Taste Me (3 page)

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Authors: Candi Silk

Tags: #adult erotica, #romance erotic, #erotica women, #erotica couples, #sex explicit sex sexy short story erotica erotica short story erotic romance risky sex sex in public erotica for women

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Their conversation was cut short, when he
received an emergency text that was work related. He had to deal
with a crisis.

Before she could gather her thoughts, he
stepped to her chair, pulling her into a gentle hug that seemed to
caress her entire body. He whispered in her hair, “I promise to
make you come all night long.” She gasped at his audacity, but more
at his naughty promise.

Then he turned and walked toward the

She felt herself getting wet and suddenly
self-conscious with all the coffee drinkers around. She quickly
took her seat, trying to calm her aroused female flesh. She’d never
had a man get her so aroused with his words and the way he looked
at her.
Oh, my god!


Chapter 4

Coffee with Jonah and his sex appeal had left
her feeling aroused in a way she couldn’t remember. While shopping,
her thoughts kept coming back to him and his confident, daring
manner which challenged her feeling of being in control.

Ever since her divorce she’d vowed that she’d
allow another man to control any aspect of her life.
She’d had enough of that by obeying and catering to every whim of
her ex-husband. And that didn’t work; he still ended up chasing
other skirts.

But this Jonah guy, produce man, had rattled
her to the core, otherwise why was she selecting new sexy lingerie.
Well, actually, way more than just sexy; downright naughty
sex-wear: see-through half bras, bikini panties that covered a
small portion of her firm hips, and T-back thongs that had almost
no coverage in front for her female treasure. When she’d worn sexy
items for her boyfriend, he’d barely noticed. So why am I buying
this stuff, she thought, certainly not for Roger. She rationalized
she was just treating herself to some fantasy-wear. Nothing would
ever develop between produce guy anyway, she thought. He’s probably
had so many women, and since I
discouraged him,
probably hurt his pride, he’ll move on to someone prettier, she

She was about to put all the items she’d
picked out back on the shelves, and then one thing kept tantalizing
her curiosity:
Why would he slip such a large dildo in my
grocery bag unless he has a cock as big or bigger? No man in his
right mind would give a strange woman a huge dildo and then hope to
please her with a smaller cock. OMG! I’m buying all new sex-wear;
at least I’ll be prepared in case a fantasy becomes real.

In the afternoon, while she tidied up around
her house, her thoughts were of Jonah. Her body seemed stuck in a
simmering state of arousal and it wasn’t because she had a date
with Roger, her current boyfriend. It had to be Jonah. She kept
thinking of how earthy he looked, as he walked back to their table
in the coffee shop, his jeans riding low on his hips with that
unmistakable male bulge along one inner thigh as if to announce a
bigger surprise.
Oh, my, what a package!

Then Roger called twice undecided about the
plans for the evening. His inability to make even the simplest
decisions drove her out of her mind. Her frustration was growing by
the minute after his third call, cancelling the date. She wondered
why she kept loping along with the relationship.
Well, let’s
count the ways…Roger’s such a nice guy, and you haven’t really
shown a serious interest in men since your divorce. Roger’s a
convenient bore. Roger’s safe; a known quantity. But predictable
boredom. Dependable boredom. Yes…that must be it. Dependable.
Boredom. Yeah, and I need to “break-out” from that

After Roger’s call cancelling two hours
before their date, Kara decided she’d get dressed anyway and treat
herself out to dinner. She showered, used a little of her
fragrance, then slipped on a matching black lacey half bra and
T-back thong. She admired herself in the mirror. Glad that she kept
herself trim and toned, but maybe could lose another five pounds.
What woman doesn’t want to lose another couple of pounds?

She decided to go all out, as she pulled on a
pair of thigh-high silk stockings, an above the knee black skirt,
and red silk blouse, both accenting her soft curves. She put on a
pair of three-inch heels and stood, approving of her appearance in
the large wall mirror in her bedroom. Not bad for a woman without a
date for the evening. Her shoulders slumped with disappointment,
but she pulled out a pair of white pearls, hooking them around her
neck. They fell perfectly, hinting at her cleavage. With one button
undone, it was the perfect image of sexy, but innocent, she
thought. Well, somewhat innocent. She chuckled to herself. Dressed
like this, maybe I’ll meet someone at the restaurant, she

As she reached for her clutch bag, she caught
a glimpse of the boxed dildo on her armoire. She twitched as she
pulled the thing from the box, letting her fingers glide along the
length of it. Feels just like a real one, she thought. Maybe she’d
use it tonight when she returned from dinner, if she didn’t get
lucky. Then she fumed, thinking of the produce guy’s raw boldness
in giving the dildo to her.
Damn him for toying with my emotions
like this.

She jerked her phone out of her bag.
call him and give him another piece of my mind, tell him to never
speak to me again. He had some nerve.
She scrolled for his
number that she’d added to her contact list after he’d left the
coffee shop. She hit send, then almost immediately hit the “end”
Oh, hell, what am I doing? I need to just let things be,
have no contact with the guy, and shop at another store. Yeah,
that’s what I’ll do. He’s probably dangerous…or something. But damn
he’s…he’s…oh, hell, I don’t know what he is.

She fiddled with her long blonde tresses and
a touch of makeup awhile longer, then grabbed for her clutch bag
and headed downstairs, adjusting a couple lights and checking her
doors. She was ready to treat herself to a nice meal and settle for
watching a movie once back home. An independent woman should be
able to entertain herself. Total control; yeah, that’s what it’s
all about, she thought.


Chapter 5

She opened her door to head to her car, and
was. Jonah, produce guy, smiling at her with that
wicked smile of his, blue eyes drifting over her. Her pulse

He made the first move, as he took a step
inside the door. She stepped back, her breath catching. He said, “I
got your call.”

Oh, damn, the call must have gone through.
Not smart of me.
“Uh…well…I hit the wrong number. I…I…was
trying to call someone else. Sorry.”


“I’m not, and you called the right number.
Mine.” He took another step inside. She backed up. He glanced at
his watch, showing almost seven o’clock. “Looks like your date
should be arriving any minute now.”

“Yes, so you need to leave.” She ran her
tongue across her lips. Something wild flashed through her flesh,
prickling her skin with heat. Anticipation held the air, as his
eyes swept across her from head to toe. She felt her pulse quicken
Oh, my god!


[Note from author, Candi Silk: Things are
going to get a little tense, so I’m going to let Kara tell the rest
of her story.]


Jonah continued smiling at me. Him being in
my house, in my kitchen, only a few feet from me made my breathing
deepen. His eyes rested on my chest, watching the rise and fall of
my breasts with each breath I took.

He looked back at my eyes and said, “No, I
don’t need to leave. The only thing I
to do is fuck you
tonight, and love the woman behind those emerald eyes.”

His brazen, confident manner sent heat
through my body. No man had ever used the “F” word in a direct
reference to me, not even my current boring boyfriend. And the “L”
word in the same breath? Never heard that combination before.
was he just fucking with my mind or…? Whatever.
But my body,
quickly stirring with desire, found it arousing. My breasts seemed
to come alive, and I felt dampness between my pussy lips.
Am I losing my mind? And about to lose control?

We continued to square off at each other. The
air crackled with our tightly wound desire that was evident as we
held each other’s eyes. My right hand came to my cleavage,
fingering the pearls, then I thought, maybe he’s just toying with
me to get my reaction. My eyes glanced down at the bulge along his
left inner thigh. He’s not toying; he’s serious. This roguish male
wants to fuck my pussy.
He wants me!

I knew what I was about to do would be the
deciding factor. It would unleash uncontrolled risk, dangerous,
industrial-strength risk…for both of us. Did he know what he was
getting into? Did I know what I was inviting? I was about to find

I released my pearls, lowering my right hand,
unbuttoning another button on my red, silk blouse that was filling
with heat from my aching breasts. I licked my lips, then let my
pink tongue rest against my upper lip.

He took the bait and started to take another
step toward me. I turned and bolted for my hallway leading to the
stairs. I heard his footsteps in pursuit of me. Fear and excitement
collided inside my flesh. One of my heels came off at the bottom of
the steps.

I scrambled, pumping my legs to get to my
bedroom. He caught my other ankle, knocking off my other shoe. Then
he caught my thigh, just above my knee, but I slipped free, gaining
purchase on another couple steps at the top, then I darted for my

I heard him chuckle, saying, “…exciting

My heart was pounding like crazy. From the
corner of my eye, I glimpsed him removing his white cotton shirt,
as he continued his pursuit of me. I’d reached my bedroom door and
was about to close it, when his strong hand stopped it and forced
it back against the wall with ease. I knew then there was no
turning back. Something inside me yielded, and I backed against the
foot of my bed, as I undid another button. I gasped at his muscled
tanned upper body. All muscle groups distinctly chiseled. He
dropped his shirt, then moved toward me.

As my shaking hands reached for another
button, he said, “Stop. I want to undress you.” He pulled me next
to him. In my silk-stocking feet, I was looking at the bottom of
his neck. I slowly looked up at him, breathing heavily, a
combination of having run upstairs, but mainly from being caught
and in the embrace of this virtual stranger who pulsed with desire
for me.
For me.

He smiled down at me. “I’ve wanted to hold
you from the first day I saw you, Kara.” His strong arms slid
around me and his hands palmed heat across my body. I leaned into
him, molding my frame against his hard body. And I felt the length
of his arousal against my stomach, and
oh, god,
he was
definitely bigger than the dildo he’d given me. My pussy quaked at
the thoughts of what it would feel like sliding inside me.

His hands stroked the sides of my hips, then
across my backside, pulling me closer into him at the small of my
back. His hands seemed to be everywhere, spreading heat through my
flesh, and then I felt them glide up my sides, thumbs brushing the
sides of my breasts, sending a flutter of tingles through my female

As if that wasn’t enough, he kissed the top
of my head. I heard him inhale deeply against my hair. Low moans
rumbled deep in his throat. “You smell delicious, Kara. Like exotic
fruits…female fruits.” His compliments made me weak in the

His hands lightly brushed across my
tightening nipples, when he reached for my shoulders and neck, his
large hands brushing and stroking the column of my neck, and along
my jaw. He trailed heated kisses on my temples and teased both
sides of my neck. Then while his left hand pressed the small of my
back, his right hand finished unbuttoning my blouse, pulling it
from my skirt.
He’s getting closer to making me naked.
wished my breasts were bigger.
Damn, why did I have to think
about that?

Once my blouse fell loose, opened at the
front, his right hand tilted my chin up, and he looked deeply into
my eyes. “You don’t know how many times I’ve wished for this
moment…to be only inches from your alluring mouth.” I swallowed,
licking my lips, heart beating expectantly.

His mouth brushed both cheeks, his breath hot
against my face. My pulse quickened again. Then his mouth brushed
my lips. I gasped. His lips and tongue teased and nibbled around
the edges of my lips, fanning sleeping desires deep inside my
throbbing body.

And then it happened. His mouth closed over
mine. There was strength and determination in his kisses, but also
a gentleness, as his tongue entered my mouth. Our tongues tangled
in wet heat. He sucked my tongue, shooting sparks down through my
womanly core. Then I sucked his, tasting his freshness, different
than any other man.

As his tongue danced and lashed around my
open mouth I knew then that this man was determined to take what he
wanted and I realized that I was slowly and willingly meeting him
with my own wants and our movements were filled with breathless
anticipation. I filled his mouth with female moans.

He lifted me like a feather, placing me on my
own bed, as if he already owned it. I felt the weight of his
strength as he crawled beside me, after kicking off his loafers,
and peeling off his socks. He rolled next to me, gazing in my eyes,
his head propped on his left arm and hand, and his right arm draped
over my waist. “You are one gorgeous woman. I’m so glad you invited
me to spend the evening with you.”

I laughed. “I did no such thing. You pushed
your way in…I didn’t have much choice.”

He chuckled. “The choice was yours when you
undid that button on your blouse…sexiest invitation I’ve ever

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