyes. She nodded and found herself engulfed in his embrace again.

“I didn’t think you could truly love a man as scarred as me. A man who had slain one of your brothers.” His whisper was low but clear.

She ran her hands over his head and back, as much to soothe herself as him. “I think you are a very handsome man. I do not see your scars.” It was true, she realized.

His scars were a part of him, as her scars were of her. To her, they were just part of what made him Jarmon. “You did not slay my brother. You protected me. How could I not love you for that?” She continued on, trying to make him understand. “You are my family now. You and Garrik and your brothers and Jane.”

“Genny,” his voice broke as he continued to hold her, rocking her in his arms.

They sat there for so long that her leg began to cramp. Finally, she had to shift and pull back. Groaning, she rubbed her leg. “I’m going to be stiff.” Jarmon laughed as he ran his hand over his face to wipe away any remains of his tears. He got to his feet, grasped her hands and tugged her up. She wobbled and he scooped her into his arms. “You will truly marry me, Genny?”


“And you will accept Garrik?” He hesitated before hurrying on. “I might have promised him more than one night. That was back before I thought I had a chance of ever marrying you. But I meant it. I want our marriage to be like Zaren’s and Bador’s is with Jane. I don’t want Garrik to feel left out.” He laughed ruefully. “At the time I promised him, I thought I would be the one left out.” Genny tugged on a lock of his hair. “No one is being left out, and Garrik and I have already discussed that promise you made him.” 117

“Already in trouble, brother?” Garrik stood not far from them, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

“I fear I will always be in trouble,” he replied. “But I meant my promise then and I mean it now. I will only marry if Genny will accept you as easily as she accepts me. I will not have you feel less than welcome at any time.”

“I accept you both,” she assured them. She wiggled in his grasp until Jarmon put her down. Standing between the two of them, she struggled to try to explain. “I think I’ve been waiting for you both since the moment I finished the tapestry. I wove my own dreams around it, even if I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing at the time. Thoughts of you gave me the courage to save myself from the fate that awaited me. It brought me to you and I found even more than I’d ever dreamed. I found love.” She placed a hand on the center of both their chests, over their beating hearts. “I love you both. I accept you both.”

Garrik and Jarmon wrapped their arms around her, sheltering her in the warm embrace of their love.

“I love you, Genny.” Garrik kissed her softly on the lips.

“Genny,” Jarmon began. “You are a miracle to me. A gift I will never take for granted.” He brushed his finger over the planes of her face. “I love you with all my heart. I’m glad you wove your dreams and made us a part of them.”

“So am I.” She smiled softly at them. Her heart swelled at the sight of these two wonderful men watching her with such love in their eyes, and she had to blink back the tears of joy that threatened.

“The family is waiting.” Garrik jerked his head to the side. Sure enough, the crowd was still there watching them. Many of the women were dabbing at the corners of their eyes and the men were grinning.

With a man on either side of her, holding her hands, Genny stepped forward, more than ready to begin her new life. “Let’s go tell them we need to plan a wedding.” Jarmon’s fingers tightened around hers as they all strode forward.


About the Author

N.J. Walters worked at a bookstore for several years and one day had the idea that she would like to quit her job, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the same bookstore and settled in for another seven years.

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