Teach Me (3 page)

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Authors: Ashleigh Townshend

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No one at work knows I dance in the evenings and on the weekends. I know the assumptions people make about strippers, and they are not true about me. I barely have time for sex, and most of my sexual experiences are hungry and quick. I am also not a whore and I have never been one to put sex and orgasms over my other basic needs. However, Lucas has awoken in me some kind of animal, a sex-starved, needy, and
submissive animal.

He doesn’t waste any time when we get into my apartment.
He rips my clothes off of me, tearing them all, except for the red skirt, which is careful with and places on a side table. I don’t know why I feel vulnerable when I am naked, since I do this for money, and Lucas himself has seen it, but I do. He undresses and I stare at his bulging, swollen cock. How can he possibly be that fucking horny again? I feel like I have been ripped apart.

“Dance for me,” he says and sits on my couch, rubbing himself and smiling.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Do your fucking stripper thing for me. And then, when I tell you, I want one hell of a fucking private lap dance.”

I dance, teasing him, touching myself, and watching him jerk off as he stares at me. The precum at the tip of his head is starting to leak down his cock, but he doesn’t change his pace at all. Just up and down on his shaft repeatedly while I watch. I’m surprised his hand can even fit around it. I end my number as I always do, by bending over to give him a shot of my cunt, and he makes a noise between a howl and a grunt.

“Now, bring it over here and give me that lap dance.”

Having never given a lap dance to a naked guy before, I struggle to figure out to do it without having him enter me. He clearly doesn’t want that yet, though, because he continues to stroke himself. I balance myself over him and grind against him, just brushing the tip with the edges of my pussy. Lucas smiles and then grabs my hips, forcing me down over him, and there it is again – the almost instant orgasm as he stretches me wide. My entire body is exhausted and I nearly collapse, but Lucas holds me and slides me up and down on top of him. This guy has the physical prowess of a fucking monster. I am like a ragdoll in his arms while he just moves me around on his cock.

“You seem tired,” he observes.

“Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night, and you’ve basically fucked me nonstop for almost a full day.”

“I don’t like that you’re tired.
I want you to keep up with me. And you need to be able to focus at school. You’re a teacher, for Chrissake. You need to be able to focus on those kids. They need you.”

“It’s only a few nights a week,” I argue.

“Too bad. I want you to quit. And before you bitch about the money, I will take care of that part. But I want this pussy all to myself and I don’t like the idea of creepy old dudes seeing it. You’re mine. I am going to own you and I don’t share.”

I want to argue, to demand that he not try to control me, but first of all, I love how cocky he is, because it makes me feel like someone is looking out for me. And also, I am struggling to continue the conversation with him thrusting inside my cunt. I don’t know how he can keep bouncing up and down on the couch, slamming his cock into me, and still maintain a normal conversation. It’s
as if he can’t stop.

By the time I finish again, I need him to stop, however, because it’s getting painful and I think he has fucked me dry. He tosses me onto the couch and I am about to protest when he gets on top of me, but then he moves upward and teases my lips with his cock. I’m exhausted, but I can suck him off if it gives my pussy a rest.

Tasting myself on him is weird, but pretty sexy, and I lick him clean before I focus on getting him to come. He holds my head in his tight grip and pushes downward so I can’t move while he forces his cock deep down my throat. I am desperate for air by the time the warm load spurts onto my tongue.

He sits beside me and looks me over. “I guess if you want to eat something now, we can order food.
But we need to talk about some rules.”

I take his cell phone and call in a pizza, but I can’t get off the couch. It takes all my energy just to hand him his phone when I am done.

“Okay, Miss Lawlor,” he starts.

“Call me Savannah,” I suggest.

“No. Miss Lawlor, because you were my teacher and I want to fuck you like my teacher. I love how fucking dirty it is.”

“Whatever you want, Lucas.”

“Good. That’s the first rule. I own you now. I want you when I want you and how I want you. There will be no complaints, no arguments, and no exceptions.”

“What about school?” I ask.

“You will keep teaching, of course. And I will spend my afternoons trying not to jerk off everywhere thinking about you there, with that gorgeous ass, getting all the boys hot and hard.”

“I don’t fuck my students,” I tell him.

He smiles. “Of course not.”

“You’re no longer my student. And this is not normal.”

“Well, that’s good. Because I am a jealous guy and I don’t want anyone looking at you.”

“Okay, but you really need to be less angry. It’s kind of scary.”

“You’ll deal with it, because I fuck you like nobody’s business, and that anger is what keeps me on top.”

I am tempted to use this comment as an entry into asking him about the rumors, but he keeps going.

“There are things I need to do many nights. You can’t be included in those things. So on those nights, you will be home as soon as school is over, and I will fuck you quick. Then, I want you to promise me that you will spend at least an hour playing with your hot pussy and thinking of me. And I will be getting you plenty of toys to keep it entertaining.”

I nod, because I don’t trust myself to speak.

“So, are we clear?”

“Can I ask you about the drugs, Lucas?”

“No. You won’t ask me where I go at night, about anything involving drugs, who I am with, or my sister. I promise you I will not even look at another girl, but the shit I am involved in is complicated and dangerous. I don’t want to drag you into it, and I certainly don’t want anyone thinking I am attached to you.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re not a fucking weapon for them to use against me. You understand? You talk to
no one
about us.”

I nod. “I understand.”

“Good. Now come here and let me eat that pussy until the pizza gets here.”

Somehow, I find the strength in my legs to go to him as he asks. He holds me up over his face and inserts his tongue deep, swirling inside of me, and rubbing my clit hard with his thumb. The pizza guy rings the buzzer before I come and I am a mess when Lucas pushes me to the floor in order to answer the door. I don’t get up and I realize what it must look like to the kid who brings the food, but I don’t care. I need Lucas’s tongue again. He pays for the food, but doesn’t send the kid away. Instead, he invites him again, as if that’s appropriate.

“She’s fucking hot, isn’t she?” The kid nods. He can’t be much over eighteen and he certainly doesn’t look like Lucas. “Do you want to watch her come?”

The kid gets excited and I can’t believe this is happening, especially after Lucas saying he doesn’t share. He moves to the floor, and slides between my legs, lifting my ass of the floor, and getting back into my cunt. I orgasm and as I look up, I see the pizza guy watching. It’s embarrassing, but I can’t stop the sensations and I cry out, whimpering and shaking and twitching while the dude stares at us. My tits are shaking as I come and I am utterly humiliated. As soon as I come, Lucas pays the kid and then locks the door.

“I told you I don’t share,” he yells at me.

didn’t invite him to watch,” I reply.

“Either way, you’re going to be punished. Bend over, you fucking slut.”

I do, pushing my tits against the hard wood of the dining room table, and Lucas goes to the kitchen while I wait. He comes back with the heavy cutting board and grins. “Spread ‘em,” he commands.

I do, and he winds up, bringing the cutting board down on my ass so fucking hard I scream. “No,” I cry.

“Oh yes. Yes, slut.” He hits me again and again with the board, each time harder than the last. I won’t be able to sit down when he’s done and I’m in tears as he punishes me. Then, he drops the board, positions himself behind, and slides into me again. My ass is burning, and I am so angry and humiliated and sore, but my stupid fucking cunt just takes him in and gets wet immediately. He fucks me hard against the table, but we both come fast this time. He pulls out, comes on my ass, and then spins me around, kissing me hard. “Remember. I have no problem punishing you.”

We eat the pizza in silence, still naked. I don’t know what this is. No one has ever made me feel like Lucas does, both in good and bad ways. He’s incredibly sexy and I can’t believe how good fucking him is, but he is also violent and mean and a little scary. I don’t know if I really like the way he treats me and I am tempted to tell him to get the fuck out. However, after we eat, he cleans up the pizza, does the dishes, and then comes back to the dining room. Lifting me in his arms, Lucas carries me to my bed and lays me down. He lies beside me and kisses me gently all over my body. I start to forget his temper until he reminds me.

“I know I’m a little rough around the edges, but I have always wanted to be with you, Miss Lawlor. I won’t hurt you, even if it seems frightening. If you ever think you’re in danger, just tell me. I never, ever want you to hurt. Unless it’s the good kind of pain that I can help you forget.”

“That was pretty intense,” I admit. “Maybe a little too intense.”

“Really? You seemed to love it.”

I can’t deny that I did. Maybe I just wasn’t prepared for it. “Fine. But at least let’s use a safe word? So I can tell you if it is going too far?”

“Absolutely. How about, um, lampshade?” He comes up with the word by naming the first thing he sees in front of him, which is kind of lame, but also a little adorable.

I laugh. “Lampshade it is. And speaking of too far, I really don’t think I can do anymore tonight,” I tell him.

“That’s okay. I won’t be around much the next few days, so you’ll have some time to recover. Our fucking will be quick when you get home from school. And tonight, while you sleep, I’ll just touch and kiss you everywhere. So you can have pleasant dreams.”

I feel like that might be distracting, but he’s already on it, and surprisingly, the physical exhaustion takes over, allowing me to fall asleep while he’s kissing and playing with me. It’s not a sexual touch, but it feels nice and I doze off. When morning comes, he’s in the bathroom, so I don’t know if he really did do it all night long. I get ready for school, promise him I will head back as soon as the bell rings, and head out. I’m having trouble walking normal. Lucas is going to ruin me.




Crazy shit is happening at school. Kade McNamara was suspended today and everyone is talking about it. He had missed a few days and then showed up today high out of his fucking head. He had bruises all over him and a black eye, which certainly helped spread the rumors of underground fighting and tournaments arranged by Tim Pollen. It’s all anyone wants to discuss, even the teachers, and the lounge is where I get all the details. Someone overheard a story that Kade was intentionally trying to get suspended, because there is a huge fight this weekend. I listen closely, and consider asking Lucas. He said he would be busy for the next few nights, but I know he doesn’t want to answer questions.

Cara stops by at the end of the day. I’m supposed to be out the door when the bell rings, per Lucas’s orders, but I have a lot of papers to grade and I need to gather my things. When she comes in, I don’t want to blow her off, either. Lucas can wait a few minutes. He can’t think I am literally going to leave the second the bell rings.

“Hey, I was going to talk to you yesterday, but then you had company. It was nice of Lucas to stop by to say hello,” she says.

“It was,” I agree, hoping I am not blushing. Having Lucas here in my classroom was anything but

“How’s he doing? Have you heard some of the rumors?”

“I have, but I just ran into him again. I don’t really know how much is true.”

“You ran into him? Oh. I thought he had just popped in.”

“Yeah, I mean, I happened to see him out and about and told him to stop by some time so we could catch up.” I hate backtracking, but I know that, legal or not, there are definitely people who would not look kindly on my relationship with Lucas. Especially given our interactions yesterday here in this room. That would definitely be a fireable offense.

“Is he working? He was dressed pretty well for a kid from the shitty part of town with no parents.”

I don’t want to talk about Lucas’s past. I never liked talking about it when he was still just a kid in my classes. He mostly raised his sister, which explains a lot about why he went off the deep end when she was taken into child custody. I know they considered putting him in custody, too, but he was already 17 at that point. It just wasn’t worth the legal hassles. I never knew what happened to his parents, but I did meet his aunt once. She was the one who officially had custody, although she never moved into the house after his parents died. At least that was the story everyone seemed to agree on as it passed through the school.

“I think so? I know he’s doing pretty well for himself. Not sure what he’s up to.”

“You think there’s any truth to those stories? Underground fighting? Drug deals? Think Lucas would get dragged into things with Tim and Kade?”

“I have no idea,” I tell her, although Lucas told me himself he was in business with Tim.

“It’s really scary. They’re just kids,” she says. The comment stirs a lot of guilt in me, but Lucas has not acted like a kid at all. In fact, he seems a lot more experienced than I am. Still, I am fucking a former student and he could be in real trouble. I have no tolerance for drug use, and yet I haven’t said a word about the fact that I know he gets high, simply because it gives him the stamina of a superhero. I’m really failing as a role model. My wet pussy has taken precedence over a student’s well-being.

I don’t pay much attention to Cara for the rest of the conversation and, as I drive home, I’m distraught. What am I doing? I need to get Lucas help, not allow him to destroy himself just because I’m so impressed with his cock.

When I get home, though, my plans of talking things out are ruined, because he is in a rage. He slams the door and throws me against it.

“You were supposed to come right home,” he slurs. Great. Drunk and high.

“I was talking to another teacher. What did you want me to say? ‘I need to get home to fuck my former student?’”

His face is right next to mine and at first I think he might hit me, but instead he drags me to the bedroom. He tears my clothes off, pushes me onto the bed and, out of nowhere, he produces a rope and ties me to the frame while I am face down.

“Don’t move,” he says and chuckles a little as he leaves. I’m going to go broke if he keeps ripping my clothes off like this. When he comes back, he has a roll of duct tape, and he pulls a piece loose, covering my mouth. He wraps it all the way around so I can’t force it off.

“When I say you will come right home, you will come right home,” he says, and then I struggle against my bonds as he shoves something into my asshole. It’s definitely not him, because I would die if he tried to slide in there with no lube, but it is shocking. More shocking is when he leaves it there and then slides his cock against my pussy.

“I am going to fuck you hard, but if you come, you will be punished. You will not come unless I tell you you can come. Do you understand?”

I try to speak against the tape, but I can’t.

Lucas leans close to my ear and growls. “I asked if you fucking understand? Nod your fucking head yes, bitch.”

I nod and he slams himself into me. I can’t help how good it feels and I know it will be impossible not to come. He goes faster and faster until my clit feels like it will pop and then, in the cruelest move possible, Lucas reaches under me and thumbs my clit. I try to resist, but it’s too fucking good and I come. I come by squirting everywhere, too, and the wetness is profound. He slips around inside of me, because there is so much, and I can’t stop squirting.

“Bitch,” he cries out. “I told you not to come.”

He pulls out, unties me, and turns me over. Whatever is in my ass is still in there. Looking at Lucas’s cock, I can see the vein pulsing and I am scared of what he is going to do. He rebinds me to the bed and then starts to jerk off. I want to touch him, to feel his balls in my mouth, to suck his cock
, but I am completely immobile and I have tape over my mouth. I watch his hand move quickly up and down the shaft and it’s so fucking hot. He watches me watching him and grins.

“Miss Lawlor, you make my cock so fucking hard. Look how fucking hard you make me.”

It has started to grow redder and I know it won’t be long. I want his cum. I don’t want him to do it himself, but there is nothing I can do. I want to be soaked with it, to drink it, to feel him in every hole. Instead, all I can do is watch his stroke faster and faster until suddenly it blows. Cum spills out of the head and lands all over my face, my neck, my tits, and my hair. Some hits the wall behind me. Lucas bends over, tears the duct tape off my face – which hurts like hell – and pushes my face against the wall.

“Lick it up, slut,” he says.

It is so good and I like every drop. I reach down to where it landed on my tits and get that on my fingers, cleaning it up and wishing it was inside of me.

“I need more of you,” I beg.

“Too bad. Your punishment is that you need to wait until tomorrow.”

No,” I whine.

“Yes. And, even more, you will be here, tied up, thinking about what you did, until I get home. I will make sure I am back by the morning so you can get to school, but you’ll be tied here until I return.”

“I can’t, Lucas. I need to relieve the ache,” I plead.

“Well, how’s this?” He goes to the nightstand and pulls out a strap on vibrator I have never seen before. He attaches the straps, slips the vibrating part inside of me, and turns the setting to max. It tears through me and I feel myself coming, but then I realize I will be here for more than twelve hours tied up like this. With the nonstop vibrations running through my cunt. I wonder if anyone has died from this kind of stimulation. Lucas doesn’t care, though, and kisses me quickly.

“See you in the morning, babe.”

The vibrator continues to drive me wild. The attachment teases my clit and vibrates against my G-spot. Whatever Lucas put in my ass in still there and I come and come, realizing I may just die from ecstasy. It is going to be a long night. The vibrator continues to buzz as my body twitches.

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