Taste Me

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Authors: Candi Silk

Tags: #adult erotica, #romance erotic, #erotica women, #erotica couples, #sex explicit sex sexy short story erotica erotica short story erotic romance risky sex sex in public erotica for women

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Erotic Escapades by Candi Silk

(Inferno Hot!)


Taste Me

Hot Couple

Third Title
(release -
February 2014)

Fourth Title
February 2014)

Fifth Title
(release -
March 2014)

Sixth Title
(release -
March 2014)

All titles are stand-alone erotic

Can be read in any order.


Publisher’s Note

Candi Silk’s erotic fiction is written for
mature adult readers, 18 years or older, who enjoy erotic romance
stories about adult relationships and situations that are
breathlessly paced, and explicitly and sensuously expressed. All
fictional characters are 18 years or older. Candi Silk’s writings
are strictly for reading entertainment.
Warning! Do not read
unless you are 18 years or older!


Bonus Material

Candi writes explicitly, and has reclaimed
certain words and given them significant and sensuous meanings
tailored-made for the fictional characters and the pleasure of
women and men readers. Especially if you’re a new reader to
erotica, you’ll enjoy the bonus of
Candi Silk’s Wicked Words
at the end of this book, reclaiming those once-naughty words,
giving them a touch of class. Naughty, but classy. And Candi’s
runaway “break-out” characters know how to use them to get what
they want. Candi’s “wicked words” add sizzle and sparkle to her


Candi’s next release is
Hot Couple
Another bonus is Chapter 1 for your preview at the end of this
book. It’s pretty hot back there. Don’t get burned. Enjoy.




Taste Me




Candi Silk






To women that have boldly discovered the
sensuous woman inside themselves.







Published by:

Wildfire Romance Publishing, LLC at


Smashwords Edition License Notes

This eBook is licensed for your personal
enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to
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person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If
you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not
purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase
your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this
author. This is a work of fiction. All the characters,
organizations, locations, and events portrayed in this novel are
either products of the author’s imagination or are used


Copyright © 2014 by Wildfire Romance
Publishing, LLC

Cover Designer: Kaitlin Denig, Fort Collins,

Image: Shutterstock # 109081274

(Images and models are illustrations only and
do not condone or endorse the behaviors of fictional



Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5



Candi Silk’s Wicked

A Special


Chapter 1


Kara James had left work fifteen minutes
early so she could beat the traffic rush. Yeah, she could do that,
since she was a vice-president with a high-flying advertising

After a messy divorce from a lackluster
five-year marriage, she’d poured her energies into cultivating her
career, and at only 28 she’d excelled in the business world.

But that had left little or no time for a
social life. Recently she was half-heartedly dating a half-way
decent guy she’d been introduced to by one of her girlfriends. But
still he wasn’t that “knight in shining armor” that she dreamed
about, as she rubbed herself between her legs almost nightly.

She pulled her late model car into the
parking lot of Earth Harvest Food Market to pick up her usual
grocery items for the weekend. The sky was building for a
mid-summer shower, but she figured she could beat the rain, as she
hurried across the parking lot, high heels clicking and dressed in
a black business skirt and cream silk blouse that shimmered across
her pert breasts.

The store was nit-picky clean and offered the
freshest of vegetables and other items. And their gourmet coffee
variety, which was fresh ground, was probably the closest thing she
had that seduced her taste buds. She stood for several minutes
inhaling the fresh aroma as the barista behind the counter ground
customers’ selections.

Kara waited patiently to have her bag of
whole beans ground; and Mystery Blend was the height of risk and
daring that was present in her routine life. She thought, yeah,
exotic coffee beans are about the ultimate in excitement these

She made her way through the produce section,
selecting a variety of vegetables and fruits; crunchy veggies for
salads and crisp, juicy fruits for succulent snacking. Ummm,

But the last three weeks, when she came in to
shop, she felt like she was being watched, especially when she
selected items in the produce section. Kara was slightly
above-average attractive, but in addition she dressed with a neat,
trendy appearance; clean fresh look, with just the right touches of
makeup and fragrance. Her natural long blonde hair was an added
plus. Her clothes fit her shapely body that was toned regularly at
the fitness center. And with three-inch heels topping her out at
five-foot, six inches, she caught her share of second glances from
men, and a few women.

But why did she get the feeling that a
different set of eyes were on her when in this store? Her eyes
darted around the area quickly, as she fingered the cucumbers,
placing her selection in the plastic bag. No one was watching her;
just a busy produce assistant in a knee-length white uniform coat
rearranging a display of Gala apples.

Just my imagination, she thought, as she
grabbed a head of cabbage and a bag of carrots. As she rolled her
cart forward, a low voice behind her said, “Afternoon ma’am,
finding everything you need?” The produce assistant.

She answered automatically, because all the
clerks were so friendly. “Yes, thank you. I’m fine.”

“Smell delicious.”

“Yes, the produce is always fresh

“No, I meant you.”

Her heart fluttered, as she turned to connect
a face with the low easy voice. The produce assistant, again. But
she barely got a glimpse of his blue eyes. She caught a flash of
fire in them, but he’d turned so quickly and was moving down the
aisle, when he said over his shoulder, “Let me know if you need
assistance with your shopping.”

Before she could finish her muttered reply of
“Thank you,” his hands were fluffing the green bean display. She
didn’t get a good look at him, and didn’t want to stare. In his
wake there was a pleasant scent of his cologne. It had to be
; no other men were close by. She inhaled; the aroma
toying with her pulse. She pushed her cart around the bins, taking
a deep breath, enjoying his compliment, and thought about how nice
a random compliment was. She couldn’t remember the last one. Her
“boyfriend” came up short in that department, and a few other

As she maneuvered down the aisle, she glanced
back to see if she could catch a better look at the produce
assistant. He was still bent over busily working the vegetable
displays, then he straightened, turning, his eyes burning a laser
beam right at her.

Oh, damn! He sees me looking
. She
busily grabbed a random can from the shelf, dropping it in her
cart, moving to the next aisle. She looked down at the can.
Hominy? What the hell is that? Surely that’s not a food.
slipped the can on a shelf. Wrong aisle; wrong shelf. She muttered,
“Okay, maybe produce guy will figure out where it goes.”

She continued shopping another couple aisles,
but couldn’t resist glancing toward the produce section again. Just
curious. She got a good look at his profile.
Nice. Sharp cut
facial features and thick dark hair way beyond the edge of a shirt
collar. And facial stubble. Wonder how that would feel on
As he appeared to be turning around, she quickly
ducked her head and pushed her cart forward down the next

She glanced toward the large front windows of
the store, noticing the darkening sky, with a few flashes of
lightning. She needed to wrap up her shopping before the rain
started. She moved quickly, hoping to beat the wet weather.

She bent to get a bag of rice, as heavy
footsteps passed behind her. She caught another whiff of
scent, looking up quickly, watching as
walked toward the
front of the store.
Gosh, he’s tall, must be over six feet, and
carries himself well.
He didn’t speak this time.
married with kids, and trying to eke out a living working
She shrugged.

She saw a few drops of rain hitting the
windshields of cars in the parking lot. She grabbed another couple
of items and hurried to get in the check-out line. She craned her
neck toward the produce section again, but didn’t see
Putting him out of her mind, she watched the display of her items
and the total increase on the computer screen, then realized she’d
forgotten bread and milk.
Oh, well, I’ll get them later. Gotta
rush to my car

After her groceries had been bagged and
placed in her cart, she rushed through the sliding front doors of
the store. The rain pelted; customers were bumping carts as they
scrambled for their cars. She was about to get drenched. A gust of
rain-swollen wind whipped her long mane of blonde hair around, when
a hand touched her arm, and the low voice said, “Lead me to your
car; I’ll help you.” She heard the swoosh of an umbrella opening
above her. Reflexively, she headed to her car. A man. Not just any
man, but produce man with an umbrella shielding her from the rain.
How lucky can a woman get?

She tried to look at him, but the wind kept
whipping her hair across her face.
! Her keys dangled
in her hand on the cart handle. His large hand rested alongside
hers. She felt him hook a finger across hers.
Oh, damn! What is
going on here? I don’t even know produce guy, what’s-his-name.

Above the wind and thunder, he said, “When we
get close, pop the trunk of your car, then your door. I’ll hold the
umbrella for you then load your groceries for you.”

“Okay.” The wind whipped, lightning flashed,
followed by a another rumble of thunder.

She hit her car buttons on her key fob. He
saw the tail lights flash, and knew exactly the movements to make.
Before she could think or speak, he’d ushered her into the driver’s
seat, closed her door, lifted her trunk lid, loaded her groceries,
then said, “You also left a package at the checkout station, but
I’ve put it in one of your bags. Keep dry.”

She turned looking over the seat toward the
back of her SUV. “Thank you so mu—”

The trunk lid closed, cutting her off.

She muttered as she watched the tall shadowy
figure with the umbrella move through the rain, “I didn’t even get
to thank him. Oh, well, maybe I’ll stop by in a couple days and
give him a tip…help him and his family out.”

But why is my pulse beating so fast?


Chapter 2


Once home, relatively dry, thanks to produce
guy, Kara started putting her groceries away, wondering which bag
he’d been so kind to catch and pack in her trunk. She wished she’d
gotten a better look at him. Well, maybe next time, she

She’d put every item up, except one. The
double-wrapped item tucked neatly in the bag with the cereals. As
she pulled it from the grocery bag she couldn’t remember getting an
item with the long boxy feel.
Ah! My spaghetti, but then she
remembered already shelving that. Oh, well.

She unwrapped the boxed item with a
see-through cellophane window. She froze, staring, then dropped the
box on her granite counter. A note was taped to the side of the
box. The note read:
Any woman buying as many LARGE cucumbers
each week as you, needs one of these. It’ll save you some money.

Every emotion known to her exploded into
chaos forming threats laced with expletives. “That bastard! The
perverted nerve of that son-of-a-bitch. That motherfucker! How dare
him? How can a respectable grocery store allow some deviate like
him to work for them? I’ll have his puny-ass job. I’ll get him
fired; that’s what I’ll do.” Then she thought, oh, god, no I won’t.
How am I gonna go in the store and tell them they should fire him
because he put an eight-inch dildo in my shopping bag? And how will
I explain his note? “He’s a sexual predator, a stalker, a crazy
rogue. I’ll call the police.” Oh, hell no, then my complaint will
probably be public record. “That devious bastard. How could he
intrude into my private life or doings? Damn him! How could this
have happened?”

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