Teach Me (9 page)

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Authors: Ashleigh Townshend

BOOK: Teach Me
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“Did I do a good job?” Mark asks.

I smile. “The fucking best. A fucking plus. Gold stars all around.”

He smiles and falls asleep. I wait until he’s out before I get up to clean up. Lucas will be back in the morning, but I want to let Mark relax a bit before I bring him home. He’s passed this fucking test with flying colors. And then some.




I bring Mark home before dawn. I know I won’t see him again and he doesn’t ask. It was an amazing fucking night and now he’s ready to go off and give another girl that incredible cock. My job is done. I get back and I’m in bed, half asleep, when Lucas returns. I only have about an hour before I need to get to work. I’m tired, but I feel incredibly satisfied.

Lucas isn’t happy, because his fight was too fast and he didn’t make enough, but he’s not in a total rage. I don’t tell him about my night; he doesn’t need to know. Instead, I promise to come home right after school so we can enjoy our one night together before he has to leave for a week.

When I get to school, I know something’s up. Kade McNamara is back and a few students give me strange looks.
Fuck. Someone talked
. I still think it might just be rumors until Cara comes running to my room before I have even unpacked my bag. She shuts the door behind her.

“Savannah, how stupid could you be?”


“You had to know Trina’s still enrolled her. Yes, she’s eighteen, but if you were going to…”

I realize that Tim fucked me over. I don’t know why and I don’t know how far the damage has reached, but he didn’t give me the only tape. I pull out my phone, text Lucas and tell him to take care of this shit, and look at Cara like she’s crazy.

“I have no idea what-”

“Save it,” she says. “I
you. Everyone saw you. You’re lucky most of the students think it’s hot and haven’t gone to the office, but you need to get that tape, Savannah, and you need to lay low.”

“Who’s seen it for teachers?”

“Me, John, and Gail, but I can’t promise there won’t be more. And the kids are all loving it. You’re like every boy’s masturbation fantasy as it is and now they don’t even have to fantasize.”

I flush. “I am?”

“Oh, give me a break,” she sighs. “Savannah, get that damn video before someone else does.”

I nod meekly. Today is going to be terrible. I can tell as soon as Cara opens the door and my first class comes in. The girls are glaring at me, but it’s the boys who make me uncomfortable. They’re checking me out and I wish I had something less slutty. My skirt is too short and my shirt is too tight. And now they have seen
of my assets.

Somehow, miraculously, I make it to lunch. Lucas hasn’t responded and I’m about to call him when Kade McNamara struts into my room. He shuts the door behind him, turns the lock, and sits on one of the front desks.

“Tim Pollen is a lying sack of shit. I can get your video back, but I need something from you.”

Is he going to try to fuck me, too
? But no. Kade wants me to talk Lucas into a fight between just the two of them.

“Fair,” he adds. “Not for money. I just need to prove I can keep up. I don’t even care if he wins. I just need not to get my ass kicked.”

“I’ll talk to him but he hasn’t been very responsive all day. I wanted him to go kick Tim’s ass since I got here.”

“Yeah. I can imagine. The thing is that no one kicks Tim’s ass. They kiss it or fuck it, but that’s all. He holds all the cards, Miss Lawlor. And now, he’s got your fucking balls in a vice.”

I almost point out that I don’t actually have balls, but Kade is right. I’m fucked. It’s bad enough that my students have seen me fucking anyone, but to have a video of me making out with a current student – even if she isn’t in my classes – well, I am fucked.

“I know Trina well. I’ll get her to get the tape tonight. Talk to Lucas, okay?”

I nod and he goes to the door.

“Oh, and Miss Lawlor?”

I look up.

“You’re fucking hot. Let me know if you’re ever, uh, looking for a little fun.”

There it is. I just smile, though. I need to stop fucking people. It’s just getting me screwed in far more ways than I intended.

I survive the glares, stares, and leers for the rest of the day and get the fuck out as soon as the last bell rings. Lucas never texted back and I’m fucking pissed. I find him passed out in my bed, working off some kind of new drug, I guess, and I kick him to wake him. He grins, grabs my legs, and shoves his face in my crotch.

“Mmm, breakfast,” he says.

I push him off me. “First of all, it’s almost fucking dinner time. And second, do you know what Tim fucking did? Did you check your phone?”

He looks at me bleary-eyed and shakes his head.

“Well, he apparently made a copy of that video. And the whole fucking school has seen it. I need it taken down before the principal fucking sees it.”

“Aw, shit, that sucks,” he says, but he does nothing.

“Lucas, do you fucking understand?”

“Yeah, but how am I supposed to get it?”

“I don’t give a fuck. Offer to suck his dick. Hell, I’ll fucking suck his dick. But I want every last copy of that video.”

Tim doesn’t answer the few times Lucas calls and he doesn’t want to spend tonight fighting, but I’m on edge. I can’t believe this shit is happening.

“Babe, fucking come to bed. I’m gonna have to last a week without that sweetness. Don’t be a fucking
cock tease.”

“You’re a fucking asshole,” I grumble and go to the living room.

That pisses him off and he chases me, carrying me to the kitchen and throwing me down on the kitchen table. “You don’t fucking say no,” he says.

“Yeah. Try me. No,” I spit.

“Oh, really? No?”

He shoves his fist into my pussy and the fucker is too good for me to pretend it doesn’t turn me on. I gush around him and he laughs.

“Still no?” He asks.

“I fucking said no,” I tell him but my cunt is a fucking traitor. I’m so wet and I buck my hips toward his fist, taking more of him in.

“Okay, then,” he says and pulls away, leaving me moaning on the table.

“No, Lucas. Go ahead.”

“Nah, I changed my mind. I’m going for a jog.”

“Fuck you you’re going for a jog,” I tell him.

“Yeah? Fucking stop me.”

He’s always been the rough one, but I’m a woman possessed. I grab him, scratching my fingernails along his bare chest. I drop to my knees and pull his boxers down with my teeth,
before bringing my head up to suck his cock. He doesn’t respond and I’m so fucking pissed off. I tease the head with my teeth and then rise, looking at the monster pointing at me. He clearly wants to fuck me, but he’s not playing along and I’m fucking mad. I look for the cutting board he used on me and I get behind him, spanking him hard. Oh, fuck. Wetness spills from my cunt. It is so fucking hot to spank him. Now I know what he must feel like, how good it is to be in charge. He bends over so I can smack him harder and I wind up, bringing the board down on his naked fine ass.

I don’t know how to punish him, but I want to. It’s the only thing I don’t know how to do.

“Lucas, teach me how to play rough,” I beg.

He looks over his shoulder at me.

“You sure?”

“Yes, baby. I want to fucking punish you.”

He starts to jerk off, which pisses me off, because I want him to save it for me and I wind up hard and smack him. He lets go of his cock and turns to face me.

“Come on,” he says and leads me to my room. I don’t know when he moved toys into my dresser, but he takes out a length of rope. “Tie me up,” he instructs.

I do and look through the rest of the toys. I can’t gag him, because I need him to teach me, but I see a hard plastic thing and hold it up. Lucas laughs.

“It goes in my ass.”

“I know,” I retort, although I wasn’t sure. I insert it and he groans. There are a lot of fun contraptions, but I’m new to this and I settle on a leather strap. Folding it in half, I wind up and smack Lucas hard on the thigh. His hips fly up and he cries out, in pleasure.

“Yes,” he says. “Harder.”

I hit him again and again and he keeps demanding I hit him harder. I’m dripping onto the floor I am so fucking wet, but he just wants me to whip him. Finally, I can’t take it anymore and I get on top of him. My pussy is like a fucking ocean and it slips over him so easily. He pushes up again, straight into me, and I ride him hard. It’s so different than with Mark, since Mark was sweet and I was in charge, but not in this way. Lucas is rough and I can’t be aggressive enough. I reach down for the strap and smack his thighs while I ride him. He strains against his bonds, but doesn’t break free. At least not at first. Suddenly, though, he growls loudly and breaks the fucking rope. He’s like a fucking monster and he doesn’t even pull out before he flips us both over. I’m under him and he starts thrusting hard, stretching me wide around his giant monster cock.

“Baby, I love your pussy so fucking much,” he says.

“It loves you,” I tell him.

He lifts my legs up so I am basically folded in half and fucks me hard. He still has the butt plug in his ass, but he’s not even in the moment. I wish for once I could fuck Lucas while he was all here, but the thought is erased by the wildest fucking orgasm I have ever had. All of my moral superiority fades when Lucas fucks me. His cock reaches all the way to the end of me and I scream his name louder than ever. Someone probably thinks he’s murdering me since I am crying his name like he is. But it’s so fucking good and I can’t stop coming.

He laughs as he fucks me nonstop while I orgasm. I lose total control and Lucas drills me. I don’t even know my name by the time he matches me and comes, pulling out and releasing it all over my clothes. I didn’t even bother to fucking undress.

“So you want dinner?” I ask and he laughs.

“Yeah. Pussy.” And he’s between my legs. Lucas is a fucking animal. It’s only the next day when I wake up that I realize he never took care of the video.


Kade, however, does come through. There are three copies, but Trina got them all. I don’t know what their barter was and I probably don’t want to know. He’s an ass but I have to thank him for this. Of course, I didn’t even talk to Lucas and now he’s out of town for a week.

“I’ll definitely talk to him when he comes back,” I tell Kade.

He stares at me. “What about in the meantime?”

“Kade, please don’t ask me to fuck you,” I beg. “I’m fucking tired.”

He laughs. “Miss Lawlor, I’m fucking guy. I probably like cock more than you.”

I look at him and laugh. This big, raging asshole is fucking gay? Well, that just broke down all my fucking assumptions. “So what did you mean?”

“Can you help me get Tim to give me a fight in the meantime?”

“I think he’s gonna be with Lucas,” I tell him.

“Oh,” and something twitches in his face.

“What?” I ask, because clearly that was not the answer he wanted or expected.

“You know what Tim demands of his prized fighters, right?”

“That they’re high and willing to kill?”

“Yeah, well, that, and also he has some…fetishes.”

“Wait – are you saying Tim is

“That’s what I’m saying.”

I think of the day I came home to find Lucas sucking Tim’s dick. It was hot, but I assumed it was a one-time deal and Tim has fucked me twice nice – once in the ass – and he didn’t seem to prefer guys. Jealousy rages in me, even though I’ve been fucking around as well.

“Not cool,” I say, and decide this weekend, before Lucas expects me, that I’ll go up to the motel where they’re staying and surprise him. “Wanna come talk to him yourself this weekend?”

Kade nods. “Of course.”




Kade’s not the best company because he doesn’t communicate well. Mostly he grunts or talks about fighting, but I suppose it’s better than making the ride myself. We get to the motel and I see both Tim and Lucas’s cars. A surge of jealousy overwhelms me and I go to the door in front of Lucas’s car, banging on it hard. I hear voices and then the door flies open. Lucas is standing in the doorway, naked except for a towel.

I push my way into the room, Kade following behind me, and I am not happy about what I see. On the bed, Tim is naked and there is porn on the TV. It’s some kind of anal thing, but what pisses me off the most are the two naked girls currently taking turns sucking Tim’s dick.

“What the fuck is this?” I demand, pushing Lucas against the wall.

“Tim hired a couple girls. We were just having some fun.”

I glance around and see the mirror, rolled up bills, and remnants of coke on the table. Fucking assholes. “You expect me to quit stripping and you’re fucking hookers?”

“Well, technically, I am not fucking anyone.”

“Were you
to fuck the hookers?” I ask.

He shrugs and drops his towel, as if his cock is going to make it all okay. My stupid pussy reacts immediately and tingles as soon as I see it, but no. Not that easy. “Why don’t you join us, babe? It will be fucking hot.”

Kade’s still standing by the door, shooting daggers at Tim. Tim shrugs and props himself on his elbows. “I like that idea. Let’s have a fucking party.”

Both Kade and I are pissed and I’m about to walk out when Lucas grabs me and kisses me, pushing his cock against my thigh. Damn him. The sounds of the movie on TV and the slurping of the hookers on Tim’s cock get me fucking hot.

“Oh, what the hell? Why not?” I say.

“You’re a dancer,” Tim says. “Give us a show.”

I look at Kade and he shrugs. It’s fucked up, because he’s still at school, but it’s not like I’m corrupting him. He has a seat on the bed next to Tim and plays with Tim’s cock while the hookers both take breaks. They look like they’re fucking twenty at best. I think they’re twins, too. Of course.

Lucas sits in the chair by the table and I lock the door, getting ready to dance. Tim turns the porno up, which
is actually extremely hot and gets me wet. I’m used to dancing to music, but the sounds of people fucking are fucking unbelievable and my dancing is a lot more erotic. I touch myself as I dance and Tim smiles wide.

“We are so all gonna fuck you hard, bitch.”

I look to Lucas, thinking he might be jealous, but he’s jerking off and watching. He nods, as if the idea is the best fucking one he’s heard all day. I am so fucking sick of being used, I tell myself, but I don’t stop. What is wrong with me?

Tim and Lucas are jerking off and the two hookers are making out. Kade watches the movie. I finish undressing and I’m standing naked in the room. Everyone except Lucas is on the bed, so I join them. The two hookers are on top of me like fucking jungle cats and one has her head buried in my pussy before I’m even lying down.
She laps at my cunt and it’s fucking good. The other girl sits on top of me and plays with her tits.

“Let’s have an orgy,” she suggests. And as if she suggested a poker game, suddenly I am surrounded by bodies. I don’t know who is eating my pussy and whose cock is in my mouth. Hands are roaming across my body and someone nibbles on my tits. Between the porn and the six of us, all you can hear is grunting, moaning, and sounds of pleasure. I come from someone’s tongue but before I even finish the wave, a cock is buried deep inside of me. I realize I was sucking Tim’s dick because he pulls out and I see Lucas fucking me at the end of the bed. He grins. He’s still standing up and Tim jumps down, getting behind Lucas and sliding into Lucas’s asshole. I come watching it, because it’s amazing. Tim leans down and helps Lucas guide his cock into my pussy.

One of the girls takes my hands and has me finger her. The other girl is eating her pussy and Kade gets up to fuck Tim in the ass. Christ. The three guys thrust simultaneously and I wonder what will happen if they come together.

I lose focus, though, because Lucas is fucking me hard and my cunt is so hungry for him. I scream his name and watch the train of guys pump their cocks into the holes in front of them.
I come with my fingers buried in a hooker’s pussy. It’s dirty and awful and I hate myself and it feels so fucking good.

Lucas starts to come, which creates a chain reaction. As he blows his load into me, Tim finishes in his ass and then Kade finishes in Tim’s ass. There is so much hot cum dripping onto the floor, but the two girls are on top of it, licking up the guys’ legs and getting every last drop.

“Now what?” Lucas asks.

“There’s more?”

Of course, I forget that none of them know how to stop and I just give in to being fucked all night. At some point, one of the girls, whose name is Mandi, breaks out a huge fucking glass dildo and slips it inside of me. I use it to make myself come while I watch her blow my boyfriend – if that’s what he is. He doesn’t come with her, though, so I feel a little better. I don’t mind watching him with the guys but I don’t want to share him with the girls – unless we’re all playing. He seems to read my mind.

“Can I fuck you with that and fuck her with my cock?”

I nod, because it’s hot and she kisses me while he slides inside her. Then he takes control of the dildo and fucks me hard with it.

“Miss Lawlor, you are fucking everything I always dreamed you would be. I am so fucking happy I went to that club that night.”

I wish Lucas was still a little of the guy I knew less than a year ago, but I’m starting to come to terms with the fucking world I have to face if I want to keep him in my life. He’s so sexy and I don’t want to lose him. I start to get sad, but the moment fades when he slams the dildo deep into my cunt and makes me scream. One of these days, we will have a real conversation and I will actually be able to figure out my feelings for him. For now, though, he fucks me into oblivion and I love every last fucking second of it.


I’m pissed at Lucas when we wake up in the morning. Everyone else is gone, either to continue the party in Tim’s room or just gone, I guess. The porn is still playing and Lucas is already hard, so it just gets him rowdy.

“Can we actually talk first?” I ask.

He slides down my legs and smiles. “Talk away.”

He goes to town on my pussy and I barely get a few sentences out before I’m begging for his cock. He’s only happy to please and turns me so that I’m on my hands and knees in front of him
and he can fuck me from behind while we both watch the movie. The two guys on the screen are blowing one another now and I have to admit it’s so fucking hot. All that cock makes me desperate and when Lucas plunges into me, I love it. I feel him sliding in and out as I watch the guys on the TV lick along each other’s giant shafts. Lucas could easily make porn. His cock puts even these guys to shame and I’m happy it’s mine – at least mostly – as he tears my orgasm out of me.

After we both come, however, I want to get serious. He’s messed up in crazy shit and I need him to stop. Tim nearly cost me my job, I’m humiliated since half the fucking school has seen me get fucking plowed, and Lucas is high more than he isn’t. Not to mention the dude he fucking stabbed in front of me. All in all, this is one fucked up situation and I wonder if there is any good way out of it without losing him altogether. Still, I remind myself he’s only nineteen and if there is any way he can change, it’s now.

“I had two things to talk to you about,” I tell him.


“Can we get dressed and actually talk?”

He nods and we do and then we turn off the porn. Lucas sits on the bed with me and I explain what happened with Kade, as well as the video from Tim, and try to encourage Lucas to look at solutions for getting out.

“But you also want me to fight Kade?”

“I’d rather Tim get behind Kade than you. I want you out, Lucas. I know it’s gonna be a struggle, especially with Tim not feeding you fucking drugs all the time, but don’t you want a normal life?”

“It’s a little late for that,” he says sadly.

“Look you have enough money for a while. You basically live with me as is, so we can sell your place and boost your savings.”

“You want me to move in with you?”

“I want a chance to make this a real thing. Not whatever crazy wild, drug crazed, sex romp it usually is. A real relationship. I still remember when you weren’t like this, you know.”

“That was before.” I know he means Alea and I know he feels like he has nothing to live for, but she must be nearly eighteen now.

“Lucas, Alea is almost an adult. What are you gonna do if she gets out and comes looking for you, only to see you like this?”

He looks sad. “You think she’ll come for me?”

“She might.”

“Okay so what do I do?”

“Well, you need to win this fight, obviously, since Tim isn’t gonna let you out of it. But then, you fight Kade and get him back in Tim’s good graces. From there, you can fade out – and that means totally cutting yourself off from him. No more drugs, no more sex parties. Nothing.”

Lucas nods, and I feel myself sinking back into my real role. Now he just looks like that confused freshman who used to need help formatting a paper. The sex aside, Lucas is a good guy with a good heart and I need to get him out of this fucking lifestyle. It’s too fast and too crazy for someone like him. He’s gonna burn out within a year at this rate.

We kiss a little and have quiet, calm sex before I leave, and I honestly think that things will be okay. Because I am a fucking idiot.

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