Teach Me (Lessons in Seduction Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Teach Me (Lessons in Seduction Book 1)
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This time, she didn’t just leave the earth, she left her body, soaring skyward as bliss pulsed through her, changing her, transforming her. Teaching her things she’d never known before, dark secrets that could only be communicated when two people were skin to skin.

As she came down, Jack withdrew his hand from between her legs and brought it to her jaw, gently but firmly twisting her mouth toward him. He kissed her brutally, and she smelled the scent of her own warm juices on his hand.

“You’re incredible,” he said.

Was she?
But she hadn’t done anything for him. At least not yet.

She straightened her spine. Embarrassed, she began to ease the dress down over her hips again. “But I’m… You’re supposed to,
supposed to…” She stopped, her face heating, her voice entirely too shaky.

Jack, however? He leaned back against the wall, smoothing his tie with a calm, almost disinterested expression on his face. “Don’t worry about supposed to. I’m the teacher, remember.”

She swallowed. “I-I know. And that was wonderful.”
Life-altering, is more like it. I still can’t feel my feet
. “But I wanted to learn how to drive men wild.”

Without warning, he grasped her hand and guided it to the enormous bulge in his pants. “Mission accomplished.”

Her eyes widened. So the rumors of Jack Bennett’s famous cock were true. Hell, he’d nearly stretched her out with two of his fingers. That monster in his pants would probably tear her apart.

And yet, why could she think of nothing but how much she wanted him inside of her, deep inside, filling her up until there was nothing but him?

Before she could respond, he leaned down, kissing her thoroughly before whispering—“Until next time, beautiful”—and slipping out the door, leaving her alone in the room.

Still shell-shocked, she looked around, surprised to find out that the room she was in had an enormous floor-to-ceiling window, with a view high above the streets of Manhattan. Light blazed in the windows of the building opposite—could someone have seen them?

Well, duh, that’s the point of a public quickie.

She pulled open the door to the balcony and stepped outside, gulping in cool air and wondering what the heck she’d gotten herself into. It had felt insanely good, yes, better than she’d even hoped. Almost
good. But it had also felt…dangerous somehow. No matter how much she trusted Jack, she didn’t know if she trusted herself, not when she was shameless and vulnerable in his arms.

After a few more deep breaths and smoothing the wrinkles from her skirt, she walked unsteadily back through the bar. It was a good thing it had gotten more crowded—no one took notice of her as she made her way, trembling, to the elevators. In the lobby, she decided to walk instead of taking a taxi.

Her head swam. Her feet felt like jelly under her as she walked the four blocks to her apartment building. Sounds seemed louder. Lights felt brighter. Maybe the world had shifted. Maybe he’d altered her completely. She’d walked home at night a million times, but everything about the world tonight seemed different.

She shuddered, pausing to lean against the stairway leading up to a brownstone, wondering if she would ever feel the same in her skin again.

It was then that she felt it—a prickle between her shoulder blades that crawled up her neck, raising the fine hairs there. She suddenly had the very distinct feeling that someone was watching her.

It was a crazy thought, she told herself, likely brought on by Antonio’s constant warnings. He’d been so fanatical about her safety, it was only natural that some of his worries had rubbed off on her.
Don’t become irrational like he was,
she told herself.
This is the safest neighborhood in town and it’s barely 11 o’clock. There are plenty of people around.

Even so, she quickened her pace on the sidewalk. Eventually, she found herself walking as fast as her four-inch heels could carry her without breaking into a run.

She hurried into her apartment building, already searching for the keys as she pressed the elevator button for her floor. When she was safe inside her flat, she punched in the code to re-arm her security system, feeling strangely frantic and breathless.

Why did the city feel so dangerous tonight, and why was that terrible watched feeling so familiar?

She jumped a mile high as fur brushed her leg, but then laughed at herself as Sasha and Mutton curled around her ankles, mewling softly

You’re being paranoid,
she thought, scooping the gray Persians into her arms and letting them purr against her thrumming heart, gradually restoring her calm.

Then her phone dinged in her purse, making her jump all over again.

Cursing herself, she reached into her purse and looked at the text. It was from Jack.
What did you think?

Her head swam as the feeling of his hands on her rushed back, and her body quivered. She wasn’t quite ready to put her thoughts about tonight into words. Maybe she’d
be able to adequately express what he’d done to her.

Then she realized he’d copied a link there. She clicked on it, and it opened to the cover of the newest Ludlum novel.


She smiled and quickly typed in,
I haven’t read it yet.

A second later:
It’s good. Allow me to give it to you.

She typed in
Thank you. I would love that.

A minute later, an email arrived that a new book had been gifted to her e-reader. She smiled to herself, looking forward to getting into bed tonight with red-hot memories of Jack’s touch, and a gift from him.

But she wasn’t ready for bed yet. She poured herself a glass of the Cabernet she’d opened last night and took a sip, wandering around her apartment, stopping in front of the mantel that held dozens of family photos. She reached for one of her dad. His death in a boating accident when she was in college had been horrible. It had been a terrifying, drawn-out ordeal, as the Coast Guard searched for his body in the Gulf of Mexico and came up empty. She and Antonio had spent countless frantic, sleepless nights worrying, but eventually, the search was called off and her father presumed dead. Antonio’s death in a car accident last fall, though quick, had left the bigger hole in her heart. Mostly because she’d had no one to grieve with, no one to remember with, and no one left to protect her.

What had Antonio always told her?
Be careful,
We have enemies. You have to use your

She’d always laughed at him. After all, he made
seem so serious, so dire—even her senior prom. She’d ended up giving up on finding a date and going with her brother to that final high school dance. Better to go have fun with Antonio than to see her brother twisted in knots by his irrational fears.

At least, she’d always
he was being irrational.

“Stop it, Eva,” she whispered aloud, setting her father’s picture back on the mantle. Her father’s and Antonio’s deaths were just tragic accidents. Nothing more. She couldn’t afford to start scaring herself, not when she finally had the chance to stop hiding and embrace a wider, fuller life.

She didn’t sleep well that night. Unbelievably, it wasn’t the thought of being followed that scared her the most as she flip-flopped between reading her new book and trying to sleep. What scared her was how easily Jack had hooked her, just like he’d hooked the dozens of other women Eva had heard rumors about. She already knew she’d be anything Jack Bennett wanted, do anything it took, if it meant one more touch from him and his expert fingers.

Chapter 5

first Monday of the month status meetings were par for the course at The Fiorini Group. Jack had the entire morning blocked out for them, but they’d often carry over into the afternoon. When Antonio had been alive, as next-in-line to CEO, Jack had played an active part in the proceedings.

But things were very different now. From Jack’s new vantage point at the head of the table, the reception was decidedly frosty. Everywhere he turned, he fielded suspicious glances from his twenty vice presidents, especially from Christof,

That pompous jackass had been gunning for Jack’s job since he started.

What had Christof called Jack? A loose cannon. Too volatile and unpredictable.

Antonio had been so even-keeled, so nice and diplomatic, that Jack had happily assumed the role of the ball-buster to complement him. The Fiorini Group needed that kind of person, someone who wouldn’t take any shit from people out to screw them out of the best possible deal. Consequently, he’d made his share of enemies over the years. The people at this table had all loved and respected Antonio, and Pietro before him, but now Jack felt like an infiltrator in the company he’d help to build.

It’ll take time.
That’s what Antonio would’ve said. That’s what Antonio
said, when he’d assumed this seat the month after his father died. His confidence had never wavered, or if it had, Antonio never showed a ripple. He had a mind for this. He owned this chair.

Jack swiveled toward the warm sunlight slashing into the windows through two skyscrapers and tented his fingers in front of him. He’d never been the nice guy, but it sure would be good right now to be adored the way Antonio had been. To have friends to back him up. Their styles were so different that every time Jack busted someone’s balls, he wondered what Antonio would have done or said. But even if he didn’t know exactly what his business partner would have done, he intended to show the board that he was every bit the powerful leader too. He knew how to manage business matters, just like he knew how to handle personal matters.

Including one involving a lush, beautiful brunette.

His mind drifted to Eva for the thousandth time that day. God, she’d been so damn sweet. That look on her face when she’d come, her hot pussy clenching around his fingers. Goddamn, she was tight, like she’d never been touched by a man, but so abandoned and shameless she’d rocked him to his core.

How could she do that? Be so innocent and yet mind-blowingly sexy at the same time?

He wanted her again. Right here. Right now. He wanted to push up her skirt and slide his cock into that tight pussy of hers. He was ready to go, his dick throbbing for her. If the feel of her around his fingers had torched his blood, just imagine what her sweet cunt on his cock would do to him.

But. She. Was. His. Partner’s. Sister. And now that he suspected Eva was more inexperienced than he’d assumed, things were more complicated. He had never been good with slow and easy. What if he scared her, or God forbid, hurt her without meaning to? He would never forgive himself.

He dragged his fingers through his hair before dropping his hand to the armrests of the leather chair Antonio had occupied only a few short months before. He could almost feel his friend’s spirit in the room, the heaviness of his disappointment.
I trusted you, and now you’re fucking with my little sister. Touching her, taking her, and probably well on your way to breaking her good, kind heart.


Jack swiveled back around. Christof was staring at him, all of them were, clearly expecting a response. And he had no fucking idea what order of business Christof was referring to. Plus, he had a hard-on.

A raging fucking hard-on.

Shit. He imagined them all naked. As horrible an image as that was, it did the trick.

He checked his Rolex—11:30— and stood abruptly before grabbing his phone. This meeting had gone on long enough. “I have an important call to make. You handle it,” he said gruffly, ignoring the wide-eyed shock of the executives seated around the table. “I trust you’ll be able to make the decision without me.”

The last thing he saw before he closed the door of the boardroom was Christof—the little fucker—rolling his eyes.

Bolting probably wasn’t the best way to shore up his reputation as the newly level-headed Jack, but he would certainly keep them on their toes.

Entering his office, Jack closed the door and tried to concentrate on the mountain of work that awaited him. But every time he opened an email or settled in to knock an item off his to-do list, Eva addled his thoughts.

He shouldn’t think about her. Not now. Not during work hours. There was plenty of prep for the board meeting tomorrow to attend to, and he wanted to make damned sure he didn’t give assholes like Christof the chance to prove he was slipping. Delegating to his second in command was a good thing—a sign he was willing to share responsibility the way he and Antonio had—but he couldn’t afford to miss a step, let alone get behind on his work. He needed to keep his head on straight and his mind on the big picture.

But Jack couldn’t seem to keep his thoughts from drifting to Eva.

He’d like to see her now, perched on the edge of his desk. Knees up, heels on, panties off. He flashed back to the softness of her skin, damp with sweat, and the incredible way she’d smelled, and his dick stretched against his boxer briefs.

He hunched over his computer, scrolling through the hundreds of unopened emails, sorting the wheat from the chaff. Same shit. Different day.

Except that nothing was the same because he’d touched Eva, kissed her, tasted how fucking delicious she was and now all he could think about was how much he wanted more. Pushing away his keyboard, he dropped his head against his leather chair and looked around his corner office.

Fuck this. There was only one way he was getting his thoughts back on track.

He stood, came around to the front of his desk, and twisted the lock on his office door.

He sat down again, reached into the pocket of his jacket, and pulled out the hottest pair of lace panties he’d ever seen. Her ass had been perfect in them, strong, round, and full. He brought the fabric to his nose and sniffed—they were perfumed with her sex. The thought of tasting her instantly made his cock twinge.

He unzipped his pants and drew out his cock. He was already hard, burning, his skin hot to the touch. He thought about Eva, about those sweet noises she’d made as she’d neared release, about the way her skin had tasted. His blood rushed, remembering the way her eyes widened when she’d touched his cock through his pants. As he took his cock more firmly in hand, he pictured her spread out on his bed in nothing but these lace panties. He stroked lightly at first, keenly aware of every noise outside the door.

He’d never jerked off at the office before. Never. But he was dying now. His dick ached, and he couldn’t fucking help it. He could only think of slipping lace panties off of Eva’s full hips, opening her gorgeous legs and burying his face deep in her cunt, tasting every delicate fold of her swollen flesh. He would drive his tongue deep inside her, making circles in her pussy, stretching her, claiming her, making her come so hard she would reward him with more wetness flowing out to coat his tongue.

God, he wanted her. He wanted her here with him, right now.

The responsibilities of his workday drifted away, and that disastrous meeting seemed like it had happened an eternity ago. He leaned back in his chair as he slid his hand over his cock, tightening his fist, thoughts lingering on the way Eva had succumbed to his demands. What would she be like in bed? Would she take orders just as well? His fist moved faster as he imagined her taking all of him. Closing his eyes, he pictured her here, and how it would feel to ease into her tight little cunt.

To pick up the pace. To pound into her and make her come again and again, make her scream, maker her beg for more.

He pumped his cock with abandon now, imagining her moaning in climax. Giving that heavy-lidded, sexy pout of hers.

, she’d say, in the sweetest voice he’d ever heard.
Please don’t stop, Jack.

As he worked his hand harder, pleasure forked in his body, his spine lighting up with a pulsing need. And then he heard her voice in his head, begging him to come inside her, and he fell apart in a grinding, crashing wave. He bit back a groan, as his hips shot up. Panting hard, he opened his eyes and reached for the tissue box, his body still shuddering with the image of her seeded deep in his mind.

When he finished, he looked around, almost unable to believe what he’d just done.

The future CEO, jacking off. Here. In his place of business.

He threw the mess away and washed his hands in his bathroom sink, then adjusted his suit. Back to normal, and yet nothing inside him was normal. His instincts were at war. She’d shaken him to his core, and she’d only been a fantasy. He had no doubt the reality would be earth-shattering.

And he could hardly wait.

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