Tarzan & Janine (18 page)

Read Tarzan & Janine Online

Authors: Elle James,Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Romance, #delilah devlin, #Texas Billionaires Club, #Humor, #romantic comedy, #Adventure, #billionaire, #Myla Jackson, #comedy, #Texas

BOOK: Tarzan & Janine
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“Do what, Janine?” His words were low and sexy. He stepped toward her, closing the distance she’d created. With careful deliberation, he laid the flowers on the table by the door, lifted the kitten from her arms, setting it on the floor, and, in the same motion, closed the door behind him. “Can’t love me?”

“No.” Janine twisted her fingers together, now that she didn’t have the kitten to keep her hands occupied.

“Why?” He separated her hands, bringing them to rest against his chest.

How right they felt there. She could feel his heart beat through the cotton of his chambray shirt. Not slow and steady like his advance on her. But every bit as erratic as hers. Somehow, this little bit of information pushed her over the edge, and her fingers inched up around his neck, pulling him down.

Tanner’s hands slipped around her backside and pulled her hips firmly against his. Evidence of his desire nudging her belly, enflaming her body and setting her blood on fire.

She couldn’t get close enough. Her breasts pressed firmly to his chest, the tips hardening against the lacy fabric of her bra.

Their lips touched, tentatively. Janine drew back, licking her lips as she stared at the firm set of his mouth. The touch wasn’t nearly enough.

She moved closer and he bent his head, waiting.

Who was she kidding? Certainly not him, with his lips beginning to curve as he hovered.

Rising on tiptoes, she placed her mouth against his, giving him another soft press of lips. Their mouths opened, sweet hot breath brushed over her, and she was lost. The kiss she gave him next moved past chaste pecks to thrusting tongues in seconds, matching the primal motion of their mating hips.

. Rocky rubbed against her ankle several times before Janine came to her senses. She pushed against Tanner’s chest, backing up until his arms dropped their hold around her.

“This is going way to fast.” She touched her fingers to her lips, shaking her head. “I can’t love you, Tanner. Don’t you see?”

Her eyes met his, tears blurring her vision. But there was no mistaking the smile on his face or the understanding in his eyes. “Yes, I do see.” He pulled her close again, resting her check against his chest and brushing a kiss across her forehead. “You have a dream, a career, something that means more than staying here in Austin. I know that, and I’m not asking you to give it up.”

“You’re not?”

“No. I love being with you. I love the way you talk and walk and...well...everything about you does funny things to me. I can’t help wanting to be around you. If it’s only for a few hours, days or weeks, I’ll take what I can get.”

“And when I leave?”she asked, her voice quavering with emotion.

“No strings. I’ll let you go.” He tipped her chin so she could look into his eyes and see the sincerity written there.

“You won’t be hurt and hate me?”

“No, I won’t hate you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll thank my lucky stars I got to be with you for the time I had.”

Janine remained quiet. Her logical self told her to have a little fun. What could it hurt? When the time came to leave, she’d have some great memories and still have her career.

Janine’s heart screamed that she was a fool. A career couldn’t love her or snuggle with her when she was cold and scared. Nor could it fire her blood and make her want to toss her inhibitions out the window for a lifetime of passion and caring.

An image of her mother came to mind—careworn and tired from working two jobs to support her daughter. What dreams she’d dreamt had been crushed out of her by the reality of life. Janine couldn’t let herself go down that path.

“I’m not asking you to give up anything.”

Tanner’s words broke through her inner turmoil.

His fingers stroked her hair. “I only want to be with you while I can.”

Janine straddled the fence. Should she go along with his suggestion and enjoy this while it lasted? Or was it too big a risk to her heart?

“I tell you what,” he said in that low rumble, “we’ll take it slow. Let me take you out for dinner where there are people all around, and you won’t feel pressured by being alone with me.”

Rocky meowed and stood on his hindquarters, his front legs climbing Janine’s pants.

“What’s the matter, little guy?” Janine squatted on her haunches, buying time to think. When she came back up with the kitten tucked under her chin, she’d made up her mind. “Dinner sounds nice, but let’s call out for pizza. I don’t want to leave Rocky alone on his first night in his new home.”

Life was short, why deny the attraction? She could pick up the pieces of her broken heart after she’d relocated to L.A.


Tanner fought the urge to shout out loud. She had invited him to stay. There really was a God and he was alive and well in Austin, Texas. The prayers Tanner had sent His way had worked, and he was going to spend time alone with Janine, in her apartment. What more could he ask?

A little dark cloud rolled in and sat over Tanner’s happy thoughts. Unfortunately, Tanner wanted a lot more than one night with Janine. If he thought there was any chance he could make her happy, he’d ask her to marry him and stay in Austin to be the wife of a used car dealer.

In the next moment, he shoved aside that thought. He couldn’t ask her to do that. She had dreams, and he wanted her to follow them and make something more of herself than Austin could provide. With her talent and beauty, she’d go far in Hollywood. Who was he to throw a wrench in her plans? No, better to do as he’d said. Take what he could get and deal with her absence later.

Instead of proposing, Tanner ordered pizza, while Janine dug through her refrigerator unearthing a couple bottles of beer. What a woman. No frou-frou wine coolers for her. She kept beer. He was definitely in love, and she was perfect for him.

Too bad, he couldn’t follow her to L.A. Being the only heir, Tanner was stuck with the family dealership. Besides, he would only hold her back. Hollywood wanted young, single actresses they could market to the world, having love affairs with other actors. What would she want with a used car salesman? Not that he needed money. He had enough and then some to afford his own place out there. Tanner didn’t see himself as Mr. Janine Davis or fitting into the Hollywood scene.

Besides, she hadn’t asked him to come with her or follow her wherever she went. Clearly, Janine wanted to make it on her own. He’d better get used to the idea he’d lose her eventually. The thought sat like a bone in his craw. He had to get used to the idea, but he didn’t have to like it.

While they waited for the pizza to be delivered, Janine fished out plates and napkins, and Tanner set the small table in the kitchen. Moving between the table, cabinets and refrigerator was tight and they bumped into each other, often...probably more than necessary, but who was counting? Janine was soft and feminine and Tanner couldn’t help it. He had to touch her.

Janine set a bowl of milk on the floor in front of Rocky.

The kitten plunked a paw in the middle of it and lapped as fast as his tiny tongue could go.

Janine leaning over to pat the kitty was a sight Tanner would remember forever. Her glossy blond hair spilled down her back and across her face, her soft pink sweater stretched tight over her curves.

He would have fallen to his knees and taken her into his arms. But the floor was hard tile and his kneecaps were not what they used to be before high school football. Instead, he squatted at her side and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You’re beautiful, Janine Davis.” He kissed the tender skin beneath her earlobe, and then Tanner straightened and offered her a hand, pulling her into his arms. “I’m going to kiss you, although I know I should wait. Seems like every time we do, something interrupts us. I’ll bet the piz—”

Janine shut off the flow of his words by sealing his lips with hers. Hands groped for buttons, loosened tucked shirts, and unzipped in a flurry of motion. Luckily, Tanner had a spare condom in his wallet, and, between the two of them, they rolled it into place.

In less than two minutes, Janine was naked and sitting on the edge of the kitchen table, dishes pushed to the far corner, her legs wrapped around Tanner’s waist. She threw back her head and clutched at his hair as he thrust deep inside her, again and again.

Tanner shook his head, a little amazed at how fast things had moved. While he was poised to erupt, he doubted she was on the verge, and he didn’t want to mess this up. He pulled away, ignoring her mewling complaint and tightening thighs.

Bending over her, he planted his elbows on the table and thrust his hands into her silky hair. “Let me catch my breath.”

Her eyes widened, then squinted into a glare. “I thought you were in better shape.”

“I’m in great shape, as you and the rest of Austin’s viewing audience are only too aware. But I’d like to use a little more finesse, sweetheart. Make this memorable.”

“I’m spread out on a scratched wooden table. How much more memorable can you make it?”

He smiled at the grumbling texture of her voice, at the way her nose wrinkled up in disgust. “Seems like we’ve skipped a few preliminaries. Gone straight for the goal.”

“Again, I don’t see the problem?” But her mouth curved into a smile, and she flirted from beneath her long lashes.

Maybe she protested a little too much. Arguing only seemed to make the pretty rose color of her cheeks deepen.

“Want to move this to the bedroom?”

“I kind of like being dessert.”

“We haven’t eaten dinner.”

“Exactly.” Her grin sank a dimple deep into her cheek.

Tanner swooped down and kissed it, then trailed his lips along her cheek, kissed her chin, then a dozen little spots between before he bent over the crest of a round breast.

The nipple was a lovely, puffy cone of sweetness, which he proceeded to lap up like strawberry ice cream. Her fingers sank into his hair, her thighs climbed his sides, soft heels digging into his back. When he latched his lips around the tip and sucked, her back bowed off the hard wood table, then her fingers dug deep, directing his head across her chest to the other ripe tip.

When he’d savored her surrender for several delicious minutes, he let go of the tight little bead and moved downward.

Her breaths shortened, her skin quivered as he nipped at her ribs, delved into her belly button. He propped her thighs on his shoulders and growled as he dove between her legs, eliciting a nervous giggle, then a long, deep moan.

She tasted like the sea. Salty and fresh. Her folds were moist, fragrant, tasty. He said so, which earned him a clap across the top of his shoulder.

Smiling, he didn’t mind that he’d embarrassed her, loved that she seemed to find the pleasure he gave her something unexpected. Perhaps her wholesome figure and smart mouth were a little misleading. Not that he minded if she had a little less experience than he expected.

He’d have liked to have all her firsts. Be the best she ever had. So she’d never forget him.

But the shivering of her thighs and jagged breaths told him she was close, so he rose, waiting as she moved to clasp his waist again, then settled the head of his aching sex against her entrance, and drove inside.

This time, they were both there. Both trembling with arousal. He moved slowly at first, inching his way forward until she’d taken everything he had to give, then easing out again.

However, Janine didn’t seem to like his caution. She pinched his buttocks, raked her nails across his back. “Move, Tanner. Please, God,

The strained quality of her voice rather than her words was what convinced him. He cupped her buttocks, lifting them off the edge of the table and powered into her, his motions quickening, sharpening, then slamming deep.

Janine’s arms floated to the table, her eyelids faded down, her mouth rounded as she made little kitten-like sounds, that grew wispier, more desperate.

Tanner widened one palm to brace her, then slid the other hand around front and burrowed a finger into the top of her folds, circling on the hard little nubbin there until her eyes slammed open and she gave a strangled scream.

Only then did he let go, allowing the pressure in his balls to erupt as he dove into her, again and again. When the last pulse of pleasure waned, he withdrew and dragged in a deep breath, becoming aware of his surroundings and the woman watching him intently from below.

Tanner was amazed by the normalcy of the scene after what he’d just experienced with Janine. He stood in the middle of a compact kitchen. The kitten had finished its milk and was curled up on Janine’s pink sweater. Napkins had fluttered to the floor. Someone knocked on the door.

The door.

“Ohmigod, the pizza delivery man!” Janine’s face flamed.

In unison, they broke apart and grabbed for their clothes, knocking heads together and laughing. Tanner hopped down the hall, sliding one leg at a time into his pants.

“Just a minute,” he called through the door. Tanner fished in his back pocket, searching for his wallet. Not there. “Janine, have you seen—” He turned toward the kitchen and stopped in mid-sentence.

She stood right behind him, holding the wallet in her hand, wearing nothing but a smile.

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